Lesson Info
Layer Style Effect for Text
here I have a just cracked stone textures is one again. I go back to talking about textures and everything. I probably about six or seven textures I continuously used over and over. You just fall in love with the way they look and you just find amusing yourself. Using this is one of them. I have used this texture for so many different things. I like the feel of the texture and it's got a lot of cool cracks in it of uses for a variety of different effects on three D objects and text effects. What I want to hear is go ahead and take the image as is. So what I want to do here is right off the bat. The size is fine. Right off the bat. I'm going to find this image as a pattern. They want to save it into photo shop so that I can apply it later as a layer style. So I'm gonna go to the edit menu and get on here and choose to find pattern, and we'll just call it concrete one. And there we go. All right. That's all to do with that. Now I'm gonna make a new document and let's go ahead and once ag...
ain keep it somewhat small to about 2000. No, we'll do 2000 there. Okay. Make my background black ongoing here and set the text layer. Let's just go ahead into that. Didn't work out there. I must do my name this time. Hello. So I think this fund will work. Actually knew it. I do want to use a relatively thick fun, but let me see what other? Well, that's at Captain America. And, uh, you know what to impact old to. Is he? All right. So now going to go in here into the layers. You've got my text layer black background gonna go into the layer style menu here. We're gonna go and choose pattern overlay and inside the pattern is really going to go into the pattern menu here. We're going to look for that when we just define which is that concrete texture. There it is. And let's reset the default settings. You're gonna bring the opacity 100% and the scale. I am gonna put in 100% for the moment, just so you can see how big it is. Actually, when you have a pattern like this define you can actually move it around manually. So I know if I click on the image and moving around, I can get. There's a specific part of the texture I want to use and make sure it's visible. Aiken, reposition this and put it exactly where I wanted to be, like right about there. But you can also adjust the scale and the opacity so I can go in here and bring this down quite a bit less to maybe 75. And eventually you'll see the edge of the sea, the tiling there it automatically tiles the pattern. When you apply it like this. So matter how, what scale you go down. If you go much, much further down in the scale, you would see it's just repeating a pattern. Basically, I don't wanna go quite that small. I think Wanna go about 75 on this one. There we go. Anything that position, he looks OK. There we go. So there is that. Now back in the layers panel, I'm gonna make a duplicate of that existing text layer that when we just apply that sexual choose when press command J and makes a new texture there. So now we're gonna go in here into the the layer style. This is where it's got the pattern overlay. But we're gonna add a bevel in Boss this time and we're gonna size it up quite a bit. I'm wondering is OK, I'm just adjusting now That's still using the setting from the water earlier. And I apply and it's ah, that's kind of the sticky setting there. I'm gonna bring these back to the normal settings here. Ah, I like the highlight of vivid light, but I'm a dial it down quite a bit. But I'm also gonna go over here and change the technique, which is the fault at smooth. They got a chisel hard, and that's giving us the bevel I was talking about earlier. But now this is a fake bevel versus the true bevel. Waited a moment ago, but this is establishing the basis of setting up what we're gonna do next. So Oh, that's in place. That looks good. Okay, now, now gonna add a layer mask to this layer containing the bevel effect, and I'm going get a brush. It was gonna get a kind of particle brush. Just one of these before us, maybe one like this. We'll see where it's got a lot of properties. Heroes has turned all that all for the moment. Let's have some basic settings. I wanted to adjust the size and the angle. Jitter. That's fine. But again, this is one of the things that is here by accident on the layer mask. Invite us dab once on a letter. Give me that kind of rough, chiseled look. And it's achieving that because it's got a lot of random ization on that particle now with the reason for this era element in the back is if I race too much on a layer, you can see how it just kind of chews away at it. But if you do too much, you see of the black starts to show through. That is just maintaining the look of the stone. And now we're just basically chipping away at the bevel. And here's how you can get some really cool aged stone looks with this, a simple brush and layer style effect, and then you can take that further by adding another layer. Am I going to sample the gray in the image here and using that same brush, we can go in here in ad. Make it look like the particles are falling off and even going get the smudge tool. Give a little bit of a smudge on that. You can give some sense of movement just by giving it a little nudge like the elements are just falling from the Texas. And yes, you probably could animated as well. Haven't tried that part yet, but but yet just another way of using layer. Styles and brushes have always talked about the elements of combining brushes and layer styles with a variety of different effects. You're gonna get some really, really interesting results in here again, the style you can go in and adjust if you want to adjust the size of the bevel. Still gonna maintain it based on where it's where x mast. But you can change the overall look of the beveling altogether and even the lighting and such like that. That's how you can get very realistic, chiseled text, distressed, chiseled text, just using their style that cool. And, of course, it's still edible text. You said you have to change each player because you got two instances of the text, but now I just simply type new texts. All the effect is still there, and I can just go on a just or ADM or wherever it where it's needed. So it's very forgiving that way, yes. You could do dented metal that ways to sure. Yeah, I just get the texture ring and to get actual let's try it. I make no guarantees, but let's have a look. So I'm gonna go. I'm just gonna go and get that same chrome I used a while ago. Put a bowler on it. Who? Not that much. Here we go. Define that as a just go back in here. We'll go back to the pattern overlay may not be the best Crume image for this, but you get probably wouldn't have the particles falling off. But I probably make some tweaks, but you have to tweak them. Yeah, you can definitely do it like ding metal. I'd probably put a little less to stress on. It probably means a different brush, you know, because obviously this is more a particle works for stone, but yeah, with a little tweaking, you can make it work for metal as well. Yeah,
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Ratings and Reviews
Beatriz Stollnitz
I can't think of anyone better than Corey to teach this class. He's an expert in the design features of Photoshop, and is able to explain them clearly. He shows how to create beveled text using 3D and 2D features, how to create neon text and how to reflect plastic text on a surface. If you have a background in graphic design or 3D, you will be able to follow along comfortably. If you use Photoshop mostly to do basic photography tasks, you may have to watch the class twice and take lots of notes. Thankfully you can do that if you buy the class.