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Creating Projects in Adobe Dimension CC 1.0

Paul Trani

Creating Projects in Adobe Dimension CC 1.0

Paul Trani

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Class Description

In this course, Paul Trani, Adobe Senior Evangelist, will share how to design 3D and 2D assets without a steep learning curve or complex workflow in Adobe’s newest application, Adobe Dimension. You’ll learn the fundamentals of Adobe Dimension CC 1.0 in the context of two projects.

The first project centers around package design where you’ll learn how to use models and composite with a background, then apply your own package design to your product and render as a PSD for further touch-ups.

The second project pushes the boundaries of Dimension focusing on the creative use of compositing multiple 3D models together, complete with lights and materials for fun effects and designs that really stand out.

This course is for any creative or designer needing to learn the basics of 3D design.