Lesson Info
Test More Ideas
So as you're looking for these additional revenue streams, it's going to be very important for you to talk to your audience, right? Talk to your audience and see what they are missing most. Those loyal customers that come in every day and grab a coffee or coming a few times a week and grab a sandwich. Or those, those customers who used, who used to personally train with you multiple times a week, ask them what is it that they miss most about your service or about the product or about the the, the items that you sell right in your store. My brick and mortar business owners, It's going to be very important for you to reach out to your audience. And this may be just sending out an email or maybe even posting on social and asking them, what do they miss most about visiting your location? I think it's really important. I think you'll actually be really surprised at what they miss most. Right. So once you understand what they do miss, then we can start thinking about, okay, how can we provid...
e them with this product, provide them with this experience in a different way. There's so many different ways. Um for example if you own owner restaurant right that you can still provide that experience for your loyal customer at home, right? And then from there I would offer maybe a discount to my, to my, to my loyal customers and say hey we're testing out a new product or new service and we know you guys miss grabbing your your your sandwich every Tuesday on italian sub Tuesday or whatever and we are going to set it up hey for you know 20 bucks a week. You, we will send you all the ingredients you need, you know once a week for you to have your favorite italian sub at home. Things of that nature. Right? Just really think outside of the box, as I mentioned, you'll be really surprised at what people miss most. Right? Or maybe even if you're a personal trainer saying, hey, you know, for for a flat fee, I'm going to offer virtual virtual group training sessions or, or even private virtual sessions um, that you can pay a flat rate for and this will just allow you to be able to continue to offer this service and you know, until people maybe feel more comfortable or you may even realize that by offering your services in these, in these different ways that you actually prefer to provide the services in those ways, Right? Or maybe it could be something that you are providing in addition to the normal services that you're providing. Pre pandemic.