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Creating Cinemagraphs with Photoshop and After Effects

Chris Converse

Creating Cinemagraphs with Photoshop and After Effects

Chris Converse

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Class Description

Now that cinemagraphs are back in the mainstream, the challenge is to create more interesting, and intricate movements while maintaining the allure of a living photograph. In this session we’ll take a look at advanced masking techniques, multi-instance and time-remapped instances of source video, creating inter-changeable elements for customization, as well as seamlessly looping simulated textures and particles.

What you’ll learn:

  • Work with video from your phone or camera
  • Multi-instances of source video
  • Learn masking techniques in After Effects and Photoshop
  • Customizable campaigns with linked elements
  • Seamlessly looping textures and particles
  • File formats and technologies used for cinemagraph delivery

Software Used: Adobe After Effects CC 2017 (14.2)

Class Materials

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Project Files

Ratings and Reviews

Jeff S

Fascinating course for anyone who wants to know how to make a cinemagraph. I thought Chris went a little fast for me but I could replay those parts over and over until I got it. This is not a general knowledge course but more of a niche course for obtaining specific know-how on making a cinemagraph. Overall very good!

Randy Spears

For anyone having to create a poster or a book cover or anything creative with Photoshop, this is a great course. I refer back to it again and again when I start some of my projects.

Teresa Piccioni

Chris is really a great teacher: the after effects tricks explained in this class are very interesting indeed!

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