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Using Metadata to Find Portfolio Images

Lesson 2 from: Creating and Maintaining a Useful Digital Portfolio

Jared Platt

Using Metadata to Find Portfolio Images

Lesson 2 from: Creating and Maintaining a Useful Digital Portfolio

Jared Platt

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2. Using Metadata to Find Portfolio Images

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Using Metadata to Find Portfolio Images

they're different ways that you have available for sorting inside of light room. I'm gonna go through those. By the way, we haven't talked about making a portfolio yet. We'll talk about that later. Right now, we want to talk about the way that we can find these things once we're in the portfolio. So let's look at the wedding here. And as we look at the wedding, there are several ways to find images. The first way is by virtue of these stars. So the more stars, the better. The images don't use stars as a way of one star is brides and two stars is grooms and three stars is that makes no sense. That star rating is for how good the image is, how impactful the images. So you choose, however you want to do it, I based it on which are my favorite images, so that when I'm done with the wedding and I want to find the 50 best, I just go to two stars and it's 110 and then I go three stars in its 48 okay, Ouch is so it's an easy way to find the very best of anyone. Job. So it's not a way of compa...

ring this image that's in front of me right now. To another image that's a four star image from a different wedding doesn't compare images across all weddings. It just compares the images inside this wedding. Once they leave and go to the portfolio, you could reset them to zero and then pit them against each other and have, like, a little contest and see which ones are better. That's fine. But it on Lee Pitts the images against what they're around. So in this case, there around a wedding. So it's only based on which ones of the best. That way I can sort and say my four stars, they're all gonna be the slide show or they're gonna be the book or whatever, and I can get rid of the ones that are not all that important. All right, so the second way is by flags, rejects and no flag. So that's the X key for reject pay for pick and you. For unpick. That's another way of sort. The other ways to soar are metadata, So any meditated that's associated with your file like what? F stop you used What? Shutter speed used what? I s o any of that information is available? Which camera shot it? Who caught whose copyright is on the camera when they shot it So you can actually put your copyright inside of the camera. So whoever's copyright, that is, You know, make sure that you put your copyright in your camera and your assistant puts his copyright in his camera. Um, so that's one way to find things as well. Another way to find things is here in what is called the map. So if I go to all my photographs and I click on map, I will see a map of the world and we're just gonna wait for a second. There we go. So I confined images by location where they were shocked, and I can add that location information automatically by using a GPS thing on my camera. Some cameras have that, or I can use my phone. So my phone contract where I am and create what's called a G p x file and that G p X is just tells a map where I am at what time? Every day. And so when I go out shooting. I could just turn that on its recording. My points for the next, you know, hour, hour and 1/ or however long I'm shooting. And then once I have it, I just simply go to my phone and I email myself that g p x file on once I e. My email myself the G p X file. Then I imported into light room and from light room right down here, this little track here, little squiggly track. If I click on it, I can load the track log. When I do that, it's gonna look like this. If I click on this, you'll see what I was doing in Prague one morning and you can see that it followed me around the city as I was scouting for locations for the workshop I was doing. So I was out scouting for locations for us to shoot at for the students of the workshop. And so that's another way for me to add those. And then once I do that, I just simply click on this again, highlight all my images, and then I tell it to auto tag all the photos, and it will take that track and it'll say, Okay, he was here at this point. This photo was taken at that time, so they must be together, and it will tag them. It's a very easy way to make sure that all of your photos are findable by where you were that way. If you don't even know who the person was in the photograph or what it was up. But you remember that there was this amazing shot that was taken in Colorado. Don't know where it waas as long as you've been doing this all the time, then you can just simply say, Well, I know that this was shot in the United Kingdom up in Scotland somewhere. And so now I just drill down in closer to Scotland, and I said, Okay, well, it's somewhere it wasn't in Edinburgh was further up by the Loch Ness, so that I'm gonna drill in a little bit further, and then I'm gonna go, OK? Yeah, I was somewhere around here. And if I float over here, I see Oh, yeah, that's the general area where it was. Yeah, that's yeah, that we're getting there and I just double clicking in and now Oh, yeah, that's definitely is nearby where it waas. That's seems to be the right location and let's see if I can find it. So I'm just hovering over these until I find the shot that I'm looking for. And then when I click on it, I can open it up, Um, and see? Yep, that definitely is the place that I was looking for and what was happening around that. And then once I've got that, I could just kind of scan to the right and left and see. Oh, yeah, Yeah. This is the photo shoot that we were working on, Um, and so I confined, you know, my photo of the of the model that we were just working on in the last shoot here. So it's very easy to find a photo, even if you just know where where you were when you took the photo. But you have to have the information if you want to find it,

Ratings and Reviews

Anna Newman

Jared was a terrific teacher and I changed my workflows to include his suggestions right after the class. I can find my photos now and have begun successfully selling on Adobe stock.


While it was useful information, it did not meet my needs. I thought the class was on developing a web Portfolio in Lightroom.


For us amateurs, professional advice on how to keep it all together with our photo portfolio. Motivates me to put in the time to get organized to save time later.

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