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Class Introduction

Lesson 1 from: Creating and Leading Incredible Teams

Shane Snow

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1. Class Introduction

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Class Introduction

Today we're going to talk about working together. Specifically, working together without falling apart because that doesn't sound like that great of a goal. Just to not fall apart. We're actually going to talk about something that I've been obsessed with for the last several years, which is how human beings can become incredible together. It turns out that we have the capacity to do amazing things together and we often don't achieve that potential. And the reason we don't actually boils down to science. There are subtle things that we can do that psychology and neuroscience has taught us in recent years that can help us to become better together. And not just fall apart, but actually change the world. So this day is not just about business. This is about how we can work together as human beings in our families, in our friendships, in our partnerships, in our companies, on the teams we work, in any kind of scenario where we need other people to do better. But also, I think the things th...

at we'll learn today will help us to be better citizens in our communities and our nations. And so I hope that Congress is tuning in on this 'cause there's a few things that I think they can learn as well. The goal of this workshop is to leave having a framework for understanding the principles of why humans behave the way they do with each other and how we can channel our potential energy together for the positive rather than the negative. We'll also walk through some very specific tips of things you can do to improve your interactions with other people that you're working with. So first, a little bit about me. I consider myself and explorer, both in physical spaces. I love urban exploring. I love exploring the world, traveling, and digging into the histories of places that we've abandoned. Abandoned subway stations and warehouses and buildings and climbing bridges and exploring old boats and trains that have been left for dead. I love exploring, but in my career I explore stories and I explore science and business to help understand how the world works. And then I love teaching about it, which is what I do as a journalist. So today's lesson comes from, or today's lessons come from this new book that I have that Laura introduced called Dream Teams, Working Together Without Falling Apart. The last four years of my life have been more or less dedicated to thinking about and exploring this topic of becoming better together. I'm so excited about this. So, we're gonna start the day with talking a little bit about the setup. What the underlying principles of human behavior when we interact with each other, how they lead us to either fall apart or to become better together. Then we're gonna talk about basically the math of the variables for making that equation work in our favor. And we're gonna get into some very practical stuff at the end of the day. So this is my Twitter handle, @shanesnow. I don't really do Facebook or the other things. If you want to share any of the things that you learn about in this class, or if you want to talk to me, this is me.

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