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Class Introduction

Lesson 1 from: Creating A Cinematic Poster Look

Corey Barker

Class Introduction

Lesson 1 from: Creating A Cinematic Poster Look

Corey Barker

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1. Class Introduction

Lesson Info

Class Introduction

talk about creating a cinematic poster look. And I know Lisa Kony's in the building. She does this kind of work actually every day. So big fan of her stuff. But I want to say a handful of tricks that I use, um t to achieve a lot of really cool special effects. That's kind of my background. My background is actually I went to art school. An illustration I didn't discover photo shop until my fourth year. And then I realized I much rather prefer to illustrate with light than with paint, because it affords you a lot of different types of effects. The most important part, you can undo a stroke. You do something. I have been doing it for so long that even when I'm at home, if I move a piece of furniture across the room, my first inkling, my first instinct is to hit Command Z to undo that. That's how long that's how that's how you know you've been doing it too long. But I'm really excited about it. So I want to show you guys a we're gonna kind of go through a poster project, and what I will b...

e doing is showing you a lot of really cool tricks. The poster itself is pretty cool, but along the way there's a lot of really cool things that you can pick up and use may be going through a little bit of a three D thing in here. At some point, you get heavy into three D tomorrow, but I really want is gonna get kind of go through the workflow. A lot of people ask me, where do you start? You know, how do you achieve certain effects England got and I always go into a project with kind of a plan. I mean, from doing client work. Obviously there's a plan. They have very specific needs. But things like things like this I go into it with kind of an idea and let things that kind of evolved naturally. If I see an effect or something, an idea hits me, and it just kind of evolved into something else, and it always becomes something I can take to the next project.

Class Materials

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Cinematic Poster Effects Bonus

Ratings and Reviews


So happy to find this class by Corey Barker and loved it! It definitely helps if you are familiar with Photoshop but he teaches you so many fun, new things in regards to poster development. I love this is in video because you can watch and re-watch if you don't understand something the first time. You can see how much Corey loves his work and he shares his passion with you! Thanks for another great class!! I look forward to owning more of his classes and they are so affordable!! Thanks Corey!!

a Creativelive Student

One of the best classes I've taken with Creative Live! Like another reviewer said, I too was yelling at my computer in excitement and taking pages of notes along the way. I learned so many valuable techniques in this short but sweet class. Thank you Corey!! You rock!

a Creativelive Student

I was literally screaming at my computer while watching this... like it was a football game or something!! YES! OMG!! SO much information - was taking notes every 2mins, and laughing along with the studio audience. Best CreativeLIVE course I have seen. Watched in it all in one go, and will re-watch many times I am sure. Very happy with my purchase. Thank you, Corey!!

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