Unique Photography with Drones
Lesson 9 from: Create Stunning Drone Images with Adobe Creative CloudColin Smith

Unique Photography with Drones
Lesson 9 from: Create Stunning Drone Images with Adobe Creative CloudColin Smith
Class Introduction
16:34 2Why Drone Photography?
10:17 3Different Types of Drones
26:07 4Safety & Legal with Drones
06:47 5Registering Your Drone
02:00 6Basics of Flight & Controlling Drones
24:06 7How to Compose Drone Photos
09:19 8Change Your Viewpoint in Done Photos
21:03Lesson Info
Unique Photography with Drones
special types of photography. Now this is the basic rules, the special types of photography we can do with the drum. 1st 1 Birdseye, you could do something like this, and then people can look at it and be like, Well, what's going on here? I lent added that one, so you wouldn't be so mind tripped. But I had one. If I was just a corrupt and you saw that, you'd be like, What's what's going on? Is a guy getting around? Whoa, no, he's going sideways. I'm shooting straight down and once again is a boat straight down. You can get some great shut. Great for weightings, silhouettes, people that Jeff fosters daughter's wedding, actually, and then we go to something like that. Wonderful. Wow, what? Another concept. Let's shoot the wonderful from above. There's actually three waterfalls there, so you know you can do different things. That is in the big island of Hawaii. Just recently, trees almost want to get that shot of the trees. You know, you get a wide angle lens. Why not enjoy it then? You k...
now something like this. An airplane graveyard. What better than to shoot plans with a drug? It's gonna be fun, right? Bird's eye view once a game. No way to get this before, except for maybe with a helicopter to super long lands and a lot of money drag racing. It's fun, you know, making look like toy cars with shooting straight down something else. I showed you earlier run from the same place. Remember? I said, you guys this But this is straight down Is the tower here it is, um, now, non next special type of photography. And this is one that gets a lot of attention with these that people love and I'm kind of known for This is panoramic photography. So, you know, shots like this and do a nice big panorama stitch images together and create some really cool images is the rainforest. You know, when we're down low, you don't know what's there. You fly up and boom. You think you're in a King Kong movie? Golf courses? I don't play golf, but golfers love seeing golf courses, and I think the kind of beautiful L A. This is one of my early ones. This was shot with a GoPro. This is, like, very early drone. Um, and you can see how I was able to put together this really cool panorama just by taking different pictures and stitching them together. So that was with the earlier one. I love the way all the roads and everything going there, and this was shot years ago, shot just like five years ago. So there was no restrictions on flying there at the time. Then more recently, super Bloom, California had the super bloom. We had the biggest bloom of flowers that we've had in decades. I went out into the desert here, and there's a lake there in the desert. Mrs All flowers like going up. This is the inspire one pro and put that together as a panel just to capture the whole scene. Once again. I showed you earlier on Hawaii. But what if you get a boat in the four? Remember I said four grand element. It doesn't mean that those rules don't apply because you're doing a panorama. Apply those rules a panorama and you get an interesting photograph. Because how does this work? How did these panoramas work? Well, basically like this, you take a Siris of images and in your station together, they're simple. And in a second. We're going to do one. I'm gonna show you how I do that. So what we do is we shoot them with the drone, and then we're gonna use light room or photo shop to stitch them together into Panorama. How does that work? Really simple. You fly the drone up in the air, you find the middle. This is the key is to find a middle find what is the subject? Even when you're doing a panorama, you want a point of interest so you can fly. And here's another thing of composition. Don't just rotate to get to your point. Just moved sideways because they're parallax thing. So I moved to him directly in front of what I want, and it's not gonna be distorted. Everything is gonna be distorted around it. Find the center of your shot that wants to do that. Find the altitude, go up and down until you find the right attitude. Then just kind of rotate around a little bit. Look, check it. Maybe go up adjusted. Check it. And then when you got okay, that's it. That's the shot I want rotated all the way on the APP you push a button on the controller and takes a picture, then rotated. Take another picture, rotated. Take another. Picture it. Now. Generally speaking, when you do panoramic photography, one of the rules and panorama is 30% overlap. Don't do. 30% overlap with these one. About a 50% overlap minimum because they're white and lenses. You're gonna get distortion. And like you get more overlap, like you see, so much overlaps on there. You're going to get a much better stitch, because if you don't have enough overlap, it's gonna fail. And no one loves failures. All right, moving. Oh, okay. So this is what you see on your screen. This is the app. When you're flying, notice the lines you contend those grid lines on. I use these as compositional lines. So when I'm doing a panorama, Aiken, see, this point is here, and when I rotate, I usually just take that point to their and literally do a 2/3 over, like a lot of the time. Was that a question? Do you have a question for you on? And that was this had come from Gary Jones, who wanted to know if an in particular the inspire one camera but can turn to shoot in portrait mode when you're doing and Ramus, that's a great question, and there's only one drone that can do that. And that's the magic. So the maverick you actually swiped two fingers across and the apple come up and your tap of a button and it will rotate. The little lens will actually rotate 90 degrees. Three only drone that can do that. And that's a great point. Like why would you want to do that? Anyone here know why you would want to do that? Because you couldn't get the pain. A moment less shots if you wide, Why do you want to go toe? Um, the Australians going to guess that she knows it's so you can actually get the largest image. I've a role. That's one reason yes of the hotch is greater, getting much larger. That is actually one reason, and that's a good reason. Yes, so you can get a larger image. But the other reason is so you can get Maura of the sky and mawr of the water in the shot. Otherwise, you have to shoot multiple layers of panoramas, which is like you'll shoot across here, you point the camera up, you have to go into the app. By the way, you can turn it up more than 30% without changing the gimbal sittings in the app. And, um, once again, I don't want to sound like I'm pimping my stuff. It has on my videos where I'm flying um Photoshopped Cafe. But you can point the camera up because I go into the app in great detail there, which I can't do here cause I can't fly in here. But am I see you point the camera up, you shoot a whole row. Then you bring the camera down to the middle. You rotate there, you shoot another road. Then you tilt the camera down, maybe 30 degrees in, and you shoot 1/3 row and then you can stitch all of those together until multi layer of panorama, which looks amazing, is great. But with the maverick, you flip it round. Use. Did it? Did it? Did it? Did it? You can get the same thing, so yes,
Ratings and Reviews
I love this class. I have learned so much, and have already started using some of the techniques to shoot better photos. I just need more practice flying. I'm looking for the FB 360 template. Was it supposed to be in downloads and don't see it.? It's almost sunset so I'm headed out to fly and shoot! Thanks for the class!!
Really enjoyed this class. After using Photoshop professionally for over 25 years, if I learn a new trick or technique from a class, then I know it's money well spent, so Thank you Colin, I did learn a new technique. Really looking forward to putting more of these ideas into practice.