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FaceBook 360 From a Drone Image

Lesson 11 from: Create Stunning Drone Images with Adobe Creative Cloud

Colin Smith

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11. FaceBook 360 From a Drone Image

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FaceBook 360 From a Drone Image

All right. So what we're going to do, though, is if you want to do something Mawr advanced. I have another example where I can create. Okay, VR panorama. So you can't see this on my phone, But I do have a bit. Lee Link. I just posted this on Facebook, like, right before this class of us, you see? And I was like, Come and join me on creative life. Learn how to do this and you'll see that link right there. And if you get your phone out, it's really wickedly awesome what it is. It's a VR panorama inside of Facebook where you can look into your phone. You can move your phone around and you can literally It's like a portal to another world and you can look up. You can look down, you can look around and you can look into that photograph, and I'm now going to show you how to do that on here. And so this is a short little video. There's gonna have the entire but to tour. Hey, cafe crew. It's Colin Smith here this week. I'm going to show you how to create a 360 VR Panorama and Facebook. So last...

week I uploaded an interactive 260 degree VR panorama to Facebook and I had a ton of people asking me, How do you do this? So the cool thing about this is when you're on a mobile device and you look at this photo, you can actually move your phone around. You can look up, you can look down and it's fully immersive and interactive, which is super cool on the desktop. You can see if you have to kind of just click and scrub around to do it. But I had a lot of people ask me how to do this. I'm gonna show you right now the first. If its creator Panorama and I have tutorials on that already, check out the link. I'll give you a link right now to create the panorama. Then once you've done it, I'm gonna show you how to make it work on Facebook. There's basically two things. The first thing is you need to have some metadata, and I'm gonna show you how toe uploaded to the web and get meta data, or just use a template that will provide for you and the second thing to certain ways. You want to set up your photo, there's actually a size that you want to do, and the proper horizon line will actually give you much better results. And then I've got another little trick that I put in there to get rid of, like having just a hard seem in there. So let's just jump in and do it right now, all right? He's my panorama. That a shop with my drone. You can also do this with your IPhone. You can do it with a camera on a tripod. Have you want to do it? Then I have a tutorial. I'll show you how to create the panorama. Now, there's a few things you need to do to this panorama to make it work properly on Facebook as a 3 60 So the first thing we want to do is create a new documents were just gonna choose file new, and we want to sit this to 6000 by 3000. So we're just gonna click. OK, so there we go over basically just created our shape. That's the shape we're gonna use them. We're gonna grab an image here. This is a bit. I'm just gonna make sure I converted to an eight bit. Now, just help maintain some of the colors when I drag it through into this new document so that we go. So now we want to scale this. I'm just gonna hit control T There's command t on Mac for free transform. I'm just gonna link that and just pull it down so I can get it to fit. So let's just pull it all the way down. Now, what you really want to do, if you can, is shoot a full 360 degree panorama. In this case, I didn't go the full 360 degrees. Now I went pretty far. A z can see there. Um, I kind of didn't go all the way because I've just got ocean behind me, which is not very interesting. Now, one of the things I did here is just make sure that you've got nice, clear areas on both sides. Said this will stitch nicely when we flip it together. And also, I've got some boats and stuff here, So when you look down, it's gonna be interesting. Now, the thing to bear in mind is when you put this together, the horizon is going to start in about the center of the page. So there's several different ways of finding the center. But let me show you one quick way if we just go interview guides, new guide layout here. So we click on the new guide layouts and we can just changes If we change this columns and rose just two, it will give us the center point right there, so we can keep that straight. It doesn't really matter, but this is gonna be the center said this is about where we're going to stop viewing things. So sometimes it makes a good idea to just kind of pull this up a little bit. And I want the center of it to be about there That's looking pretty good. Now, what you want to do, you want to stretch it a little bit, so just take control, T o command T. And I'm going out with the option key and I'm gonna pull it down a little bit. I'm going to stretch, but not too far. Probably about there. Once you've done a couple of these, just start to really understand the right amount. You could stretch it all the way if you want today, so let me get a little bit more. I'm sure I could get away with it. Let's take it to about there because there's have views that you're gonna changes. You look around. So what we need to do now is we just need to fill in a little bit of the bottom and we need to fill in a little bit at the top. So what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna had control and click what is doing Insulating all the areas of transparency. So we're gonna inverse the selection. So we're gonna choose select in verse, and this is actually kind of similar to what I do want to do my tiny planet effect, actually. So what we gonna do now is we're just going to choose the satellite, and we want to increase its just a little bit. So what we're gonna do is expand this just by five pixels. And now what we're gonna do is we just want to fill this in. But I want to make sure that we don't have any gaps there, So I'm just going Teoh hit shift delete on shift backspace on windows and it's gonna bring up content aware right there on the filters content aware. Click. OK, now, this is the way I'm choosing to start doing this. Filling in these edges, you can see, actually does a pretty good job, so it doesn't have to be perfect. Um, let me just take control de to turn off the selection. But you know what? That's gonna look pretty good. And up there is looking pretty good. If you see any areas, let that are obvious there. We just want to kind of clean nose up a little bit. You might make a little bit of a selection around those just using the lasso tool. Because I see that line there. It looks a little fake, and I'm just gonna fill this. Now you can use a clone stamp. However you want to do this because if you don't have C c that has all of these features like here looks a little fake because that's doubling it up. And I'm just using corn aware, content aware once again, you can use a clone stamp if you want. Now this image is prepared as faras. This is the image that we're gonna bring into Facebook toe. Look at. So the next thing we want to do is make sure that these edges match. We don't want any of these edges toe look for, you know, so fake so that we don't see them something. Just get take this guide out of the way here. And so we want things to match perfectly. So I'm gonna gonna make a selection around the INGE edge here. See that? I made that selection right there, selected that area, and I'm gonna copy that to new layer. So I'm gonna hit controlled J or command J and noticed that copies that selection to a new layer. So what we want to do with this new layer is we're gonna move it to the other side, some holding shift to drag it all the way over. And we want that end to be right on the end. A Let me just move that over a little bit, and that's about right there. So we're looking for a pixel Perfect end. Now, this part here is gonna match there. So what we want to do is make it seamless. So we're gonna flip this. Just take control T. And they were gonna right click, and we're gonna choose flip horizontal, Sudden. Now, this edge is gonna be identical to this edge over doing. Is getting rid of that seem so we don't have an obvious seem. Why am I looking around in three D? So we just want to blend these two together. We're gonna grab Grady until said that full ground to background. That's gonna be black to white right there. See, that is the first option, Lenny Ingredient. So what we're gonna do is just started in. Just pull it across. Whoops. I made a little mistake that I want to apply a layer masks we apply a lamb must. And now we can pull that ingredient across and see how we just got that smooth Grady in there. That's not quite what I wanted. So let's just play around a little bit with that, and we just want to get something so it looks like it's gonna blend it. And this will go too far, obviously. But I want to start their to get all the way across to their nice. See how that's just a little bit smoother, and that's just gonna create a little bit more of a seamless blamed. Now you're going to see that blend there. And if you should have full 3 60 actually not going to get that. Um So what we're gonna do is I'm just gonna grab that there, grab those two layers and just had control e and that would just kind of flatten those in. All right, so we've essentially prepared the image, and now what we want to do is we want to save this image out is a J peg. But the thing that we need to do, though, is we need toe edit the metadata in order to make this work as an actual 3 60 So there's two ways to do this. One is to paste it into a document which already has the metadata replied. And I'll actually I'll give you one of those. You can actually see the link there up with the link underneath. And you can grab that off Photoshopped cafes. Just a blank document with the metadata. The other option is you can append the metadata yourself. So let me show you what we're gonna do. We gonna choose file export and we're just gonna choose safer web. So we want to keep this a 303,000 by 6000. That's a maximum size. You could go smaller, but just keep that aspect ratio in text. I just click that you know, you could scale it down to hell, though uniformly scale if you want, But I'm not gonna do that cause I want to put this back 100% here because I want to keep this at the 6000. So let's get there. I want maximum size 6000 by 3000 and then make sure that if you are using the metadata one that I gave you that you preserve or your metadata and the way to do that is under sea. Worse is convert s RGB. You might see this make sure all is selected, and I'm just gonna hit save, and you're gonna find your location to save it. So I'm gonna drop this on my desktop and I'm gonna call it my 3 60 f b um, before because I haven't done the meta data yet and and said we can see his one of guards called 3 template. I'll give you that one. And you could just actually, at this point, if you were using the template, you would save it out to J. Pick, and you would just uploaded to Facebook immediately. But in this case, I'm going to show you the whole process. And now we've saved that. We want to go to a website. So let's open up a Web browser. X I f e r the exit for dot net right there. And ah, this is just one place you can do. You can find other places, but this enables us to change the file information online. So we're just gonna choose upload. So I'm gonna click here. We're gonna grab this FB before and we're gonna click. Choose said, now we're gonna upload this. All right, so now that it's uploaded, you wanna edit issue gonna choose except me. And what we want to do is we want to change the camera make and you've seen the these Rikers make the three sixties. So we want to pick that, and then we're gonna go in here and notice that you'll see all the different makes from there, and we want to use this right there. So there we go. So there's a data s to choose that. Nice. And they were just gonna scroll down, and we're going to choose g o exit. So that's applied the exit to there now, So that metadata has changed, and we just gonna close that out, said There it is said, Now it's there. We want to download me. So there's our image and we can right click. And I'm just gonna You could save it to wherever, save to your desktop, Or are you gonna save to downloads? And so okay, that's done is we're right. There is Just go back to that page and then remove the file. So now you remove that file. It's not there anymore. It's done. All right. So let me just show you where this metadata lives Now, I said, Just opened the image here. This is the one that we just accept. And if you just choose file and then just get on a file info or command shift option I or control shift whatever. Hold down all the keys. And it had the Icheon Windows America, and you can see here's the X. If it gives the information about it. And if you choose here camera data, you can see we got the right catheter right there, and that's it. And if you have that information in there when you upload that to Facebook is going to detect it is a 3 60 it's automatically in this set up is a VR 36 and now I want to upload that picture. So I'm going to choose here. I'm going to set it to only me. So I contest it so the whole world doesn't see it, and I'm gonna choose upload photos right there. So now I'm going to go to the one that I just put into my downloads folder There it is right there, and I'm gonna click Choose now I'm uploading it, and I'll be like, Hey, guys, you know, check it out and I will get a live with this one around the time I put the tutorial on so you can get on my Facebook will keep me Colin, and you can see this. All right, so there we go. You see that little icon this shows is that we've got a VR 3 60 said Now I'm just gonna click post. And obviously right now I'm testing it cause it's just me. And here it is. Look at that. We keep got our 3 60 No, I'm on the desktops. I'm just kind of clicking around here. Eso You can't necessarily see all the coolness, But when you're on your phone and you move this around in your phone, you're gonna be ableto look at the whole thing. Interactive leak in. See, there's that seemed there. You know, you could put a little color and if you wanted to make it match better. But, um, essentially, that's it. And at that point, you would just go live and let the whole world see a lovely 3 60 panel. That's all there is to it. That's how you do that. And I give you that bit link earlier on so you can check that out. Or just goto Photoshopped Cafe on Facebook is the very top post there, and you can see it if you have an opportunity, get your mobile food moving around. It's it's fun, and you can use that to basically do that to any photograph. I'm now the template. They will actually be a class bonus for the people that purchase this class. They will get that, um, that template. So basically, you don't have to goto except me or you do is just drop your picture and into those steps posted to Facebook and work on any pictures. So you don't have to have a VR 3 60 camera in order to create panoramic View ers. Anyway, so that's a little bit about panoramas with drones. As you can see, you know, that's one special type of photography we can do. The other one is HDR. Now, once again, I was here that don't know how many millions of years ago, back when dinosaurs were roaming the earth and I did a one day on HDR. So I'm not gonna explain everything better. They are, but essentially an HDR is where you expand the dynamic range of your camera. There's a regular exposure there right now. That's what I can get. Skies kind of little blown out here is a little dark. So if I overexposed by two stops boom, I can get all the details here, then under exposed by two stops. Voila! There we go that we have the beautiful sunset. You might take that picture. But if you do, you never gonna bring out detail there in the sky. But you merge them together and you can. So that's the great thing about using HDR. And the drones allow you to do that in the APP There's a little sitting here when you're taking in the D. J. I go app, which is the app you're gonna be using for all your photographs. You'll notice you can do single shot. That's the fault. You could do multiples. You can do a B and now I choose five. Now, the reason I choose five is because typically when I do hdr the thing I teaches, you want to take a regular exposure over exposed by two stops and you under exposed by two stops. Unfortunately, the D G I f. Does not allow you to change. The amount of compensation between shots is only 0.7 between shots. So I take five and I throw away too. Sometimes I swear away the middle ones, then that gives me a little bit mawr range on both sides. And you've seen, you know, the kind of photographs I take. Um, what happens a lot I get bright skies, dark ground. So a lot of the time I will do that. And that's the very same image. Before, when it emerged, that story together got detail here. I got detailed there. It's an interesting shot time pulling all that detail. Here's another example. Something I would do with HDR from my drum notice. You can expand the dynamic range and you can get great pictures.

Ratings and Reviews


I love this class. I have learned so much, and have already started using some of the techniques to shoot better photos. I just need more practice flying. I'm looking for the FB 360 template. Was it supposed to be in downloads and don't see it.? It's almost sunset so I'm headed out to fly and shoot! Thanks for the class!!


Really enjoyed this class. After using Photoshop professionally for over 25 years, if I learn a new trick or technique from a class, then I know it's money well spent, so Thank you Colin, I did learn a new technique. Really looking forward to putting more of these ideas into practice.

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