Walkthrough More Attendant Bouquets
Lesson 10 from: Create Wedding Flower Centerpieces and BouquetsKiana Underwood

Walkthrough More Attendant Bouquets
Lesson 10 from: Create Wedding Flower Centerpieces and BouquetsKiana Underwood
Lesson Info
10. Walkthrough More Attendant Bouquets
Day 1
1Flower Prep: Cleaning Up for a Bouquet
22:19 2Flower Prep: Basics of Bouquet Design
30:12 3Building the Bouquet - Part 1
24:14 4Building the Bouquet - Part 2
25:19 5Finished & Wrapped Bouquet
14:02 6Creating a Smaller Bridal Bouquet
26:18 7Simple Attendant Bouquets Part 1
24:51Simple Attendant Bouquets Part 2
23:46 9Making the Additional Attendant Bouquet
23:01 10Walkthrough More Attendant Bouquets
27:51Day 2
11Segment 11 - Prepare to Create a Wedding Flower Centerpiece
26:55 12Segment 12 - Building Up Your Wedding Flower Centerpiece
20:25 13Segment 13 - Put the Final Touches on a Centerpiece & Create Small Centerpieces
32:54 14Floral Transport and Boutonnieres
37:55 15Creating Corsages
20:35 16Thanks + Credits
02:35 17Flower Girl Baskets
24:38 18Simple Flower Crowns
26:32 19Adding the Flowers to the Crown
38:37Lesson Info
Walkthrough More Attendant Bouquets
Do it again yeah yeah I'd love to get someone else way volunteered you way way to bring war yeah we'll need some more should I take this bucket we will need to borrow yes a lot of those flowers so take it just take the whole can take it you could maybe transfer some of them into the other bucket that way the whole table is it somebody just climb out maybe yeah totally is a group effort here yes, we were all getting involved in here supporting you welcome like shaking take that extra bucket off for your awesome thank you so much we got all right right now that light you're right okay, so I do have a tendency of making my arrangements very tight, huh? So this will be very good experience wait don't having everyone that we don't have a single one I don't think we have one little one here. No, no, no don't do that. These ones ready are like these these are nice cool yeah. Garden roses so see here I kind of just threw these down. Sorry. So maybe county can it reminded of what the beginning ...
steps are so we just start with basically the flower that you want to be in the center of your bouquet whatever you want your book a to b to have in the centre you start with that because you're going to build around that so in this case, our center is going to be this rightly rose yeah, I like to break yeah, okay keep it just like that because you'll it'll be pretty it gives you direction for building around it. This is a whole new experience, very cool here it is it's very hopeful let's see how you like that? Yeah. So remember to keep the poppy is a little bit higher up in the bouquet because then they won't get squished by uh, yeah that'll it'll stand out on the look really pretty well, maybe some more grass do you find it difficult telling someone had, um no look bad although I haven't done this before telling you how to do it, I do it have always just done and talked about it or written about it just pretend you're talking to yourself e that all the time very cool that maybe maybe something a little bit more with volume now some sweet peas, sweet peas of yeah, I'm right in front of me. There you go, don't do that ae not myself like that. That was good and I noticed that it doesn't a matter of some of the stems are a little short no, because eventually they're all going to get tied together up top so fine it looks like I might need fullness, yeah, so so you think you can cut this a little was there this is not looking too hot good sorry oh no we'll need help one oh nice yeah they wouldn't have thought to do that maybe that's good we'll be down a little bit just so you don't block this one is ready to be blocked perfect and then some over here looks a little bare so let's use some sweet peas pete I always recommend shaking it out shaking the sweet peas out because they sometimes they have their flowers falling that way you know what you're working with now do you try to raise these a little bit too or do you kind of don't raise it to march because there's good because we don't want this to be two empty over here okay yes also going through one of my tape yeah yeah there so uh do some of the back yes just something the back um raise it up a little there you go if you can see it in the mirror and then it's pretty right oh yeah it's such a fall in this otherwise it hides behind it really does um hey, I like that non open poppy I think there were by all means use so like even with a softer palette I feel like there should be one or two little bit darker um flowers or foliage in there just to kind of give it that pop and bring out the rest of the colors I do feel like it's more your color palette you would have to work with the bride but obviously they're probably going to come to you with one or two colors and then you have to evolve that usually go ahead what do you what do you used to use the color wheel type approach into intuition or I just um I remember bright asked me to uh she wanted mostly fall colors but then she said she also wanted some reds in there but didn't one red's in there so I'm thinking okay, well you don't want reds but you want read I'm not sure what it is so what I did was I built her something more like a long like white a little bit of pink a little bit of brown with the foliage and then a couple of red here and there and she just loved it because it wasn't so in your face you can kind of manipulate read if you don't put it with a whole bunch of red you can make it look softer if you're putting it next to a like a lighter shade of red or or a pink that matches that call that shade of red and it's amazing what you can do without just it's it's almost like expanding your ability within the color arena is actually an interesting question that came up earlier poppy hill wanted to say ask if if you had a list of questions that you specifically asked each brighter each bride and groom or do you just let it flow as a conversation I the questions I ask are usually just very basic ones like how many gifts do you have? What are your favorite flowers? What flower do you absolutely hate? Um what else? What is your style? I usually ask them to show me maybe like a pinterest board of their kind of the mood board of what they imagine the envision their wedding to be on that kind of gives me an idea of what what they're they're like a lot of times they come with their own they have gone through my website on my block and they know what they want and they point me out to those arrangements that I have on there and that really helps me out to understand what they want and you ask them again are they allergic to something I do okay, you should let me know on their own okay bill someone will say you know I love this is great but no no no I roam I can't handle that or they usually if it's serious matter they let me know but before I choose something like if I get a gardenia I'm going to ask if it's if it's going to be a problem or not you have a great client I don't know, you know what they're really nice e we have encountered has really been knock on wood has very nice and and maybe that stems just from you just doing the authentic type of flower design and creation that you want. Yes, I think that the kind of people that I attract are those who really like my job, my work on dh, let me do what I do, which is a blessing when you, um yeah, when you're when you're working so something you know, I've noticed this is actually the front, huh? Because but I'm so not comfortable or used looking in the mirror that actually made the front normally my friend, okay, so what I've noticed is that there's a big if I made any sense at all yeah, there's a big hole there, so it's kind of like, so this is the front here? I mean, technically, now I'm confused yeah, I was right there that's your front and, you know, suppose it around too much this's good. Now maybe we can get look at this paappi is pretty popular, like, oh, yeah, we have this one, so but in terms of, you know, not putting it through because I kind of cheat you don't put it through because, again, it it doesn't look it doesn't have that while you won't be able to see what it is that you're doing if you keep doing it from up top because the way we the way I approach it is from the front right so if you keep putting things on up top then you're going to miss miss this whole section so then you just kind of have to figure out how to finish exactly that little spot right there and then like I would say over here you need some you need something like this yeah, it is like a little of this this um thank you sure maybe right there hey, do you need glasses more yeah, maybe some more grass and war just to kind of give it that wild look some more sweet piece for ruffles we could use some of these wrong oculus even though they're not opened I think they're pretty well look at this one yeah that's a good one. So this is cole yeah thank you and go and in this one it's a little limp so what you can do about this is such a pretty flower so just this one I would added like over here somewhere do kind of be on kind of put it right in the middle that way are you are you able teo hold it let's see here just like that yeah you just don't want it tio tio edy so that's what? You have to move it right here you know what? Afford to stay there okay, so I see what you're kind of looking out on the side actually because you don't want okay, you want to be able to use it but you can't leave it on its own because they get limp and it'll fall off I see another started to do that with and this elected used this it's kind of nice texture is that way could use a flower here well come up about things like that where maybe it is wilting a little bit maybe it's about to fall off this question comes from service who's joining us from india and they say after I make a bouquet I have a tendency to turn it upside down and kind of shake off any fallen petals is that a good idea? Um I never do that but if that works I just shaking it off maybe just gently shame and they're exactly and as I was saying with your sweet pea, you know if you know it something might cut fall off, then shake it before you use it and if it's really going toe fall off, I wouldn't use it if you're gonna have to if there's a wilted flower don't use it what I'm using what we're using here is not wilted it's just you know fully open and we want to manipulate it so that it be used within the bouquet. Okay, so this this put this one back and and with this together in the front to fill up the bouquet a little bit late right here right there and then you some explosion grass for that too? Or maybe a this roar rare was good a prettier one this was pretty with this one although that's right next to the other one let's e will do some of this so you some of this to keep that run oculus from falling off I need to get a little wild so let's try this okay yeah, that keeps it up I need something right there but that's because you've pulled this down so far so I can just pull it up a little bit to give it that goes back to the hole tight yeah you don't want any so ty and nature right when it's higher up it's kind of flows better a little bit so I would say this is the front officially yeah it is yes this front so do you feel like there's a little bit of emptiness definitely dio so let's fix that maybe you can use some explosion with some more pop do we have it? Oh look at this one this is a pretty one I like this one yes it's pretty school and then there is this who else he was both of these in the front and this these were both good to use in the front. You should be looking. You should be looking in the mirror to do that, right? So you can see what you're doing for me it really what you're doing and then use this for a bit of difference of color here. Chiana, I'm curious now use the mirror a lot. Do you ever have someone else stand over here and kind of give you their impression if your kids are around? If your husband's around helpful to have someone else looking at it? Um, sure, I mean, if I don't have a mirror yes, or I'll just wrap it up on a look at it to see what it needs. Yeah, this is a very different style than I'm used to because, you know, I tend use I love greenery radio so I tend to use, you know, things like that geranium, huh? I just love the terrorists that beautiful it's quite an art to try and get, you know, all the flowers just tohave some sort of showing. Yeah, yes, that's what makes it lost? Yeah, it's true use this too. This is a very one, yeah, uh, I think don't do that well and as much of a sorry it's just it's just another way to learn on the way I just really have it and we were talking actually back I just about I mean you guys are in a retail environment and it is this sort of fast paced go go go you know the client is waiting thing that environment I'm used two so this is quite you know, it's definitely gonna help me because, um you know it's gonna help me kind of seymour is like an art form and try and exactly, you know, incorporate the speed right when you will get that air and while you do it yeah, the more it will be speedy. So what do you think? Is it online there had it from here so let's put this is definitely still have lot yeah, we might just take that out because at this point it's done so let's like I did with my other boot with my okay well believe just take this out can I just sit or yeah that's going to be like me? You don't want to go yeah a ll this hard work so let's turn the face is this is the front correct okay, so what? So I want you to look in the mirror I need to get a woman over this so that it looks it's looking you maneuver this guy yeah there we go almost got it and then maybe because he was more poppies tio this is a good popular used to fill that space that empty space it's like totally turned around um I know I'm just use the mirror you see how you can see how to fill it out yeah, totally looking in there. Yeah. Okay. So do you like the way it looks? Yeah ultimately ideo it definitely hasn't more fluidity to it. You know, I'm very much show custom making it kind of snug and then um see if we have some more sweet peas with used to secure that run oculus and this guy's kind of flopping tio so here let's use these wherever you think it might need it in the front probably like right? And this guy, if I will you could break it up a little too right? You can break them up there there are more than yeah, I like take a couple of them put him there may be a couple in between there okay, that helped a lot just to kind of fill it in here's a couple more you can put on the side here kind of help with that. Yeah, so maybe like one more guy something right here, huh? What about is it too much for their try that try that and if you don't like it you could take it off there you know there's no more kill us like that still you like me to take let's move let's move this one to a place where it shows itself better try it try it over here aap top hire okay khun switch my hands what do you think yeah that's nice okay so it's not just so flopping in the front anymore yeah they really got no can our students see here yeah what do you think tell me how can I help it think it looks like it was fresh picked a little dork closure in guns just on the other side of the frink a bring that through thank you yeah sometimes you need someone else's I kind of oh god you okay maybe behind yes okay alright here's one that's royal dinner then it will give you more yeah like more volume here came together yeah bring it around right here. Okay very nice where you think you need more looks great okay so shall I you like it I d'oh okay ben how can I am actually I do see a hole how can I help this hurts kind of well do you ever that whole do you see the hole because you're looking down at it or because you're looking in the mirror at it uh I guess that it's because I'm looking down yeah so so don't worry about it all right? Where's the now floral paper it somewhere lost in the area of this of flying off lodged floral and you know, there is a certain amount of time that you have two a lot yourself to do something how how do you work that out? You know all I'm gonna be able to complete uh this amount of bouquets or this amount what's your time so I am I give myself about seo have three bridesmaids bouquets and one a bridal bouquet and I will give myself about an hour and fifteen minutes to do those especially for someone like me I have kids I it's never seem to have enough time in a day to do all that I need to get done because I can't control it when they come into the kitchen and they want food so I have to have that done in about an hour and a half hour and a half max or when they're in school so yeah, I mean that's plenty of time for me to get four bouquets done and that speed comes with the practice absolutely it does and you still get to have fun, right? I have e yes it's fun so I think I go move some staff around, let me see maybe not no, you're fine, okay, yeah it's because I'm looking right at it and I don't look right a so I would say that this bouquet is slightly more loose than the one that you did before. It definitely is. Yeah, it definitely taught me to kind of loosen up my placement for sure. Okay, so now we're cut. Hey, did we have ribbon or we're not using that were just when I got use. Remember this section? Yeah. This one too, I think. That's what? I was aiming for too long. So personal preference. I would cut it a little bit more. Yeah, go around. Yes, the bottom. Yes. You can also do it with, like a knife, like a floral knife. But I've never done it. I find that this works just fine for me. And with that, you have to kind of put it down and then cut in. And I don't want the flowers to be bruised on the cutting board or the table, right? Her nice, fantastic work, great way could literally hold away wedding now, in all ways, have been your greatest life. For sure. Everybody has a bouquet, including you that's, right? Yes, twenty bouquets for all of us and way shouldn't even do like a little. You know, put a sail, sign out and sell up. Okay. That's. All right. You know the bucket? Yeah. Why not? Any questions now from any of the students on the demonstrations that we just had was that helpful for you guys who were up there? And you kind of learn another aspect of how to arrange these bouquets? That was really help awful especially the placement of the flowers not trying to stick them in. Yeah, that was big me that works for that first bouquet I show you guys with, you know, the round one that I showed that works for god, but for stuff like thiss if we're looking at them it's so much easier to just squeeze things in from the side now, it was the mirror, a total game changer for you guys or you're going to be in front of the mirror now whenever you're arranging that was very difficult for me, please. Looking at it. Yeah, I have a feeling if I were to look in the mirror that I struggle a little. I'm just so used to my spoke to use what you say, I kind of things around for a little literally, yeah, I had the same experience that was used to facing this way and then putting it this way in the mirror, it was almost like trying to write with your left hand or something that could be a little confusing. Yeah, but I think with practice yeah, yeah, again practice, you know, but it definitely helps to get you give you that perspective from a viewer's perspective that's exactly what it does, right? Because when you mean when you were making it like this, you always looking down at it and no one's looking down at the bouquet when people are walking down the aisle there looking at the bouquet from this angle so you wanted to be in its best look from this angle. Yeah, I think that's just such a great observation and hitting the style of sort of the separate yeah uk has just sent yeah, we've seen it so many times, but you actually don't even see the flowers, right? You see this them? Yeah. And the scythe is really about, you know, showcasing the beauty of the flowers really know? Yeah. Very nice. Good movement. A great technique. Yeah. E looks trapping and that's just that you won't know how it is until you try it until you try all of this information on for yourself, right? Yeah, I know for me a lot of times looking at these bouquets, you never think that they have a front and a back side that there's a lot of thought put into that, and I think having a tactic, like being in front of the mirror and approaching in a different way, you can have a new appreciation for that. So I jumped out to me, and I never thought of that. All right, I'll be waiting for my triple sided bouquet. Are your girlfriend well, actually, you should probably get it, as opposed to me the night, right? Well, chiana, do we have any other final thoughts on how we're doing with all of the bouquets, anything else that you want to share with the audience? I just want to say that I feel like I wanted reiterate that we should really look to nature for inspiration and, um, just embrace it because there's so much beauty in that and uniqueness. And so I encourage you all to take a different approach. The more organic and natural approach to making bouquets.
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Ratings and Reviews
I thoroughly enjoyed this class. Instructions were clear and Kiana's work was beautiful. She gave excellent tips to simplify bouquet assembly. Based on this course, I created the bouquets for my daughter's wedding and they were a huge success.
Kathy Schaefer
It was very encouraging to see the class
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