Creating a Smaller Bridal Bouquet
Lesson 6 from: Create Wedding Flower Centerpieces and BouquetsKiana Underwood

Creating a Smaller Bridal Bouquet
Lesson 6 from: Create Wedding Flower Centerpieces and BouquetsKiana Underwood
Day 1
1Flower Prep: Cleaning Up for a Bouquet
22:19 2Flower Prep: Basics of Bouquet Design
30:12 3Building the Bouquet - Part 1
24:14 4Building the Bouquet - Part 2
25:19 5Finished & Wrapped Bouquet
14:02 6Creating a Smaller Bridal Bouquet
26:18 7Simple Attendant Bouquets Part 1
24:51Simple Attendant Bouquets Part 2
23:46 9Making the Additional Attendant Bouquet
23:01 10Walkthrough More Attendant Bouquets
27:51Day 2
11Segment 11 - Prepare to Create a Wedding Flower Centerpiece
26:55 12Segment 12 - Building Up Your Wedding Flower Centerpiece
20:25 13Segment 13 - Put the Final Touches on a Centerpiece & Create Small Centerpieces
32:54 14Floral Transport and Boutonnieres
37:55 15Creating Corsages
20:35 16Thanks + Credits
02:35 17Flower Girl Baskets
24:38 18Simple Flower Crowns
26:32 19Adding the Flowers to the Crown
38:37Lesson Info
Creating a Smaller Bridal Bouquet
Would you like to keep it e I would love to take it home but for the rest of this I will you're gonna be making smaller version yeah so we can hold it for you yeah what should put it in water that honor so basically this is this's the bridles bukit bridal bouquet and then in the next segment we will talk about how you can compliment thiss with something a little bit smaller and um less uh extravagant but as but but beautiful and still for a bridesmaid or maid of honor do you ever do the wedding bouquet that's on the floral phone base to be able to make a cascading bouquet no well I'm not a fan of floral foam at all I don't use floral foam so I am to make something cascade I would use with the greens for example I would use vine I would use things you know what is that are there one that just kind of hangs forget the name those green ones do you ladies know the one with the long hanging green stringy yeah um I would use those basically I would build my cascade with flowers not the phone...
yeah. Any other questions we were commenting on how pretty the ribbon is a and we're wondering if yeah so I did not buy this online I have two places that I like to buy ribbons from this is from bright x in san francisco and then there is fraud fraud check I don't know um chic sorry if you've heard of that um they bring it from france I think it's made in france um they're just so delicate and beautiful um anyway I think that something simple is always better as far as I'm concerned simplicity goes a long way especially when you've got so much going on already um in your bouquet and that makes it a lot more accessible to because that is such an intimidating thing I'm sure everyone in here agrees when you're trying to get started or you want to get involved in doing something all the materials that you have to get it really just gets in the way of the creative yeah it's true so the more you can get back to the simple which is what you're exactly I again like at home I wouldn't even have this ribbon I just wanted to show people what it would be like to have a ribbon you know to show how I would do it but I really understate the ribbon because the flowers and none of them selves they're so beautiful that you don't need to do much more now we know that you're going to get into some of the smaller arrangements for the the attendant said at the wedding but what if what about a bride that wants a smaller bouquet? Do you have enough materials here to maybe put something together quickly for smaller absolutely let me in fact yeah I've got some of those yeah gonna see how you were saying that the flowers themselves they're so beautiful yeah and I know on your promo you had mentioned that you described yourself a flora flour stylist uh huh and I thought that was so wonderful because it really is it's the flowers themselves they're so beautiful and you have the eye to style them thank you make them look their best so that was a great description thank you and that's what we're all learning to do here how to be stylish right okay so I will make another quickly let me just find a home for this okay let's make something really quick and again I'll use what I have yeah I'll use some of these roses this one will be a less pink and maybe more white okay the smell so good in these smell amazing also good these bouquets look great in the buckets here no total total instagram photos yeah and we're all finding it's just amazing how many how much creativity can come from the same flowers saying bunch of flower flower I agree it's like giving uh paper and watercolors to people and asked them tio paint so again I'm going to start with my favorite flower to start with which is the which is the uh narain lily and the rose like the last time this time I'll put some silent with it in the center and maybe a run oculus and some explosion grass which could be possibly are baby's breath the good thing is we still have some uh penny left so I could still make a pretty arrangement add a little bit more geranium to this fund yeah, the dusty miller can get a little bulky so you could always cut it this is what you have to be prepared when you're doing it okay, so you don't have to do this while you're making one go back and checking in with me yes that's what I do and see some more marines on the side are you going again with that asymmetrical? Yes. Okay, so I think that it's already been the sorry the studio here as well. Now you guys can kind of see what exactly can you do it before you're busy with yourself? Now you can sort of thought process here to help inspire you for the next bouquets. It's already been kind of built for me the asymmetry with this piece of flood with this marine over here because it's bending this way so I'm going to just continue on building on that did you always use the mirror or um with this something that you just so basically I mean I discovered on my own from just doing them and kind of having a hard time finding out what just it's not quite the same when you're for me when I'm not using the mirror and one day I thought how maybe I should just look in the mirror and see what it looks like as I was struggling with the way it looks, especially because I make a symmetric I think that if I was more into making the regular round arrangement it wouldn't be so hard for me because people would do that they look down at it to see what it looks like but for me because it's kind of you know it's this way it's always nicer to look and see to watch myself and also it's easier to see, you know? Well if I'm adding this over here doesn't look good or is it better down here kind of play around with it um and being in front of the mirror helps with that when you're designing for a wedding do you take into consideration what the flowers are going to look like in photographs? I pray that they have a good photographer really, but I do I think that I mean, I've seen some awesome photographers who do a great job, but what should be considered really is what the bride wants what colors does she want? I can yes if it was up to me I'd want something like this this this is my color palette, but some people really like it right and um so basically no I mean I guess I don't do that because I don't I go buy what they're color palette is versus what would look within pictures but having said that I take my husband takes professional photos of everything I do and that's always on instant my instagram account so um because because of that that's been such a hit that all my work is on is so will captured that I don't have to worry about somebody else capturing it or not I have a photo of it and hopefully I could get more from the uh the bride as well when you're designing the asymmetrical look do you tend to have a favorite side like do they tend to go down to the right or each one always saying yes I guess yeah it tends to be this way yeah yeah yeah okay my favorite but the upside is on the right hand side you left handed or right handed I'm right handed, okay yeah maybe a left handed artists would be the other one might tend to go on another other way yeah so here I don't don't normally put them all together, but I kind of like this kind of ah pop of color in the corner so I'm not going to disperse all of my run oculus I'm just going to keep him in one side and um have them all together with this color combo and then add some more explosion grass and if I have some more of my leftover side lean that's still actually looks good I'll use it in between but I'll still be in between and maybe some plum well, this is too much plum I don't like old maybe I'll put it right here instead of putting it on the other side add a little bit more my last blast of my marines the small one has I won't have as much of a back side because I don't have as many flowers to work with and so I would rather just use whatever that's beautiful in the front here I'm thinking I want it here do I want it here? Not really I just want it right here point that you bring up especially if you're working with a budget yeah that would you recommend for people than toe on ly focus on the front side if they're on the with a budget I absolutely because if you don't have you know an abundant number off these expensive flowers then what's better to have a beautiful bouquet that looks really pretty in the front and in pictures um yes, so I would and this this is going to be just that I'm not going to add any flowers over here I'll add mostly here in the front and I have some roses which I could definitely utilize rachel, you have a question I'm some curious how you got started yeah with floral design I used to do my as I said my mother always loved to have flowers in her house and she I think even had took a floral design course in england when she was to live there and I remember her just seeing some of the pictures of her work at some point and what she had left over from the work she had done with dried flowers and I remember being just so fascinated with all that she was working with and then when I got older and had my own home then I would use every occasion to make something beautiful for the centre of my table or my coffee table or anywhere I could find by my bedside table and so um it got to a point where I had friends asking me to do flowers for them and then one day my husband said you know, I had really been struggling to find what it was that I hide that I loved to do as a career especially because you know when you're a mom as much as it's it's so um it's such a joy to be a mom but at the same time it's so easy to forget yourself because you're always so busy um pleasing taking care of somebody else um I wanted something of my own and I wanted it creative outlet so my husband said why don't you just start your own business on you do beautiful work I had taken pictures of all my work just but for myself and I put them all in the website on started a facebook page started the instagram account on before I knew it I had lots of followers and people asking me teo do their weddings and that's how I got started on here I am today yeah so I never took any courses it was all self taught and as I said I was definitely have favorite florists out there that I'm I'm inspired by so I would take a look at their work and see I remember looking at every alicia's ours because as a little girl I always wanted well why don't people use you know these things that are in the garden in their wedding bouquets why's it always these tight roses from the ones that we see from the grocery store that are barely opened inside these bouquets why can't we use some of these geranium from our garden and mine are in our arrangements on I remember the first time my mother um for for some dinner table arrangements she took a bunch of pansy tze from the deck and put it inside the vase and I thought, my goodness, this looks so pretty and you wouldn't imagine putting pans ease in an arrangement so then I saw a re alicia's ours work and I thought, oh my gosh this takes it to a whole new level and um and that was it from there on now is that your focal flower that's my focus flower again so I made kind of many, um arrangement I mean amenable k over the other one right? So your thought process for this was similar to the last one you did yeah, because I have the same flowers maybe five different ones like if I had some like some vines or something I would put a bunch of vines here right now and make it a little bit more wild but this is pretty much a copy of what I just made which could minus this be easily used for a bride's maid. Okay, now does anyone have any questions uh for her now that you're seeing the difference I want more about the learning I'm just yeah I did and how you learned all the names of the flowers you know, nothing teaches you more about things than doing them so I remember the first time I went to the flower mart nobody knew who I wass nobody cared who I wass on dh I would ask them I would say what you know what is this flower? What is that flower and they would give me a look of like don't you know what this is? You should know what this is you're here but that changed quickly and also because I do the block I have to know what those flowers or because you better be sure people ask you what if you don't put the name of flower somewhere somebody is going to ask you what that is and god help you if you put the wrong name there somebody will tell you that that's wrong so of course I have I have the interest it interests me to see what flowers amusing and to know about them but at the same time because I was keeping that blawg it really helped me to understand what I'm using and tell the people tell the people at the flower mart that I want this flower can you get me this far or that flower? It helps to know it well the great thing about you know everyone that shown up today no matter what experienced bubbly you are, whether you're a professional or your someone who doesn't know the name of even one flower you know from either side this is definitely given us the foundation of where it is start and then also the permission to ask and to just be that person that doesn't know you are the customer yeah afterall andhra member that and you're the designer now tio very true some other advice as well I am fortunate to work in a flower shop and a lot of flowers but I never hesitate to ask even working are what things are and yeah, I highly recommend anyone who you know enjoys going to their local flower shop. I asked what absolutely good, honest conversation starter too. I mean, you could find people like you out there who have the same sort of interest like you and I did at the flower mart the other day way we're talking about cheese. I was admiring these and we talked about how cool they were, how pretty they are you still d so that's it done? And do you have enough materials to show us how to wrap it up again? Yeah, trim it for sure. Just add this one right here. Maybe over here. I'm not sure I want it here. We'll put it right next to this. But before that, I want to put a little bit of explosion grass and we have beka anything, tio no apology that actually brings up a good point. Have you ever cannot worked with flowers that you're allergic to? I've been fortunate that I have not, but I know many who are, uh I mean, I know a lot of people I've worked with. Um keisha, you know those little ah yellow flowers from the tree? Does anyone if you guys know right, those khun give you major on allergies, but I have never had any problems with that but you have to be mindful of people others I guess when you use that type of stuff that would be no good if the bride for allergic to some of the flowers and that really make sure that you you you ask your bride where she's allergic so now you just trimmed try living in a little bit because I didn't want it in my way I might trim it some more but you know keeping it longer is always better than cutting it too short so until I examine things again not for this one I can also do this because it's easily I can handle it with what I have smaller it small enough okay that I can just use the tape to secure them together so I'm going to do that floral tape is nice because the more you pull it the more it stretches is that the standard kind of floral tape are there other types out there that people may try um this's the standard really some of them are white okay I'm not mistaken those are probably stand out in a way which you don't yeah I've seen some white ones but um otherwise this is a warning to use that and not you know, masking tape or scotch tape you are really you scotch type or also because it would totally come apart and you don't want your okay to come apart right in the middle of an event the wedding day when is the last time that you cut the stumps like do you ever recut them the morning of the wedding oh yeah before you give him to the bride but no I don't because I make him the night before okay and it's already been caught so I don't bother anyone running in yeah some well it's ok? It depends on the bouquet as well if it's a bouquet that's really just has a lot of things in the bottom that I don't want it touching the lip of the vase then I keep a taller I'll put it inside inside a bucket till the next day but it really depends on the bouquet if I have hilla bora, you better be sure that I will cut it before I give it to the bride because hello boris so um so finicky um I was just lost one of our roses how sad and so this is it and then you can either use I'll do the same thing as I did for the other one or for a more organic locate could do I would like I like to do this kind of wrap it with this my need love it more than that, but I'll add it if I do not buying it you just now not quitting I'm just putting some twine around this to cover my tape and uh make it look very natural it's a longer process, and they sell these tapes, zip lines and different thicknesses too, right? Yes. It's. Very easy to find you confined this at michael's. You can find it at our sh home depot back. I had a question. So would you make each bribed me? Uh, okay, would you make it slightly different, or would you try to mimic? Yeah, I mean, no, I don't like to copy. Um, it could look, I should look just different, like a piece of art. Like, you know, five different, uh, paintings with the same color palette. Um, so I'll try to use a little bit of different flowers for the next segment just to show you that you can compliment the bride's bouquet with some different flowers. Amends lonely put this down, make him that's it wait could see the other bouquet along with that kind of look at the differences sisters, sisters and maybe we can get our students actually behold there's back up again waken get from all the different expressions. Remember, what side is front? All right, look at these beautiful flowers thing unique with the same building blocks to start from. I say this is a victory.
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Ratings and Reviews
I thoroughly enjoyed this class. Instructions were clear and Kiana's work was beautiful. She gave excellent tips to simplify bouquet assembly. Based on this course, I created the bouquets for my daughter's wedding and they were a huge success.
Kathy Schaefer
It was very encouraging to see the class