Archiving the Job in Lightroom CC
Lesson 31 from: The Ultimate Lightroom Classic CC WorkflowJared Platt

Archiving the Job in Lightroom CC
Lesson 31 from: The Ultimate Lightroom Classic CC WorkflowJared Platt
File management and the Library Module
1Intro and File Management
07:07 2File Organization and Lightroom Workflow Overview
52:45 3Workstation Diagram and File Flow
18:30 4Converting From a Previous Lightroom Workflow
13:12 5Lightroom CC Tour: Folders and Collections
19:14 6Lightroom CC Tour: Publish, Histogram and Quick Develop
12:10 7Importing Images into Lightroom CC
23:41Rules for Selecting Images in Lightroom CC
29:23 9Organizing Photos in Lightroom CC
14:27 10Keywording in Lightroom CC
21:01 11Using Facial Recognition in Lightroom CC
24:13 12Working With Catalogs in Lightroom CC
09:05 13Synchronizing Catalogs in Lightroom CC
24:51 14Using Lightroom Mobile
21:41 15Publish Services in Lightroom CC
12:39 16Lightroom Workflow Q&A
15:56 17Tour of The Develop Module in Lightroom CC
14:23 18New Features in the Lightroom CC Develop Module
49:52 19Camera Calibration
17:00 20Calibrations and Custom Profiles in Lightroom CC
19:00 21Calibrations in Lightroom CC: Comparing RAW and JPEG
20:12 22Rules for Developing in Lightroom CC
35:26 23Understanding Presets in Lightroom CC
16:15 24Making Presets in Lightroom CC
36:51 25Syncing Presets in Lightroom CC
30:25 26Working with Photoshop and Lightroom CC
38:33 27Using the Lightroom CC Print Module
11:29 28Setting printer profile in Lightroom CC
13:53 29Comparing Prints from Lightroom CC
23:08 30Finalizing the Job in Lightroom CC
15:20 31Archiving the Job in Lightroom CC
22:08 32Importing Back from the Archive
25:47 33Building a Proof Book in Lightroom CC
30:30 34Building Albums with Smart Albums
56:15 35How to Create a Portfolio in Lightroom CC
31:35 36Advanced Search in a Portfolio in Lightroom CC
29:25 37Scott Wyden Kivowitz Interview on SEO
21:36 38Optimizing Image Metadata in Lightroom CC
18:20 39Publishing a Blog Post From Lightroom CC
25:26 40Making Slideshows in Lightroom CC
21:46 41Lightroom CC Workflow Recap
22:23Developing, Presets and Printing in Lightroom CC
Day 3
Lesson Info
Archiving the Job in Lightroom CC
Now we're going take this archive so what we need to do first is we need to take our rejects, which we don't need and we need to write click that and we want to show it in the finder so I'm going to show this in the finder so that I can see it there it is you can see that the same structure exists here's my selected images they're all d angie's and here's my rejected images they're still in the same format that they came out of the camera so I'm gonna take this rejects here and I could do one of two things I can either delete it directly so if if I'm working for myself and I'm doing landscapes or I'm doing travel photography on my own boss all the lead um I'll just hit command the leaps gun done with him if I'm working for someone else and I'm worried that that person is going to be very upset if for some reason I have made a mistake then I'm going to put them in what we call a rejects drive you see this drive right here that's just a drive that we plug into r j bod just plug it in it ...
could be any old dr take one of the drives that you've re tasked everything else like you it's an old drive that doesn't matter and just sitting there take that drive plug it in color, rejects dr, clean it off, and then start putting stuff on it. And the reason that we kept the naming structure here. So we put the date and the job and all of that in there so that I can literally just grab this and dragon onto my rejects drive and it's going to copy over to the rejects drive. Once it's done copping to the rejects drive, I'll delete it once it's deleted the on ly copy of it is on the rejects drive. Then I can unplug the rejects drive and throw it, you know, into the cupboard and wherever I keep it. Not too concerned about it, I don't make duplicates of it. I don't know it's it's not a stressful thing, it's a last resort that you never have to use. Like I said at the beginning, I've had to do that twice in fifteen years, so rarely rarely will you ever use it. Okay? It's done so now I'm gonna take the rejects and I'm going to just come in, delete him so now I only have the selects the rejects air sitting here in this drive should I ever want them? If this rejects, dr fills up, then what I need to do is just delete the older stuff. So I should end up with like six months of leeway before I have to start deleting old stuff and what happens is you'll grab that rejection of dragging on there and it'll go poot nope sorry don't have enough you know I can't do it and you go oh okay that's fine and then you'll go up and grab the first three jobs and delete him and then you'll start putting more stuff on there and that's how you run it okay, so now that we have that accomplished we can right click this rejects drive and ejected get rid of it by the way it's in here in this just pull it out. You see this? This is a cool little handy it's it's actually a converter. So if I have a little tiny drive I just simply stick it in here and it becomes a big drive so I don't need like a separate type of housing for it. So this is again another cr ew product. So I just it just goes inside of here and it becomes that a big dr um so this also by the way and the reason that I like a raid one system we talked about raid one systems this is a raid one where we have an independent drive and it copies to an independent drive and then you just swap out this independent drive drive two and three just keep swapping and that keeps you safe. The reason I like things like that is that if for some reason this unit were to go down the actual unit so the raid one system you know died on me the power source died the fans something dies on it but the drives were fine all I have to do is pop the drive out and I can take the drive and stick it into any dr bai and it will work not only can I do that I could stick it on this I can't take this internal drive and just simply grab it and stick it on that and it will run it's not pretty but I could just plug it in and it'll just sit like that on my desk and run so you'd I'm independent of systems even though I'm using this system I'm independent of it because it's literally making individual hard drives these hard drives don't need this system to run they're independent of it that's why I like the raid one systems all right so this is our rejects dr we've got her rejects there out of the system now and we take him we put him into their little case and we just stick him on a shelf my rejects drive is a small little drive I don't need it all that often this is my little travel rejects drive but my read x drive is just a normal three and a half inch drive I just plug it in when I need it drop it on there it gives me about six months leeway and I get to forget about it all right um so our next operation so we just got rid of our rejects notice that the now we have a question mark it can't find him great because I deleted them so I'm going to right click that and remove it tell it it's no longer important go ahead and remove it and that's going to get rid of all the references to those rejects and now all I have is this clean little job with the raw folder and the select that's all I've got so now I'm ready to go I have everything I need and now it's a question of what do I do with the image is now in the next three segments were going to show you what we do with the images, but in this segment we want to show you how to get rid of it once you've done all of that. All right, so the first thing that we need doobie before we get rid of this is we need to save any of our favorites over to our portfolio because remember, once I get rid of this is going to be in a charred driving a cupboard so the first thing that I do is I sort, so go up into the attributes and sort by one star and above. These are my favorite images, these are the images I'm gonna highlight. They already have the key words on him. They already have all the men I've plugged in, any information I want about them, so now they will be accessible to me in my portfolio, and what I do is I simply go to the export dialog box, by the way, if you want to know the short key for exporting its shift command e on the mac and I think it would be shift control e on the on the pc, something of that nature. Um, when you go to the export dialog box, you have a whole bunch of pre sets on the left hand side. If you don't have pre sets on the left hand side, you need tohave pre sets on the left hand side, so any time you go through and set up something, then you need to go over and add that as a preset name it and put it in a folder for me. I've already done that so I can go down to the port folio section, and I click on portfolio original images when I click on that it already has all the specific set up. And you can see that there's no post processing there's no watermark there's no matter data changes there's no outputs sharpening none of that because all I'm doing is taking the original file and copying it to a different place if I were to and that's this is why we changed to dmg first before we send to the portfolio because if we change it to dmg then we khun export the d n gs and the tiffs and everything as originals so when it sends the dmg it will send a d n g when it sends the tiff it will send a tiff when it sends a psd it'll send the psd so whatever it is it will send over that way if the psd has layers it sends the layered psd over so it's an exact copy of whatever you have so we want original images to go over there now look at the file naming structure because I just named them zero zero zero six that's the name but look at the name that it's creating now zero zero six two thousand fifteen oh four twenty four dash nineteen thirty two fifty five that is the name of the the photo the date and the time that it was taken if you name it that way there will be no chance that some other photo that's number six in your portfolio will have the same name so what you're going to dio to do that is you're gonna click on the file naming structure here and you're going to go down to the bottom and edit you're going to create your own file naming structure you're going first put in the file name and you just all you have to do is click in here and then tell it I want you know folder name if I click on folder name that inserts the folder name and then I could type in jared and that's going to enter jared into the name I could I could make this very crazy now I can have a three three digit sequence this could become a completely insane name but you can create your name however you want but what I've done is I've done the file name here the date the hour the minute the second and that's what creates that file name so we're gonna have a file date and time name so that we have very, very unique names I don't need some people put like the client name in there or something like that but I don't need that because I already have the client's name in the key words I already have the client's name in the you know in the metadata on the photo I also have the date that it was shot so I know if the client calls and they want their image I could find it plus I don't care who the client is because it's going to my portfolio it's not about the client now it's about that emmett ej the client wants their images we'd go to the archive okay, so now that I have that date name the only thing left is where it's going to go and this you have to determine based on where your portfolio hard drive is so I'm going to go in and choose my portfolio hard drive which is called portfolio thirteen and inside of my portfolio thirteen I'm going to create so we're going to assume that you don't have a portfolio catalog yet so that we can start one so in order to do that I'm going to create a folder so I'm gonna create a folder and we're going to call this port folio drop box not to be associated with dropbox just it's a drop box for it so I'm gonna hit create so now I have a portfolio dropbox and I'm going to choose that drop box I am not going to put sub names or sub files or anything like that in there and I'm not gonna add it back to this catalog export and now it's just simply taking all of those and copying them to the portfolio drive so that all have access to the best images later and all the rest of the images that the client might want I'm gonna have access to those if I go to the archive and work on those now, all of this is pre assuming that you have already burned a disc for the client or you've already posted online for them to see or you've already created a proof book or you've already created an album pre design are all that kind of stuff you've done? You've done all that we haven't talked about that yet because we'll spend the next three segments talking about that stuff, but I wanted to show you how to do this all right? Once you've done that, then we're gonna create a catalog out of this because right now all of these jobs aaron one master catalog now we're going to take a catalogue, make it and send it out to the archives, making a catalogue a simple asses right clicking the job folder that you want to make the catalogue for and you're going to go down to this button here, which says export folder as a catalog click on that it's going to ask you where to put it and you're going to go find the job that you're actually working on. You're going to highlight that job and you're going to name this thing and I just name it catalog you could name it specifically the catalog if you want I and I'm in include the available previews, but I'm not going to include anything else because all the other things air right here the raw images air right there I'm gonna hit export as a catalog it's going to export the catalog now it's done now, aiken right click this catalog and I can remove the catalog because I no longer need it because I've sent my portfolio images to my portfolio. I've already sent my images to my client and now I'm just going to send these off to the archive for getting rid of it. So that's no longer in my face now I'm gonna hide this I'm going to go to the job I'm gonna grab that job right there and now I have to just grab my archive so this's going toe brr kind for the day so I'm putting the drive in put the drive in it's gonna light up on my computer there's my archive two thousand fifteen I simply grab this job and I drag it into the archive two thousand fifteen wait for to copy over it's done copying and now I need to make sure that this version is the same as this version. So I'm going to go down to a program that's called delta walker write that down delta walker click on delta walker it's going to give you a little window that says here's one file here's the other file I simply grab this file and drag it into that space I grabbed this file and dragon in that space, and then I tell it to confirm by clicking on that little button and it starts confirming and it looks at all the ones and zeros. Make sure that it's fine and it's done and it's if if you've got zero zero and zero, that means they're exactly the same. There is no difference between them and so you can quit delta, delta walker and you, khun, click on this job here and deleted because now you have an exact copy on your archive, dr, and you have your favorite images in the portfolio and as a total back up, you will have already sent your j pegs up online to be house somewhere else off site and that's important, how many of you have a service that has something offline? Okay, if you don't do it soon as you're done with your job, you need to export j pegs to that place, and we're going to show you how to do that, um, in the next segment's, but you need to make sure that you're j pegs are up online somewhere. I do it on smug mugs. Smugmug is my final rest that that's the place that if I'm in trouble, I can go to smugmug and I could download everything that I have, all right, cool, any questions? That you sort of covered yesterday or maybe the day before that could jared discuss pros and cons of psd versus tiff for photoshopped layered files? Yes, absolutely andi didn't talk in length about it, but basically the real reason but there's not much of a difference between tiff and psd um sixteen bit both of them should be in sixteen but if you're gonna edit him but a tiff is universal, so that means that every plug in is going to be able to use it every other program's going to be all painters going. Teo so sometimes some things don't look at ps dee's, so if you want to be universal, use a tiff instead of a p s teeth that's pretty much the only difference. Cool. Yeah. Okay, let's see, you want to make sure we're covering everything. Yeah, quick question on the process. I was trying to make notes at the same time you export to the job folder with the selects and then we removed from light room. I kind of missed that part of that step because I was trying to write other notes down. Can you kind of recover that little section a little bit of removing it? Yeah, so so once we have sent it out to the portfolio and once we have exported our catalogue so we're going to right click the end or the the folder we're going to export the catalog once that catalogs inside of the actual job folder, then we simply go back to the job inside of light room and we right click it and hit removed, and it removes it. Once we've done that, then we can copy that job over to our archive, and we can get rid of it. Okay? All right. So now, while we're here, since we have to go back into that job anyway, because we don't actually want to remove it just yet because we want to show you some other things, um, I'm going to show you something to bring something back in. So if for some reason I decided that I wanted to bring this job back into light room for any reason and I wanted to work on it, I could either go into light room and just simply open this. So if I double click this job it's going to relaunch light room it's going to close down my other copy of light of of that of the main work and catalogue and it's gonna open up this one. I'm running it now off of the archive drive, but you can see you can see here that we are inside of the cia, says, working drive and it says, I don't know where this is because I am moved it outside of the purview of light room. Well, I know where it is because I just plugged in the archive drive. And so the next time I opened it up, I'm gonna right click it and find the missing folder. Then I'm just going to go to my archive two thousand fifteen and tell it that that's where it is and hit, choose and then from then on out it's going to be inside of the archive folder. And now it doesn't think it's in the working dr anymore. It knows it's in the archive folder. And so if I want to clean this up, I could just remove that folder. And now I'm looking at the job as though I had never left it. And from here I can make an album or I can work on the image is a little bit more. I can do whatever I want from here. If I want, I can I can share stuff from here. I can make prints from here. I can do all of that stuff. So in fact, we actually printed several more images and I will show you those right now. So last night I, after I finished here, I printed some more images and one of those images that we've printed yesterday is this one but I can print it directly from I printed it directly from light room so if the client comes back and wants a print and it's it's a print the you don't have in your portfolio or you don't even go look in your portfolio you finished the images here so now all you got to do is open up your two thousand fifteen drive and just click on one of these images so you just going to set this down here you could click on the image they want just go to the print module when you're in the print module because you're in light room and all the presets go all the way across all of the different light rooms even to your studio printer our computer so if I plug this in a home, all of these presets that I've made here for these for these templates for printing will be on my home computer as well I can open this up simply click on the one I want and then just hit print and now I printed that out if for some reason you were in the archive and you rework a file, you go in and retouch it and you love what you've done to it if you just retouching it for the client and you're like I don't like the file but I'm retouching it then just leave it in the archive but if for some reason you do something to this file and you're like, man, I really rework that file while I was inside of it, the archive then once you're done with it, and after you've printed it for your client, then you're going to simply open it up and you're going to export it and you're going to call it portfolio original, and you're going to run it through this. This is going to be available to you, so you're gonna click on portfolio originals it's going to set this up and you're going to hit export and it's literally going to say, hey, there's, a there's something already in there. Do you want me to override it? Use him over, right? And now that one is replacing the other one in your portfolio and later on when you get into the portfolio, the portfolio will say, hey, there's, a new one in here, let me look at that one instead of the old one, it'll just updated, so you're constantly updating your port follow even if you're doing something in the archive drive because you are always sending stuff out that you work on that you like to your portfolio clear on that good, okay that's, a great print love that so that's for my wife uh, my client
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Ratings and Reviews
April S.
I've been using Lightroom for about a year now. I'm pretty comfortable with the basics and a little more. Sometimes knowing what I want to learn next depends on knowing what's out there to be learned. I listened in to this course from work to get an idea of whether there was enough new content to warrant buying the course. Though Jared covers lots that I know, he filled many small things I didn't know and covered some bigger topics that were new to me. I decided that I wanted to own this course because I respond best to structured learning, and Jared starts at point A and carries through to point Z, so to speak. I have watched his live and rebroadcast courses before and I really like and learn from his teaching style too, so I'm sure this course will be the boost I need as I prepare to subscribe to Lightroom CC instead of just using my local copy. Though another reviewer's tone wasn't very nice, I have to agree that it would helpful to have a written synopsis or outline of courses to help when deciding whether to purchase. Looking at the titles of the included videos is helpful, but not enough. This would be especially useful when a person hasn't seen the live broadcast first, and is simply evaluating a course in the course library.
Jim Pater
I learned a lot from this class when I took it a long time ago. I'm not as fond of his ego but that's fine as I don't have to be around him all day long. What I found extremely useful was the video on synching Lightroom Presets. I set this Dropbox synching system on my laptop and desktop Mac computers and it works perfectly. I also use it for other programs as well like Photoshop and another program called Keyboard Maestro. Thanks for your help Jared. Much appreciated trick.
I am new to Lightroom and from the start of the course it became very clear to me that Jared is one quality person with a real passion to explain everything with great skill and a motivation for success. I did not hesitate to download his course as this is the basis for my personal development and the journey to experience great photography.