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Sharing with the Client

Lesson 2 from: Commercial Workflow in Adobe Lightroom Classic

Jared Platt

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2. Sharing with the Client

Lesson Info

Sharing with the Client

so we have our shot. But now what if the client happened to be somewhere else? Let's say the client is in New York City and I'm in Phoenix, Arizona, and they want me to shoot this old watch, and I say, Yeah, I'll do it. Just you don't need to come here. I'll I'll just include you in the shoot. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back to the library module and I'm gonna scroll down to my collections. And there's the collection that I made on the way in. When I was making the Tethered shoot, I added, This collection on this collection is you can see based on that little lightning bolt is already synchronizing to the cloud. If it wasn't synchronizing cloud, you would see a little box instead. So it's already sinking to the cloud. And if I click on that and look at the grid mode, there are three images inside of this tethered shooting. I remember a collection is a virtual location. It's not a real locations virtual and so anything that's in here is being synchronized to the cloud and show...

n to whoever I give a link to on a website. So I can I can click the first image and delete it, and it's going to ask me, Do I want to keep this in the cloud? I'm going to say no, I don't need it in the cloud. So now I'm on Lee giving them two shots. So anything that I show inside of this But remember, the original images are still here. There are three of them, so I still have all the original images in the folder because the folder is where the actual photos are. The collection is just simply a reference to those images and so I can remove anything I want there, and I'll still have originals in the file. So if I right click this, if I right click the tethering collection and I go down to the light room links, I can make that collection a public collection. So now that it's a public collection, anybody I give a link to concur come in and see those files. I'm gonna right click that again, and this time I'm in a view it on the Web. So now we're viewing this on the Web, and there are two shots now. This is my portal. This is what I see. But I can go in. And I can either create just a simple website like this that a client can look at everything coming in or more importantly, for commercial shooting. I can click on this link here, which is to make a proofing site. So if I click on the proofing site and I come up to this little person plus image right here, if I click on that plus image, it's gonna ask me if I want to enable proofing. I'm going to say yes. And now here's the link and I can limit my client and say I only want you to choose one photo, copy this link, and then I'm going to send that link to my client. There we go. So the client is looking and could be anywhere on earth and look at what I'm shooting. And as I shoot, they will come in here. They'll just need to refresh every time, every couple minutes or whatever, because the websites only gonna feed in what was there when they were looking last. And so just tell him. Okay, refresh every couple of minutes and keep looking at what we're shooting, and if you have any comments, let us know and it'll take it. Takes maybe a second and 1/2 for it to get from the camera to the computer. And then it takes maybe, ah, 30th of a second to get it into the collection. And then it takes maybe five seconds to get it up to the cloud. And so, within about 30 seconds of you taking the photo, if they refresh, they'll see the photo here probably less than 30 seconds, depending on your Internet speed and so they can see almost in real time what you're shooting anywhere on earth. And then they could just say, Oh, this one's the one I want, so they collect it. Then they say, Hey, I just selected the one I want. You were done with the shoot. I think it's perfect, and they just if they want to look at him big, they can click on the image itself, and they can see him nice and big. And so that's how quickly you could have your shoot done because your client could be looking in on the shoot. Um, this could also be something you could do for friends and family that want to peek in on a photo shoot you're doing. You could just say if you want to see this cool thing I'm doing or if you want to teach and you're doing, ah, live, shoot And you're saying, Hey, anybody that wants to look at these images, just click on this link below and say, You're doing a Facebook live thing. You're taking pictures and they click on the link and it takes them to a website. They can see the images in real time. If I choose a website, not only can I let them see it in, you know I can change, you know the look and the feel of the Web site, but I can also go up to the little plus symbol up here with the with the little guy, that silhouette click on it and in the settings Aiken say, allow downloads of J pegs. So if you happen to be doing like a party and you're doing a photo shoot, that's kind of like a photo booth. You could just give him the link, and then they can go home and download their favorite picture. So it's really, really a useful way to share your images from a tethered shoot

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Workflow in Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom Mobile Cloud
Adobe Lightroom Image Pipeline System
Black & White Preset Collection
Color Art Pro Profiles