Final Details & Rendering Your Image
Lesson 8 from: Commercial 3D Composites in Adobe Photoshop CCCorey Barker

Final Details & Rendering Your Image
Lesson 8 from: Commercial 3D Composites in Adobe Photoshop CCCorey Barker
Class Introduction
01:02 2Create a 3D Product Composite from Adobe Stock
01:56 3Adjusting Your 3D Image
04:50 4Adding 2D Images to 3D Image
05:08 5Creating Realistic Lighting Using IBL
04:59 6Creating a Text Layer
07:20 7Creating a Background
08:50 8Final Details & Rendering Your Image
15:05Lesson Info
Final Details & Rendering Your Image
Let's garnish our ad with this little pretty arrangement. This is a stock image. I didn't shoot this. I don't have the patience to arrange peanuts this way without eating. I probably have been arranging and have been like that would have been me, but it works well, So I was gonna use my quick selection tool again much easier to select the background first. And then it's going here and choose Select in verse, it command J and voila, nicely extracted from the background. So let's take that dragon, Drop it over. It's rather large. So again, with press command T then come in. Zero expands a document out. So again, I'm gonna hold down shift option, and that's going to scale it in, Well, this position it right about there, and I want to create a reflection on this, obviously, because I've created a reflection on the product. It stands to reason that this element would also have a reflection as well. But it's a two d layer. So we're going to do Ah, old school two d trick to get the reflection...
. First thing is the shadow. I'm gonna make a selection based on the shape of this element here. So here in the layers panel, right here, Miss going and make us election. Mike holding down the command key control on windows. Click right on the layer. Thumbnail loads. The shape of that object is an active selection. So to make a new layer, fill the selection with black. Now, take that layer in position and under the layer it was made from and the old school trick. I remember doing this years and years ago in older version, the voter shop. It still works every time. Just take the top control handle here and drag it down. And then you get a pretty cool shadow now gonna drop the opacity a little bit now where the shadow is closest to the elements, especially the foreground. Here, you'd expect the shadow to be sharper because it's closer to the object. But here in the back where it's gonna further away, you'd expect those to be a little bit softer. So be able to do that. Is another cool trick. Gonna go and get my Grady and tool and using a gun, use a radio, Grady it again. But I'm gonna set the foreground color to black and want to go ahead and press Q on the keyboard. That's gonna put me in quick mask mode, which allows you to basically draw or basically create Grady in selections. So if I go in here right on the edge of the shadow here and just kind of drag the grading in, it's gonna give me this color overlay that is representative of my selection. I'm gonna go over here to the other side and do another Grady. It's not quite as big. It's gonna put it right there. So now I'm gonna press Q again, and now it's gonna bring me back to my active selection. Now it's gonna go into the filter menu and go to Blur and do a simple Gaussian blur. Been as I do that, because it's a faded selection. It's also a faded blur if you can see right there. So as it gets further away, it gets a lot softer. I'm gonna drop the opacity of that quite a bit more. Here we go now for the other areas. They're like these areas. You would also be a little softer. Not quite itself is over here, but they be a little softer and a quick way to do that is just simply get the blur tool. I am on a dial to stand a little bit and then just paint right over those edges just to soften it up a little bit. And that's gonna give you a little bit more realistic, fading of the of the shadows as you go across There we go. So that looks good now. I also think I want to flip the background here because I really this the clouds here under the little peanut element is a little distracting. So I'm gonna go into the edit menu, go to transform and do flip horizontal. It's a slide this over so it looks more like that. And that's that's another thing to think about with backgrounds, especially a sky background. This like it's so abstract, and there's nothing in order that tells you Hey, it's it's backwards, you know? So you just really want to get in the best position for the for the composition itself. So So now that I've got that peanut element in place, I want to adjust the angle of my object here. I have a question here. Yes, so I'm just wondering. So you design like the cover on like the peanuts bag. Are is it possible with, like, with this, to be able to, like, send it into like, a company and have imprinted like that would be like an example that you would send to them and they could print it out, too, to put on like, actual peanut bags. You Well, you'd obviously have to set it up as a print file. However, they would need it for their particular packaging. I mean, they could probably pull the design out of this and set it up for that eso. In theory, yes, it would be able to pull the design because this design is specifically cater to this packaging. If their packaging was slightly different, you would have to make sure you have the specs for their packaging to be able to do that. You could certainly use this to sell, you know, the designer, the idea of something like, Yeah, but it would just be a matter of setting up a different file for that. That's that's to their specs and then distracting you dropping the design in and just adjusting as needed. This is amazing. Thank you. And this may be beyond the scope of this class, but they were curious about three D printing this if you were actually ascended to a three d printer and have it built, actually thought that was what you Yes, actually, you can three d print this on, actually, photo shops, Um, three D. It's kind of kind of setting up. It's like a rip software for three D printing and actually did some three D printing out of photo shop and actually really impressive do that you can actually use. If you have you own a three d printer, you can certainly plug in and actually send this in three D printed or you can actually go in. Make sure I know where it is. There. Here it is. So right here you can actually three D print settings. You can actually set this up for a print service. There's actually a print service that is connected to the creative cloud. So you set up a file and ship it out. Electronica. We send it to a service, they will three d print it and ship it back to you. So you certainly can't do that. Absolutely. Thanks. and it's a really good set up, actually a photo shop one and awarded a three d print conference one time for its its its very robust and doing some three D printing. It generates a scaffolding, all that Adam automatically and everything. So all right, so where we at? Text the top? All right, we're just about done with this one. Okay, so we're gonna go over here. I'm going to set a little tagline appear at the top. There are some on every flight. There's a lot of nuts on every flight. Interpret that however you want. We all know we've all been I was gonna set this a little bit higher there, and then we'll just Just So now it's just a matter of tweaking positioning if I wanted to go into just the design inside the label or something like, Yeah, but you have that freedom to go in there and certainly going to do that. Let me just adjust the positioning here to start a render. There is pretty much using stock three D objects to be able to generate a fully realized ready products. So you're not cool, so you can see the rendering is, of course, grainy. Now, I get a lot of people asking me about render times, and that's really gonna depend on the processor of your machine. A new war machine is, of course, gonna handle it pretty well, but the longest render I've ever done for the most complex piece I've ever done. In fact, a show you real quick. This is just one of the This, uh, this was one of those things where I thought, I wonder, and it actually worked out really well. But this No, that this is all the working files this image here actually want Open up the the original, so you can see. Yeah, there it is. Okay, so this three D watch entirely from scratch Here inside photo shop, they just move it around so you can see. So if I going, grab my three d tool, make sure the cameras selected. So this was all created from scratch using three d and phone shop in getting the surface and lighting effects. And we're like, Yeah, but this one, this one took about three hours to make about our have to render, but it actually came out really good. It's completely customizable. I can go in and change the label or even what it says on the face of the watching. I can't even move the hands of I want. I want to change the time on it. I could go in there and do. That's all separate elements. In fact, going here, you can see I can actually pull it apart. So all these elements were just based on shapes and you can see the IBL effect that's going on. It really gives you that really kind of cool look like a real three D product in there. You can see he's even got the glass face. See that glass glass was the toughest thing I had to figure out with three D and photo shop, but I actually got it finally got it figured out, and that's that little glass face right there. So you see eso have have you ever used aftereffects with what you created food. There was a time when you could bring a threat. You asking if you can bring three D objects here and finish up to after effects. There was a time there was a bridge element where you can actually take three D and imported into after effects. It was very, very clunky, though didn't work very well. What they've done is that they have added cinema four D light as it's bundled with aftereffects in right now, that is a lot better. It works better with aftereffects. The downside is a little bit more complicated than what you're seeing here in photo shop. So the short answer to your question used to Not anymore. So it does. Aftereffects does not support Photoshopped three days. It only supports the cinema 40 light that it packaged with you can take. Now you can take obviously a three D object that you created Photoshopped. Render it out, bring it into after, fixes a flat image and have a part of the part of a composition. But you won't be able to manipulate the three d inside after effects. People who are totally new to this concept and we're a little confused on what rendering is. Maybe you just give a quick overview of what it means when something's rendering. So when you're designing, when I'm actually working on the product, moving it around like that, you're in what's essentially a draft mode, and that's largely for the sake of processor speed, the because you don't want it to try and render every time you make a change, because that would just be time consuming it. This would be, um, very nerve wracking. So what rendering does it generates the final product. Now you can see a lot of effects that have been generated on the product. Things like the lighting, the ibl lighting. You can see those elements on their. What you don't see are things like reflected elements, like if there's two objects next to each other and you sent reflection properties, you don't see those elements until they are rendered. So you don't want o build a three D product that list and they'd save it and say, This is the finished product. You definitely want to do a render of it so that all the little elements and even that that reflection element in fact. So I stopped the render here, see how the renders got like it's kind of broken up. Its kind of very pixelated stuff like that is because of it being in that draft mood. And once you're ready to render its gonna clean all that up and give you a nice, shiny high resident, and I will show you the final Think I have the final render of this particular image. This was the original one idea in here so you can see how clean that reflection is now. So that is because I I gave it the full rendering, like at. So you don't want toe ever not render that when it's finally done, and you can always initiate the render as you're working. If you're not sure how reflections look, just initiate the render and see how it's gonna look. You can usually tell in the first few passes, even though it's a little grainy, you can still tell how it's gonna look and whether or not you need to make an adjustment. You just hit the escape key maker adjustment and then this reinitiate the render. So But yeah, that watch that I just showed you that. Like I said, it was about an hour and 1/2 render, and it was on this laptop so you don't need a supercomputer to generate the render. But depending on the complexity of the model, you will need to give it a little bit of time, So all right. Oh, and one more thing. It's gonna point this out when you're done with Orender. Obviously, this isn't the layout, but one thing I do is like I said, I always put my elements in their separate layers and sometimes and then I'll bring it over when I initiate the render. Let's just assume I just I'm gonna start a render on this and I was gonna let it run for a few seconds here. So let's assume it's going through the render and it's done everything, and I'm really happy with it so I could escape. Now I want o treat it as a regular two D image in a photo shop, so I want to rast arise the layer. Before you do that, though, duplicated so you that he's going here and now choose restaurants reading. Now it's a regular two D layer. You can do anything with any other layer and photo shop, but you haven't gotten rid of the three D element because if there's other effects I want to do to this, make maybe make some color adjustments or other, depending on what the composite calls for, you'll might not. You might have to run a restaurant like this, but save it as a duplicate. So in the event you got to go back and make an adjustment on the three d one. You want to go back and start all over again. This is going to save you a tremendous amount of time. So I'm curious. Would is it possible to save this as like it's three D form and then post, like somehow onto my website so that if someone were to click on that, they could look at it in three get interrupted around? Not yet. It's getting there. I'm told that you condone use Acrobat put it in a pdf, but I haven't had any success with that yet. So as far as an interactive for a user to interact with on a website, it's not quite there yet. I love it to be because I would love for that watch to be interactive. I love to be able to just kind of look at that. What I What I usually do is I just record a screen grab of me moving it around, and that is kind of shows that the three D uh aspect of it. So I will relay that because I've told Adobe numerous times. But I will relay that once more, is it?
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Ratings and Reviews
Valuable for going deeper into using 3D tools, the course had a great amount of info on using the 3D tool panels & manipulating lighting, modeling materials, merging elements together in 3D space, creating your own lighting & materials as well as trouble-shooting tips. Really helped me feel less intimidated as a newcomer to 3D.