Create a 3D Object from Scratch
Lesson 9 from: Commercial 3D Composites in Adobe Photoshop CCCorey Barker

Create a 3D Object from Scratch
Lesson 9 from: Commercial 3D Composites in Adobe Photoshop CCCorey Barker
Class Introduction
01:02 2Create a 3D Product Composite from Adobe Stock
01:56 3Adjusting Your 3D Image
04:50 4Adding 2D Images to 3D Image
05:08 5Creating Realistic Lighting Using IBL
04:59 6Creating a Text Layer
07:20 7Creating a Background
08:50 8Final Details & Rendering Your Image
15:05Lesson Info
Create a 3D Object from Scratch
So we're gonna start and this really demonstrates. Well, there's a There's a feature in three D programs in more high end three D programs when I want to create a bottle or around on a circular element or a cylinder of some, like they do what's called lazing or revolving the object. Now that particular feature is not obvious in Photoshopped, it does do it. But there, you got to know where to look and how to adjust it. Be able to do that. So I'm gonna create a new document. Yet I'm gonna do another square formatted document 2000 2000. I call it my rulers. I'm just gonna press commander Control arm and what I want to do is establish the center of this document with a guide. I'm gonna drag out a vertical guide here, and it will snap to the center just like that. So now I want to create the bottle shape for my product here is going to get my pen tool Vector shapes are gonna give you the cleanest edge three D objects. You can do it with a pixel based element, but if you're going to create a...
product like this how they recommend doing it with vector tools or vector shapes like this. So, in order create a bottle element, we needed to just draw half of it because we're going to extrude it and revolve it around there. So inside this document must start right on, right on the guide itself. Establish a path here. I'm gonna go up to the top and just put a path along the line of that guy. I'm gonna come up here and I'm just going from memory on the shape of an energy shot bottle. So I'm gonna go out here and just kind of draw the cap out. And the good thing about drawing his in vector is that if you don't, you don't get positioning or the line right where you want it. You can go back and justice kind of adjust the cap here, and this is kind of pull that out and something like that. Now I wanna grab the direct select tool. It allows me to select individual control points, and now I can modify the shape a little bit, get a little bit more realistic looking was pushed that in a little bit there, Riggio That's not too bad right now. Do you want to add a little bit of a rounded corner at the bottom here? So zoom in here once again, select my shape was gonna add a couple of points here in the corner and is gonna go in, grab or actually no hover over this this one corner point and just delete it if we just pushed these guides in a little bit. Well, now get our little curved edge there. There we go. So there's half of our bottle product there. So now we're ready to go and make it three d, some to go to three D menu new three d extrusion from selected layer. So there we have that. So now I grabbed my camera or current view and just kind of rotate this around So there we can see does the extrusion just like we expect it to. But we need to revolve it around that flat face there. So in the three d panel, make sure you have the shape one selected here, which is the main three D object. You bring up my properties panel and gonna go into the second tab at the top of the properties panel here, which is right at the very top there. So you click on that, you'll see that this is the deform properties. So what I want to do is first right here is this little icon for the deformations axis. This essentially anchors wherever the changes. It's like this. It's like establishing the center point of the object. I want this to revolve around that flat left side. Not the center of the objects are only established a centre here on the left side. Then we're gonna go down here too. The the bend and shear properties when and bend is what we want. So leave bend checked on. You gonna take the horizontal angle X slider and drag it all the way to the left and it wraps it around. Now there is a hole right through the top of the object there. And the reason for that is the extrusion is too high. So I'm actually going here and set the extrusion to negative one. And the reason I'm doing it negative one is that may or may not do it here if I set it to zero. Yeah, so you see, I get that little bit of artifact ing around the edge there. I don't know why it's doing that specifically, but what I do know is the way to fix it is just to set this the negative one and it goes away. So now we've closed up the shape, and now we've got our bottle product in play. Now I can see now that it's in full shape, that it's a little fatter than I wanted to be at its base, so we can still go in there and adjust the original object we started with. So if you select the shape one here in the three d panel and the jump over the Properties panel, you'll see a button here that says at its source. So click on net, and it brings us back to the original document we started with with the original shape. So now I'm just going to get that direct, select tool once again grab these control points here and just push this in a little bit further about like that. If I hit, save their weaken, see, it's find at the bottom. But I want to bring this out a little bit more, so let's see how those that's not bad. There we go. So now we have an energy shot bottle
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Ratings and Reviews
Valuable for going deeper into using 3D tools, the course had a great amount of info on using the 3D tool panels & manipulating lighting, modeling materials, merging elements together in 3D space, creating your own lighting & materials as well as trouble-shooting tips. Really helped me feel less intimidated as a newcomer to 3D.