Process of Projects Start to Finish
Lesson 8 from: Cloning, Healing and Removing Distractions in PhotoshopMatt Kloskowski

Process of Projects Start to Finish
Lesson 8 from: Cloning, Healing and Removing Distractions in PhotoshopMatt Kloskowski
Class Introduction
01:54 2Why Use Photoshop for Cloning, Healing & Removing Distractions?
03:32 3Introduction to Healing Tools
08:13 4When to Use the Patch Tool
04:52 5When to Use the Content Aware Fill
02:10 6Why You Need the Clone Stamp Tool
04:35 7Remove Distractions Using Multiple Tools
15:25 8Process of Projects Start to Finish
22:57Lesson Info
Process of Projects Start to Finish
All right, s. So we got our content aware we got a little options for the tools. Let's take a look at some projects because I think that's where this stuff really all starts to tie in together is, um is when you see when you see how it how the different tools to tend to work. Um, all right, so let's look at some super simple stuff. Let's throw this one, You guys. Oh, jeez. What were the little light over here? Were you thinking I would do the spot healing spot healing brush? Let's try it past them, like to somebody else because somebody else is going to go next spot healing brush. I think that's a good choice. Who? Maybe not if I just do a bigger area with spot healing brush, but the problem with that, it could get no me. It's OK. I'm thinking, Why don't we try? Patch? Looks like we got a little bit of a shadow. Maybe try it again, and then one more. That's pretty good. And then if it were me and it is, I would take the clone stamp and it's still angled. That's good. Go. I would take t...
he clone stamp and sample on. And I'm, like, butchering this. We go sample there. I should have just stopped, and then we're gonna go back all for a little light. I really Guys, I swear that was one I didn't try to solve before. I'm like, let's use this photo. I swear, never would have thought that that light would be such a pain in the butt to remove Good enough. Don't look at it 100%. It looks great. Yes. I don't know if you have time for this right now. You might want to proceed with us, But I find sometimes when I'm removing something and there's a fall off in light that it's really hard to reproduce that, um and I'm just constantly going back and forth as and it goes from lighter to darker or as you've done right now, the yellow still had some shadows and so forth. Is there a trick or other tricks? I think I mean, if I think if there's a lot of fall off in, like I think the patch tool is a great is a great one for that, that's that's what it does. Is it kind of picks up a lot of those tonal changes. Um, better inside of there. All right, let's Ah, let's work on. Let's work on this one. So there's a lot of little things happen in here. Um, what I would say is is, Let's hit, you guys. Are you guys like, Let's do that? Are you guys good news or bad news? People give me the good news. If there's two news is, which one do you want first, you want the bad news? All right, so we'll work on the hard stuff first. So hard stuff. When I look at this, I'm thinking this is going to be kind of a difficult area. This is gonna be a little bit difficult to Yeah, those are probably the hardest parts. So let's go ahead. Uh, I always start spot healing brush. I'm always gonna go there first, cause it's just the easiest. So hit it with spot healing brush, get pretty close. Let's try it here. See the problem? It's kind of smooth. It didn't pick up the texture. So then we'll go try the healing brush. Not that I could. I could work with it with. We'll continue. Um, That's pretty easy there. All right, he's got, well, edges over here. I'll go back to the spot. Healing brush will give it a try to see if it'll cross the boundaries of the edge because that's that's where problems can happen. It did a pretty good job, though, Um, and just for sake of time, because I'm not gonna go through every little hopefully, you know, the spot healing brush if it removes some of the things that we've removed these little spots and specs or not too big of a problem, Um, something like this. So this would be this would be hard to kind of go with spot healing brush and just say I'm gonna be able to remove it, and it's gonna look perfect, but it got us pretty close. What I would do is removed part of it in between. And then I would go to my probably clone stamp tool and see if I can sample and then paint it kind of close some of those little, um, well, patterns up patterns are going to be tough patterns, especially going to be tough for the automatic tools because it's never gonna It's usually never gonna match, especially when I say a pattern. I mean, like a pattern on a folded shirt because there's really no rhyme or reason to it. But that's how it would attack that area. Let's go work on the Let's go work on this part here again. I don't think the spot healing brush it usually doesn't work well here. But apparently I don't know anything, so yeah, this might be one where you go when you grab your clone stamp trying to clean up that edge. Then I would go back to the spot healing brush. Think it works good on all the all the other junk in the background here, stuff like that, It'll it should work pretty good for And then vote. Nope, Actually, did you see that little line? So that to me, spot healing brush? I don't think the healing brush is going to do any better to me. This is where the patch tool works. Great, because I don't even have to do it bit by bit. I just like the whole thing. And you could see there's a really good job. Well, try this with the patch tool. So I think that looks pretty good. And then just clean up your edges and then fill it up with Yeah, hair. Were you thinking clone? I'm with you. Good choice. I will allow it. Option are all click go through and just kind of clean up the little edge over here. I don't like that it doesn't, but I don't think anybody would really know. I'm not even worry about it. So there's a couple of little stuff in the background there, but, um, you know, as you can see, we I think we got rid of the the big stuff in there. So it's a kind of a combination everything. Let's take another one here. Oh, this is a good one. Yeah. Um, on that last picture, the hair was pretty short and textured. Would you still use the clone stamp on long straight hair where it's a little bit harder to match the texture? I would try, I would try. Think if any tool did it. The clone stamp You are the Yeah, I think the clone stamp would The clone stamp would keep the texture of the most out of anything because, remember, clone. You ever think of the difference? Is I should have said this before Healing and cloning. Cloning is pixel for pixel. I sample I paint Healing is saying all right, I'm sampling and I'm painting. Give me a match between the two and that's why you'll get a lot of smoothing and and stuff. You saw it on his face when I took the spot. Healing brush. How it's smooth, everything in there. So if it were hair with a lot of texture on, I probably tried cloning or even the patch full years. That's great, because I think that answers studio Stinson's question, which was, Can you explain exactly how the clone stamp works when you select? Does it just continually adjust the selection? Yeah, yeah, the clone stamp. It's It's pixel for pixel. So when you when you sample when you hold down your option or awlaki and you sample, it's giving me a pixel for pixel painting of what I sampled from a lot of times, what you'll see and one of those things. It's tough because if I said it every time, I did it to get pretty monotonous. But a lot of times what you'll see. So here's something to be careful with the clone stamp tool. If I If I sample from over here in the cloud and I go try to paint, see where my little sit a little ah sample area that will plus. So that's where it's sampling from right now. Eventually, if I don't pick my cursor up, it's going to go over the original area, see what it's doing. So what you'll have to see a lot of times is all sample paint. Come back sample again, paint come back sample again. I wouldn't use a clone stamp tool there, but it's a good representation of what happens. You'll have to keep re sampling as like, you see your kind of pushing in, because if you do it in one long stroke, whatever, even though you don't see it anymore, that sample cursor is actually going over the old area. And that's what it's sampling from so kind of a pain in the next. That's why you'll see a lot of times when you see that little that little thing pop up, it means I sampled again. And as you're cloning, I think you'll find you'll have your head your finger on that option. All King you're always doing it. So So this is a good one, This one. Sorry. What was the question? What if you had to guess? Content aware. We can try it. I'll try content aware if it works. I'm in trouble because I had this demo prepared is a patch tool. Let's try at it, Phil. Gone thin aware. All right, then. Fine. It really demoed. So much better with the past. Tool content or dinging. You get a prize. Um, just for grins. Let's try it with the pats tool. So move. Okay, get to match up the clouds. There you go. I think they're both. They both worked. Well, it really wasn't prepared for that. I was hoping you were just going to say the patch tool. All right, what do I know? Um ah, let's see here. So now we got we got this area going on. What do we do with this? Um, I'm thinking I'm thinking we use a little bit of the patch tool to see how close we can get, so that's pretty good. And then this is probably gonna be clone stamp, because if I do any other tool, it's not gonna It's not gonna hold that edge very well. So option are all click. And then the last thing is a lot of times when you do that, you'll see, especially if you do a lot of clone work. You see that it almost looks painter ish, so that's when I'll go in and I'll take the patch tool and I'll try to get pretty close and then move that over and bring in some texture because the patched hole again is very good at keeping that tone in that texture in there. So but that's not a bad for the size. And like when you look at that, you're like home God, that looks bad, but it actually goes away pretty easily. Yes, I wouldn't have done it that way, although that's what I found recently because I don't have ah, welcome tablet. So are dealing with a mouse all the time, Um, and to do, um, painting and stuff is I find quite difficult with a mouse and to overcome at what off would have done is I've actually made a selection oven area, so I select really close to his shoulder and where I wanted to fix and then When you've got that selection selected, you can use all of the other tools like I don't think you'd be. I'll be You can certainly use the healing brush and Klein and everything. And then you can be as missy as you want with the mouse. You know, that's it's a good point when when if you make a selection first, you're basically telling Photoshopped Now I can go in here and I can heal or spot or do whatever but and you don't ruin him, it's only gonna happen inside that selection. It's not gonna happen outside. Yeah, we'll kind of keep you keeping in the in the reigns of war. You should be. It took me. I just figured that I think you got one behind you. One of the problems I have some time is getting the edge right. When, for example, you would be going along the shoulder of this person shirt. Would you change the hardness of the edge and go? How do you look at the deal with that? Exactly is if you're having trouble when you get near a firm edge like his shoulder, that's when you go to a harder edged brush and you can get really, really close, and it's not going to spill over the soft Jurij brushes 10th feather and spill over, but the harder edged brushes won't and then to blend it. Would you just perhaps go over it with a larger brush that was softer, eventually not right to the edge. But I just find it a bit hard some time to get that really well blended. You could try gona with a little bit larger feathered brush after once you get it away from the edge. And then and then again, the patch told to just do a close edge selection and use the past to you all right. Another question from home. Mrs From Gail Romaine. Who said Gill, I, Gail. Who says what? The clone stamp. When do you check aligned and when do you not check aligned? So a line. Let's talk about what that is first. So the deal with the clone stamp tool is there is a little aligned check box up here, so if I sample it's good differently, go back here. So if I sample all right and then I start to paint, see where my cursor is, okay? Now I'm gonna pick up my brush. I'm gonna paint over here. Zero My cursor went so the cursor is staying the same distance away from my brush. My word. I dio if I turn off the lines and I sample still the same there I go over here, see where it stays. So when would I turn it on and off? I usually keep it on because they usually don't want that to happen. I wanted to follow my cursor around, but if I had a very repeating pattern, maybe I thought I was gonna keep painting. I turned it on. Okay, Yet one more. If you're gonna turn something into black and white, would you do that before or after I would do that If I was sure is going to keep it as a black and white. I do it. I do the black and white before because you know, whatever cloning and healing you do, you may cover some tracks, is by converting it to a black and white or or whatever happens to be so All right, let's take a look at Here's a good one. So contrails, they played me everywhere I am. They're always there I can be in Utah. There could be a plane on its way from New York to Miami, and they will reroute it over Utah just to mess up my photo, then back again. So this is I mean, this is this, if any. If there was ever a great use of these tools, I think I think I think attack strategy, right. If I go and I try to get rid of this first, I have a limited area on either side that I can pull from, Right. But if I get rid of this, then when I go to get rid of this have a wider space to pull from. So that's kind of what I'm thinking as they look at something like this. You know what? Where do I fix first? Something to get rid of this first. And now it opens up where I can pull from. Um, let's try again. I mean, spot healing brush just because we can no see what it does so and I can't control that I can't change it. So healing brush is not going to do much better. Um, clone stamp tool will leave. We'll leave hard edges in there. So I really think this one would be a really good patch tool. So let's just last so it too bad. All right, so now that's gone. Now I got this one. So I mean, we have the patch tool out Eyes will try. It's not gonna work good against the edge of the hill, But let's leave that out for now. Not that side. Not too bad. And then to clean it up on, probably go hit that with Clone Stamp or just totally butchered with the clone stamp tool. Here we go. And then, if that's not, I mean still kind of Oh, you know what my one of my problems is to? I've got a very hard edge brush, so let's soften it a little bit and that'll definitely that'll definitely blend it in. And if you still have problems with it, just go run it over, run over it again with the patch tool and where to go. Okay, I even know that it's worth spending too much time on so close. Okay, so but I think that's a good one, as if, and this always happen a lot, too, is you'll step back and you'll see something you didn't see when you resumed into it as well. But I think that's that's a great use of the tools. I mean, it happens on a ton of my photos. Uh, yeah, so say you do all that. How much can you, um, printing it? Does it turn out good printing or is it pixelated or no? It's Ah, it turns out really good, it turns out great, and that's it's got to use the right tools. It's if you use a tool that adds texture, where there shouldn't be or use a tool that smooths it when it shouldn't be. That's where I think you'll see some problems, but
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Ratings and Reviews
Norma Rediker
I usually don't leave comments but I really enjoyed this class because it focused on the one subject. Learning photoshop can be overwhelming. The way he walked you through the whole process of all the tools and how they can work together to finished the job was very helpful.
Barbora Lobkowicz
Great class. Learnt a lot of useful tips and tricks in a short time. Thank you Matt!
Thumbs up. Very useful class, well paced and clear. Thanks!!!