Class Introduction
04:29 2Photo Basics
04:53 3Basic Controls: Auto Modes
10:42 4Basic Controls: Manual Modes
14:11 5Basic Controls: Back of Camera
25:33 6Back of Camera: Quick Menu
09:38 7Back of Camera: Play Back
05:07 8Left, Right & Bottom of Camera
03:35Lesson Info
My Menu Overview
Finally, we have My Menu. And My Menu is a great way for you to customize the menu. Now in this camera, I would estimate there's probably about 70 or 80 items in here that you can go through and use. But there's only a few of those, a handful of them that you're gonna use the rest of your time owning this camera. And what you can do here is you can go in and you can customize the camera to show just the items that you want. What you're gonna do is you would register to My Menu the items that you want to have, and then you can sort them. Let me go ahead and give you a little demo with my camera here. And I don't know that I have anything in My Menu right now, so I'm gonna go to My Menu way over here on the end. It's got nothing in there. So I'm gonna hit set. And I'm gonna come down- Let's see, actually, I want to register to My Menu. And now, I have a full long list of everything that I might want. Image quality is pretty close, pretty good I should say. And I'm gonna select Register t...
o My Menu. Okay, good. Let's go down, let's find something else. And I'm gonna dive deep into here, let's find- I want to get down to the setup stuff. Format card, I do that all the time. That's a good one to have. Let's find one more down here, and let's do Wi-Fi function 'cause you might be hooking your camera up to Wi-Fi. Okay, and we're gonna hit OK there. And then I'm gonna hit Menu and jump back. And I'm gonna hit Menu and jump back again. So now, when I come to My Menu, I have image quality, format card, and Wi-Fi function, but wait a minute. I don't want format card in the middle. I'm gonna put that down on the bottom. So, I'm go into My Menu settings, and I'm gonna sort these things. And so, I'm gonna come down here, select format card, and I'm gonna move that down to the bottom and hit set. And I'm gonna come up to Wi-Fi function, and I'm gonna set that up top, 'cause I want to use that all the time. And then I'm gonna hit Menu, and Menu again. And so now, I have Wi-Fi function, image quality, and format card. And I think you can select three more, so you get six of 'em in there. And so you can set this up for just the items that you use. Now, one other thing. Let's actually only go back into Menu, Menu settings. Down here, Display from My Menu. I am going to enable this. So now, if I am going through the camera, and I'm somewhere in the menu system, and I go back and I turn the camera off, and I go straight back to the Menu, I go back to My Menu. So it always starts here with your favorites. And chances are that you're only gonna have about six items or less that you regularly use, which means you'll go to My Menu, and you'll never even need to go through all the other stuff we've gone through in this class. You'll have the few favorite items that you use on a regular basis right there. And it's a very very convenient feature. I love that, because I don't have to dive and look. And I don't need to find all that stuff in there. It's right there, super super easy to get to. So I highly encourage you to customize My Menu for the ways that you need it. And it's just gonna save you time and hassle in the future.
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Ratings and Reviews
May Brown
Thank you so much John Gringo!!! This class was fantastic!! I have learnt so much about my camera an setting it up properly to use!! I am so grateful for taking your course. I will be looking into the starter kit soon!! Thank you also for the pdf manual!!! I'm so excited!! Its like you turned on a light out of darkness with my Canon Rebel T6 Camera!! God Bless you!
Myrta Rivera
I learned so much about my canon camera in this course. John is an excellent teacher because he shows you and demonstrates the functions of the camera so you can really understand it. I feel so much more knowledgeable about my camera now and feel more confident to take better photos. Thank you John!!!
This class was great! I've had my Canon Rebelt6 for a year and a half and now I finally feel like I know how to use it! He does a great job reviewing all of the functions of this camera.
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