Lesson Info
All right, let's, talk a little bit about lenses, so the standard kit lens with this camera is thie eighteen to fifty five lands, and this is a type e f s lens and explain more about that in a moment, but is specifically designed for this size sensor on the camera. This land's does have a stabilizer on it. Older lenses sometimes sometimes don't there's a mixture of which lenses have stabilizers and don't the stabilizer will use up a little bit of battery life, but for general hand held photography, I'd probably leave it turned on. There is a manual focus and auto focus, which make sure that is where you want to be. The big ring on the lenses for resuming the land's, changing the angle of you. If you do go into manual focus, you can turn the focusing ring. If you're an auto focus, you don't want to force this ring in the front. If you do force that you're going to hear some motors turning and it's not good on the camera, so don't do it. The filter threads on this kitt lands is fifty eig...
ht millimeters different lenses have different filter threats, but if you want to get a uv or polarizer or other type filter that's the size you would get with the kit lands. And there is an option of getting a hood or shade, which is a great device for helping block the front of the land so you don't have flair, ghosting and other problems also works as a nice little bumper every lands has its own unique hood, so do be aware of that and that's not the hood that fits all lenses next up. Okay, so and e f lens is designed for the full frame cameras and the f s lenses designed for the cropped frame cameras. So what happens with an e f lens is that the light is projected onto this large size sensor and it's a very large projection, you might say with an e f s lands it is a different design in lands which is designed to fit the smaller cropped sensors. Okay, so what happens when you upgrade and you take your current crop of lenses onto a full frame camera like the new cannon sixty camera? Well, it doesn't project a large enough image there, and what happens is that you get what's called vignette. Well, that's, actually, if you can mount it on to the camera, these f s lenses won't even work on the full frame cameras, but if you could mount them on their this is what would happen, and this is why they don't even allow you to mount them on there now if you do choose to get an e f lens and use it on your camera, it will work it does kind of overshoot you might say and sends a very large projection onto the sensor, but you're only going to be using the center portion of it so it does crop out a lot of what that I would see on a full frame camera so you can use them they're not designed specifically for it, but if you are thinking about upgrading in the future if you're looking at telephoto lenses there's not a lot of options in f s o f lenses will work just fine on this camera, so the basic lends the eighteen to fifty five that we talked about it's about a two hundred dollars lands. Now they have introduced a new lands which is not available on its own yet and it is available only in very limited packages as a kit lens with the camera it's a new eighteen to thirty five and it's what's called an s t e m lens which has a stepper motor which is even quieter and smoother and focusing for video and there's only two sdm lenses on the market at this time and so if you do I did want to use this camera for video shooting and you wanted to do continuous focusing this would be the lens that he would want to use for that kind of the standard upgrade lands from the eighteen to fifty five ad on lands for telephoto work is the fifty five to two hundred. This is going to sell for around two hundred twenty dollars, and is a very complimentary lends to the eighteen to fifty five. If you kind of wanted to step things up on the tele photo in, you might look at the seventy two three hunt, it gives you a little bit more range and it's built to much better construction. And so it's just a little bit more durable lands that are economically a little bit more durable and a little bit sharper as well, and the seventy two, three hundred is going to sell for around five hundred fifty dollars. You know, I could talk all day about lenses, but I'll just going to give you a few of my favorite lenses. Cannon came out with this brand new pancake lads, and this is also one of the s t e m stepper motor lenses and it's a pretty good a bargain at two hundred bucks. And I kind of call this a very elaborate body cap because it is so small you could just keep it on your camera all the time and your cameras ready to shoot on dh use that instead of a body cap on there. So it's a nice little lands if you just kind of want a very simple little linds now it does give you what some people call and awkward focal length it's around a sixty five millimeter lands so you could shoot people in portrait pretty good street photography leads I think if you are going to shoot people pictures maybe a better choice would be the fifty millimeter one point eight it's a little bit longer which is good as far as the focal inc and it's a little bit faster by a stop in a third and it's a bargain at around one hundred one hundred twenty dollars now it does feel like something you bought out of toys r us it feels like a toy it may not last forever it's got some imperfections but hey it's one hundred dollars so it's hard to complain about it and once again apologized for the photograph here but the cannon sixty millimeter lands eyes a macro winds designed for the f s lenses and so if you do want to shoot macro this would be probably the first one to look at. There are a number of macro lenses but this is a fairly affordable plan one at under four hundred dollars if you do product photography you're going to photograph little jewelry, little objects, art work things like that the sixty millimeter lens would be a very good lens for that ok, so we've got another little question and answer break here so we can dive into it's more things all right great and see a couple questions let's see oh effective flashes chicago time like I seeem knows a little bit about the tea for I he says it has a wireless transmitter for the flash are there other flashes uh than cannon flashes that would be compatible with this mechanism it's possible but I don't know of them if you do want to work with remote flashes with this using the built in flashes a trigger I would highly recommend canada because they have a system that is very good at communication there I'm sure there is some other system but they can sometimes get a little convoluted now there are on a separate note there are fancier radio triggers, but that kind of dives off into a whole studio arena of accessories and that's not using the built in flash if you want to use the built in flash, I would highly recommend the candidate I'm not even sure if there are ones I'm just guessing with the abundance of products out there somebody's probably making something but be a little careful in checking check that one out first cool just to clarify did you say that the s t e m lenses do they focus any faster? They focus faster in video video not necessarily in still photography? Okay um, the germany comments about el glass for rebel little l t l e asked that. All right, well, something I don't get into a lot in this camera, but in the cannon world, we have two different types of lenses. We have standard lenses and that we have the hell venice's and they have a red stripe around it. And there the oil comes from luxury it's the best that they could make in a particular type of lens, and you will typically pay in excess of a thousand dollars for in ellen's there's a few exceptions to that and I highly recommend ellen's is they don't make any l think about this for saying they don't make any l f s lenses, so lenses that are designed specifically for the smaller frame sensor they don't make any l glass. They're all designed for their full frame sensors. Awesome lenses, it's, hard to go wrong with any l lens that you'll buy, but you're also spending more than the camera costs, but they're good lances. Well, with that kind of goes into the debate of what is more important, the body or the lens, and it depends on what the problem is, you get to that later, right? Get fined for that? Well, it does totally depend on what you're doing. I like to have a product that is appropriate to another product I don't think that I would spend the money on a tea for I and then by a ten thousand dollars lands I would want to have a higher quality camera that works with that lens and so you can kind of stair step your way up through cannon and so the basic you know that the eighteen to fifty five on one hand it's a piece of garbage it's just horrible I would never ever go out and buy one because I know what I'm doing I have the money and I can afford and I can appreciate and I can use the better features in the higher lands when somebody is just starting out and I remember when I started out I had a piece of garbage at the time it was a thirty five to seventy so it didn't even have the range of that lands and it was good it's like a starter car is a kid you don't buy a sixteen year old kid a ferrari you know they got a fifteen year old honda card with two hundred thousand miles on it until you figure out exactly what you need that kit lens is fine and so I've got no problem with the cat lands it does a really good job you get yourself the camera is outclassing the lens in the kit lands at this point right now and so the lenses, the thing that you're going to want to look at upgrading next it as you figure out what's important to you you know, I think we have a question in class oh, fabulous um I was wondering if you can use the tele converters of the with the slower lens and if you can't wire, why could you write? So cannon has a couple of telecom murders double ear's oh, and they're designed for multiplying the focal length either by one point four or doubling the focal length and you can use the tele converters on this camera, but they are specific about what lenses you can use them on. A pretty good general rule is the telecom burgers, which are white in color should only be used with white lenses on many lenses they protrude into the lands and they won't fit and they won't actually mount on the lands. And so for most of the ones that you can't use it it's because you physically can't use it on there. There are some lenses where you can physically use it, but they don't get good results and they're typically lenses that are zoom lenses in lenses that are slower and apertura as you have mentioned and the problem is is that the focusing points? Remember how I said the focusing points across sensitive at two point eight well, you stick on a typical zoom lens, which is going to be two point eight, four, five, six and you lose a one stop or two stops of like the camera's not getting enough light to focus so the camera is going to struggle at best to focus and you probably need to manually focus. But what I in general, I would say is you only want to use tele converters to start with white lenses that are prime lenses, which means fixed focal links like a three hundred millimeter, two point eight now there's a a few minor exceptions like a seventy two, two hundred two point eight seventy two, two hundred f four might work. Some people have used it on the one hundred four hundred. I'm not satisfied with the quality. I think it drops the quality off too much. So there's. There is a little bit of gray area in there that technically it works, but you get poor quality. There is no easy solution to really long and this is a good question. We have a question from dan brazil if I have both a one hundred millimeter e f lens, any one hundred sixty millimeter f s lands on a one point six crop sensor will it be the same? No, because a one hundred and sixty millimeter lands when you put it on here and I'm not good at my one point six multiplication tables is going to look like a two hundred thirty millimeter lands and so the focal length is a focal length ok, so let's pretend like he that we're going to ask what he met okay, what I think he met or what the question the way the question normally comes in is that if I have one hundred millimeter lands online rob sensor on the well in the crop sensor it's going to look like one hundred sixty millimeter lands on a full frame sensor and I know I have just lost like half the audience right? And it is something that is fully explain in my class fundamentals of digital photography great and so I don't want to spend too much time three quarters of the people watching this they know exactly what's going on that took me a long time though to understand that concept but I did understand it in your class okay, another lens question from g man there used to be an issue with shooting on a tripod with a nice lands it he forgot to turn the us off to shooting on a tripod with ice on still cause it to vibrate and create a blurry image yes and so was a g man g man g man is bringing up another good point in this class we don't have time to address every photography issue and this is something that I really clearly outlined in my other photography class, but yes, they're correct if you're camera or your lens I should say with canada has image stabilization you should turn it off when you are working from a tripod and the reason is is that the lenses that move on this pitch in ya system are constantly moving looking to balance out your movement and if it's rock steady and they're moving around looking for something to fix that's going to be a blurriness that's going to cause blurriness on your image and so you should turn it off on a tripod and the need to remember to turn it back on when you take it off the tripod so we have another question in class. Yeah, I do a lot of architectural photography and wondering what would be the best like wide um lens to use your lens than you have right now? Well, canada doesn't make a lot of choices because this do you have the kit lands? Yeah, because we have the eighteen to fifty five to get wider than that cannon makes a ten to twenty two and so if I work for cannon, I would say the ten to twenty two is your only choice I mean, technically there is a fifteen, eighty five and technically there are some other e f lenses that are enormously expensive for how much white angle they're going to give you right, but since I don't work for anybody, I can tell you to take a real good look at the token a eleven to sixteen because it's a two point eight aperture it does get noticeably whiter and it's a pretty good lands and is less than a thousand dollars in less than candid wins. Thank you that ten to twenty two's my favorite lands that's all my camera yeah s woods asked, does the camera have a built in port took your flash off camera or is there a different way to do that with this camera? If you want to trigger flash units from the camera, you're going to have to hook in an adapter in the hot shoe so there's a p she p c adaptor there's a lot of generic flash companies that will make an adapter that you can plug in a studio cord to that you know, if you do want to get, say, one of the canon cameras off flash there is off camera shoe and I'm forgetting the number, but it sells for about a hundred bucks from canon it's like the o c three something like that on dso it mounts on here has about a three foot cable that connects under the camera so that you can mount, say, the flash on a bracket so that you can do this or that you could just hold it off to the side. And so that's, if you want a dedicated unit and the non dedicated pc unit, you're just gonna need to get an adapter, plug it in the flashing, which are pretty common, probably about ten or fifteen bucks. I think there's some third parties and make those yeah, a lot of their party's. Exactly. So question a question from rocks task. We talked about this a little bit, but who says I'm trying to learn photography with the six fifty d and the eighteen to fifty five millimeter so likely a new photographer, the fifty millimeter one pointing, would that be a good next step? The fifty one eight if you plan on doing people photography, that would be really, really valuable if your thing is landscape photography, that is going to be a very challenging lends to use on guy would look elsewhere, so it kind of depends on the type of photography because that's going to be a short telephoto lens and it's a prime lands so you can't change that. No, it does allow in a lot of light, so if you want to do low light work, it would be very good safe, you're going to shoot basketball and you're going to shoot right on the court right at the baseline so you need to be pretty close to sports action if you're going to use it for sports. So it's. A good general purpose lands. And at one hundred bucks, it could be a worthwhile tool in your tool kit for many years to come. So, in general it's, a very good choice. But you do need to know what you're going to do with it.
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Ratings and Reviews
I always loved photography and even did a 12 year stint as a correspondent for a local newspaper, back in the 35 mm/film days. In 2005 I bought my first Canon, a Rebel XT. I had fun with it but never really knew what I was doing. I would get a good photo about 1 ever 100 shots, just from sheer luck. I bought a Canon Rebel T4i in Nov. of 2012 and having never taken a photography class, have been fumbling along with it ever since. When saw John's Photography Starter Kit, I immediately signed on and loved it. I was so thrilled when I saw he had specific classes for specific cameras and dove into this class, head first! It's like a dream come true! I love John's teaching style. He's concise, gets right to the point and doesn't waste time on needless fluff. I just bought this course yesterday and have already finished it and am ready to do it all over again, until I get it all right. I even learned something with the first glimpse of his slides and the photos of the T4i...I didn't know you could open the back screen, turn it around and re-seat it and have your display right there on the back of the camera without it sticking out and in the way! This course is going to be a huge help in getting the very most out of my camera. Thanks, John!
Getting a lot better
I am a huge fan of John Greengo. John is pretty much my Elvis. I learned everything, and I mean everything about this camera,though I kind of felt john could have been a little more enthusiastic about the T4i. I shoot mostly video with 4k super 35 cameras in raw. I understand top of the live vs. consumer grade. My point is, I think this camera deserved a little more enthusiasm than I felt it got. Throw a high quality lens on this machine and it is magnificent. The T4i is only entry level in price point. The photos I've taken with L-series lenses are stellar. Video is very acceptable as well, even with the H.264 codec. I would't have gotten that feeling after watching the video. From a leaning stand point this series of videos is worth the price and then some. I would just hate for people to walk away feeling they bought a toy. They most certainly did not.
Frank Siebert
Excellent course and superb tutor. I thought the pace of the tutorials was perfect. I was particularly impressed with the coverage of the course, which was extensive and thorough. I liked the tutorial so much that I have now purchased 3 more of John Greengo's courses.
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