Class Introduction
07:30 2Camera Controls Overview
06:57 3Mode Dial Operations
11:57 4Creative Filters On Mode Dial
03:34 5Movie Option On Mode Dial
06:33 6Time & Aperture Value On Mode Dial
07:17 7Manual Mode Dial
02:59 8Custom Model Dial
02:36Top Of Camera Buttons
06:42 10Viewfinder Display
08:07 11Back Side Of Camera
03:40 12Playback Menu
04:47 13Playback Menu ISO & Flash Adjustments
04:51 14Quick Menu
13:09 15Left, Right & Bottom Of Camera
04:38 16Lenses & Front Of Camera
06:13 17Menu Overview & Shooting Menu
18:02 18MF Peaking Settings Menu
06:00 19ISO Speed Menu
06:54 20Picture Style & Sound Menus
11:04 21Set Up Menu
22:05 22Custom Function Menu
04:21 23My Menu & Playback Menu
10:56 24Camera Operation
07:35Lesson Info
Set Up Menu
Okay it's time to look at the setup menu, so throughout here we're gonna look at a lot of stuff that for the most part, it's not the most important stuff in the world. It's just little tweaks on background things on how the camera is set. First item, good example, when your camera shoots photos it needs to put all those photos into a folder. Do you want that folder to be a daily folder or a monthly folder? It can get a little bit cumbersome and cluttered on the card if you do daily, which is why I'm recommending the Monthly option. File numbering. The camera has a 10,000 count filing system that it uses and it will just continuously look at when was the last photo, what number was that? And add one to it and go on from there. But if you want to reset it back down to zero you can do that. This one is very important, the format option. I mentioned this when we talked about the memory cards, and so when you are done shooting you should download your photos off of the camera onto a compute...
r, onto a hard drive, back it up onto another hard drive. Then you can put the card back into the camera and format it. It deletes the photos, it deletes the folders, the file directory, and all the other stuff on the card that might get in the way. And so it's gonna give you a nice clean card for the next time you go out and shoot. If you checkbox the Info option, it'll do a low-level format which cleans off even more stuff from the card, and so typically I do a low-level format on a pretty regular basis, just to keep my cards clean and healthy. The video system has the NTSC and PAL option depending on what country and where you are in the world. Display settings, and so this is going to be for the M5, little submenu that we're gonna go in here, and so Display Control. Remember that automatic sensor that switches between the LCD and the EVF? Do you want to be able to do that manually, or do you want to let the camera do it automatically? I'm pretty happy with the camera doing it automatically, but if you do want to do it manually, there is the option, and if you do choose it manually then you can come down and choose whether you want the viewfinder or the screen turned on. Next up is the electronic level, and a little bit of a submenu in here. And so for Horizontal Roll Calibration, if it was off you could go ahead and calibrate the side to side movements of it, or the vertical front to back movements of it. Hopefully you won't need to come in here. I really doubt that you'll need to come in here, and reset those, but if you need to, you can. All right on to page two setup menu. The Eco Mode, and so what this does is it dims the brightness of the LCD after two seconds, and it goes to kind of a dark image, and then you press the shutter release halfway to lighten it back up. Now it will also do this with the menu system, and so, is that coming in here? Let's see, where's our menu system? Oh, didn't do it, but it will do the same thing in the menu system as well. All right so power savings. How quickly do you want the displays to turn off? One minute seems reasonable but if you want to save some battery, make it shorter. If you want to make it more convenient to work with in some cases make it longer. Auto power down. So this is when the camera actually kind of goes into a deep sleep mode. How quickly do you want the camera to power down? The previous one was just the display on the back of the camera. This is kind of the whole camera, and so one minute seems reasonable, but adjust according to your needs. The brightness of the display should be generally left in the middle, and sometimes you may need to bump this up if it's really bright out so if it's a bright sunny day and you're trying to show somebody photos on the back of your camera, it's just hard to see because it's hard to compete with the sun in brightness. So you can brighten it up a little bit but for judging exposure, if you're gonna do that, generally you should leave it in the middle. There is a special display for night work, so if you're out photographing at night, it darkens the display so that it doesn't harm your own night vision that your eyes adjust to when you've been out shooting at nighttime for quite some time, so normally you would leave this turned off. It's something that you may want to turn on if you like to go out and do nighttime photography. And it will dim not only the photos but the menu system as well. Time zone, simply get to select where you are in the world, and when you travel, rather than changing the time, you just change which zone you're in so that you're not changing the clock all the time. It's a little bit easier for those who travel to different time zones. Date and time, obviously can be inputted in here. In the format that you like. Daylight savings time is an adjustment in there as well. Language, should be pretty obvious where you're gonna want to have this one set. The beep. The beep is something that turns on when the camera focuses, and when the self-timer is firing, and it's for the most part kind of unnecessary and kind of annoying to other people around you, and so I always say make your camera more discreet, less noticeable. And so I always recommend turning the beep off. We also have operational volume, just kind of the clicking noise of things changing in the camera, and so once again just to be discreet, good to turn this sort of stuff off. When you first get the camera this might be a nice feature to have left turned on, because as you go around to a particular feature like AF operation, it's gonna give you a little bit of more information about what that feature actually does. Once you get used to what the camera does and how it works, you're gonna find this information just kind of superfluous and annoying, and in your way, and so that's why you'll probably want to turn it off after you've had the camera for a period of time. The touch operation will allow you to use the LCD screen on the back of the camera with your finger, and some people love it, some people don't use it and they disable it, because they accidentally touch it. There is also a sensitive one that might work depending on the size of the gloves that you have on. Under sensor cleaning we have a little submenu in here. Normally you can leave it on auto cleaning, and this is where it uses a little cover in front of the sensor, and it tries to use, uses an ultrasonic shake system to knock the dust off the sensor, and normally you can just leave that enabled which is perfectly fine. If you wanted to clean it now you could ask to have the menu, request that the menu, to clean it right now, but the other way that you can do it is just turn the camera off, and turn it back on. Now if you do need to clean your camera manually, not everyone feels comfortable doing this, but step one is very easy and pretty much anyone who has a digital camera should have one of these air blowers just to try to knock off any sort of dust. If it gets to be a little bit more serious you may have to use a swab and liquid system to sweep off any of that dust. Now if you don't feel comfortable doing that, there are repair facilities that will do that for you at a price, and so either you can buy the equipment, do it yourself, or pay someone else to do it. All right, page four setup menu. Wi-Fi connection, okay so here is where you get to hook up your camera Wi-Fi to a variety of other devices, and we're not gonna go through all of them, but we'll go through a little bit here. So you can transfer directly to another camera if you wanted to. You can obviously go to a smartphone. You could go directly to a printer, and Canon has some Wi-Fi printers and you can print wirelessly between them. You can send it to other TVs that have appropriate Wi-Fi connections, and there's also even web services that you can get and directly connect up to. And so, when you dive in here, you're gonna get into a submenu, and you're gonna have to start off by adding a device. And so what I want to do is I want to walk you through the basic setup and then we're gonna try to do it here in the class. I've got my phone here, and we're gonna see if we can set the camera up to do some Wi-Fi remote work. So, there's gonna be things that you need to do with your camera, and things you need to do with your phone, and a series of things that you need to do. The first thing you need to do on your phone, or tablet, or whatever device you're using is to download the Canon Camera Connect application, and this is what you're gonna be using to control the camera, so you've got to have that on your phone or other device first off. Next on your camera, you're gonna be coming right here in the menu system where we've been talking about, the Wi-Fi connection, and you're gonna have a device nickname. We're gonna transfer this device to the phone. We want to choose the phone and then we're gonna add that device. I'm gonna go through these steps here in just a moment. Let's just walk through the layout of what we're gonna do first, and then you're gonna go back onto the phone, make sure that your Wi-Fi is turned on, you've selected the EOSM Wi-Fi, so the Wi-Fi that's emanating from the camera, that's the one you're selecting. You'll need to enter a password, open the camera app, and then select the camera, the M5 or M6, whichever one you're using. And then you need to go back to the camera and select which images you want to be viewable on this particular phone, and then finally from there you can go back to the phone, and you can start controlling things, by shooting images on the camera, you can be reviewing images, making setting changes, and so there's a number of little things, and if we can leave that up on the screen, I'm gonna go ahead and try to hook up my phone to the camera. So I've already got the Canon Camera Connect down and so now what I'm gonna do on my phone, and I'm gonna go into my Settings. And first off I'm gonna go out of airplane mode, and then I'm gonna go into Wi-Fi, and I'm gonna turn this on, and so it's looking for Wi-Fi. Now I actually need to get it setup on the camera, and so I'm gonna go into the menu system, and we're way over in the last page of the setup, Wi-Fi connection. And the nickname for this camera is the M5, which is a perfect name for me. If I want to change it, I could change it, but I'm not gonna bother with that. What device do I want to hook up to? Well I want to hook up to my phone so I'm gonna hit the OK button here. And I'm gonna add a device. And it's gonna start searching, and let's see if I got something. Down here I have EOSM5, and so that's the camera, so I'm gonna select that, and I've been given a password up here, and so now I've got to type in this password. And so my password is one, eight, zero, three, seven, zero, two, one, and I'm gonna join, and before you think you're gonna go into my bank account, this is a temporary password. It'll be different the next time I hook my camera up. Okay so my camera is now, my phone is now hooked up with the Wi-Fi system, so I'm gonna go into the Canon app. I've got a collection of my Wi-Fi ones, got my Canon app here, opening that up. And if things go right which it looks like it did, getting a bad reflection there, you'll see my camera down here. Now this is the one thing that I found not very obvious. What do you do? Well you're supposed to select the camera by pressing that one, and you can see the camera changed over. Which images do I want to be viewable? And if I don't want all of them to be viewable on this phone, I could adjust it, but I'm just gonna say All images. And I'm gonna press the OK button, and so now, let's see. We've got our phone connected up and so now I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna do Remote Live Viewing. And so now I can see on my phone what's going on in my camera, and so if I wanted to get in the photo myself, I'm gonna zoom back a little bit, and I'm gonna take my phone and I'm gonna walk over here. And I can see whether I'm in position. It looks like, I'm too tall, this is a rare situation here. I'm too tall, so I'm gonna get down, smile, and take my photo, and so it's shooting. Took the photo, come back to the camera, and so now my photo is right here. This is my photo on the phone, and then I can do various things with this if I need to. There's a bunch of other controls in here. We're not gonna go into all of them, but just feel free to poke around and see what sort of things that you can turn on and off. There's various controls in here and we're not gonna bother with too much of them. Let's see if I can go back here. Images on the camera, I can go back and I can see other images that I've taken on the camera. And so these are a bunch of the other images we've been taking here. My testing of the camera, and playing around shooting with the camera. There's those boat pictures I took earlier, and if I want to download one of these photos, I can take this photo and I can say, hey I want to take this and I want to email this to somebody. It's gonna download it. Do I want to resize it? Yeah I think I want to resize it so it's easy to work with on the phone. And, it's saving that image now, and so I can open that in my photo app and I'm gonna disconnect from the camera right now, because I'm done with that. And so, let's see, where is my boat picture? Somewhere in here. Anyway it would download it, ah, there it is, and so there's my boat picture, and so now I can take this and I can send this off, and I can upload that to any of the services that I want. And so you can shoot photos with the camera and later, come back later and download it to your phone. You can use this as a remote viewing device. I'm gonna go ahead and disconnect now. I got it that far, it worked out, I'm happy with that, and so there's a lot of creative things that you can do by putting the camera in an interesting location. You could put it by a bird's nest or you could put a camera in a dangerous location that you don't want to be at. View it on your camera, take photos, download it, and upload them to wherever you need to. So, great feature to have, and it's on pretty much all the cameras out nowadays, and so you've got to go through a little bit of a rigamarole, button pressing to get it setup, but it does work and once you do it a few times, it'll become pretty easy. So that is your Wi-Fi connection system. There's probably gonna be some more settings in here, and so for controlling the Wi-Fi settings we do have some other little things that we can get into with this. We have more submenus in here, and so if you are using an NFC system, rather than a Wi-Fi system, you can turn this on, and this way you have a device that you just get really close to the edge of the camera, and you don't need to go through the password issues of getting it connected. It's a little bit quicker to get it connected. And then you can choose whether to have a password on this or not. Showing you the history and remembering what cameras and which phones it's hooked up with. Generally that's convenient but sometimes you may want to reset that by turning that off. If you ever needed to see the MAC address, I don't know why you need to, but if you needed to, it's in there. If you wanted to hook up with Bluetooth, and so we're gonna have very similar settings for devices that have Bluetooth rather than Wi-Fi. They work over a relatively short range, but it's just a low energy way of communicating data back and forth, and so it's good in different ways. And so generally I would leave this sort of stuff turned off unless you are specifically using it. We also have a pairing option if you are using the Bluetooth. I'm not gonna go through the full setup. On all of these it's a very similar system. And you can of course check the address on that if you need to. And so, with the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC settings, all of these sort of settings, generally I'm leaving them turned off unless I am specifically using them, because it does take a fair bit of battery power. If you want to change the name of the camera because you might have two of these cameras, you could do that. Generally not necessary for most of us. And then if you've gone through and you've made a bunch of settings and you just want to reset all of the wireless settings, you can reset all of them here. This might be the most useless item in the menu system, but it's there. All right we talked about the C1 and C2 options on the mode dial on the top of the camera, and so if you want to customize the camera to particular shooting styles, setups, and features, you can do that. By, set the camera up exactly the way you want it to work for whatever situation you want this to be. And then you come in here and you register the settings, and so what that's gonna do is it's gonna keep track of your metering modes, your drive modes, your auto focus modes, where your shutter speed is and your aperture is, and then it's gonna be able to register those into either the C1 or the C2 setting on the camera. And so if you frequently go between a couple of very different types of setups, this is gonna save you time and make things a lot easier, and make sure that you don't forget making some sort of change on the camera as well. So if you need those, absolutely get in there and customize those. If you just want to clear them out and you want to start fresh, you can use that as well. And so then you're gonna have a clearing option for clearing number one and then clearing number two, so you don't just clear both of them out, you clear them out individually. Now this is kind of an interesting here. The auto update setting, and so I have a bit of a problem with some of the custom modes, because I'll set something up for maybe fast action, and I decide I want to use ISO 400. And so then I flip it to the mode, and I've got it all setup, and I'm thinking, so 400, I think maybe I could use 800 in this situation, might be a little bit better. And so then I change it to ISO 800. Well do you want the camera to automatically update what C1 or C2 is now programmed as? And do I want C1 updated to ISO 800 rather than 400? That depends on the situation and so if you check this as disabled, it means it's gonna allow you to set ISO 800, but it's gonna go back and the next time you set it, it's gonna go back to that ISO 400. If you set it as Enable, as you make changes in that mode, that mode starts morphing and changing according to your needs, and I think that might be very helpful for some people. Leaving it on Enabled, so it really depends on how you work as to what the best option is gonna be for this one. All right, copyright info allows you to go in and add your name into the camera's information, and so you can type your name in there. It's a low level of protection for your photographs and for your camera, but if you own the camera, you plan to have it for a while, I encourage you to go ahead, put down some of your contact information and your name information. It'll get put on the metadata of your photos, and if your camera gets lost, at least it's got your name in the camera for at least some very light level of proof that it was your camera. And so feel free to put whatever you need to within those options. If you need to reset the camera, you've made a bunch of changes and you kind of want to start fresh, you could go through and you could reset all the basic settings with one click here. There is also lots of other different groups. I'm not gonna go through each one of these but there are many other different settings that you can go in here and read, for instance the copyright info, you could just delete all that information or the flash settings. And so if you want to selectively clear out a lot of your customizations, you can do that as well. The firmware version is the software that runs the camera, and so let's dive into this little submenu here, and so the camera has its own software. I don't believe this camera has had any updates. I think it got shipped with 1.0.1, but it's possible that Canon will issue an update. What you need to do is go to Canon's website, download that information, put it on a memory card, put it in your camera, come here to Firmware, and the camera will ask to do an update, and occasionally there is little errors or improvements that Canon wants to make, and this is the way that they can issue and update, and you can get it for free, but you do have to go through a little bit of work to update it. And so, as I say at the time of the recording of this class, there has not been any updates, and this is generally speaking, it's a lower to mid-level camera which usually don't see a lot of updates, and so I wouldn't expect too many, but keep an eye on the Canon websites if they do change it. There is also firmware for lenses that you can get depending on what lens you have, and so it's possible that there is new firmware for your lenses, and you would follow the same procedure for updating that lens software by going to Canon's website.
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Ratings and Reviews
Susan Clarke
John did an outstanding job explaining every part of this camera. As a newbie, this course is exactly what I needed to understand this camera. Thank you, John. Now, I'm going back to watch through 1 more time!
Michael Simpson
John Greengo is probably the best instructor I have come across in my short photography journey. I learned a lot about the camera, something that would have been difficult without the help of the M5 course. Thank you.
This course is so well presented. Could not be more clear or better. It is extremely well done.
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