Class Overview
09:24 2Photo Basics
07:09 3Top Deck: Mode Dial
27:26 4Top Deck: ISO
09:59 5Top Deck: Autofocus
09:32 6Top Deck: Flash & Focal Plane
05:42 7Back Side: Viewfinder Display
11:13 8Back Side: Live View & Movie Mode
19:52Back Side: Auto Focus and Quick Menu
18:28 10Left & Right Sides
05:43 11Bottom & Front of Camera
23:38 12Shooting Menu: Page 1
14:38 13Shooting Menu: Page 2
08:02 14Shooting Menu: Page 3
12:28 15Shooting Menu: Page 4
08:14 16Shooting Menu: Page 5
02:18 17Shooting Menu: Page 6 & Secret Menu
09:42 18Playback Menu
06:01 19Setup Menu
22:28 20Custom Functions Menu
28:13 21My Menu
04:23 22Camera Operation
10:40Lesson Info
Setup Menu
Next up is control over HDMI. If you hook your camera up to an HDMI cable for work on a TV, for instance, you can use your TV's remote to go forward and back through your photos and so normally you don't need to use this unless you are doing a slideshow that you wanna manually control. Okay, now we're getting into the setup menu and a lot of these things are things that you will set once and never come back to again. First up is Select folder. Your camera automatically creates folders as you go along taking photos and if you want to, you could create different folders, so, in theory, if you only had one memory card, you could shoot all of your personal photos to your personal folder and your business photos to your business folder, that way when you were giving a business slideshow of properties that you're selling or something like that, it's not gonna show you pictures of your kid's soccer game and so it's gonna keep those folders of images completely separate. Most people, I would s...
ay just get a second memory card, they're not that much money, but you can separate these things on the cards if you need to. The file numbering system counts from one to 10, and then just repeats itself over and over again and it does so automatically in a continuous manner. If you wanted to go in and reset the numbers to one, you could, and normally it's just gonna do it on a scale of one to 10, you could have it auto-reset every time you go out and shoot or reformat a memory card or put in a new memory card. I generally don't recommend that because a lot of people don't rename their files and they're gonna end up with a lot of pictures with a filename that ends in 0001. Auto rotate, and so on this one, you want on computer because if you choose it on computer, it's gonna give you the largest image possible on the back of the camera. Now, the downside is that you do actually have to flip the camera to see the camera, to see the image in its full size but chances are if you shot at vertical, you're gonna have the camera in the vertical node so it's gonna be very easy to see. The camera will then continue to rotate the images when you download it to your computer so you don't need to worry about rotating all your vertical images once you've loaded them in to whatever post-processing program you have. Formatting the card is something that you should do when you first purchase a card or whenever you inset a new card into your camera. If your friend gave you a memory card and said here, you can have one of my old memory cards, you would probably want to format it. You should probably ask them, are there any photos you want on this card? Just to make sure that you're not gonna be writing over any important information but formatting the card is something that you should put in as part of the regular process of operating the camera. For me, I go out and I shoot photos, I come back, I download them, I back them up onto a separate hard drive, I take that card, I put it into the camera, and I format it so that the next time I head out the door, I have a card that has 100% of the room available to it on the camera. By formatting the card, it gets rid of photos, folders, file directories, and other stuff that it puts on there electronically and so anytime you get a card from a different camera, on a regular basis, you should be formatting your card, it'll prolong the life of that card. Wireless communication settings, all right, here's where we get to get into the Wi-Fi functions of the camera and so the camera can communicate Wi-Fi with various devices and the first thing that you're gonna need to do is enable the system and then you're gonna go into the Wi-Fi functions to select how you want to communicate. You can communicate with other cameras, with phones, computers, printers, monitors, or out to the worldwide web. So, what we're gonna do is I'm gonna walk you through the basic Wi-Fi setup that you would do with a phone to use it as a remote control or to pull images off your phone and then I'll actually run through the demo in realtime myself, so, let's just take a look at my Wi-Fi walkthrough because there are things you need to do with the camera and things you need to do with the phone. And so, those are the phone tasks and the camera tasks. The first thing you need to do is you need to go download the Canon app called Canon Camera Connect and there's been a couple different apps in the past so make sure you get the right app. Next on the camera, is you need to go into the menu system, there we go, and you need to enable the Wi-Fi function on the camera, you'll need to enter a nickname, and then you'll need to select the phone and go to easy connection and note the encryption key. Now as I'm going through this list here, you kind of have to go back and forth between the phone and then the camera and then the phone. Now these items in gray are things that you have to do the first time around but that's the only time you're gonna need to do them and so it's a one-time thing. And then you go back up to the phone, you make sure your Wi-Fi's turned on, it probably already is, you need to select the 80D because it's putting out a Wi-Fi signal that you wanna jump on, you're gonna put your password in, you're gonna open the camera app, you're gonna select the camera, then you're gonna come back to the phone, where is it? Coming on up. Come back to the phone, let the phone know, yep, this is okay what we're doing and then you go back to the phone and then you can select to do the various different things and so I got my phone right here and I got my camera right here and I wanna use this as a remote viewing device for the camera. So, let me go through and see if I can memorize this, so we need to get over to our settings and wireless communications. So, the first thing I wanna do is I want to enable the overall Wi-Fi settings and we're gonna, okay, we need to have a nickname and then the nickname is EOS80D, if you wanna change it, you can, I am totally fine with it, so I'm gonna press okay. You can also use the touchscreen so it's a little bit easier to use the QWERTY keyboard here. All right and this is okay, so there's just a lot of okay button pressing. So, we have turned on the Wi-Fi system 'cause it says enable. Now, the Wi-Fi function, how exactly do we wanna communicate? Well, I wanna use my phone, so I'm gonna select the phone and press set. Easy connection, well, of course I want things easy, let's press okay here. All right, so now you'll notice this encryption key, so if you want my bank account number, here it is. Well, no, this is only gonna work for a few minutes, folks. I'm gonna go over to my phone and let's take a look at what I'm gonna do with my phone. First off, I am going to turn on my Wi-Fi and let it discover all the Wi-Fi systems here. Oh, look, this, 80D. 80, D. So, I'm gonna select that one and now it's got a password and I got to enter this freaking password, so, 4378 and then and if you're copying this down hoping to get into my camera next time around, this is a one time thing, so it's not gonna do much good. All right, so you saw that that kind of switched around there. So, what I'm gonna do now on my phone is I'm gonna go down to where I keep all my Wi-Fi camera apps down here and I'm gonna open the Canon CameraConnect and it's gonna turn on and hopefully, well, down here at the bottom it says camera not connected and so here is the 80D camera and this is one of those things where it's like what do I do now? Yeah, that seems good. Well, it doesn't tell you but you're supposed to press this and then it's connected up, you saw how that changed, we're gonna press the OK on the camera and hopefully now, if all goes right, we're gonna be connected. So, I think we're good and I'm gonna go into Remote shooting. All right, things are looking good. So, I can go vertical or I can go horizontal on this and so, I'm gonna simplify this by putting this in the program mode so that we get a decent exposure. Now, if I wanted to, I could come over here in front and I can look on my camera and I can see exactly where I am and I can shoot a photo right there and so you can shoot from a distance and there's a number of different controls that you can do from here. So, if we go into the little control panel here on the side, we can jump into the ISO and we can change the ISO to a different setting. We can change in our manual focus, auto focus, exposure compensation, we have a focus button and a shoot pictures button, we can see more or less information with the I button, come on I button, there we go, little bits of information, we have some different controls as far as how it interacts with the camera, we can take a look at our photos that we shot, let's see, where's my photo? There is it, down there. Come on. There's my photo of me and we can choose whether we wanna look at that or not. We can come back to the home button and then we can do other things. We can go into camera settings and change some of the camera settings where we can sync the date and time if you don't like going in and changing the time and daylight savings time, you can go in and change that here or if you're traveling and you go to a new location, your phone picks up the time, you can transfer that to the date, we can go in here and images on the camera, I can go see images that I've been shooting on the camera and I can pull in one of these images here and then if I want, I can delete it, I can give it a star rating, or I can, this image is not supported, well, what did I shoot there? I must've shot something strange in it, so, I can go through, I guess I took a lot of ugly looking pictures during this class here, so, let's see if I can download this image here and it looks like it just downloaded this image here. So, I can go into my photos now because I downloaded it to my images and there, come on, right there on my camera roll, somewhere on here, is that photo right here and if I wanna send that up on the internet, Facebook, Twitter, whatever I want, you can do that right there like that, so you can pull images off, shoot them with the camera. So, there's a lot of different fun things you can do and there's, as I say, there's different ways of using the Wi-Fi system with printers and video screens and other things. I'm gonna go ahead, cancel, I'm gonna go ahead and just kinda click out of this and flip these modes off and my camera will kick out of the wireless mode and you'll see here it's lost it's connection, I can go in and I can disconnect Wi-Fi and exit, okay, and so my camera's turned off and so, while the Wi-Fi function is very cool, in general, I leave it turned off because it can waste a lot of battery power. And so, it's a way of draining the battery in your phone and your camera both very quickly but I think it's well worth it for those special times when it's just the right tool for solving the problem, so, a lot of fun to be had in that mode for sure. All right, so, once again, here is kind of the secret page for what you need to do and in what order with what items and so those items, once again, in gray are things that you're not gonna have to worry about. So, the second time around is gonna be much faster in it's setup of things and in the world of Wi-Fi, I think there's a bit more button clicking with Canon than other camera companies but it is a little bit more secure, for instance, because they put that password in, other camera companies make it very easy to get in but it's sometimes a little too easy and somebody who wants to could potentially search for your phone and start pulling images off of it a little too easily. So, there's kind of your cheat sheet on how to get into the Wi-Fi system. And that's the Wi-Fi options on this camera. All right, page two of the camera settings. How quickly do you want the camera to power down? And this has to do with how much battery life you have and how quickly you wanna run through things. Next up is the LCD brightness and so this is something that you normally wanna leave on in the middle of the range so that you're getting an average brightness because a lot of us will be using the back screen for judging exposure. The only time that I will bump this up is when the image, I'm trying to show somebody the back of my camera, images that I've shot, and it's really, really bright out. In which case I might bump it up to six or seven just because it's so bright out. But normally you're gonna wanna leave this at four. All right, the LCD button on and off, and so, on this one, the shutter button, when pressing the shutter release, let me do a quick little demo on this for you. And so normally, remember how I like to leave this little info turned on so that you can see the back of the camera and so this is really nice just being able to see where my shutter speeds and apertures are but when I press the shutter release button, do I want this to disappear or not? And if I hold my eye up to the camera, I appear that I do not have this on auto, let me double check and now I have it on remains on, that's why it's not acting as I thought, I thought I had this, let's turn it on shutter release and so now we see it but when we press down on the shutter release, it turns off. Some people get bothered by this when they hold their eye right up to the camera, it's just some bright light that's right in there. And so, turning that off might be a handy thing for some people. Date and time, is gonna be where we're gonna put in the next one, just remember, your camera doesn't automatically update when you go to new time zones or when there's a daylight savings time change. Language, set appropriately. That's why they have a little icon there in case you get lost. You always can find which language it is. All right, you remember earlier we talked about the info, they have three different options that you can cycle through. If you don't use one of these options, you can turn it off. Actually, excuse me, this is the one in the view finder where you can turn on the various features that show up in the view finder as you're looking them, and so, the electronic level down in the left hand corner, there's a grid which is kind of close to the rule of thirds but not quite right and then there is a flicker detection and if you have the flicker turned on, you probably don't need to have the flicker detection turned on to warn you that it's a flicker situation because the camera will automatically fix it but it's one of those things that you might wanna turn on if you've turned off the flicker reduction and you wanna just manually go in and turn that sort of thing on and off on your own accord. You can hook up a GPS system to it. And so you can add the location information to each of the photos that you take but that does require a separate device, it does not do it internally. Page three on this, the video system, there is the NTSC and the PAL system depending on which part of the world you're in and this is just according to the video system that works for the TVs that are sold in your home country. There is a feature guide which are little helpful tips so that when you select something, there's this little window that pops up that explains what that does and it's really nice when you first get the camera but once you start to learn how to use it, you're like, I know what I'm doing, get out of the way, 'cause I wanna see other stuff on the screen and so this is handy for people who are getting new to the camera, they're learning the system, but once you get used to it, you'll probably wanna disable it, it'll be faster to just move around and not having the signs pop up on top of things that you wanna look at. The touch control, I mentioned the touch screen on the back of the camera can be turned off here and you can also change it to be more sensitive. Perhaps if you're wearing certain types of gloves it doesn't sense your finger properly and so you need to make it more sensitive and so set according to your own needs. I'm not a huge touchscreen fan but I'm not a non-fan either, so, I'd leave it turned on. Battery information will give you specific information about how many shutter firings that battery has had, the capacity at this level, and the overall recharge performance so you can know how much, how old or how new that particular battery is. Notice the info button in the bottom left. You can hit that and you can register different battery information so that you can kind of have a log of different batteries that you use on a regular basis. Now the camera, as I said, when you turn it on and off, goes to its automatic sensor cleaning system and you can turn it on and off in here if you want which seems like a terrible waste of time because you can just turn the camera physically on and off and do the same thing. The only real thing this is valuable for is for cleaning manually and so if you are one that is intrepid enough to wanna go in and clean it yourself, the first step is an air blower and that's something, I think, everyone who has an SLR, everyone who has an interchangeable lens camera, should have an air blower to be able to knock some of that dust out of their sensor area, outside of their mirror housing. And step two is only for the faint hearted, not for the faint hearted, I should say. It's a swab and liquid system and there's a variety of other systems out there, this is the one that I think is probably the best, most thorough quality, and the idea is here is that you put a couple drops of alcohol on the end of this special swab and you sweep the dust off your sensor and if something's really sticky or something just won't wanna come off your sensor, this is what the professionals would use to clean your sensor. The info button on your camera will have three different display options that it will cycle through as you press the info button. If there is one of these buttons that you never use and just don't appreciate, you can uncheck the box and you will not have to look at it anymore. I do find the shooting functions very helpful, I occasionally find the level helpful, and there's not a lot in camera settings that I use on a regular basis but it does have the time and date so if you don't wear a watch, it can be very handy for checking that bit very quickly. So, in the live view options, you can also control exactly what you see and so here it's just a matter of unchecking things that you don't want to see in the screen. And so, feel free to go through and take a look at the different options of things that you can and might wanna turn off. There's different size of histograms, you can choose the color histogram or the black and white one and how big it is in the frame for you to see. Some people it's more important and they want it bigger in size. All right, page four, multi function lock. This is the little lock on the back of the camera. How many things do you want it to lock up on the back of the camera? And so, it really depends on how you use and what you bump with your fingers and so forth and how you use the camera and so this is a very personalized setting on how you want it to lock everything up. The custom shooting modes. You remember back in the mode dial, the C1 and C2, and so if you want to have these setup for a particular type of shooting situation, what you would do is you would set the camera up as you would really want to shoot it. You know, if you want aperture priority at f/ with continuous focusing and a high speed motor drive, you would just set the camera up exactly as you want it and then you would come into the custom shooting mode and you would register that as either C1 or C2. All right, if you have not been paying attention for the last hour and a half in this class and you have just been messing with your camera and you want to clear everything out back to the factory default settings, you can clear all of the camera settings right here. And so, probably don't need to do that, at least I hope not. Copyright information allows you to enter your name into the camera and this is good for a couple reasons. It adds your name to photos that you shoot as part of the metadata and so if you were to enter a photo contest and they lost your name, for instance, they could actually look at the metadata of the photo and there is your name as who the copyright owner is. Also, as the owner of the camera, it might help you out in a stolen camera situation where you needed to prove that this camera was your camera or somebody found your camera and they're an honest person and they just wanna get it back to the owner, your name is in the camera if they are adventurous enough to figure out where it's stored in here but it's something that can be written over so it's not a permanent system. Somebody who stole a camera who knew about this could go put their own name in there but I guess that would be a good party trick is you can grab your friend's camera and put your name in their camera. This shows you logos that we all need to look at for long periods of time of, I don't know, people who did something and I don't know, it's there. Okay, sure. All right, the firmware version is the software that runs the camera and, from time to time, Canon wants to add a feature or they find a bug they wanna fix and so they will post on their website that there is a new firmware for this camera and so what you need to do is you need to go to Canon's website, you can look up the 80D firmware, go to Canon's official site, download the software, you're gonna need to load that onto a memory card and then you're gonna take that memory card and put it in the camera and then come here to firmware version and your camera will recognize that software on the card and it will ask you if you wanna upload it and it will take a few minutes to upload the firmware fix. This is not the type of camera that I would expect to see a lot of firmware upgrades on but it does happen potentially maybe once a year in a very minor sense of fixing some finer, very, very minor bugs.
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Ratings and Reviews
Ashley McCarrick
I bought an 80D so I could have a good all-around DSLR and I was thrilled to see that John just did this class. This is my 3rd class of John's and it was just as great as the others. I now understand what each of the menu settings means and which ones are the best for me. John is an excellent instructor, no matter what your photography skill level is. Thanks, John!
Justin Brodt
Awesome class!!! First watched "How to choose your first DSLR camera" and decide on the Canon EOS 80D based on my needs and what I want to accomplish in the future. I have ordered the camera but have not recieved it yet but I still watched the class. Even though I didn't have the camera in hand I feel that I have a good understanding and feel for it already. The class is very informative and I would advise it to anyone who plans to or has purchased this camera. Great job John!!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with all of us.
Scott Ace Nielsen
I just purchased my Canon 80D and also this course, and I am so glad I did. It is truly a perfect virtual owners manual that I can watch any time. John Greengo is am awesome presenter and this is the second course of his that I have purchased so far. ..Well worth the cost, thank you!
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