Class Overview
10:57 2Photography Basics
05:41 3Top Deck: Mode Dial (Auto Modes)
18:11 4Top Deck: Mode Dial (Manual Modes)
18:36 5Top Deck: Auto Focus
06:12 6Top Deck: ISO and Flash
06:40 7Back Side: Movie Mode
10:26 8Back Side: Viewfinder Display
12:34Back Side: Live View
03:56 10AF-On Button
06:49 11Quick Menu
18:15 12Wi-Fi & Playback
09:51 13Left & Right Side of Camera
05:24 14Bottom & Front of Camera
04:36 15Lenses
08:38 16Menu Overview
04:50 17Shooting Menu Page 1
06:25 18Shooting Menu Page 2
08:16 19Shooting Menu Page 3
06:44 20Shooting Menu Page 4
04:02 21Shooting Menu Pages 5-6
09:24 22Movie Shooting Menu Pages 1-3
08:02 23Movie Shooting Menu Pages 4-5
06:53 24Playback Menu Page 1-3
08:48 25Set Up Menu Page 1 (Wi-Fi)
13:39 26Set Up Menu Page 2-3
04:11 27Set Up Menu Page 4-5
16:33 28Display Menu & My Menu
06:43 29Camera Operation
09:57Lesson Info
Display Menu & My Menu
All right next up is our display menu we've talked about this a few times in the class, and this is where you get to change between the standard and the guided menu. For people who've taken this class you're probably wanna have the standard menu, for people who are unused to using more modern cameras the guided menu might be a little bit easier for the novice photographer. And so they have the shooting screen, then there is the menu which will is what we we've been going through here. Shooting screen is just when you're using the mode dial going around with that, or actually that's with the mode guide right here. The shooting screen is just the display on the back of the camera as you are shooting. And so as you change this mode buttons around it gives you some helpful advice. Once you know what you're doing you're wanna want to disable this, it's kind of tiring to have this little screen pop-up telling you what you're trying to do and you're like, "I know what I need to do, "you don't...
need to tell me about it." We also have a feature guide which is this little additional window of information, which is great, it gives you additional information about what that feature is, the problem is as it shows up right on top of stuff you're often trying to look at and can be very annoying. And so when you first have your camera, I would say leave this turned on for maybe two, three, four weeks, two to three months. And then once you kind of get used to the camera and the menu system you're gonna want to turn this thing off. And finally, we've gotten to everyone's favorite menu, my menu, and this is where you get to choose which items you see when you go to the menu system. And so let's go ahead and take a look at my camera, and dive in to the menu system, and we're gonna go all the way over to my menu, and I've got nothing in here right now. And so not only can we add items here, we can add tabs of information, so you could have groups of information. No I'm not gonna do a lot of them here but I'm just gonna add a few. And so if I wanted to add a tab, I would say okay, and then I would want to configure this tab, now what items do I want to have in here? I want to select items to register, I'm gonna press set, and image quality that seems like a pretty important one so I'm gonna hit okay there. And then I'm gonna find other things that I would use on a regular basis. And so I'm just gonna go through here and let's see, let's add let's see, bulb timer, interval timer yeah, that's a good one, I like using that one from time to time. AF method, yeah let's just add that one, and let's just go all the way through, see these are all the options in here so we've got a lot of different options in here. And let's add the custom functions and say okay. All right let's hit the menu and go back, and now let's sort these. Okay, so here's what was chosen, and you know what? Custom functions are pretty important to me, I'm gonna hit set, and I'm gonna move this up, there we go. And wait I don't know, I think I want intervalometer ahead of that so I'm gonna hit timer and I'm gonna take that up above and hit set. All right, I'm liking the looks of that so I'm gonna hit the menu button, and I can now come in and rename this tab if I want. And so what I can do here is I can, let's see if I can, I can move my cursor, where's my delete key so I can use the garbage can for delete, or I can hit delete here. And if I wanted to I could call this JOHN, and then let's get a number in here, call this JOHN1, and menu okay. And so now, I have JOHN1 as this tab of information. And so I'm gonna hit menu, go back, and so now I have JOHN1 as my first tab, and this one is my set up tab. So what I can do now is add another tab right here, and we could configure this one, we can add items, and I'm just gonna add a couple of items just I don't really care, just to show you what this does. So now I'm gonna hit menu to back out of this, and I'm gonna back out of this. And so I have one is called my menu here, now I could go in and rename this tab, and let's delete my name here and now I'm just gonna use my initials. JG and we'll give this a number two, maybe this is for landscape work or video work or something like that, and then I'll hit menu for okay. Ups, menu for okay. Dial it over, hit okay. All right, so now when I hit the menu button where does it go? It comes right back here into my menu in where I was last, so I have JG2 and JOHN1 and then I have a configure one, and I believe you can set up five tabs here of information. Now when you have the camera turned off you turn it back on and you hit menu, you're gonna stay right here in my menu. And if you configure your camera properly you will never need to leave my menu into all of these other functions over here. So anyone who says, "Oh, I don't know how to find that, "I don't know where that is in my menu system." they haven't configured their camera properly. And so it's a matter of sitting down and taking a few minutes, maybe half an hour organizing the features you want, moving them around, do the best you can, don't worry about trying to make it perfect, take it out on the field, shoot it, shoot it, shoot it, and then you go, "Oh wait, you know what? "I think I need these other ones grouped together and organized a little bit differently." But I encourage you to take some time, create different tabs, and just as an idea I have different tabs, I have like my basic one of things that I do a lot. Image quality, format, and then I have one for video. So when I'm shooting video what are things that I wanna go in and changed? Maybe it's image quality, maybe it has something to do with the focusing. And then I might have a tab for landscape photography, or travel photography, or portrait, or action photography that kind of groups all of those settings that are a little bit scattered throughout the menu system and have them all in one spot for me. And so that makes the camera much easier and much quicker to work with. It's a great way to customize the camera to meet your specific needs.
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Ratings and Reviews
Nikita Sokolsky
Must have for all 77D owners. Thanks, John!
Dara Pkyprek
Hello, is it hand-on practice or just show how to use the menu in the camera, plz B.R Dara
John Greengo
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