9:00 am - Product Overview
14:55 29:15 am - Photography Basics
06:31 3Button Layout: Top Deck
34:01 410:30 am - Button Layout: Back Side
28:26 511:00 am - Button Layout: Other Sides
11:38 611:15 am - Lenses
11:27 712:15 pm - Menu Systems: Shooting and Movies
32:34 812:00 pm - Displays
13:08Lesson Info
12:45 pm - Menu Systems: Playback
We're going to put back into the camera mouth and go into the playback menu so obviously things dealing with playback you could go in and protect images, it puts a very, very small safety lock on each year images you can still reform at the card and delete the images so it's not the safest way to protect your images you can rotate your image is if you're going to do a slide show on there showing up sideways on the tv screen, you can erase individual images, but that's the same as the garbage can button on the back of the camera, so not the most important thing in the world, but you can more easily go through changing lots of them next up. If you want to hook your camera up to a printer, you could do that. I'm not going to go in and talk too much about it. You can also do a photo book, and this is something where you would work with an e os utility to set up a photo album, and I'm not going to get into this either. Wrong image processing could be kind of handy if you shoot a raw image, ...
but you need to get a jpeg image out of the camera you shoot raw, you've been going to rummage processing and you can take a raw and make a copy j peg now this does not damage. It does not delete the raw image at all. It just gives you an extra copy of that one particular image. The second tab in this is going to allow us first option here is to resize our image, and so if you have a image, you can make it smaller. You cannot make it larger. So if you have a large j peg, you can resize it down to a smaller j peg that you might be able to email. Easier, good for maybe a photographer who's traveling who doesn't have access to their computer, and they need to create a small size j peg. Write in camera now, there's another feature that I thought was a complete joke on a camera rating you khun rate, how good your image is right in the camera so you can raid it from one to five stars. And I realized that this wasn't a joke when I was kind of stuck in a situation where I had nothing to do for an hour and I didn't have my computer with me, and I had just taken a bunch of photographs, and in order to make the best use of my one hour of time, I went through my images and I found the images that I thought. For the best and I gave him two stars and so when I got back to the computer at home I downloaded all the images I could instantly see what my first initial edit of the images and I just saved myself a bit of time now it's not the most efficient way to rate your images, but if you're stuck in an airport for hours and hours and make good use of your time, don't just look out the window you can also do slide shows on the camera or hooking up to a tv I'm not going to get into the specifics, but you can choose which pictures which folders what rating what pictures you show okay when you play back an image, the dial's on the back of the camera allows you to go forward and backwards the dial on the front of the camera the top of the camera allows you to jump backwards ten images or forward ten images, but if you don't like that you khun jump by dates by folders by movies bye still images or by the rating of an image so you're only jumping from three star two three star image so there's a lot in front ways to navigate your built in pictures next in third tab on the playback menu we're going to have the first option of highlight alert now highlight alert let me just show you what this is here so in this case, the camera is showing you pixels that are overexposed, and so this is something that you want to be really careful of shooting pixels that have been inundated with light and they're over exposed if you're shooting a bride and her dress is blinking white atyou, you better just adjust the exposure because they're going to want to see some detail in that photograph. And so it's it's a warning that you buy perhaps chance have over exposed next up something called a f point display, and what this does is it displays auto focus points over your image showing you which points were activated, and when we get into customizing the autofocus system, this may be helpful to leave turned on while you are figuring things out in the cameron so it's something that I could potentially see leaving turned on for a while I tend not to want have it on because it clutters up the view of my subject after I've been shooting with it for a while, but it just shows you the points that were being used to focus on that subject. Next up is what's known as the playback and grid, and this is very much like the grid that we saw earlier rule of thirds kind of ah boxy one and then the diagonal lines and so I tend to leave these turned off just because I'd like to see my images as cleanly as possible. The next option is what's known as history graham display, and what history ram display is normally when you get your camera, when you press the information button, you get a brightness hissed a gram. I like the rgb hissed a gram red, green and blue. I like to see the different channels, how bright they are, how dark they are, and so I'd recommend turning on the rgb. Hester graham just a little bit easier to see that information when you're playing back your movies, you have the option of the movie play count, which allows us to see either the record time or the time code that's. Once again, we're the serious videographers are probably going to want to be using the time code your basic people just wanting to record a little video here and there. The recording time, how long you've recorded for magnification talked a little bit about this before there's the magnified button on the back of the camera, and when you play an image back and you hit the magnified button, it zooms in whale it often zooms in maybe two times to start with and then four times eight times one of the options you can choose is, too. Zoom in actual size and that way it's pixel for pixel one pixel that took the picture is now one pixel on the screen showing you sharpest which is the best way for judging sharpness and photograph so I would recommend changing this to actual size if you do want to hook the camera up to a tv you can control the connection between the tvs with our control over the h d m I and so normally it's is something that most people don't do so you can leave it on disable and it's not a big issue okay, I need to grab a breath I want you just make up questions if you don't wear time there from all over the all over the words so well throw some out simcox always has some great questions hey says you mentioned folders can you assign a different folder? Teo each of the c one and c two modes prue a different folder to see wants you to know that's a very creative idea that would be kind of interesting that I'm trying to think on where they would set that up. The next thing on my list that we're going to talk about actually if you see it on the screen behind me is selecting folders one of the options that we can do for maybe those that don't know what he's talking about is that you can create different folders within one memory card now personally, if I had business and personal things I wanted to keep separate I would keep him on two different memory cards, but let's just say you could only afford one memory. Carter you only have one memory card. You could create a folder for your business activities and a folder for your personal activities and that way when you're at work showing all your work photos, your photos of your kids and your vacation don't come up and so you can create different folders, but you can't assign them to custom one and custom to know you can't stand it and think on that twice cold and phil from sacramento asked for sound recording to the volume meter and different modes work with external mikes. I have not hooked up a mic to test that out, but I believe it should. This is a pretty sure awesome in from the uk ass. Is there any information and play back that indicates which has or which was an hd? Our image? Um, put you two in the playback mode? I don't know let's do a quick test right now I'm gonna throw it into programme mode on just take a picture and then I'm going to go into the menu mode and I know that maybe turn around here so you guys can see what I'm doing, so I need to find where the hdr sitting in this and it's not available here because I'm in raw so let's change it over too j peg go back over to the hdr mode and will d'oh extreme three three stop not gonna work really well in here and we'll go into manual focus just to simplify things and so the camera automatically fired off three on its own it's taking a while the process because we got the red light on here so we have to wait wait wait ok now we're done and let's press on the information here's our exciting image sorry it's not any more exciting than that guys and as far as information yes it says in there hdr plus minus three so it says that we did a three stop hdr siri's perfect on that was just a single image even though the camera shot three pictures it ends up is one single image an additional notifies awesome well there you go in wei have a few questions about white balance jen be ass is it better to use a great heart for custom white collins a great card or a white card would be fine it's just has to be neutral in color and it probably shouldn't be black so anything between white and gray just neutral in colors that's the most important thing okay cool sam cox asked if large rod data is right off the censor what does the camera do too produce the medium and small fire raw files maybe he's thinking about j peg and what do I give up shooting medium or small raw images okay, so if you're going with him smaller medium rai image starts with all the pixels because it needs to grab the full angle of view and then it reduces the file size without throwing the color information away and so there's a few select times when you know you don't need a large file size but you might want all the exposure in color information for instance, if you were going to be shooting a catalogue and your pictures you just knew we're not going to be larger than, say, four by six inch print but you needed all the one and rob but you just didn't need a big file size it's basically toning your camera back down to a ten megapixel or five megapixels. No, I'm not sure if that goes back to the core of what his question wass but I was talking around the issue I think that was good sometimes I forget the original question and I just start talking thing and that's like a wonder if that address is what they had in mind it sounded right let us know if that answers your question if that's going to get going um is there a shortcut for exposure bracketing so you don't have to go into the menu yes, for exposure, bracketing it's just a dial on the back of the camera and so there's a number of very complicated ways you could dive into it to the menu system, but excuse me, exposure, compensation, exposure bracketing no, I'm sorry. Started golf on a towel in there. No, normally just this is exposure compensation, and so I don't bracket hardly ever, but I will sometimes overexpose, and then I will under expos it's just not automated, and so the problem the thing is, is that I can do it manually faster than I can go in and turn that feature on, and so it depends on your needs. Some people like it to be shot right off real quickly. Some people it's like, I'll take one now and I'll take one. Now I'll take one now, so if you're not too particular about it, you can just manually do it, but if you're doing it for hdr reasons, you kind of have to go in and do it on and having now that I've talked about it long enough, there is kind of a shortcut that you'll see at the end of the menu, which is called mind menu, so stay tuned for that section. I got two questions, one from you, light me, milton so you like me in milton canada does choosing color space like adobe rgb affect raw and then someone else wants to know what tripod you're using there? You know they always get a question on that. All right? Adobe rgb is what you inherently get in raw, so when you select raw you can still go in and selected and it doesn't have any impact on your images until you change your settings to shoot j pack and so with raw you get adobe rgb and this is a man photo which is now known or excuse me it's a bogan I bought it as a bogan, but it has the man photo and the bogan name they might get a close shot of it here and it's a three zero zero nine if I remember correctly it's got it right there and I don't know if they still sell it I've had it for a least fifteen years, but the nice thing is is that from my classes when I'm working on cameras and sometimes when in the field I just need a pretty stable lands and this is got an incredibly small ball head but I have actually put a three hundred two point eight lands on this tri pi now it's not the steadiest tripod in the world, but a lot of the other table tops are made out of plastics and they just kind of wilt under the pressure. And so this one. It really supports a lot of weight. And you can lock the camera. And as long as you're not physically going too far over, it can support the weight and put the lens in virtually any position, which is kind of nice.
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Ratings and Reviews
Emmon Scott
There’s a saying in golf that it’s the swing, not the club, that counts. I’ve found that true in photography, where the most artistic photographer I know uses a Canon Rebel and an old film camera. His stuff wins awards and gets chosen for big exhibits. As recently as this past summer (2017) he told me he MIGHT upgrade to the camera this course covers, the 6D. Not the newer 6D Mark II — this one. If he gets it, I hope he takes this course. Is this course relevant in 2018, six years after the camera came out? To me, it is. I’ve read the hype about newer cameras — and they sound great — but I like the idea of seeing if I can do more with the 6D in my bag. And this course has already helped with that, really explaining the options and techniques for focusing, techniques I’ve started using and that have impacted how I composed some shots. The teacher, John Greengo, is the guy I’d want to meet behind the counter at a camera store. He knows the camera inside-out and upside-down. In this five-hour class, he takes you through every button, dial, and menu option — judiciously skimming past things less likely to be useful and focusing time on the key stuff. He’s a smart teacher and this is a smart class. Other examples of things he spent time on that caught my attention: How to adjust this camera and shoot remotely with an iPhone. How to use "mirror lockup" to keep the camera still at slow shutter speeds. How to update firmware. If you another camera and John Greengo offers a Fast Start course for it, my guess is you’ll find it worth your time.
This was an awesome class. This helped me so much in learning my camera better. I am so impressed with all of John Greengo's classes. His level of detail in going over the functions of equipment and cameras is so awesome.... he always gives the best UNBIASED information.
John's style is fun, personable and professional. While I've used the 6D for a short while, it was comforting to learn a few tricks and short cuts. Also the preferred settings information was useful. Feel more confident that I will get better shots and be able to make adjustments more quickly. Don't expect any tips on situational shooting; lighting, composition etc. This is an in depth look at the 6D options, set-up, preferences and nice explanations for the choices. John's presentation was easy to understand, well paced and arranged with excellent graphics. One thing that may have been missing... the C1, C2, C3 set-up. This is a little different than the 7D. Recommended.
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