Lesson Info
Camera Overview
This is the cannon else one d x fast start and frankly this class it was a challenge to make through this camera is the most technical advanced camera that I've got a class on and it was good that I knew the five d mark three really well because there's a lot of technologies that are similar to that but this really goes way beyond it and there is a ton of stuff that we will be going through in very good detail and so hang with me this is not going to be a short ten minute video there is no way we could finish this in ten minutes we're going to go through things step by step because you know if I bought this camera I paid sixty seven hundred dollars I would want to know how to use everything on here and I may not use everything but it is good that you know how your camera works when you spend this sort of money so here's kind of the plan for the day so you know it's going to go on I got to start with a little overview talk about kind of the basics of this camera a little bit about its h...
istory so that you know why it is where it is we're going to go through the buttons on the camera which is basically all the buttons liberace and things from top to bottom on the outside of the camera we're gonna go through the displays, what you see in the viewfinder, what you see in the back screen of the camera, and then the whole second half of the class. It sounds a little boring in some ways, but we're going to go through the menu. Yeah, there's a ton of things that need to be set up in the menu properly for a lot of different people in different situations, and I'm going to go through, give you a number of recommendations and show you some some of the best ways to get the camera set up. And then in the end, I'm going to talk about some operational settings on how to set the camera up for actually use in the field. Now, one thing I forgot to mention that maybe krista can hold up is that this class comes with a pdf christi. You can display that they're in your best vanna white, and if you want to turn to the page that has the menu on it, one of the things that's kind of nice about this. Pdf for people who do purchase the classes. I put the entire menu onto one page you're almost there, which is kind of nice for people who like a quick visual reference to kind of look. And try to find out where everything is in the menu city and also put down some basic crescent recommendations in advanced recommendations. So that's a quick way to do it, because sometimes I'll take the camera and I'll look at the notes and it's just easier to look at the notes because you can see everything at once and then the final two pages of the outline have kind of the quick setup guide for how to set the camera in different situations for exposure and focusing, and so that might be helpful to some newer users. To the camera, I realized that this camera is a professional level camera and there's a lot of professionals watching who don't need help with the basics, and I have tried to alter this class and taylor toe a slightly more advanced user, so we're not going to be going through some of the basics that I do in my other classes, so with that let's move forward, first off this camera comes with a fairly hefty instruction manual four hundred twenty pages. You could easily spend fourteen hours reading it. There is information in this instruction manual that we will not be covering in this class, which is going to last about five hours. I'm kind of wiggling things down to the most important settings, oh and sections and so there is valuable information in the instruction manual you don't need to read it cover to cover but there will be things in there that you may want to reference when we get to some certain areas because I don't dive into everything that this camera khun d'oh as I just mentioned this class is not a photography class we're not going to be talking about depth of field and explaining that not going be talking a lot about shutter speeds other than simply how to set them on the camera and so if you are new to photography if you haven't taken a photography class there's a few that I could recommend you and point you towards but this is not a photography class this is the class and how to get the most out of this particular camera ok a little overview on this particular camera well if you are new to cannon you're probably not this is your first camera but welcome to canada they started nineteen thirty three originally they were known as kawana and that is their original logo which is the goddess of mercy uh and notice all the arms they were foreshadowing the number of buttons on future cameras I think uh they start canons started making out little range finders in nineteen thirty four what is kind of funny a little bit is that cannons used nikon lenses up until nineteen forty seven s so there was a mixture that they had to use in there, which I think is interesting. Their original single lens reflex cameras were not the most popular back there in fifty nine in seventy one, they started making professional cameras, and this is where some of the pros started latching on and working with cannon, because they also had a very good lens lineup that went with it. Now something important to know is that in nineteen, eighty seven, they changed their lens mt. And so if you have lenses pre nineteen, eighty seven, or you find him on craigslist or at a garage sale or you store, you're gonna be a little careful because they're not going to fit and they're not going to work on this new camera. You definitely want to get one of the newer yos lenses, which is their auto focus lenses. In two thousand, they brought out their first digital slr. This is thie, old d thirty three megapixel three thousand dollars camera. My how we have traveled since then. In two thousand one, they brought out there first professional dslr, this is the one d. This is a predecessor to this camera, and the fate on this image on the keynote here is kind of funny because keep an eye on the camera noticed the lands oh, and here we are at the one d x it's the exact same lens, so while we've gone to a number of camera changes the lens the fifty millimeter cannon lends needs to be updated and many people are expecting to see a new one here very soon s so that's our one d x and kind of where it came from in some of the basic history now as far as the one d x what is new and interesting? You probably already know this, but for those you don't cannon had two lines of professional cameras with one d and the one d s serious, so explain these more in detail in a second on this is kind of a combination to her cannon can simply say, here is our number one best camera for everything and before it's been too it's a full frame eighteen megapixel sensor some of the previous cameras had smaller sensors twelve frames per second with auto focus fourteen frames without absolutely incredible. I got some examples to show you a lot of fun to work with for anybody shooting sports a new autofocus system with sixty one points that's highly versatile and when we get into the menu setting, you're going to want to stay tune in because there is a lot of customization depending on what type of photography d'oh the top is, so is all the way up to two hundred thousand it's not good at that level, but it is good at a few steps below that and I will show you some examples of that in today's class, all right can video system stands for electrical optical system it's their auto focus lenses and autofocus camera bodies and so they have a full range of cameras, which is one of the great things about canada's. They've got a lot of different camera bodies, they also have a huge number of lenses they have well more than fifty lenses, but some of those air kind of old, but they have fifty and mohr really good, high quality lenses, and we'll talk specifically about lenses in another section of the class. They also have a very good flash system, which is another great reason to be involved with the cannon system. Oh, now, as far as the one d siri's of cameras they've been around for a while, or at least the one serious of cameras. They started back in nineteen eighty nine with the one kind of a revolutionary camera that would took a big departure from the previous cameras just a few years earlier. And so they had a few different versions of that in the film era, and then when it got too digital, they decided to break the line up into two different siri's they had be fast frames per second f ps and that was known as the one d siri's and this used a smaller size sensor and they had a number of different versions of that camera over the years. Then they had a separate siri's that was the one d s siri's and these were designed about trying to get as many megapixels as possible. And so these were class leaders when all of these cameras came out in the number of pixels that they offer now the one d axis tried to come bind the two of these and cannon really hasn't fooled me in some ways it feels more like it's a one d camera than a one d s camera because it's the first time that they've dropped the number of mega pixels in a camera from twenty three down to eighteen and so I have the suspicion that we'll see a one d x s with thirty or more megapixels in the near future, but we will see on that one also worthy of note is that now that these cameras shoot video cannon has come out with a new ceos one d c c standing for cinema and this has some special built in software and hardware for dealing with shooting video, which has some special applications we're not going to go much into that that particular camera cause that's a whole different avenue then what we're doing here, I'll be talking about the one d x now, when you get this camera, there is going to be a number of warnings about what not to do with the camera, you know, it is a professionally built, very rugged cameras got a magnesium alloy body on it, but she don't want to be stupid with the way you deal with the camera. It does handle quite a bit of abuse, but do be a little bit cautious about how you how to use it. One of the warnings that they have is it's, not canan, is not liable for damage if used with non can and accessories. And so if you spent this amount of money sixty, seven hundred u s dollars, I would probably get the official cannon batteries. In most cases, you're going to be working with canon lenses and cannon flashes. There might be an except exception from time to time, but I really want it mess around with aftermarket products to try to save a few dollars with this camera. There has been some cases of aftermarket batteries melting in, causing problems and damaging cameras, and I don't know that there's gonna be a lot of aftermarket batteries for this particular camera, but that can be true of other candid cameras, and so I would probably stick with the original accessories with this camera. And while this camera does have weather ceiling, they do state that it is not waterproof and cannot be used under water. So if yuhara underwater photographer, you will definitely want to get one of those nice housings as to more information about the weather ceiling on this, it is dust in drip proof, and it has seventy six seals around all the different openings, and all that cannon really says, is that it features whether ceiling surfaces and connection points doesn't say that it's weather resistant in a rainstorm for an hour. For that, you can shoot ah, football game for three hours out in a light mist. It says that it has this weather ceiling and honesty. It does a pretty good job, but there are situations where you might take it over the break, so if you are going to be in a really bad situation, you may want to look at some of the rain covers for it. If it's a light rain, I would agree about it, or if it's going to be exposed to water for a very short period of time, I wouldn't worry too much about it. It's, just those more intense situations and it's hard for me to say when you have gone over the edge, but it will become very apparent to you when that happens, I think. All right, this is the section of my classes where I'd normally dive into some basics of photography. And I'm not even gonna bore you guys with that stuff because I am sure that most of you have probably got all that down. But I do want to address one issue to make it very perfectly clear. And that is the size of sensor in this camera it uses what is known in the industry is a full frame sensor, and that sensor is the same size as thirty five millimeter film twenty four by thirty six millimeters. And this is what film photographers used for many, many years, but the one d siri's of cameras used a smaller size sensor. Uh, and so some people might be upgrading to this camera with a little different size sensor. So there's our film, our films are our digital sensor excuse may thirty five millimeter film we now know is a full frame sensor has a crop factor of one point. Oh, so all the lenses, they're going to act exactly the same as they did back in the days of film. This is what the one d x has its whatthe one d s siri's of canon cameras had on it can and also made for a period of time. An. A p s h sensor, which had a one point three crop sensor. And this is what the one d siri's. And this is kind of what that camera succeeded. I and in a lot of those photographers like the extra reach of having that one point three cents or on it, it did provide a little bit more telephoto capability for sports. It enabled the camera to shoot a little bit faster because it had a little bit less information to crunch down through the processors. But full frame gives us some better opportunities with low light challenge up the field. And we'll talk a little bit more about that as we go along. There are some other brands that we won't even mention their name here that use smaller size sensors in some of their cameras and then some of the more consumer grade candid cameras using much smaller sensor that has a one point six factor. Very good for burning if you're doing a long lands or some sports photography.
Class Materials
bonus material with purchase
Ratings and Reviews
This is a brilliant course. John explains the camera in a very detailled way. Really great. I wished to have a comparison of noise using different ISO settings and just a second later John offered that. Very good work, very helpful. Thank you for that work, John.
Maggie Buckley
John Greengo, you are a wonderful teacher. I can't say enough on how thorough you are. I truly enjoyed viewing this video and at my own time and pace. Thank you , thank you, thank you. Looking forward to my next class.
a Creativelive Student
If you own a Canon 1DX DSLR you should take this course. John is a master at explaining in easy to understand detail on how to get the most from this camera. I own one and John's course is the icing on the 1DX cake. I appreciate the amount of time and effort that he put into creating this course. I feel we are lucky to have someone so dedicated to create such a detailed presentation on this camera and others like it. Thank you John!
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