Lesson Info
1. Class Introduction
Lesson Info
Class Introduction
So there's a lot that goes into running a service based business and I think a lot of small business owners get into it because they really want to do work that they love. But the business side of things can be a bit overwhelming. My philosophy of running a really strong sustainable business is simplicity. Welcome to business management one oh one. My name is Tara Mcmullen and I have been working with small business owners like you for over 13 years now. I have helped thousands of business owners make more money and do it with more efficiency and more sustainability. Over the last decade, I also run a service based business called Yellow House Media. It's a podcast production agency And we produce over 40 episodes for our clients per month. And so this class really is my philosophy, my framework for how to run a service-based business that's efficient and sustainable and fun to run so that you can really focus on doing the work that you love. Now, our goal in this class is to create a ...
blueprint for your successful, sustainable and easy to run service business. And we're going to break that down piece by piece by piece, so that by the end of the class you have that bird's eye view on what it really takes to run a strong service based business. Now, I know that all of us want to do work that we love, We want to do work, that we're excited about work that feels like it's making a difference. Like it's making an impact in people's lives and we want to do work that we feel skilled at talented at that work requires some other work as well. It requires the work of running a business and there's a lot that goes into that, there's a lot of administration, there's a lot of maintenance work, there's a lot of strategy and this class is really going to break that down so that by the end of this class you have a great perspective on how to do that work work in a way that feels really good to you so that it's part of the work that you love and not just something you have to do on the side. I'm talking about things like project management, invoicing crafting proposals, really just managing the business as a whole. Hopefully my goal for you is that you're going to be excited about that work. Maybe not quite as excited as you are about the work that you really love, but but I think you can still get that sort of jolt of, I'm in control, I know what I'm doing and this class is going to help you do exactly that. Now this class is for you, if you're just getting started with your service business and you kind of want a bird's eye view of how a great business works from start to finish. You know, there's a lot of resources out there on marketing or on how to use social media or how to automate different processes. Those classes are great. Those resources are great, but there's often a kind of a hole in our learning about business. That is that sort of bird's eye view. So this is going to give you that this class is also for you, if you're an experienced service provider who's sort of feeling like maybe you're making it up still as you go, you feel confident in the work that you offer in the work that you really love doing, but you don't feel as confident in the overall running of the business. This cause is also for you, if you are ready for much more upside, more free time, more flexibility, more money and for less guess work, you're going to feel in control by the end of this class or you're going to feel like you've got a plan to get in control by the end of this class. So here's a look at where we're headed. I mentioned that Bird's eye view. This really is that Bird's eye view. I believe a strong, sustainable service based business really is made up of three components. The first is personal and social sous ability. We'll talk more about what that means, but baseline, it means that your business is taking care of you and is contributing to your community. The second piece is operational sustainability. Again, we'll dig into exactly what that means. But bottom line, it means that your business runs well, that it's efficient, that it feels smooth and sustainable and then fine, of course, financial sustainability, this is making sure that what you're selling is making you the money that you want to make the money that you need to make and that it's taking care of the future of the business as well. So we're going to dig into those three different parts and then also the components of what makes each of those parts work as we go throughout the class, there is a workbook for this class which also include an assessment that you can use to sort of understand where you're at right now with those three components of a strong sustainable business. Plus guides for moving through the rest of the class. So, if you haven't downloaded that yet, download it, printed out, get a pen or pencil ready and dig in. Here's a rundown of where we're headed in the class first, we're going to talk more about that sustainable business framework. Our second lesson is all about proposals and how to put together a proposal that wows without having to over promise. Third, we're going to look at contracts and how you can start a client relationship off on the right foot with a great contract. Fourth, we're going to talk about staying on track project management, making sure all of those two DUIs get done in the right time and with the right efficiency. Our fifth lesson is all about getting paid invoicing and making sure that that all happens in a way that's not just about getting you paid today, but really thinking about the future of getting you paid and getting the business paid. And then finally, in lesson six, we're going to wrap it all up and take a 360 degree view of your small business. So with that, let's get started on your sustainable business framework.
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