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Your Product Photography Checklist

Lesson 8 from: Build an Etsy Storefront That Sells

Lisa Jacobs

Your Product Photography Checklist

Lesson 8 from: Build an Etsy Storefront That Sells

Lisa Jacobs

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8. Your Product Photography Checklist

Lesson Info

Your Product Photography Checklist

So let's look a product photography checklist. Things that you can do right now to start to make a list of things that you can improve. I'm gonna walk you through the questions here real quick and you can write them down and you can pull up one of your product listings that you have right now and start to just think to yourself the changes that you can make. So first question, is the product the main focus in the picture? Is it the main focus? And we get staging is a big thing right now. The popularity of Instagram is a big thing right now, so everybody's staging, and staging is fun. But make sure if you do stage a photograph that the product stays front and center. That the product is the main focus. Does your product, question two. Does your product stand out as the focal point, and can you immediately tell what it is? That's a big question, like I said with blankets, if you get up on top of a blanket and you take a picture of the top fold of a blanket, what's for sale there, I don't...

know. It could be a fabric, it could be a baby blanket, it could be a king sized blanket. You have no idea, but that's what good product photography should do. It should be able to, your visitors should know immediately what the product is and/or what it does. The next question you're gonna ask in your product checklist is is your picture bright and clear? Is it clean and uncluttered? Either of those things is gonna distract. It's going to distract your visitor, distract the buyer. Is it interesting? Does it make you wanna click? Is it appealing? If it were a standalone item, if it were in an art booth, would it pull you from across the room? That's important too, and if your message is consistent, if you use those three adjectives you named to describe your brand, it will do that. It's speaking for you. Your product photography should speak for you, and that leads me to the next question, does that product match the shot? Does that product photography represent the brand message that you've been sharing? Because it's your job to be one brand, one message, and be that consistently. Is your product photography doing that for you? And last question, does that product make sense with the other listings? Do your items make sense, and do they belong together in the same shot? Is the same customer buying all of the different products you have? Will they love everything? Will they wanna keep adding to cart once they get there?

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Build a Storefront That Sells by Lisa Jacobs
How To Beat The Overcrowded Market Guide

Ratings and Reviews


Overall, I thought this presentation was filled with lots of useful information about creating an Etsy store. I am new to Etsy so this was a good introduction to a lot of things I did not know that... I needed to learn about. I also pricked up a lit of good tips especilly from the QAs. However, the organization of the presentation was a little confusing. The slides noted general topics but the lecture tended to meander. I found myself writing a lot down but I will have to go back later and try to re-organize my notes to put everything together. I viewed a free broadcast so I did not have the course materials to use as a guide.


Please have Tim Adam from Handmadeology come teach a class or two or three. That was the best part of this class! Seems like the 3 classes that Lisa teaches could be combined into a two day class. So much repeat info between the classes. Time is valuable when you are an entrepreneur. Basic info is out there...focus on the next level info to present.

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