Introduction to Workshop
04:31 2The Anatomy of a First Impression
15:24 3The Truth About Online Business
06:18 4Etsy is a Tool For Your Business
10:30 5What is Shop Cohesion?
11:57 6Common Etsy Mistakes to Avoid
13:52 7Product Photography Overview
46:09 8Your Product Photography Checklist
02:58How to List Titles Properly
12:38 10Shop Cohesion Checklist
05:39 11Examples of Best-Selling Etsy Shops
22:32 12Get Your Shop Found On Etsy with Tim Adam
13:21 13Etsy Shop Critiques with Lisa and Tim
1:00:15 14The Etsy Buying Process
07:42 15Copywriting for Etsy
15:56 16Find Your Ideal Customer
13:11 17How to Stand Out On Etsy
09:04 18Find New Customers For Your Etsy Shop
20:39Lesson Info
Shop Cohesion Checklist
We're gonna walk through the shop cohesion checklist, and so what we've done so far is we've taken apart all of the elements of a first impression, and we've broken them down to why they're working and how to improve them. And so this is the overall, when you land on a Web site, things that you can do, the shop cohesion checklist, so things that you can focus on or things that you can pay attention to in order to get, to improve and enhance and do it in your own brand message. So can I immediately make sense of what I'm seeing? Oh, I suggest that you open up your Etsy storefront. For those of you at home, it's a great time to self-critique. I'm gonna walk you through a self-critique, so have your own storefront pulled up and look at it while I start to ask these questions. And if you can, one thing that I suggest, one thing that I love is that people choose a role model, and if you have an Etsy shop that you love or an Etsy shop that you see really doing well, that you are always looki...
ng at, and you're always admiring how they do what they do, I like to compare those side by side, so that when I answer the question for myself, I can compare it to another storefront that I know is doing really well. That's not about replicating that store's style, but it's more about looking into the details that I don't know yet. They know something I don't, and I want to learn what it is. So I'm looking for the clues that will help me establish my storefront better. So, can I immediately make sense of what I'm seeing? That's the first impression that you want to get, and think from the visitor. If ever you start to voiceover that first impression when you're doing this self-critique, meaning, if ever you say, "Yes, those products are all in line. "I can see that one's a little bit off, "but if you look at this," and you start talking, I have clients that do that. When I pull up their shop, they'll start talking over my shoulder to explain what I'm seeing on the screen. If you ever do that in a shop critique, red flag. Stop right there. Everything that you're saying needs to be worked on so it's expressed visually without a voiceover 'cause you don't get to voiceover your visitors' clicks. So, it should be instantaneous understanding. Can I immediately make sense of this? What's on offer? And then, does that shop feel uniform? Is it seamless to the eye, or is your eye jarred around, or does it go dark and light, or close up and then far, far away? Do I get a clear sense of style? That's question number three, if I'm going too fast. Can I make immediate sense of what I'm seeing? Does this shop feel uniform and seamless? That's number two, and number three, do I get a clear sense of this seller's style? If you can detach yourself and look at your own shop, it's a great way to do. Can I get a clear sense when I land here? Although it's hard, because if you're anything like me, you love your own storefront, and you love to gaze at it. Can I immediately imagine using that product, is the number four question. Can I immediately imagine putting that to use? Do I have a really good sense of what it would be like in my life? Can I navigate my way around, next question. Do I know where to click? That's a big thing because sometimes we try to rely on categories, and we organize things by categories and list it however in the storefront. On Etsy, how often do you use categories? People say, "I'm gonna categorize it. "I'm gonna put it this." We expect customers, and we expect visitors to invest so much more time than we would ever invest if we were clicking around. I mean, when was the last time you used categories in the page? I've used them occasionally, but only when there's a lot to organize or when I'm looking for specific items. And I want to just say this too. I've never gone to a jewelry store and used categories in that way, but I've been lately shopping a lot for paper planner-type stuff, and I'll use categories to find my way. It's not the first thing I'm doing. It's definitely not the thing that's gonna get me to stick there, but make sure if a customer would naturally come to your storefront and need to find something that you have set it up that they can navigate, that your categories are clear and exactly answer what they're looking for. And then, do those categories make sense and not overwhelm them or get too detailed? In the next segment, we're gonna be talking about making your shop very SEO-friendly, and we're gonna have an expert guest who's gonna help us do that. And categories are one of the things that are important, that are a good read on SEO. Categories are read by SEO means, so not only should they make sense, like, don't get too clever there, but also don't get too generic. Put in there search terms that people would actually be looking for. And then finally, does each element of the shop match? Does the banner match the products? Does the profile match the banner? Does everything look like it belongs together? That's really important. That's a big thing for shop cohesion.
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Ratings and Reviews
Overall, I thought this presentation was filled with lots of useful information about creating an Etsy store. I am new to Etsy so this was a good introduction to a lot of things I did not know that... I needed to learn about. I also pricked up a lit of good tips especilly from the QAs. However, the organization of the presentation was a little confusing. The slides noted general topics but the lecture tended to meander. I found myself writing a lot down but I will have to go back later and try to re-organize my notes to put everything together. I viewed a free broadcast so I did not have the course materials to use as a guide.
Please have Tim Adam from Handmadeology come teach a class or two or three. That was the best part of this class! Seems like the 3 classes that Lisa teaches could be combined into a two day class. So much repeat info between the classes. Time is valuable when you are an entrepreneur. Basic info is out there...focus on the next level info to present.