Choosing the Channels That Matter
Lesson 3 from: Build a Social Media Plan That Actually Makes MoneyRyan Deiss

Choosing the Channels That Matter
Lesson 3 from: Build a Social Media Plan That Actually Makes MoneyRyan Deiss
Lesson Info
3. Choosing the Channels That Matter
Class Introduction
16:44 2Why You Need a Social Plan
09:55 3Choosing the Channels That Matter
08:15 4The Five Step Social Profits Plan Overview
03:14 5Step One: Identify Your Purpose
03:57 6Step Two: Develop Your Content
13:16 7Step Three: Engage with Your Audience
07:46 8Step Four: Measure Your Results
07:35Step Five: Amplifying Through Advertising
26:42 10Chat Bots, Messenger & Conversational Marketing
13:35 11What Is Conversational Marketing?
09:56 12The Tools You'll Need
06:49 13Strategy One: Page To Chat
10:19 14Strategy Two: Email To Chat
08:45 15Strategy Three: Ad To Chat
03:51 16The Five Critical Questions
13:26 17Final Thoughts and Next Steps
09:44Lesson Info
Choosing the Channels That Matter
What I wanna talk about right now, though, is how do you choose the channels that actually matter. Which channels should matter to you? There's new social channels popping up all the time, not as many now as there were during the wild, wild west. But really these are the big seven. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, and our new pal, Snapchat. These are the big seven. When you are building a social plan, these are generally the ones that you should consider. Now I realize in some niche markets, they'll have their own social channels. I realize that certain forums and groups can also be social. Obviously factor those in. These are the biggies, though. So let's kinda talk about all of them. Facebook is obviously the 800 pound gorilla. Two billion users and counting. I know that a lot of people are saying that oh, but people are leaving Facebook. By the dozens. What if they left by the tens of thousands, they've got two billions users. I don't know about you, but I...
'll have friends that declare I'm done with Facebook, I'm off of Facebook, and they're back in like two weeks. Right? I mean, come on. It's fine. Everyone and their mom and their mom's mom literally is on the platform. It's best for reaching millennials and Gen X'ers. Sorry, not Get X'ers. Millennials and Gen X'ers. Believe it or not, Generation X spends nearly seven hours a week on social. That's where they are, that's where they're hanging out. That mirrors a lot of the TV viewing that we were seeing in the past. I know, depending on who you talk to, I was born in 1980, so I'm either a millennial or a Gen Y or a Gen X, and some people put me in this other bizzaro category that I learned about. But I know that in general, for my, that's probably about right. That's probably about right. So I don't believe that a social plan today can ignore Facebook. I think Facebook is on every single business brand's social plan. Instagram. This to me is truly the up and comer. This is the one, and people will be like, Instagram's been around forever. I know Sue B. Who teaches a Creative Live class who's amazing has been talking about Instagram for a long time. Something interesting happened in the last 12 months. My mom started talking about Instagram. Young professional, 90% of users today are under 35. That's changing quick, fast, and in a hurry. It's the fastest growing social platform because people not 35 and under are beginning to come online. It's owned by Facebook, so advertising is easy. By the way, a lot of this grown isn't because people are discovering Instagram of their own volition. It's because Facebook has made it so easy to publish to both platforms. This is a biggie. It's brand friendly. 53% of users follow a brand of some sort on Instagram. 53%. So it is kinda by design a little bit more commercial in nature. LinkedIn. Let's talk about the B2B giant. It's kinda just, I mean it's great for targeting professionals, but again, it's just got a lot of humans there. It really is amazing. Generally higher income, 45% of users earn $75,000 a year or more. That incidentally is why advertising on this platform is more expensive. And just like Facebook, that's why I've got this bullet point again, it is great for reaching millennials and Gen X'ers. It is really good for reaching that same target audience. It is, I believe that LinkedIn is what Facebook was about five years ago. Also this is one of the few places were organic reach still works. It truly, if you take where Facebook was, you kinda turn the clock back, a lot of those same advantages still exist on LinkedIn. There's not as many cat videos that you have to breakthrough the clutter on. But it's not just professional stuff. It's people talking about general growth and stuff that's interesting to them. It's just a little more professional. Great opportunity. Again I believe pretty much every social plan should also involve a LinkedIn strategy. And then there's Pinterest, which is phenomenal if you've got anything eCommerce or retail related. Skews 30 something and female. It has the highest half-life for posts in any social platform. You post on Pinterest, and it's gonna be around for a while. People are gonna see it for a while. Compared to like two and a half seconds on Twitter or something like that. It's really, really, really great for commerce. Lots and lots and lots of consumer intent. We do, we have a number of eCommerce properties, Pinterest is one of our highest converting channels of going directly from social into somebody buying. And then of course, YouTube. It's second largest engine next to Google. It's now were people go to learn things and figure stuff out. It's great for how to and entertainment content. And it's TV so the audience is kinda everyone. You can find just about any audience you wanna reach on YouTube. I would argue that it's not a pure social play though. Yes, there is commenting. But I believe it's more a distribution, and that's not to knock it as a channel. I think it still needs to be an aspect of your plan and an aspect of your strategy, but it's not social in the way that social is social, if that makes sense. Then there's Twitter. God bless Twitter. Organic reach is pretty much non-existent unless you're a really big brand, if you're a celebrity, organic reach is basically gone. 53% of users never post, they're just lurking around. Users spend less than three minutes a day on the app. I believe where Twitter is today, it's more of a social listening. It's more for customer care. You need to be there when you're people start yelling at you. How many of you, the only time you go on Twitter is to yell at an airline? Be honest. (audience laughing) Right. You just go on Twitter to yell at an airline. That is the primary use case of Twitter today. You're going online to yell at something and take, that's why you gotta be there. But in terms of Twitter as a pure social, this is how I'm gonna get reach and awareness and figure it out, unfortunately, it's not there yet. I hope they can make it work with their new app platform, but it just isn't there yet. I think it's more of a social listening than an outbound reach play. And the new kid on the block, Snapchat. Skews very, very young. It's worth getting in early if you have the resources to do so, or if your audience also skews very young. I can tell you, and I say this with experience, if your target market is old angry white guys, you can probably ignore it. In our markets that truly do target those, they're not here. So the big lesson is don't follow and don't rush after the channels and the platforms that you're really excited about. Don't rush after the channels and the platforms that your fellow marketers and your fellow social media enthusiasts are really excited about. I love Gary Vaynerchuk. He's a friend of mine. Don't rush after the platforms that Gary's most excited about. Okay? Rush into and get excited about the channels and the platforms that your customers are excited about. It cracks me up when people talk about Facebook isn't relevant anymore because that's where all the old people are now. Oh, I get it. You mean all the people with like money? Yeah, who wants to be there? I don't wanna be uncool. Like dur da dur da dur, no I wanna be where the cool kids are. You know, the ones who are broke. (audience laughing) Have like $600 credit limits. No. You want to, if you're here and we're talking business, right? They say in Hollywood it's not show friends, right? It's show business. You're not here to make friends and build up your following and to get all, you're here to turn this awareness and this attention these channels have aggregated for you into traffic, leads, and sales for your business. So go where your customers are. Fall in love all over again with the channels that they love. Don't chase the gurus, don't chase the next thing, listen to your customers and where they are, and those are the channels that are gonna be the most meaningful to you.
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Ratings and Reviews
Cat in the Moon Photo
This class was phenomenal! Ryan was incredibly engaging and kept the subject matter easy to understand, even for someone who is quite new to all of this. I loved that even though the class is about social media, he brought everything back to the importance of human interaction. I highly recommend buying this class if you need a kick in the butt to get going on social media but don't know where to start.
Reichel Neil
Great class! Once again Creative LIVE has delivered excellent material which can be applied immediately.
Micayla Cathleen Short
This class was incredibly helpful. It helped break down the kind of content to post, how to get users to engage with our content, which platforms we should utilize, etc. Much appreciated! :)
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