Class Introduction
04:03 2Intro to Youtube Advertising
11:45 3Targeting Your Customer
17:00 4Rapid Research
11:10 5Two Types of Video Advertisements
07:52 6The Aducate Formula
15:25 7Video Production Tips
16:53 8Getting Your Accounts Setup
08:37Lesson Info
Optimize Your Campaigns
Now that we've built that first campaign and the ads have started running, it's time to optimize. Now you're gonna want to give your campaign a few days just to run so when it comes to that daily budget, let's say for example you've got $50 per day to spend then at the end of three days you may have spent $ inside of your campaigns. And when you've done that, you're gonna have so much data coming into your account because remember, if every view is coming in at less than five cents, then when you look at your account you're gonna have lots and lots of views, you're gonna be able to see if people have converted, if people have opted in, if people have bought stuff as well. And you're about to see inside of your campaigns what's working, what's not working. I would really recommend just clicking around, getting used to the ad words interface and just kind of getting used to the whole process. And the new dashboard I'm sure, it's kind of completely new interface for you so just get comfor...
table with it, play around with it a little bit, and just see exactly what's going on. Now, what I'd recommend in order to optimize what we want to do is we want to make sure that we are taking away anything that's not working, we wanna pause anything that's not working for us so we're left with the stuff that is working for us. So what we want to do is we want to go into the campaign and then we want to go inside of each ad group and we're gonna investigate. We're gonna go in and look at the keywords we're advertising upon and see if they're working or not. Now, what you want to do, as you can see here, you're gonna go to inside of each ad group, you're gonna click on keywords, and when you click on keywords it's gonna list out your keywords and show you what kind of keywords you've got available to you. Here we've got what, seven or so keywords inside of this one ad group. Different keywords here like best fitness guide and workout and fitness guide for girl, et cetera but you're kind of part of those titles for a different niche altogether of course. And what you want to do is look through each one of those keywords and decide which one's working, which one's not. So you'll be given all this data in front of us that you can see here, you'll be able to see all the different columns so you've got things like conversions, cost per conversions, views, view rates, average cost per view, and then the cost in total as well. And this is just one I've just selected that's kind of anonymous but it's kind of like it's good to see because you can look at which ones you want to optimize upon. So you can see here that we've had lots of conversions coming in for if you look the cost per conversion column you can see we've had 108 conversions for $13. and you've got 17 conversions for $24. and then you've got 14 conversions for $6. so you can see how they're all working and whether they're working well for you or not. And knowing what those costs should be for your company you can kind of get a bit clearer with those numbers. But you can see that I've highlighted one here that is the fifth one down, that spent $64.56 for just one conversion. So that's far too high for us and so when we're looking at that we're thinking we should really optimize that so we probably should get rid of that keyword. What we're gonna do is just pause it. So on the left hand side you've got the option to click on the little green circle and then you can click on pause button. So here's what I do, I look at the cost per conversion and then I would look at if there's one that's kind of costing a little bit too much I would then go to this button here and press pause which means it will stop running for that keyword that just isn't working and the spend will be spent on the keywords that are working. Now of course you could probably go through that and say well, there's ones that are coming in for $29.51 there, there's ones that are coming in for $24, there's ones that are coming in for $6, and you might think, well we've had 14 conversions for $6 each you could say let's pause everything apart from that keyword 'cause that one's working really well. And you might want to give more spend to that keyword that's working well. But this is the beauty of running your keyword campaign and at the same time having this pixel on your website because you're gonna start to see all this data like this, you can start making really informed decisions about what keywords are working for your business, which ones aren't, and you can start making decisions and pausing things quickly. So instead of spending a fortune trying to get your campaigns working for you, literally within two or three days you can make decisions like this, very quickly pause what's not working and be left with the really good keywords that are working. And this is why I say like you might end up with maybe only two keywords or one keyword per ad group that's left running but if you're to do that you'll find that you can have every now and again have a really solid, good keyword that's working well for you and you can use that and allow it just to run and run and run and just keep on delivering really cost effective leads that kind of comes through to your business and hopefully goes and buys your products as well. But all of these conversions so far, opt ins or purchases, and so you kinda get a real good, clear idea of numbers here and whether it's working for you or not. So when you come to optimize, you just pause whatever is not working for you. Likewise, if something's working but it's a little bit too expensive so you saw there we had like lots of conversions, I think we had 106 conversions for like $13. So now we think we're getting lots of conversions but it's a little bit too expensive, in those scenarios what you can do is also tweak the cost per view. So when you look at the keyword in particular here we've got one that says beginner guitar chords, and you've got again all the data there, you've got the column that says max cost per view, you can tweak that. So let's say, for example right now, it's on three cents for cost per view, that's my max cost per view for that particular keyword. You can then go in and tweak that. So you might say well do you know what, the cost is a just a little bit too high for me right now, I'm not comfortable with that. Let's move from three cents down to two cents. So your keyword can still remain inside of that ad group, it can still continue to run, but you're saying I'm only willing to bid two cents instead of three cents now and as a result the traffic that's going there will cost you less and you may find that that continues to drive leads but at the same time it's a slightly better cost. Of course, as you reduce the cost you'll probably lose some of that scale so that's something to potentially consider as well. But this is the great thing, you can pause anything that's just definitely not working and anything that's like close to working, you can just adjust the cost per view to hopefully drive leads at a cheaper rate for that particular keyword.
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Lorilyn Bailey
Excellent. He gets to the point quickly and has clear graphics. I wish all courses were as straightforward.
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