Cut and Paste Your Finished Piece
Lesson 6 from: Brush Lettering: Putting Together a Finished PieceLaura Worthington

Cut and Paste Your Finished Piece
Lesson 6 from: Brush Lettering: Putting Together a Finished PieceLaura Worthington
Lesson Info
Cut and Paste Your Finished Piece
So yes so I might take this and let's see what part did I say that I liked a little bit of a parent might go you know, I like this word creator a little bit better I just need to kind of look at them side by side and what about it? You know, I think I like that it's a little bit thicker it stands out a little bit better than this one right here you know, it's something when I look here it's like there's not quite enough distinction and hierarchy as faras which which piece looks better so you know, to me it's like having it bolder we'll make it stand out and take a take over a little bit more emphasis than this one, which is a little skinnier I'm gonna cut actually don't didn't like this wash so that can kind of go by vice just gonna go like this use this part of a creator and a look at this in all of us like that better? Well, here's something that's kind of interesting is if I change this, I'd like to make that part a lot rounder way actually phone butchering this page fix that and th...
ey're just like that just to give me kind of a remembrance how I wanted to look and I have to clear out that part right there it's kind of messy time back to where I was yes I like that part and I like this particular spot right here and there's more I can do but you know you don't want to make it too crazy on the back of this one with dealing with north this is risky way to cut out the part years here but that made it easy I'm amazing when it comes to cutting scissored things sisters look at this I I swear I should have like the scissors there like the little you know kindergarten ones so what pieces now are you using so by going to use that's right take out creator I'm going to use this hurt I forgot that I didn't want I don't know I do want that part there is a complex little design I created hey I like this see it starting to come together the folks at home right now should be cutting out and picking picking the pieces of the different say yeah thiss one because you can see you know I've got like four different pieces put together here but now this is nice because then I could take you know like another piece of you know either translucent paper or tracing paper and since this is dark enough I don't need it he's tracing paper again I can just go right over the top of this and kind of create more you know so it's taking a couple of like the idea of like taking several different pieces and putting it together and now I can refine this even more so I would actually probably at this point I could do this with pencil okay yeah black and now I just didn't just do this and simply just you know trace over the top of it and this you know why I like doing it like this is it really gives me a chance to come in and revise in just really tightly control has some of these letter forms work you know and especially on you know it can become it can become a bit of a crutch and it's something that you know as you get more experience you want to try and maybe do a little bit less and less of this because what you really want is tio you know you really want to get to a point where the lettering that you do is the tightest possible the first time around you really want to focus on getting amazing lettering but you know when you're first getting started that could be a real challenge for you you know it's it's something that can take a lot of time and is frustrating and so it's something to kind of keep in mind that you know eventually you want to work towards that cool but you know what the beginning when you're first getting started and you really need to create you know maybe you have a project and you know you really need to create the lettering asbestos possum well and your just your hand skills for lettering her quite there yet this is a great way to go this is a great way to really kind of finish that up and the hostel helps give you a nice intimate familiarity with how these letters they're supposed to look and now you know we've talked about this in the introduction class but just in case you haven't seen that one all kind of explain this part about about where the fix and fins go kind of a good little lesson and we won't go too much into detail but just a nice little recap so to sum it up and there's a little bit more detailed in this but I'll just kind of give you guys an overview the ethics are on the down stroke thin strokes are on the upstroke so depending on the way that that you form a lottery in any formal letter a for example just really simple that's the down stroke therefore this is going to be pick this is an upstroke therefore it's going to be thin this is a down stroke thick upstroke thin so just going to keep that in mind that applies about ninety five percent of the time and you you have a really good way tio you know kind of take this on and make this work alright some going through and doing some revising here and you guys kind of get the idea like I said there's a lot of different ways that you can approach this and so it's really a good a good idea to just you know try to from methods and see what works for you and I find that every project that I do is unique and all of those steps that I take to finalize things you know sometimes I skipped the tracing paper all together sometimes I end up using twenty chic it's of it sometimes I do this you know this this little cutout method with scissors other times I skipped that entirely scan things in and last so it up and photo shop and do it that way there's a lot of different approaches that so it's good to know them all and it's good to give them all will try and just remember that you know every project is unique and different and we'll we'll all need different techniques
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Ratings and Reviews
I was fortunate to be in this class live and I am so glad I own it! I have gone on to buy more brush pens and continue to practice (relax :) ) on my own. She is thorough and engaging. I feel like I learn a new gem each time I watch it!.
Laura Worthington is one of the best calligraphers I follow. She is an excellent teacher and I enjoyed this class very much. It allowed me to know her "in person". She teacher her tallets and allow students to follow their own style.