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Important Brand Elements Logo, Color, Typography

Lesson 20 from: Brand Strategy and Design for Small Businesses

Haylee Powers

Important Brand Elements Logo, Color, Typography

Lesson 20 from: Brand Strategy and Design for Small Businesses

Haylee Powers

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20. Important Brand Elements Logo, Color, Typography

Lesson Info

Important Brand Elements Logo, Color, Typography

logo color and typography. In this lesson, we're going to learn about the top three parts of your brand logo color and typography. You will also learn a bit more about how to reflect your brand strategy into your brand design the three core elements you need to start off with. Your brand is the logo design, the color palette and the topography. You will always be reflecting your USP, target audience tone words and your brand story into your brand design. If you have a high end calming and peaceful spa, you will use a logo color palette and a typeface that reflects these qualities. Remember design is a shortcut to tell your customers what you want them to know. Design can assure your customers that you are superior. Immediately remember what we learned about the subconscious mind and the way the consumers purchase based off of their emotions. Design allows you to embody the emotion of your brand in a visual style. We will start the logo design the purpose of a logo design is to communic...

ate efficiently at a glance. This is why strategy is so important. Strategy fuels good design, allow your USP to come through into the logo. I love this example of trump versus Hillary. Can you guess by looking at the politicians, logos, how the visual style is related to their strategy and goals. The trump logo was a little more expected and his campaign relied heavily on his slogan make America great. Again he used traditional patriotic symbols like stars and stripes. He also used five stars which may be a nod to the way in which would rate a restaurant or a hotel clinton broke from the mold and didn't use patriotic symbols in her logo. Her logo is a bit more progressive, whereas trump's logo is a bit more classic. The symbols logo and typography are extensions of the politicians. Vision. Hillary's logo has an arrow pointing forward as if to say we're moving forward, not backward. Hillary's logo also looked a bit like an app icon to me. Perhaps trying to appeal more to the millennial age group work to create a logo that speaks to your target audience and communicates your difference. How can you take your brand story and your strategy and create a compelling logo design that communicates that efficiently. Let's take a look at wild Belize brand design because we know good design is about distilling a message down to the very basics. In order to communicate efficiently. We carefully considered the soul in the manifesto of wild belly. The logo needed to signify wildness, danger and a life full of intention without being cliche. The logo also needed to appeal to the brand persona. Remember matt Walsh, the wild billy logo is inspired by the black damage you may see at a ski resort. We always take into account the target audience when designing and we knew that the target audience would associate this mark was something they love and understand while this is an icon feels familiar with the slopes. We believe we can add significance to this mark and make it stand for something deeper In general. There are three main logo design categories, logo type logo, Mark and combination mark, logo types. We are very familiar with logo type logos. Some examples are the classic coca cola logo, the google logo as well as the classic Nasa logo. These locals are great. If you have a memorable and relatively short name, Remember you need to use typography or a custom type that speaks to the essence of your brand. Look at the Coca Cola logo. It looks like the 1950s and Americana. It also looks sweet and has a nice flow to it logo. Mark a logo. Mark is simply a logo, like the apple logo Target and even Starbucks. These logos are often used alone because we are so familiar with them that we don't need to know the name of the company. Typically if you are a new brand, you should have your brand name on the logo design at first, Starbucks did not start off with just using their logo mark. It was a slow transition as they became well known in the marketplace. Combination Mark, a combination mark is a logo that combines a mark and words I like combination mark because it allows for your brand to be read easily while paired with a graphic that can help you gain brand awareness. You can always transition to just using the mark later on. Like Starbucks. Did we know brands that use a combination Mark, our amazon Doritos and Mastercard. So how do I choose which kind of logo I want. Wild Belle uses a combination logo. I recommend a combination logo from many different brands. Combination logos are great because you can separate the logo out with the logo type and the mark in different places on brand elements. For example, the business cards will have the logo type and icon, whereas the T shirts made just feature the icon for the employees in the restaurant. Try to think about what kind of logo would best fit your needs for the type of brand you are creating. Do you need a favor con for the website, it would be great to have a logo type as well as a logo mark to separate out for your website or are you creating an app? If so, you will want to create a memorable icon for the application so that it can be used to stand out on home screens in general. I recommend getting a combination mark, that you can pull apart and use separately just like I did for wild belly. So typography is so important for communicating ideas to your target audience. Typography actually works just like imagery works. The typography for wild belly was chosen as a mix between a sand saref and a serif font because the type articulated a timelessness while also giving a slight nod to the seventies. Many of wild Belize current competitors use a sand saref typeface and we know we didn't want to fit into their niche. We wanted to recreate something ourselves. So we used a serif typeface. Typography can be an afterthought for many people, but topography is just as important as your logo design. It can help communicate your difference and create a desired perception in your customer. Typography communicates with our subconscious just like photos or logos. Do the typeface you choose can make or break your branding the way in which you kern, your chosen typeface can create different feelings in your client or customer Sarah Hyneman graphic designer who studies how fonts influenced us found that when she gave a group of people two of the same jelly bean and had them look at two separate samples of text, one which was soft and rounded And two which was jagged and sharp. She found the first example with the soft and rounded typeface. The viewers felt that the Jellybean they're eating was 17% more sweet, Whereas the sample to with the jagged lines was perceived as 11% more sour sarah found a way to actually alter the way the jelly beans tasted through visual cues, fonts turned words into stories. So while we find our tone words and our mission for our brand, we are able to make educated choices on our typography and use it as a tool to communicate our unique selling proposition. Typography can transform the meaning of a word, giving it a story and creating an impact that influences your customers. You can make something cheap, look expensive with typography or even something manufactured, look handcrafted, take a look at the word branding by changing the font. We can make it look exclusive, friendly, Reggie fancy or even established, how does the logo type for coca cola make you feel The curved red ribbon typeface, shouts the 1950s Americana, long summer days and James Dean. You look at this logo type and you know, it will probably taste sweet. How does this typeface make you feel? Perhaps you feel a little on edge? You know that this movie is going to be a horse story by the gritty torn font. This typeface tells an entire story with the font alone and you know, this isn't a love story or a romantic comedy. Do not make your fonts an afterthought. When you're thinking about how you want to be seen, remember that fonts tie into an emotion for the customer. So now we know that typography and your logo design is extremely important. But what about color? Color is just as important for any brand when you're working to create a desired perception. Color. In fact, a customer may make snap judgments based off of color alone and they will begin to associate your brand with certain characteristics depending on the colors you've chosen. Color can be used to differentiate, create a desired mood or even increased appetite. We know from research that red and yellow are often used for fast food restaurants because they are said to increase appetite giving customers a sense of urgency. Formal restaurants on the other hand, use common colors, encouraging the guests to stay longer. The formal restaurant may benefit from keeping guests longer when they're ordering expensive cocktails, coffee and desserts over a longer period of time, resulting in more sales for wild belly. The desired perception was to communicate wildness and an intentional common. The brand colors interestingly enough color is closely related to culture and religion. Remember we talked about wild Belize colors, we know that orange is the most sacred color in the hindu religion, whereas it isn't even acknowledged as a color in dumbo Zambia. Green is also viewed as a sacred color for Muslims and cults. Color for wild billy is extremely important in communicating the meditative wildness we're going for remember we talked about how orange was unconventional, warm, energetic and signified activity and danger. Whereas green symbolizes safety and permitted it's your brand color should activate your brand's personality. The colors you choose will activate color associations and the colors you choose to be based off of your USP colors can be extremely useful for conveying a feeling or an emotion. Color can impact your consumer and change their perception of your brand. You need to make sure the tone of your brand is being portrayed in the colors you use in all of your touch points including storefronts, photography, logo design, letterhead business cards and employee uniforms. Think about how important the color pink is to the Susan G Komen organization or the Tiffany's blue. To the high end jewelry company Tiffany's, for example, uses Pantone 1837. This color is not commercially available since 1998. The color is trademarked. The color and the branding of Tiffany's is so powerful that people sell empty Tiffany's boxes on Ebay, What about the importance of red for christian louboutins, christian louboutin is a french fashion designer whose high end stiletto footwear incorporates shiny red lacquered souls that have become a signature. You know when you see a woman wearing louboutins because those red soles have been trademarked, The woman wearing the shoes also communicating her values to us and showing us that she can afford the luxury footwear. Red symbolizes love, strength, sex, vibrancy, passion, energy, vitality, power and excitement. Blue symbolizes electronics, cooling, calm, protecting security, authority, boldness and seriousness. Brown symbolizes earth nature, home wood leather, richness, politeness, helpfulness and effectiveness. Black symbolizes authority, power and boldness. It's also classic and corporate grace symbolizes authority, practicality, earnestness and creativity. White symbolizes refined purity, devotion, contemporary and sterile. For some medical fields. Yellow symbolizes weren't sunshine, cheer and happiness. Purple symbolizes, royalty, high class luxury, wealth and sophistication, Green symbolizes health, fertility, freedom, Freshness, healing, calm and quiet, tranquility. All of these color emotions are not necessarily the same across cultures. So remember when you are designing to keep in mind your target audience, for example, some cultures like ours may see white as a sign of purity, whereas others can see it as a sign of mourning, just make sure that you're being sensitive to the audience you're going after.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Researching Your Target Audience
Creating the Audience Persona 1
Creating the Audience Persona 2
Brand Matrix Creation
Creating the USP
Testing the USP
Creating a Brand Story
Turning Brand Strategy into Design

Ratings and Reviews

Malik Muzamil

Haylee Powers' "Brand Strategy And Design For Small Businesses" is a must-try. Highly recommended! 👍🌟 Plus, she looks absolutely gorgeous💕. The conversational tone and practical advice make it a game-changer for small businesses.

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