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Turning Brand Strategy into Brand Design

Lesson 19 from: Brand Strategy and Design for Small Businesses

Haylee Powers

Turning Brand Strategy into Brand Design

Lesson 19 from: Brand Strategy and Design for Small Businesses

Haylee Powers

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19. Turning Brand Strategy into Brand Design

Lesson Info

Turning Brand Strategy into Brand Design

turning your brand strategy into a brand design, tone words in this lesson. We're gonna talk all about tone words, tone words help us create a personality for the brand and it helps us bridge the gap from strategy to design the tone words also help your brand remain consistent and remember consistency is key. We are now beginning to move more into the visual style of the brand. So by now you should have your target audience, your unique selling proposition and your brand story finalized. After you have all of these pieces of your brand strategy, you can move on to creating the brand design. Remember the reason why we did so much work on the brand strategy, the target audience, that unique selling proposition and the brand story was that we can reflect all of that into our brand design. Both of them go together and work together seamlessly. The first step to taking our research and brand strategy and creating an identity is to find our tone words. Think about this lesson as the beginnin...

g of building a bridge between our brand strategy research and our brand design. We will start with picking out our tone words as they relate to our brand in order to bring the personality to life. The purpose of tone words is to help you gain clarity on the brand's personality and to help you start to pair visual design and photography with your new brand. You will choose five tone words to convey the message and the value of your brand. Remember your USP is very important in determining your tone words. If your USP is all about being edgy, select tone words that speak to this element of your strategy. You can brainstorm by circling each word you think may apply to your brand on the provided tone words worksheet. You can start with circling as many as you want and then eliminate the words until you have the most descriptive and accurate words for your brand. Be sure to use words that are different. For example try not to use words like bold and strong as two choices for your brand or other words that are too closely related. We want to make sure each word counts. Even words that seem to conflict with each other can be great. Words like edgy and soft may seem to conflict but this is a good thing. We want our brands to be authentic and different. At first it may seem that some of your words are too oppositional but I assure you these conflicts are good conflicting tone words will only add more interest and creativity to your brand identity. These words are for your use only your customers will not see these words but they will see the tone through the images you use and the overall brand that you come up with the tone words set up your brand for all the fun visual design that you will use. Let's take a look at a case study P. N. Co. Their USP is the free retro coastal apparel company and their tone words are free wild retro risky and warm. Now keep in mind that they do not have their USP listed anywhere on their website. I have been doing this for a while so I can make an educated guess about what the U. S. P. Maybe when a brand has one central theme, it's very easy to pick up on what they're trying to communicate to us. If you look at the P. And co instagram, you see consistent images of motorcycles, desert scenes, palm trees, the occasional surfboard beach and of course the brands apparel line. The images are all edited to create a consistent look and feel across the whole instagram. The brand is very successful in creating a consistent feel. So take their tone words free wild retro, risky and warm. How can we see these tone words that work in the photos For one thing we see women with their hair flowing through the wind giving us the feeling of freedom. There are some photos of models riding motorcycles with reckless abandon. We see dirt flying up behind bikes and people standing on moving motorcycles. There are images of couples living in the moment and embracing each other as well as tattooed skin and the open road. Every images displaying the U. S. P. So that the customer can get a feeling of the U. S. P. Without the brand verbally telling us what the USP is. Make sure you are showing your brand's difference through the imagery and design. Show them who you are. Don't tell them. P. And Co also has apparel that reflects the U. S. P. Cheap thrills, fast spills or wild ones never die. You can really see their tone words come to life in their instagram grid, Study some of your favorite brands and guess their tone words. This is a really fun exercise. So go ahead and take some time to circle your tone words on the tone words worksheet provided if you don't see a tone word that you want to use on the tone words worksheet that's totally fine. Just go ahead and add it in after you've taken the time to get your tone words down. Start to collect imagery that ties into these words. Finding imagery that ties into your tongue. Words will start to help you see your brand in a new light as you work to find the right professional for your design. Use the example of P. And Co. If you need guidance

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Researching Your Target Audience
Creating the Audience Persona 1
Creating the Audience Persona 2
Brand Matrix Creation
Creating the USP
Testing the USP
Creating a Brand Story
Turning Brand Strategy into Design

Ratings and Reviews

Malik Muzamil

Haylee Powers' "Brand Strategy And Design For Small Businesses" is a must-try. Highly recommended! 👍🌟 Plus, she looks absolutely gorgeous💕. The conversational tone and practical advice make it a game-changer for small businesses.

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