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The Scientific Reason Why Brands Grow

Lesson 6 from: Brand Strategy Bootcamp

Scott Lancaster

The Scientific Reason Why Brands Grow

Lesson 6 from: Brand Strategy Bootcamp

Scott Lancaster

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Lesson Info

6. The Scientific Reason Why Brands Grow

<b>Imagine having a proven guaranteed formula to grow a brand...<br><br>Well we found it. And you're going to learn it in this very lesson. This is a strategy that every successful brand on the planet has used. And if you use it too, there is no limit to the success you can achieve if it is actioned correctly.&#160;</b>

Lesson Info

The Scientific Reason Why Brands Grow

1 (bright music) 2 You know the brands that you just can't stop buying, 3 do you know why that is? 4 Well, in my wife's case, 5 she just likes buying stuff with my credit card 6 because it makes it more bearable to stay with me, 7 apparently. 8 But what if I told you you could use 9 a highly effective strategy for your brand 10 to get people to buy from you constantly, and it's free. 11 And on top of that, this strategy is going to allow you 12 to essentially brainwash your potential customers 13 into seeing your brand as being the most desirable option 14 every single time they need your product or service. 15 Well, as we covered briefly before, 16 every single purchase you've made in your entire life 17 has followed the exact same process. 18 Basically, you had a desire or a need 19 for a particular product or solution. 20 That desire or need was created through your memories, 21 preferences, and thoughts. 22 And those memories and thoughts have been generated 23 through your sense...

s, 24 being sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. 25 And in some way, shape, or form, 26 the signal that your senses picked up on 27 to create that memory or thought was strategically generated 28 by the brand that you ended up buying from. 29 You see, in order for us to buy from a brand, 30 we first need to understand and know that the brand exists. 31 And we're also more likely to buy from a brand that we trust 32 and that we see as a less risky option. 33 And as I said before, trust is essentially just a string 34 of positive associations which have built up over time 35 to give the feeling of reliability, safety, and ease. 36 So if every thought and memory that we have 37 about a brand has been generated by one of our five senses, 38 this is where things get super interesting 39 for you as a founder, 40 because memories and thoughts can generate energy, 41 which ultimately result in sales and profit. 42 And this is why brands try to appeal 43 to as many of our senses as possible. 44 So what does this mean for you 45 as you're trying to build your brand? 46 And how can you use these strategies 47 to help your brand grow and be successful? 48 And well, if you want to use the same strategy, 49 you need to make sure that throughout everything 50 that your brand does, you need to keep in mind 51 that you should be appealing to as many 52 of the person's senses as possible. 53 This could be tiny little things, 54 like maybe making sure that the packaging feels nice 55 when the person picks it up in their fingers, 56 or maybe there's a little bow wrapped around it, 57 or maybe you spray a little bit of perfume 58 inside the box if you're an e-commerce company 59 to let a waft of beautiful fragrance escape from the box 60 when the person opens their package. 61 Little things like this, little details like this, 62 make all the difference. 63 And these little positive associations build up over time 64 to make sure that the customer always thinks of you 65 when they need your product or service in future. 66 And the more signals you can put out to your customers, 67 the more memories and thoughts you can generate 68 in their mind, which results into energy, 69 and then that, ultimately, ends up in purchases and profit. 70 And by putting out the correct signals to your customers 71 and putting out more and more over time, 72 you can generate more memories, more thoughts, 73 which ultimately ends up in generating energy, 74 which then results in sales and then profit. 75 Now, how do you know which signals to use 76 to create the right memories in your customer's mind? 77 Well, this all begins with developing your brand strategy, 78 which we'll be getting to in the very next... 79 (phone ringing) 80 Oh, two seconds. 81 (phone ringing continues) 82 Oh, okay. 83 Hello? (muffled voice squeaking) 84 Yeah, this is Scott. Who's this? 85 (muffled voice squeaking) 86 Scott Lancaster, here. (muffled voice squeaking) 87 The bank, but what? (muffled voice squeaking) 88 I'm 55,000 pounds in debt? 89 (muffled voice squeaking) 90 Listen, I think there's been some sort of mistake. 91 (muffled voice squeaking) 92 I've never even bought a Louis Vuitton bag, 93 (muffled voice squeaking) 94 or a Cartier necklace. 95 (muffled voice squeaking) 96 (door squeaking) 97 Hello. (muffled voice squeaking) 98 Ah, wait a second. 99 Yeah, I do remember actually. 100 (muffled voice squeaking) 101 Hi, darling. 102 (muffled voice squeaking) 103 Yeah, nevermind. Thank you. 104 Thank you for letting me know. Bye-Bye. 105 (phone slams) 106 That's a lovely handbag and necklace, darling. 107 Anyway, I've got something I need to sort out. 108 I'll see you in the next lesson.

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Ratings and Reviews


Awesome course! The materials provided were exactly what I needed to get me focused on taking action in the right way to help me move forward. Having the step-by-step workbook is so valuable. And a relief! I feel like I overcame a huge hurdle, and am excited to continue on this journey. Thank you so much!


So simple and so effective. Thank you Scott. I also really enjoy your style...sometimes not your jokes, but I'll live with them ;-)

Derek Williams

I was actually astounded how practical and easy this course was to implement into my own brand and put into action. Most other 'strategy' and branding courses are all theory. This course helped me go from nothing to a brand strategy in less than a few hours. Incredible and will be checking out more of their courses in future.

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