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Securing Your Social Media Handles

Lesson 15 from: Brand Naming Bootcamp: Learn How To Create Memorable Names

Scott Lancaster

Securing Your Social Media Handles

Lesson 15 from: Brand Naming Bootcamp: Learn How To Create Memorable Names

Scott Lancaster

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Lesson Info

15. Securing Your Social Media Handles

<b>Learn the best practices for claiming and managing your brand's presence across social media platforms.</b>

Lesson Info

Securing Your Social Media Handles

Now securing social media handles can seem super easy, but it can get a little bit tricky because they're ultimately free. So people tend to just secure them and then forget about them and then we can't get them for our own brands. Now, the most important thing that we need to remember in regards to social media handles is that as long as they are relevant and also consistent across all platforms, it doesn't matter if we add a word or two. For example, if you're based in the UK, you could potentially have your brand name and then UK as your social media handle, as long as everything is consistent, customers are gonna know that it's you and that's the most important thing. So make sure we use the exact same approach as the domain lesson where we add a relevant word to your social media handle or some of the little key or element. That's the most important thing. Consistency. Don't worry too much about anything else that is the key.

Ratings and Reviews

Staci Stark

Scott Lancaster's Brand Naming Bootcamp is a must for anyone creating memorable business and brand names. Packed with actionable insights, Scott’s engaging teaching style makes the process easy and inspiring. Perfect for beginners and pros alike!

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