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How to Get a .Com Domain for Any Brand Name

Lesson 13 from: Brand Naming Bootcamp: Learn How To Create Memorable Names

Scott Lancaster

How to Get a .Com Domain for Any Brand Name

Lesson 13 from: Brand Naming Bootcamp: Learn How To Create Memorable Names

Scott Lancaster

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13. How to Get a .Com Domain for Any Brand Name

<b>Discover strategies for securing a desirable .com domain that aligns with your brand name.</b>

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How to Get a .Com Domain for Any Brand Name

Now, if you've tried to find a Domain for $20 these days, you'll see they're rarer than a $ Ferrari. But if you didn't get that joke, basically, they're pretty hard to come by. But there are some really great tricks that we use sometimes if we are really struggling to find a great domain for our brand name. Now, the first step is to add a relevant word to the domain. For example, the Domain Lovewell isn't available, but the Domain Lovewell Store is available and it's available for just $20. You could also just add an s to the end of Love to make Love, which also sounds pretty good and it's a great option. Another way is to look at different spelling variations again. Go back to the chat G BT lesson where I show you how to go through different variations of spelling and using it as a tool to find different options. If you do stumble across a domain which you like and it isn't actually in use, but it's not available. You can always pay Godaddy a small fee. I think it'...

s around $70 roughly to actually get in touch with the owner and try and buy it on your behalf. You can check who where you can basically find out how long the domain has been owned by the owner and also how long it's been inactive. This will give you an idea if the owner is likely to want to sell the domain. And also at what price a really great tool I use is the Go Daddy domain valuer tool which you can find by Googling that exact term on Google. This will give you an estimate as to how much the domain is actually worth. However, if you go to the seller and they ask for more, they are well with in their right to do so and to be honest, they usually do ask for a lot more than the average price of the domain, negotiate with them over the long term and try to bring the domain value down over time because ultimately, the name is just gonna be there collecting dust anyway. So stand strong and hopefully you can get the domain for a reasonable price. So now we know your name can be trademarked, it can run easily on Google and you also have Domain in place. The next step is to set up your business emails and that's exactly what we'll be doing in the next lesson.

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Staci Stark

Scott Lancaster's Brand Naming Bootcamp is a must for anyone creating memorable business and brand names. Packed with actionable insights, Scott’s engaging teaching style makes the process easy and inspiring. Perfect for beginners and pros alike!

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