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Creating Names with Different Naming Methods

Lesson 9 from: Brand Naming Bootcamp: Learn How To Create Memorable Names

Scott Lancaster

Creating Names with Different Naming Methods

Lesson 9 from: Brand Naming Bootcamp: Learn How To Create Memorable Names

Scott Lancaster

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9. Creating Names with Different Naming Methods

<b>Experiment with various naming techniques to generate a diverse range of name options.</b>

Lesson Info

Creating Names with Different Naming Methods

So in this lesson, we're going to explore all the ways that you can develop super memorable and creative brand names. And there are actually two ways that you can learn these methods. The first is to spend many years studying subjects such as the science of tonality, the history of language and merging everything together with theory and a hell of a lot of coffee. Or you can just basically watch this two minute video and start making creative brand names instantly. And so as time is very precious, here are the eight different ways that you can create incredible brand names. Let's get the most boring method out the way first acronyms. So acronyms are essentially initials that stand for a name is much longer like IBM stands for International Business Machines, and LG stands for look giraffe. I think we can all agree. This is pretty straightforward. So let's move on. Now, let's talk about inventive mash ups. A great example of this is Microsoft, basically merging microcomputers with softw...

are and putting it together. Now please be aware that when you're trying to mash to words together, sometimes they just don't fit. So keep that in mind moving on swiftly to evocative names. So an evocative name is something like Nike where we essentially try and evoke some sort of sense of meaning or feeling within the customer. So Nike is essentially inspired by the Greek goddess of victory, which links to everything that Nike does. It's a really great way to communicate a core message in a suggestive but indirect way. And this approach can really helped to create that eureka moment which can make your brand name more memorable. This leads us nicely on to foreign words. Now, the main languages that work best for foreign inspired words are languages like Latin, Greek, German, Italian and French simply look for different words that are relevant to what your brand is trying to do and what your value proposition is and then look for alternatives in different foreign languages to see if anything comes up. For example, I looked at the Latin word for growth, which is Cresco which sounds super techy, super cool and that could work really well for a tech company that wants to work with clients to help grow their business. Another grim method is to connect your brand to an object or thing already holds very well known characteristics. For example, if you are the fastest of what you do, then maybe look at some of the fastest animals in the world or the fastest birds, for example, so that you can start to connect your brand to something which is already associated with speed. A really great example of this as a brand name is Amazon, who connected themselves to the longest and biggest river in the world is they wanted to be the biggest e commerce platform in the world. And they also wanted to have an aspect of power in the name because obviously the Amazon river is going to be really powerful. So they are essentially communicating that they are a powerhouse in the e commerce space word lending is another amazing way to create super memorable brand names also known as the Port Mantle method. You can see this used in names such as Netflix where they basically merge flicks with internet to bring it together and create one single name. Now, alternative spelling is one of my favorite approaches when it comes to brand naming and actually be used with some of the other methods in the list to really get creative options. Now remember that alternative spelling can be used in regard to trademarking to really help in that particular area and also to help you get a domain, but we'll cover domains a little bit later on in the course. Just keep this in mind if you are really set on having a domain because alternative spelling is going to be your best friend in that department. Examples of popular names that use the alternative spelling approach are names like Lift and Krispy Kreme, both are super memorable super catchy and they're more distinctive because of the unique spelling that they use. Finally, we have made up words which are kind of like unicorns, to be honest, they're a little bit magical. You don't see them very often and they're kind of rare. But a great example of this is Google. This is an example, a really smart rebrand because the company was actually called Backrub back in different the world would have been. So now you understand the different ways that you can create brand names. Now it's time to start experimenting and writing down your ideas. I did the exact same process for the cyber security company that I've been developing with you in this course. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a little bit of time to choose the top three and then take that forward to the next stage in the process. The first idea I really liked was foresight using the alternative spelling approach to highlight their ability to foresee cyber threats before anyone else. The next name that I really liked was Specter again, using the alternative approach to suggest that the cyber company is so good at protecting clients hackers fear that the name also just sounds really cool. And the last name that I decided to take forward the next stage is for this name uses the word Mashing approach to bring together the words Fort suggesting protection and security. And where suggesting a new way to protect your computer networks. I've also a quick bonus session after this lesson to show you how to use chat GBT to come up with incredible brand name ideas. And by the way, I know how hard it can be to actually find the perfect brand name. And I'm really trying to help you as much as I can. I hope you find this process and this course valuable. And if you do, then please leave a review on this course so we can help more people to find the perfect brand name just like you. Anyway, thank you so much for your time and I will see you in the next session.

Ratings and Reviews

Staci Stark

Scott Lancaster's Brand Naming Bootcamp is a must for anyone creating memorable business and brand names. Packed with actionable insights, Scott’s engaging teaching style makes the process easy and inspiring. Perfect for beginners and pros alike!

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