Lesson 21 from: Brand Marketing Bootcamp: Build An Actionable Marketing PlanScott Lancaster

Lesson 21 from: Brand Marketing Bootcamp: Build An Actionable Marketing PlanScott Lancaster
Lesson Info
21. Giveaways
The definition of strategy
03:39 2The 4 stages of marketing
03:16 3The difference between strategy & tactics
03:46 4The 6 laws of marketing
09:56 5Understanding Creative & Distribution
02:16 6The 4 marketing P’s and how to use them
05:08 7SWOT Matrix and how to use it
02:28 8Porter's Five Forces
04:4360/40 Law of marketing
04:04 10The marketing funnel
06:27 11Analyzing your competitors
07:14 12Deciding your target audience
06:59 13Creating your marketing objectives
11:42 14Pricing your products perfectly
08:16 15Watch this before arranging your marketing strategy
02:21 16Awareness, finalizing your awareness tactics
03:52 17Partnerships and affiliates (free tactic)
09:40 18Blog writing & SEO
07:26 19Podcasting
07:10 20Public Relations
05:58 21Giveaways
07:18 22Word of mouth
06:21 23Valuable courses
08:09 24Social media overview
05:28 25YouTube
09:36 26TikTok
03:58 27Twitter / X
04:48 30How to create better content in half the time
07:54 33Why start-ups should never use paid advertising for awareness
06:21 34Education & Consideration
01:33 35Workshops & Webinars
08:39 36Social Proof
06:55 37Effective Email Marketing
05:34 38Utilizing FAQ Sections
05:31 39Portfolio & case studies
07:39 40Leveraging product comparisons
03:26 41Tips to increase desirability
07:22 42Harnessing the power of Google reviews
05:20 43Sales & Conversion
02:28 44Psychological tricks to convert customers to buying
08:25 45Building a list of customers ready to buy
08:46 46Irresistible Offer
08:31 47Persuasive Sales Page
07:35 48Promotions & Free shipping
04:24 49Improving conversion rate (PIPE FRAMEWORK)
06:39 50Customer Retention
03:43 51Expanding your product range
07:18 52Asking for feedback & refining your product
03:37 53Loyalty programs and the subscription model
06:43 54Gifts & Surprises
05:02 55Finalizing your marketing strategy
07:40Lesson Info
So let's explore how giveaways can be effective to helping you drive awareness for your brand. Now again, as I mentioned before, in previous tactic lessons, it is important that you understand your target audience first and foremost, and again, for every single tactic that you're going to go through within this course, you need to make sure that you are referring back to your target audience slide that you've already completed earlier on your brand guidelines. The reason being is that if you are giving something away that your target audience is not interested in, you're going to be getting awareness from people who don't really care about what you're trying to sell them afterwards. So the awareness is basically worth nothing. Now using giveaways as a tool and tactic to actually get your brand in front of the right people can be super effective. It could be really, really useful, but there are a few things that you need to know that no one will tell you when trying to persuade you to u...
se giveaways as part of your marketing strategy, which surprise me when I first saw them, but now I see them all the time and nothing surprises me. And the first thing that I need to say is that people love free stuff. So when I say that, I mean that in the most respectful way possible. So we did a social media campaign and a giveaway for a brand that ultimately got tons of engagement on their social media. They got tons of followers, they got tons of likes and comments. I think around 600 comments on that particular picture of their jewelry. And the reality is that none of those commenters or likes or followers resulted in any sales. And the reason for that is people are more than happy to like something, comment on something, follow someone for a little while, but are they going to actually pick up their wallet and pay for something? And that's a completely different story? You know, we're not looking to actually drive the sale now and then, but we do need to at least know that the person is willing to pick up their wallet and make a purchase. We're not just giving away stuff to get likes and comments. Although obviously it does help to get us in front of more people. We need to make sure we're getting in front of the right type of people. So for example, if we're just doing giveaways all the time, we're going to attract a crowd that just loves giveaways. But if we do a giveaway every now and again, like maybe every six months or every year, then it's not only going to have more impact, but it's also going to attract someone who knows that we're a high end brand. We're a super like, you know, a brand that people can trust and that is credible and our product is valuable, but we're not going to be doing this every day. We're not going to be giving things away every day because it also kind of incentivizes people to wait to try and win the actual product as opposed to actually buying it. So it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to do this too much. So please be aware, do not over egg the pudding. So that is one of the cons of using giveaways too much. Do not do it too much. Just make sure you do it just enough to make sure that people know it's a giveaway and that you're not just cheap and discount things all the time. Now, some of the pros of giveaways is you can get a ton of organ engagement with that campaign which I mentioned a little bit earlier on in the lesson. I think it was 670 comments, a couple of 1000 likes and the amount of followers that we got was maybe 300 or something. Now that obviously didn't result in any sales there. And then it did give us a really great insight to the types of people that were actually interested in the type of thing that we were selling for that particular brand. So keeping that in mind that you can get a ton of awareness and organic traffic to your website through the giveaway is super important, but just make sure you don't expect five or 10 per cent or one per cent to even convert into sales because it just is very unlikely to happen. People who invest in giveaways are usually just looking to get something for free because they don't actually want the product, but they'll take it for free if they happen to win. Now, some brands that have done giveaways super well in the past are brands such as Starbucks, Nike and GoPro, in particular Nike host little pop up events sometimes in shopping centers where if you score a goal, you basically get a pair of sneakers or something, which is super cool and it's kind of a little bit interactive and engage, which is really nice as well and also go pro host competition, I think every year where they basically launch a new camera and they give the camera away for free to the person who can create the best video with the camera or with the previous camera. The giveaway also includes a cash prize and some other things as well to really make it worth the person's while. And what that does is it creates this organic buzz which ultimately has people actually using the product. So it's building more associations with the brand and what it can do. And it also does something really clever where it is motivating people to create really cool videos that they're trying really hard to create, which they're inevitably going to share on their social media. So they're getting all of that awareness for free as well to make sure that they actually get the maximum amount of exposure for the giveaway and the amount of money and you know, resources and prizes that they're going to give away to the winner. Now, for a giveaway, you don't need to make things complex. You just need to make sure that the actual prize that you're looking to give away is something that your target audience will want. Now, for a give away, you do not need to make things complex. It makes a lot more sense to just keep things simple and just make sure that you are giving away something your target audience will want. This is going to make sure that you attract the right type of person and also that you're actually going to get some traction on the actual giveaway. Now, giveaways are an incredible tool to get some organic engagement and traction for your brand with very minimal upfront cost. So I'm going to score that as a six because you ultimately have to give away something enough to the traction. Obviously, the better the prize that you give away, the better, the traction that you'll get, the better the engagement. Now, in regards to setting it up, it doesn't really take a whole lot of effort. I'm going to score this a three because although you obviously need some content to actually showcase the giveaway, you need to write some nice copy to actually showcase what the person needs to do to actually enter. You know, it's not that much effort, but it also isn't doing nothing either. You do need to kind of prepare things to really think about what you're going to offer people, which can take a little bit of time. Now, in regards to energy to maintain, this is a nine because you literally don't have to do anything. You just literally just post it and then maybe you have to answer some comments and answer some questions. But other than that, it's pretty much self explanatory and it just kind of does its own thing in regards to likely I've scored this as a seven maybe slash eight because I think that pretty much every single giveaway that we've done that has actually ended up and resulted in the person getting something that they actually want. So actually understanding the target audience and packaging something that they will desire as long as you do that stage, right? You can't really lose, you're going to get some sort of engagement, some sort of traction, you're going to get some buzz around that particular giveaway, which can only be a good thing. Now, obviously, I don't know what type of product you're selling or what service you're selling. So if you need any additional support, please let me know and I'll be more than happy to help as much as possible. But obviously, the giveaway approach can be really effective when it comes to selling products and services, but it just depends on how you use it and how well you understand your target audience. But anyway, I will see you in the next lesson.
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