Lesson Info
3. why we're here
Look at Me
1seen, heard, loved
08:35 2knowing your butt
06:07 3why we're here
05:55 4your work is a gift
04:45 5a song to sing
6love (the assignment)
07:42love (the crit)
28:49Always the Other
8the ass divot
01:48 9like tarantino
04:30 10always the other (the assignment)
12:06 11the cliche
11:12 12always the other (the crit)
45:13Explodes in the Brain
13Explodes in the Brain
30:32Big Nothing Little Nothing
14big nothing little nothing (the assignment)
01:54 15don't fall in love
04:35 16big nothing little nothing (the crit)
53:23There Ain't No Rules
17ain't no rules
01:16 18yesterday, today, tomorrow
08:33Allow Freedom
19allow freedom
01:41 20show & tell
22:29Born (wildly) Creative
21born (wildly) creative
01:48Subscriber Bonus Lessons
22do the work
34:35 23show & tell (part 2)
16:04Lesson Info
why we're here
So I actually want to talk about why we're here, you know why we're here. Um And I wanna talk about creat creativity. Creativity is the reason why we're here. We, you wanna be more creative? I wanna be more creative. I wanna use my creativity and figure out how to play, right? We're all born with this, this, that, that innate like, you know, um look what I can do, look at me and if we can get paid for that and we're the happiest kids on the planet, right? I mean, what's, what's better than, than being a professional skateboarder, right? Jesus or a professional graffiti painter or a professional artist, right? Or a chef who just loves their fucking shit, right? There's nothing better than that. Um And I think that creativity is the most primitive drive that we have, but we don't talk about what it is really and we don't talk about it, what, what creativity is in society. Because if you use creativity with the, the out in the real world, you know, we're gonna talk about the real world to...
o, which doesn't really exist and if it does exist, you don't wanna be in it because you're not gonna fit because it's way too fucking small. But anyway, um you know, in society we don't talk about creativity because that's like a, that's a charged dangerous word, you know. Oh, you're creative all of a sudden you're like, you're small. You decorate, you, you, you choose colors, right? It's an insult and don't ever talk about the word art because that's super charged. You know, my father, uh, amateur photographer, amateur chef, um um built the house we live in with no plans whatsoever, basically, right? Um But if you had asked him, was he creative? He'd go like, oh no, no, no, the right. He'd be like, like get it off, get it off. Uh But if you asked him, hey dad, can you figure anything out? You go. Yeah, I can figure anything out. So that's creativity. I mean, the definition is um using your imagination and curiosity, you know, to create something original, which that's an awesome definition, but it leaves something out because in order to use and this is what we're talking about and this is why we're here discussing creativity because why we're here is to use your imagination to use your curiosity to create something original and get it out in the world. Takes bravery, takes courage, right? There's a lot of fucking fear involved in that because the, because the world out there doesn't have a value of creativity the way we do the world out there, the world out there has a certain uh uh preconceived notion about what creativity is. You know, I see it when I go to the, the, either the grocery store or the supermarket or the mall or whatever or drive around, you know, strip malls or whatever. And I'm like, I'm always reminded of Socrates. You know, Socrates has this wonderful line that he was, that he supposedly said or, or was written down that he had said that. He said as I walk through the marketplace, he says, I'm, I'm amazed at all of the things I do not need. You know, because we get, we get these jobs and I know this, I know this for a fact because so many of the students who came through my class at the School of Visual Arts are now adults and I've, and I've, and I've watched them and I've seen them. I've talked to them for the years and I've had so many other students from workshops and events and things and I, and I, and I, and I'm, I'm shepherding them and I'm hosting them. I'm guiding them and I'm helping them and I hear them and they get these, they get this like, you know, my students at S VA would be like they graduate and they'd come to me and they say I got, I got this awesome job and they're gonna pay me a lot of money. I said, oh, what are you doing, they're like, they're like, oh, I'm, um, you know, I'm gonna be designing websites for sub blah, blah. I'm like, ok, here's, here's how it's gonna go in a year. You're gonna come back to me and you're not gonna be happy and dollars to donuts, they would come back in a year and they're like, yeah, so, like, I bought an apartment because they're getting paid well and they're like, and I fucking hate my job. I'm like I told you so, yeah, because there are so many jobs that are so frightfully uncreative, right? Because that's the Real World. And we're bigger than that. We're stronger than that. We're smarter than that. We're more creative than that. And you can have what you want. That's the other part. You can have what you want. I wanna be an illustrator. I wanna draw Mick children's books. Awesome. Awesome. Are there five people out in the world making children's books? No, there's fucking millions. They're just doing it because they're not looking for permission. They're not, they're not, they're not sitting around going well. What are the rules here? Where do I start? Or people come to me? And they're like, ok, I wanna write a children's book. Wonderful. What a great idea. You probably have five children's books and you talk to me, they're like, where do I get an agent? And what about pop? I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, you, you want step 16 and 17, step one. Let's figure that out. Right. That's creative our way out of that shit. So that's something else that we're gonna be talking about how to creatively find the path, creatively find your path.
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Ratings and Reviews
Richard Lynch
I really enjoyed the frank style that the class was delivered. Jealous of the 4 students who were in person. I work as an Aerospace engineer and am trying to find a way to relearn to be creative. This class and the exercises made me think and I have noticed that I enjoy taking different perspectives during boring meetings and drawing doodles that make me smile. Unexpectedly, my coworkers have said my work has improved lately. I think because I have become more open to possibilities outside of the tried and true.
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