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do the work

Lesson 22 from: Born Creative

James Victore

do the work

Lesson 22 from: Born Creative

James Victore

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22. do the work

<b><p dir="ltr"><span class="Apple-tab-span">&#9;</span>Get a behind-the-scenes look at how James worked with the students 1:1 to flesh out their ideas for two different assignments</p><div><br></div></b>

Lesson Info

do the work

So what happens in this process of the the the the conversation, the crit, the give and take is that um I think the students understand that initially when they first start presenting, they first start making what they're doing is they're thinking like designers, right? They're thinking they're thinking there's an answer out there and they just have to find it like everything is outside of them, like, you know, like flannel shirts are cool and bacon is in let's put those things together and voila, right? Um But what happens in this process is they will they start to come up with um uh they start to present their thoughts and their ideas and it's my job to kind of cajole them back to them all the time, back to them all the time and stop looking outside, stop looking for permission, stop looking for answers. I have to un I have to unteach all the things they've been taught professionally, especially like, like, like I find the students often want to go back to the brief. Well, the answer...

is in the brief. No, the answer is not in the brief. Any company that gives you a brief, the brief is all the good stuff taken off when we were over here like in the talking before we started, we were talking about like the perspective that comes with your culture, right? And in general, in Latin America is very much the idea that we are like outside looking in other whatever that in is, right? Like we were dealt a bad hand or stuff like that, right? Uh So I kind of did this. Uh I was also thinking about the other, you could see it as just me against the rest. I am the other or as a general like the big other, like it's me and the rest for everyone but me. Why does this always happen to me? And I was also thinking about always, it's not just every time, it's just like past and future, it's like it's been like this since forever and it will always be like this. There's no way to change this always. But that to have always in that in the assignment is kind of a, it's an extra little herbal because always isn't really true. Nothing is always, it won't always be like that, you know that. Exactly. Right. Um And it, it just makes it, it's just a little hurdle to get over because it, it, it says it says it's going to be like this every single and it's not true. Yes, but it's just a little joke. It's that idea that it will never change because it was, it has always been like this also. Uh, but in any movie where they say it's always been like this, it always ends up at the end changed. Yes, it is written. Oh, no, it's not really written. And so that was like the, the beginning. Then I started like playing around with a bit of a kind of stupid little jokes. So, uh, I was thinking about the lines of the supermarket or when there's traffic and you change your lane and it changes immediately. I'm always playing that and just the same with, like, pen drives. You always get it wrong here. The, here's the thing about that, that the, the, the drive. Yeah, I always put it in the wrong. Right. It's, it's the fact that we do that, the fact that we put it in wrong go and then put it in, right. The important thing is when we go because what were we doing to ourselves? It's like, it's like we're calling ourselves stupid. Yeah. It's like, I, I never learned this. Exactly. It's like, oh, my God, I'm so stupid. Why can't I just, why every time I do it I'm like, with, and I only have one. I'm like, why don't I market? So I know. I know. So, I mean, every time I, every time I put it in, it's wrong, I'm like, and because it's, but that's the important part, the fact that we go and call ourselves stupid, which is a judgment on ourselves because it's like, like saying out though that like, it's not that hard. I learn these. That's the important thing for anything, for anything that you can say, always the grass green or whatever it is. It quite frankly, it's not bad. And that's the joke. And that's the beautiful part. If you can, if you can come up with something that says that you put that out in the world, you will enlighten the load of everybody, right? Can you see that everybody will go, you know what? Maybe if I do the work and market the top, then I it's no longer a problem. It's no longer a problem. And then, and then extrapolate that out to everything. Everything always. So if we can, if we can, if we can come up with something to unlock one of these things for people and just take the load off of them, just lighten their lighten their lives, you know, like um that would be amazing because yes to get everybody to stop going. Oh, so that's the, that's the, that's the funny thing that happens whenever we make those decisions is we suffer from those decisions. We, we, we, we make a choice to, to try to win by going in the shorter line, but we don't, we don't win and then we, then we beat ourselves up. But really, you know, it doesn't matter. And it's, for example, it's not even our fault. No, it's nothing you can control, it can control, you can control the grass thing. That's easy to control. Take care of your grass. You know, we were talking, we were talking about somebody else and they were talking about like, you know, you're complaining about somebody else's grass but they're in there watering and they're down there with scissors and you know what I mean? Like they putting in the work and you're not, you're complaining. Exactly. So, so, uh yeah. No. Excellent. Inroads. This is super. OK. I'll just keep thinking about this top, top class. Good job. OK. Excellent. Yeah, keep thinking about it and then you know what's gonna, you're gonna go through this process of like you're working on it now and then we're gonna break up and then, um, um, you'll go sit with them or you'll go by yourself or whatever and you'll have a couple more thoughts and then you're gonna do the most beautiful thing where you're just gonna fall asleep. You wake up, you go, oh, it's gonna be there. I have something and then you can, and then come here and put it on to paper. Ok. OK. Thanks. I guess. What's the end goal? What do we want? The end goal to be? Uh, we can't talk about that. I can't even go there yet because it's uh um, we gotta do the baby steps of getting there and the one is first of all figuring out different, different meanings? Like is it the gratitude thing since it's, since we have that grasp thing set up, you know, looking out at, you know, how does that, do you have that in your life? Like where you're looking at somebody else's thing and going? I wish there, I wish I had. So this is the maybe not the wish I had. But the can I tell you what my first thought was? So I write to my dad every day in a journal since he passed. So it was always like I was always the person that had my parents and now I'm the other person that doesn't have my parent anymore. Like I was, you know, it was always, it always death happened to somebody else, you know, it was always the other and then OK, so what happens when it comes around full circle? Right. It kicks you right. A square between the pants. Right. Right. Um So it's like, oh, that's always happening to other people and all of a sudden and you're like, you're like, you're like, you know, you're pushing other people ahead of you and pushing and pushing and pushing and all of a sudden there's somebody behind you. Wait a second. Now, it's like it's my turn, right? And it's always, now it's always the other life that I used to live when my dad was around versus he's not around. So, yeah, or you know what the way you were saying is like, this only happened to other people and all of a sudden you're like, oh, wait, I'm the other. My dad's not gonna die. He's gonna live forever. I don't wanna be the other. Which is interesting. That's interesting. So, so, yeah, there's a lot to, there's a lot to think about and I think the way, the way it has to happen first is that it has to happen through the, like, just like, you know, write these things down. It's because I, you know, what I found with my own work is if I can intellectualize it to a certain point, then all I have to do is kind of just like close my eyes and look at that thought and the, the, the, the, the, the visuals appear, it becomes easier to, to put on paper. So, um, you know, and here's something else about like what we were talking about the, like things always happening to other people and all of a sudden it's us is a lot of that. Here's an image imagery to be wary of. I mean, the cliches are there for a purpose but to be, to be wary of, is this idea of um, um the finger pointing, right? Other, other. No, it's you or like when people make the gun, the gun that has that, that, that bends around and points at, you know, like that be, be wary of that because it's, it's kind of a, you know, it's a cliche but cliches are useful. But what did they say? 11, yeah. One pointing here. And my teachers used to always say to me, don't, don't point your fingers because there's point fingers pointing back at you. Yeah. But you can't just do that because it, you know, because it doesn't have any. We've seen it but we've seen, it doesn't have any meaning. So. But, yeah. So, yeah, interesting. Good luck. Thank you. So, what else? What else is here? Um Well, always like perspective, seeing things differently. This is everything, all this, all of this stuff is just perspective. It's just, it's just, you know what? Well, we're talking, what's good and bad perspective makes it so. Exactly, exactly. Perspective. Your attitude makes it so, so you can do anything with always the other but just, you know, keep changing the perspective and it's, you know, you know, instead of like wishing the other person's cow to die, you know, why don't you for two, for them? And you know what I mean? Like we get your own, I mean, work on it a little bit. Um But yeah, I think like a, a saying for like to, to say like jealousy is like toxic in a way, you know. Um So I don't know, what was this? This was like, this is the other, you know, like everybody's here in their neat little box and then this is the other and perspective. Is this a good place? Is a good thing or a bad thing? Yeah, that's what you don't know. Well, here in my, in my thing about, you know, when I, when you say this, the first thing I think it was lady in the tram, you know, the movie lady in the tram. Ok. So, like, would you rather be lady or would you rather be lady? Is this confined in a box? But you know, but not allowed to go outside of the yard has the life of a king but he doesn't have food given to him. He's got struggle and fight which you know, which is the other, it comes at a price, right? Which is the other and which do you wanna be? That's, that's again perspective. Well, I think I'm always here but then I'm trying to be ok with being there. So instead of um trying to fit in over here. Well, you have to do, you know, theoretically, you, you know, theoretically nobody wants to fit in over there. We all want freedom. Of course. Yeah, but you have to pay for it and it comes at a price and that's what, you know, Tramp has to be able. You're, you're, you're, you're do of a dog, you're my do of a dog. Yeah, it is very conceptual art. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, you're on the right track of figuring out just trying to figure out how to make it Yeah, I'm still in the just brainstorming phase. But Sonia, I'll tell you it, that thought process is, like, is like, I've got nothing. I've got nothing. I've got nothing. Oh, wait a minute, there's something. And I've got nothing I've got and then, 000, I think that's interesting. And then I've got nothing. I've got nothing. I've got nothing. That's just how it goes. I hate that. It's good. Yeah. I know the sweat through the. Yeah. Yeah. But you're like, sweating through it. So you're like, oh, wait a God. This is a great idea. It just brings you up a little bit more. Just, yeah, you just gotta do the work. Yeah. That's exactly it. I mean, everything you've been talking about is here is doing the work. So I think there's something there that's good. I'll just keep on working. It's all, that's all, that's what you're here for. Yeah. Um, I think it was funny before I came here. I was thinking about, like, getting away from design so hard, you know? And then I came here and I was like, well, Sonia, what did you think you were gonna actually have the design? Like, um, what you'll find is actually if you do a really good job thinking you don't really have to design it, you can do so it can be the simplest marks on the page and it'll make sense. But, yeah, but you have to go through the entire process, you have to be, but it's not a design process. It's, uh it's like you're writing a story, you're, you're, you're telling your story. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. I like that thinking of writing a story or living it or sharing it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And the idea is that, is that, that process of getting to the truth and getting to, you know, this is, this is, this is what I think. This is what I, this is what I want. This is what I believe. I mean, um in theory, it just translates to every single decision you ever have to make, all you have to do is just sit back and go, wait a minute. What's, what is this saying? You know, how do I feel? But a trip, I mean, this is like we're getting into like a philosophical part but trusting that is very hard because you don't know, you know, I mean, there's no right answer. So then, but you're not trusting that you're trusting you. That's, that's, that's the thing and that is hard. Yeah, because no one's ever asked you to do it and nobody ever will. They do it in like on like Instagram memes and uh feel good movies. But uh you know. Yeah. OK. But there's, you know, there's just, I mean, that's where all the good stuff is in, you know, in here. Yeah. Yeah, I guess that's where we started with. Um we started with love. Uh OK. OK. You got this. I got this. Thanks. There is always something OK? It's not what I think but it would can happen. There's always something worse than we just got used to something bad. There is always something. Yeah, I had a, I had an old boss that used to say um if it ain't your ass, it's your elbow, something's always gonna hurt, which is always the other, right? You know, and yeah, using the COVID thing is like, yes, there's always um that by itself is just, is just pointing out. Well, it's, it's a little bit of a joke but a joke that a joke to illustrate the truth, but it's also just kind of like pointing out a circumstance that exists and not having an opinion on it. So, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Oh, ok. Again, um most of, I mean, this is all about perspective, right? Is about what you think about, you know, is, is this good or bad? It's all about perspective. So, um this is just a situation that exists. So you can come at it two different ways you can go. Uh oh, there's a, there's a story about uh uh um Bata Shoes Bat A when they first started out, they, they, they were trying to move into Africa and he said, the guy who ran the, the sales department sent two salesmen to, into Africa to figure out how to sell shoes to them. And one guy calls back and he says, Boss, I got bad news for you. It's Africa. Nobody wears shoes. And the second salesman calls back and is all excited and he's like, Boss, I got great news for you. Nobody sells, nobody wears shoes, right? Like, like the, it's one perspective, but you can see it in two different ways. So, so, you know, people can either be really afraid that it's just gonna be COVID, one COVID, two, COVID three, COVID four, COVID five, or they can go, it's just go visit. It is what it is. It's like, it's like, it's like, it, it would be funny if, if you had a uh uh an umbrella of this person smiling and it's just all this, all these different COVID variations bouncing off of, you know what I mean? It's like, yeah, it's, and that would be an opinion. Yeah. Well, the smile or if they were or if they were running from it, that's another opinion. Another way of seeing another perspective you see. So instead of just like doing a plain idea tic like a conflicted character or something. Well, you should tell me what you think about that. Yeah, I, I think uh what I'm struggling with, it's like where I should go from plain ideas. I, because I it's not super clear for me how to show my opinion on something without writing. This is bad. Like literally the words or one of them would be saying no, like a sad person saying no, that's, I don't know if it's true. Um I think, I think, I think you just have, you're not comfortable with like um sitting back after you've done that and going asking yourself, am I comfortable with that? Is it a good, is this, is this good, is this bad? You know, but I, I do feel like I like, I'm not sure I, I have a question like and then what like where I go from this image or I don't know or this image or this image where what's, well, it depends on what you, what your opinion is on this thing is this thing, does this thing mark the end of the earth is this thing mark the end of humanity, not it just um it's just, it's just a cyclical thing, right? It's just, it's gonna happen again and again. Yeah. Yeah. And oh so let's say, OK, so let's say this now got you, let's say now you've been given information that the COVID thing is just gonna, it's just gonna be part of our lives now it's gonna be and you have to now you have a choice. Mhm You got, you got, you, you, your, your, your, your um you got a choice where you can now make a campaign, put it out in the world and say God's gonna be here forever. We're all gonna die or what you just said we're gonna be friends with us neighbors. Yeah. Yeah. It's gonna, it's gonna do all the stuff that, that, you know, like any kind of tragedy does for people which is bring them together and make them stronger. You can either run from it or you can live with it and become better and stronger. Again. That's just perspective and how to communicate that perspective. Let's say, I want to say we're gonna be neighbors. So by putting like a, a lady and I call it on a metro car, I will, will that do it, will it do it? I don't know, but it's on the track. It's on the right track or like or to do the cartoon version is the easiest thing is like, it's like, you know, it, if you, let's say you had like, you know, these two happy faces in their, in their um um let's say, let's say it's a 32nd film, right? You've got this happy face, this is in close on this happy face and like, and then this goes in close to other happy face, then it goes in close and they're shaking hands and they're high fiving and stuff and then the camera starts slowly backing up and one of them is like, is like an old lady and the other one is COVID. You know what I mean? It's just like, it's just like, you know, how do we, how do you do that? I don't know, but it just, it's think about it like that and if you can do that, if you can have that smile and enjoy it, that will, that will give it even more meaning because nobody wants to see you struggle and work. People wanna see that you've enjoyed this and like, like you've got to some amazing place, right? So it's about an angle. Funding for looking for an angle. Don't like that word just uh I'm just trying to find something like a rule to apply a rule to. Yeah, you want rules? No, no, you're in trouble. Yeah. No, there's none. But um or just like a tool to use how to because sometimes it feels like I'm showing my opinion. But yeah, when I try to go deeper, I see that I probably didn't or it's unclear or it's clear to me or it's like just a lazy way to put my opinion. First of all, there's, there's not gonna be any right answer and there's no grading or anything like that. So, like, just don't even just go and make something and have fun. I mean, that's a big, that's a big part of if you, if you can have fun in the process. Say, listen, I don't know if it works are not, but I enjoyed it and I'm like, ok, let's talk about it, you know, so don't feel like you gotta ace this thing and just go, got it. Um, um And if there is a AAA tool for you, it's just like, you know, play, just play, don't worry about it. I mean, you've already, you've already gotten to that point of like the perspective, you know, choosing a perspective. But now give it your, your perspective, like you said, and the better perspective is never, is, is, is never, oh, this is terrible. Run, better perspective is everybody cool. This is gonna be good, right? Yeah. Always, always thanks, Miss Rey Rider and tell me, ok. Oh, ok. Ok. So, first I started thinking about uh like your watch. Thank you. Um What is nothing and what is, tell me what is nothing. Well, technically it's, it's everything and it's nothing at the same time. Why? Well, I, it goes down to like meaninglessness to a lot of things. Um So I think what makes something, something or nothing is like if you give it meaning or not and it goes down to your perspective, what do you think is important? What isn't important or what affects your life and what doesn't affect your life? It could affect somebody else's life but to you it's nothing. So that's um how I got started. And also thoughts about like the vastness of the universe, how we're like the nothingness out of a galaxy that's also humongous, but it's also nothing. So that's what I have. Yeah. Yeah. Totally. And you know, and then to add perspective to it, how do we add, how do we add or even force perspective, perspective? Because he'll tell you, let's say like a conversation about recycling, let's say, let's say, let's say recycling and garbage. And um let's say, here's a, I wanna say funny idea. It's not funny, but we're all given like these recycling bins. Let's say we take our recycling, we keep throwing our recycling into these bins, but we don't know that that bin is connected to a big long pipe and the pipe goes to the community next door and it just gets dumped in somebody else's yard, which is what actually happens, you know. Yeah, technically it's really what happens. Um It's called Brazil. Um But you know, again, we gotta force, we have to make, we have to, we, we, we, we can't, this is, this is a big part of this assignment is not letting those words push us around. OK. Right. You gotta learn to be the boss and not let the words push us around because the one thing, especially when we talk about nothing, then we're talking about the word something. You know, how is it? How is it? Nothing? Um The one example that I've used a couple of times is like a pimple on your nose like, right, you wake up a pimple on your nose and you're like, what the fuck, who's that? And you look in the mirror and you're like a rhinoceros now and you're like, oh no, like, overnight I changed. Um, and it can really, no, it can really affect how you carry out the day. Right. True. True. True. Yeah. Right. I know people who, if they get a pimple they will not leave the house and I was just, like, get over it. It's a, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's a pimple. Yeah. It's nothing but it's a big, nothing but to everybody else, to you, to everybody else, it's what, what's your problem? I go boo, boo. Oh my God, it's a big nothing. Or you can, you would say, oh, it's a little nothing. Right. Um, and because I can use the pimple example, there's obviously a bazillion other ways to, to, to see that where one thing can be big and can be little and it can be nothing and it can be something at the same time all at the same time. Yeah. Yeah. But you have to figure out what you wanna say can be everything. Yeah. We, well, you know, ok, or, or, or I could force on you and say, do it with pimple, do it with a bag of money, do it with the Empire State Building, do it with the planet Earth, right? I could, I could, I could change the assignment and I can give you four different things to make big and little something in nothing all at the same time and all you're given is that one thing. But it's kind of an interesting idea. Yeah. But we got way more choices but it's the, it's applying the same theory that we did to the pimple. Yeah. One thing can be those things, all those things. Yeah, I understand that. Do you want to see what I got? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let me see the visuals. All right. So I started thinking about like mess, you know, it could mean it can be big and small mess and I started mess and then I started thinking about how do you visualize? I couldn't, I started writing mess, big little problems, big little. And I was like, well, I need a symbol for big and little and I was like plus and minus and then nothing is a bunch of minuses. So then I came up with like a big minus and a little minus. Well, technically nothing is always kind of like, you know, that's kind of like the is nothing. Ha ha. Wow. OK. A big zero and a later. OK. Um And I started thinking about like, which is interesting. Yeah, that becomes actually really interesting. So let's say, you know me, I like found art. So I would go and get like a photograph from NASA over the universe and then I would just put a big zero over here over here and like all of a sudden they're planets but they're zero. It's funny kind of works. It's not bad. I own that one. Yeah. Don't worry. Um, but then I started thinking, like, big, little, of course, there's a difference in proportion. And then I started thinking about, like, the cells that were made out of, you know, the little nothing and the big nothing is a human and the cells that were made out of, like, what, what do you mean? Like? Yes, they do. Exactly. And then made me think about the microcosm. We're the last uner and I was like the planet. It's big. Nothing and we're the little nothing. And now here's the interesting thing. Big. Nothing. Nothing. If you, depending on what you, what you actually wanna say about those things, you could change people's minds about recycling or about garbage or about buying things in the right? Is it nothing or is it important? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You've just add, we've just, we've just added some level of real life, you know, drama or reality to this thing. Right? Then like a connection people can connect to it. Um, got, you, can you grab Rafael and, um, uh, Matthew, have him bring him over here because we should, we should, we just had some mind blowing experiences. Uh, some things we should talk, should share. Yeah. Do you wanna wait for them or you wanna keep going? Oh, wow. Oh, it goes on super. So then I just went, you know, like the Galaxies and you're kind of like over here somewhere, the idea of nothingness. Um, like, the air we breathe or like the clouds are nothing, um, time, you know, like little, nothing, the seconds and just keeps on going on and on and on and on. But it's kind of like nothing. Um, I started thinking about mushrooms because, you know, they're like, really organ organism in the world. Yeah. But people see him as nothing. They only see this tiny little mushroom versus, they're like the oldest, also, the organisms are the largest organism in the world is mushrooms that are so like the importance of this. Um And what they do for the earth in terms of breaking down like really toxic chemicals and things like that. Um And I thought about, um, you know, things being blown out of proportion. Somebody got a tiny cut and they're freaking out and somebody's got a thing without Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The guy you like, like, uh, I complained, I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet. Um So this is all awesome. Great. You're on, you're on a thing. So we had this idea, we were talking about this idea and, um, so I shared with you all of you guys about the, the pimple thing, right? Do we talk about the pimple, Kia? Ok. So you wake up in the morning, you got a pimple on your nose, right? Um It's a pimple. They come and they go, right? But you wake up in the morning, you got one on your nose and all of a sudden you're like, you're like a freaking unicorn, right? You're a rhinoceros. You look in the mirror and you're like, oh, and as long as that she's had friends who, like, stay home, like, it really affects, it'll affect your day and affect how you, you know, you walk around all day like this or whatever. It's a pimple. Um, uh, and then you go, when you do go outside and you're acting weird, all your friends are like, what's up? And you're like, I have a pimple and they're like, oh, so get over it. It's a, it's a, it's a little nothing, right? So now all of a sudden what we've done is the pimple never changes. It's big, it's little, it's nothing and it's something but it by itself never changes. It's all four of those things. So if, if we can, if we can play that scenario out with just a pimple, maybe I should change this assignment and say, OK, big nothing, little, nothing. Here's the four things you have to deal with. You. Tell me that story with the pimple. Tell me that story with uh a bag of money. Tell me about that story with uh the planet Earth, right? You see if we can do it with a pimple, we must be able to do it in a bunch of other, a bunch of other ways. Uh And you got some good, you got some good stuff here about like, you know, um you know, it's, and it's just perspective, it's just our perspective that makes it. So we, we, we, we give things, we, we, we sometimes give things of value where they don't deserve value. We often like our fear. We were talking about fear and emotions in this scenario. That's awesome. That's good stuff right there because we were talking about one in here, which was like the earth. I think it was the earth, something about something about the earth. I'm not sure big little earth. Um And here's another situation where if we take big nothing, little, nothing and we use the perspective of the earth, we could actually theoretically come up with a plate to a place where we could influence human beings to be conscious of their shopping, not recycling bullshit, taking my garbage and putting it in your backyard. Right? But to stop buying that crap or, or, or lobby. So there's less plastic and paper and you know what I mean? Interesting idea. So what we're doing is, and I think we've come up with, I think you and I came up with, with some place where it was like if we do a really good job, we could create something that would really change people's thinking. So and all that from, you know, an abstract, big, nothing, little, nothing. It's good stuff.

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Ratings and Reviews

Richard Lynch

I really enjoyed the frank style that the class was delivered. Jealous of the 4 students who were in person. I work as an Aerospace engineer and am trying to find a way to relearn to be creative. This class and the exercises made me think and I have noticed that I enjoy taking different perspectives during boring meetings and drawing doodles that make me smile. Unexpectedly, my coworkers have said my work has improved lately. I think because I have become more open to possibilities outside of the tried and true.

Student Work