Lesson Info
16. big nothing little nothing (the crit)
Look at Me
1seen, heard, loved
08:35 2knowing your butt
06:07 3why we're here
05:55 4your work is a gift
04:45 5a song to sing
6love (the assignment)
07:42love (the crit)
28:49Always the Other
8the ass divot
01:48 9like tarantino
04:30 10always the other (the assignment)
12:06 11the cliche
11:12 12always the other (the crit)
45:13Explodes in the Brain
13Explodes in the Brain
30:32Big Nothing Little Nothing
14big nothing little nothing (the assignment)
01:54 15don't fall in love
04:35 16big nothing little nothing (the crit)
53:23There Ain't No Rules
17ain't no rules
01:16 18yesterday, today, tomorrow
08:33Allow Freedom
19allow freedom
01:41 20show & tell
22:29Born (wildly) Creative
21born (wildly) creative
01:48Subscriber Bonus Lessons
22do the work
34:35 23show & tell (part 2)
16:04Lesson Info
big nothing little nothing (the crit)
I always say that an artist is anyone who loves what they do, right? We think of creativity. Creativity is a creativity and art are like charged words, right? You know, like, oh, I, I'm not creative. No, I, I just, you know, I'm just a baker, right? I'm not creative. I just make dresses, right? Um uh an artist is anyone who loves what they do and sees it that way and that's an important part. I mean, I think, I think a bus driver can be an artist because a bus driver can change people's lives, not just by bringing them from point A to point B but by smiling, but by being welcoming, you can change someone's day by, in, by, by, by taking that creativity and that love and that play inside you and sharing it with someone else who's gonna start us off today who has not started us off before two of you have not started, got you got, you got you, let's do it. Start us off. I'm starting with the second one, second one from the left. Uh huh. That says, uh make sure to recycle, make sure I can r...
ead the depleted uranium warhead? Uh huh. Ok. I like the message. I like you. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, you like the message. What is the message? Uh, the message like, recycle stuff that need to be recycled. This assignment is called, what big? Nothing big, nothing, nothing big, nothing, little, nothing. Um, what are your, what were your thoughts on that last night and this morning all over the place? Yeah. Yeah. It's a riddle, You know, it's a riddle wrapped in an enigma locked in a box buried in the ground, right? Um, um, yeah, it's a riddle to a certain degree. Kind of hard to keep straight in your mind to wait. Was I talking big? Wait? No, that's something. How can that be? Nothing, right? All these ideas. So you're looking at this, it says make sure to recycle a lot of words on the page. I'm not a big fan of that, but we'll, we'll get there. Uh, make sure to recycle and then deplete a uranium warhead. What is, what, what, how, how is big? Nothing, little, nothing big, little, nothing. Uh, for me it's like something that used to be huge in, I don't know, sixties became little, nothing over the last 3040 years. And, uh, from that little nothing, it became huge again recently and it showed people how, like you have to pay attention to little, nothing that you think you left behind or you don't need to worry about So you're going by what, some news kind of agenda? Fears. But where's big? Nothing little, nothing. That's my question. Uh, I'll tell you, uh, this missile is in between them is in between them. Uh huh. Flying for some, one place that is nothing or gonna be nothing very soon to the place that is gonna be nothing. Definitely. Just like in a few minutes. Wow. How long it takes for this thing to? Oh, I see. So you're talking about there's some land over here or a country over here and there's a country over there, right? Is that what you're saying? And about to, about to turn everything into nothing and it's about to turn everything into nothing. Ok. Let's let it lie there. Let's move on. Ok. So the big, nothing, little, nothing. I see it like two ways. The first one is kind of similar to what Kia was, was saying. I see, like uranium is a little piece of nothing that can make a big, nothing. And also I like that you can read it, like, in so many ways and recycling as well is like, like little things that are supposed to make a big difference but it's nothing. Oh, I get it. Excuse me. So what you're saying? So there's two different things here for me. Yeah, they, at the end I get the idea that is, that is like, what is the point of recycling when the missile is? I say almost here. But also recycling is like a big idea, but deep down it's not a little bit of, not so sphincter of truth. Yeah. Would be the, the band on the deck of the Titanic. Exactly. Something like that. Something like that. I get it. Make sure to enjoy the band. That's what it's all going down. Hey, remember to tip us and I'll just give you everything. Um, interesting. Ok. Very cool. Are you, is that where you were almost, you had the two different continents in the death of everybody? I took, I took uh recycling idea uh differently because like that stuff could be all, I don't know, destroyed, dis disintegrated but it wasn't uh ma ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma ma, do you? Um I'm, my, my head hurts for this one. Just because I don't know enough about missiles and everything. So I, at first was thinking the missiles are not being used anymore. So they're being recycled. But then if they're, it's flying, I, I have no words for this one. I like it but I don't, well, you were stuck, you are stuck where I was stuck. Where, where you believe that these two things are one and they're not right. They're not, they're, that's one idea and this is another idea. So, um they're associated but it's set up like this is a poster like, and it would be, see, here's the thing tracks in the snow because of how we've been educated, how we see things. We see this as a poster with a headline and that's the image, right? We do not see it as this is one idea and that's another idea. We do not see it as this is a big nothing. This is a little nothing, right? That's the way it just, it's presented on the page. It looks like kind of an advertising poster and you can see a little logo here, the little, the little clown in the corner, right. There's another track in the snow that is very misleading. I don't know what this is. It looks like someone's trying to make a hamburger out of this. Uh You know, I know that I looked up the missiles. That's what they look like. They look like little shuttles. You had to look up a missile to draw a missile. I want, I didn't want him to look like old school. They've been updated. Did you look up a turtle to draw a turtle? No, but the missiles are specific. Well, here missile specific is just the cliche, right. That's what we'll be looking for. We'd be looking for the cliche and the missile, the cliche of a missile would, it would be long, right? It would have a nose and it probably has fins on it, right. So, no hamburgers we can do away with that. At least of the problems. Do you want me to tell you um I think it's time. Ok. So my idea was um depleted uranium warheads. We talk about, like, we are always urged to recycle to, you know, drive ecofriendly cars and all of that. But this whole time military is like, polluting the entire world. Nobody's talking about it. And they're the biggest polluters. The wars are, all of the wars are happening. That's the biggest pollution we have. And like, think about like the play of uranium warheads. Like, ok, people get cancer. It's created grounds but think about what happens to nature there. It's not just the people that suffering get cancer. It's like all the nature gets deformed or destroyed or nothing grows there once you have uranium, that blade head. So, um, and the idea is like, oh, no big, it's not exactly uranium. It's just like, you know, a tiny bit of uranium there. Ok. Cool, cool. So, we now are in this, uh, in this, uh, venue where we all kind of understand, I think. Right. We all are, have a kind of a shared reality about this thing. Now, the way it's presented, does it make sense? Like the tracks in the snow? Well, I don't think anybody fully, no. Exactly. No, nobody, nobody fully gets was there with, they got some parts of it. But, yeah. Yeah, because I think the way you said it again, it's that, it's, that, it's, that, it's that alignment between what you're thinking in your mind. And what you're, what you wanna say is getting trying to get that tighter, right? Um Because so this looks like it's set up like um oh here's what I wanna do. I wanna tie them together, so I wanna tie them together here. They're tied together, but they look like an advertising poster and it's super misleading because you look like it's a recycling poster but then it's this like how does it work? Blah, blah, blah. Um, so we would have to think about a way to kind of take this. Not, not, and don't fall in love with missiles because it's not about missiles. Is it not? No, no, no. What is it? It's about, it's about, it's about the, the, uh, the, the pollution caused by war, right? Like, like the oil fields that are just burning. Yeah. Right. Um, and then you've got this, which is kind of funny vis a vis that idea. So, how would we tie those to be, like, ironic, make sure I call, you know, but while we're doing all this stuff. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. The way you just said it, that's it. And what you would do perhaps. And this is just, again, this is just the knee jerk. This is the first step is so ignoring that. Go to a place like a, I don't know, post Chernobyl or what, I don't know what, what the current, I mean, I'm sure you could pick a number of spots around the world to go to, right? Take a big ugly photograph, you know, oil fields burning or blah, blah, blah, blah. And then, and then what do you, when you, you get this exquisite photograph, you know, like the like the Ann Babies yesterday, exquisite photograph of that one carnage um of, you know, lack of humanity, an exquisite photograph of lack of humanity, right? Exquisite finger pointing photograph. Um But what do you bring with you to plant in the middle of that photograph? Oh, yeah, I can have that sign right in the middle and OK. Yeah. Right. Right. So you've got, you've got this um again, this is just the knee jerk. So you got this, this, this, this stuff going on, you know, it's like, you know, fires and you, and you, we somehow know that is, you know, leaking in, leaking into the ground, you know, this and then we have this, you know, pleasant little, you know, little, hey, don't forget to recycle, right? Like it's trash day on Thursday. Yeah. You know, the kind of thing you get or, or even, or even on that photograph, tape, just take a, take a, take the photograph, print it big and then take that the notice that you get taped to your apartment door about trash on Thursday and tape that on to the thing and then re photograph that right to show the absurdity of it. That's, that's what I was going for. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. So how, yeah, that's it. That's the, how do we get, how do we get to the truth? How do we show that in, in, in, in very simple ways? So, we, the sphincter of truth. So we have some shared humanity. Um, and then we use the cliche of either the recycling sign or taped up thing or whatever it is. And then those two that really don't go together all of a sudden do go together and they make, that's, you know what that is, you know, that's called, that's called. And this is a brilliant idea. I love this idea. It is one of my favorite that's called one plus one equals three. One plus one equals three. That's beautiful. That's important. That's the wrongest answer. But everybody knows one plus one equals four. So who cares? Right. One plus one equals three. You take this thing and you take this thing and they don't equal two. They equal a huge idea. Good job. Where do we go from here? All right. Um Let's go with Kas on the fourth one. All right. So there's a lot of darkness in that ones. Yeah. And then, or this one, this one, yes. The form. Um, there's a person of like God, they're too big for their house and they look very sad and dis distressed. Um, get where there's flowers in the ground and it makes me associate like soil and like like tomb kind of thing. Like you put flowers on a tomb but big, nothing little, nothing. I mean, the cops could be big. Nothing, little nothing or the person can be big. Nothing. Yeah. Big, nothing, little nothing. Where do we, where do we, where do we, where are we with that? What are the, what are options? Big? Nothing, little, nothing. But I, I think like when you look at it in terms of proportion you have the big nothing is like what I perceive as soil or the mess underneath the gunk. Oh, maybe it's like oil or something. Nothing. It looks, does not look the, the, the stuff on the bottom looks kind of meant to present some form of bad or is it meant to be to represent something beautiful? No, it's not. But then we have these, what we assume are little flowers. Yeah, you have to think. But they're not growing, they're cut, they're cut flowers. Yeah. So, so, I mean, proportionally when you look at it, you have the, the person in the house that's a little nothing. Or the flowers are a little nothing and you have this huge mess. That's big. Nothing. Okay. Can you get anywhere? I can't, I don't know if, if it's, it's like feeling of being trapped, at least the little human looks like that. Even though there's like this vastness in your church and this, and you feel like you're guessing, I feel like I'm guessing. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Which sometimes with work we have to, um, yeah, it's not bad. It's not wrong to give people enough information to hang themselves. You know what I mean? Like, give enough information that they're like, they can get in there a certain degree and then they're kind of, you know, lost. Listen here, what I'm trying to say is this sometimes we can't communicate with everybody just doesn't work, you know. So my answer is stop trying, stop trying. Do your best, follow through with your story. Do your, you know, uh, allow your voice to play, um, search and have fun and create. Um, but understand that you're not gonna communicate with everybody. It's just impossible, you know. Um, I've judged enough international competitions to know that, you know what I love is not, you know, there's four or five other judges and they're like, what? So it just doesn't work that way. We're so, um, where else should we go? Matthew. What about this? Um, I was looking at it from the perspective of like if that was land and that they, the little, nothing is what they have and then the big nothing is everything else. It's ruined and they have to make do with what, whatever they, whatever space they have. But are they making do here? That doesn't, no, no, they're not making do they, they're, they're struggling. Yeah. Good word. Rough. Uh, for me it's like my favorite. Honestly. I don't know. If I get it, but I see fear and I see shelter. So it's like there's this huge scary world outside, but I would rather just be under my roof and feel safe, even though I don't even fit there. I'm curious about the flowers because I don't know exactly why they're there. I'm, I'm curious because you said a huge scary world out there. But I, I don't see that, that, that's what I see in the, I see it like a like when we were talking yesterday about the perspective, how so how my fear can feel huge but it can feel stupid for someone else, right? So it's like the world is huge and there's a lot of things and I can do a lot of stuff. But if I don't have shelter, then it doesn't work for me. I would rather just be inside. I don't see it like, like I don't see it like a cut like this is uh below the house or the shelter to use the same word. I just see it like a vast void of fear. So I would rather stay in this tiny house. Cool, like this cool creativity. Um Creativity is the natural urge to invent and explore and to be curious and to use your imagination in order to create um something original, to create something new, create something for yourself uh that we can share for other people. Creativity is the um I think is the most driving force on the planet. I mean, we see it in nature, we, we see it in animals. Um um we see it in ourselves and we see it in other people, but we also hold it back. So I think creativity is this urge that we need to understand more for ourselves and we need to allow in ourselves so we can move forward professionally, so we can move forward personally. When we talked yesterday, uh we talked about fear, how it's a great uh how big, nothing and little nothing. It's a great metaphor for fear. And uh here is uh can you explain that the metaphor for fear? I can explain it on this uh image because it's basically uh what this image is about. Uh And it's uh based of like my personal feelings of fear that uh like huge fear when you are afraid to leave your house, when you're afraid to just like do anything that might hurt you or people around you. So you are just uh choosing like the safest place to be and you basically uh stuck inside your house. And uh here I tried to um show with the shape of the house. I wanted it to be more uh like gravestone like so you basically um putting yourself like you are, you, you, you are, you don't exist anymore. You're in that gravestone, your uh house where you hiding from the scary world trying to save yourself became in your grief. Uh This, this little flowers are here to represent. That is the gravestone and grief, your fear of the, of the world um basically has created that you now live in a mausoleum, right? You live. But right now, but in a certain time of my past a we're looking at a slice, a picture and it's, we're not looking at necessarily caught you. We're just looking at a picture of depression perhaps, right? Phobias, phobias, anxieties. Sure worries. And it's funny because, uh, what it would, would have been awesome is if the flowers were in color, like a little bit of color there because you know what? Because you'd be like, that was a nice thing. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Be like, look like your flowers. You know, it's the old joke, it's the old joke. It's like this guy goes to his, the psychiatrist and he's like, super depressed and he, uh, got the psychiatrist says, well, tell me what, you know what's wrong? He says, well, he says, let's, you know, he's like, uh, you know, tell me a little bit, tell me about your life. Like, what do you do for a living? He says, well, I work for the circus. Oh, you work for the circus? What do you do? He says, well, I'm an, I'm an elephant trainer. You're an elephant trainer? Awesome. I mean, like you make them get up on the sticks and you make them like, you know, stand up. He says no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's the elephant coach. I'm the elephant trainer. He says, oh, so you make them like walk in circles and you just walk. He said no, no, no, no, no, no. He says no, no. Um sometimes the elephants because of their diet is so weird. Sometimes they need help pooping. So, I it's my job to, you know, kind of get, I got a big long glove and I reach up and I help the elephant poop and the guy, the shrink goes. So you do that, that's your job. He says, yeah, he says, um, and you're depressed. He said, yeah, a little bit. He says, well, do you ever think of changing jobs? And he goes, what? And leave the circus? You know, he's not in, he's in the circus, but he's got like the worst freaking job in the world. But he's like, I'm in the circus, right? It'd be hilarious. Like if those were the, that was the one bright thing. Like, what's your, what's your life like? Kind of, I'm afraid of everything, but I've got flowers but they're outside, they're like in front of that grave stone. Like someone left them and left life of this. Ok. So you guys, you guys understand this thing now, right? Ok. Now, where's big? Nothing big. Nothing is the, whatever is going on under the gravestone. What could be a life, happy, whatever, fulfilling life became a big nothing because uh the person who lives isolated, scared of everything just cannot live that life. So it's just, oh OK. So that could produce something but it won't produce anything. Uh Interesting, interesting. So given the perspective, uh that I'm looking for the sphincter of truth now, right. I'm looking for like, tell me to put this in a perspective that I can understand now. Like, is it the kind of thing where somebody who's, for example, I know we're talking about worry and anxiety here but or phobias um could it be that somebody is born and is given all opportunities, given everything and they come from a rich family in south of that, they end up, you know, in in jail at 15, right? They've given all opportunities. It's a, it's a big, you know, it's something but it turn, it all turns into a big nothing like that like aviator movie. Remember when the guy had everything? Oh Howard Hughes aviator and he got like stuck in that room washing his hands. That's OK. So is that big? Nothing little? Nothing? Yeah. Like if we're talking opportunities from all this like whole huge life full of opportunities, it became a little nothing and that huge life became big. Nothing. OK. OK. I'm with you. I'm with you and, and the legacy becomes um super rich, famous crazy person, right? Yeah. OK. OK, cool. Um What I wanna see what I think is missing here in this story is that contrast of, you know, I wanna see this person feeling their emotions but everything outside of them is just chill the opposite of what you have here because this is easy to read. This is we look at this, the gestalt, the knee jerk of this is I look at that and I go, that guy is sad, right? But we wanna look at it and go, that guy is sad. Why is he sad? You know what I mean? More contrast. No, I, I think he's, I know you think he looks pretty sad. It's, uh, I don't wanna be that guy. Um, but we wanna see the contrast of what's not what, what's not doing it for him, why he's, you know, um, not the fear, not what he's afraid of, but it's just interesting that we can be co become so afraid of pretty much everything, you know? I mean, I think it's hilarious that, um, that we're all born wildly creative and we all are born when we're Children. It's like, hey, look at me, look what I can do, right? But we end up the, the, the, the biggest fear most people have is to get up in front of an audience, right? How do we get to that point where, where all we want as kids is, hey, I, I made a show, I'm gonna made all the music and I'm gonna show it for you. OK? You ready. How do we go from there to um um um um hello. I, I'm my name. Right. So I wanna see that. Cool. Got you. Where do we go? I'm going for and the second one, another section this guy uh huh. Um my reading of this is uh something big. Nothing super like. No, it's nothing because it's so complicated and you just cannot understand what is it like? Is it, I don't know the sea is it just like so a lot of something, uh which is nothing because I don't know what is it? It makes me wanna check my, my clothes and, but I believe that if, if you start on uh willing it unraveling, unraveling it. Thank you. Learning process. Uh You might find out what is it, but it also might turn out that it's just uh I don't know 100 miles of nothing or on this uh in this finger there. Nothing. I wish my hands looked like that. Right. It's like those are fingers, man. I don't know. That's awesome. That was so hard. That was hard to draw. I've been drawing hands all night all morning just looking at my hand, taking pictures of my hand. Well, it shows, yeah. Matthew, what is this big? Nothing little, nothing. Um What is, what is your read on it first? Like what are we looking at? What's the tracks in the snow? Just that the little thing could, can destroy the big thing. Just the slightest thing could unravel everything so it could go easily from a big nothing to, or, I mean, it go from a little nothing to a big nothing. What is this? The big, nothing? I mean, is it a sweater? It could be a rug. I don't know. I have no idea. But it just, it symbolizes to me like somebody or something. Something. Yeah. Something that can come undone could come undone. That's good. That's good by these exquisitely drawn hands and just these two fingers, these are dangerous fingers, those, those little suckers. Um Sonia, I gonna see it as a a butterfly effect idea where you know, like a little thing changes everything. So this idea of like this tiny little string that almost seems like I guess nothing or like completely meaningless unravels. I see it like all the mumbo jumbo up there. It looks like maybe that's the whole world. That's how I perceive it because you, you can't define it. So what is is like the world, I guess so like one little thing could unravel everything. So the butterfly effect, meaning what, what is that? The butterfly effect is like? You know the idea of a tiny little action that seems completely meaningless changes the entire world beautiful. So there that's a, that's a sphincter of truth test right there. Cool. Um OK, let's talk to, let's talk to Rafa first before we go into it. Ra tell tell us. So I was going, uh, I was thinking about the idea of the pimple yesterday, how it's a little, nothing but you make it a big nothing. And I started thinking about stuff like that. Like when you have like, like a little scab or a mosquito bite and you just pick on it and pick on it, I'll pick on it and I thought about a thread like a little thread that you could just, you know, cut it or burn it and it would just be OK. But you just start pulling at it and you just destroy your shirt or your sweater or whatever just because you keep pulling on it. So for me, the little nothing is like that piece of thread and the big nothing is what's gonna happen if I keep pulling at it. Got it. Um But I keep the, I'm struck by this piece because I keep looking at that and going. So, you know, like I'm like, I'm looking for the why? OK, like I'm looking for like, what's the big nothing, what's the little nothing? Is this a good thing or is this a good thing or a bad thing? And is it how good or how bad? Right. OK. Um Partially because this is, this is just amorphous. I don't really know what it is, right? There's not, there's not a lot of details in it in the story contrasting to this where there's too many fucking details and I'm curious why this one was chosen last because partially because I think we know it because we've seen all these details before. These are, this makes this shit makes me curious, right? Like what the fuck is that? I wanna talk about it? So why is this? Is it, is it, is it that we, we, we we this is humanity. We just kind of, we're, we just, we just keep it and we can't help it. We can't help it. We know we have to stop picking your little scab. You know, you have to stop pulling on that little thread on your shirt, but you can't help it. You just, but you can also OK, we talked about the idea and it's shown, it's presented itself a number of times which is really groovy that we can take these crazy ideas, this huge clumsy thing about love and show it to the world in such a way that says, I don't know. And that was moving, that was powerful. And then yesterday there was another one that we could just say, listen, we can take this and we can craft it down and we can put it in such a way and put it out into the world and people would look at it and go, oh, that's me. Uh huh. So where's that here? Uh I guess I was trying to, to look for something that has happened to everyone at, but you've chosen the micro. Exactly. Now, how do we make it mean the macro? That's what I'm saying. I mean, like, you know what I mean? It's like, it's, you've chosen the picking, uh, you know, we've chosen the pimple or the whatever. Um, but how do we, how do we, how do we make it have more meaning? That's all. And that's an, it's an open ended question. I'm not really looking for an answer because we could do it and I don't have an answer and it might take a week for, you know, 10 minutes, but we could do it, of course. But I just wanna put that question out because that's important because we've got the micro down, we've got the, the pimple story, the scab story. You know, I got, I'm telling my kids all the time. It's not the mosquito problem that you all tore your shit out of yourself, right? So that's the important thing to know that this is the beginning and shit you had overnight. Come on and you were drawing hands, you were up late, drawing hands on that you must be exhausted. Practice pays off. OK? So that's the important part. You know, for all of them is like to see that bigger picture, you know, because this is not a, this class is not called born Clever. Nobody wants to be born Clever. That's important. Gotcha. Let's talk about Matthews. Let's talk, but it should be me, right? What you want OK. Go for it. I'm the only, there's no rules, baby, there's no rules. Just go, it says for permission. It, this one's tough for me. Uh I see like that idea of balancing things out, right? Uh I'm trying to look for this. Hold on, I'm sorry, let me stop you one second. Let's go backwards. Have you seen this before? Uh I've seen like the, like the idea of that e equilibrium. OK. But in equilibrium or the, the multiple imagery and the spiritual and the, yeah, I've seen and there will be a phone number underneath which says you get your tarot card written, you know, tarot cards red, maybe I've seen bits of it. OK? Because you see, well, that is definitely Jupiter and Saturn for example, right? But I'm not looking at that. I'm just focusing on the, on the silhouette and, and I see, I don't know why the heart and the brain are on fire. What I'm focusing on is that idea that you have to choose to focus, which is on fire. You have to choose uh to think with your head or to, I don't know, think with your heart something like that. Uh You have, you could be, you should be able to just do both, just think on it and feel it. But we're kind of told that we have to choose, OK? Just think about it or just do what you feel. But why can't we do both So that's what I'm taking. Ok. Got you. Uh, I wonder why a heart and brain are taken from the body? Why there is like empty spaces for them? But they're outside. Uh, I see big nothing here. Like the huge universe feels like a big, nothing. Well, what is, what is a small, nothing, a little, nothing. What? Nothing. Um, Sonya, I, so I get the idea whether the, the heart or the brain wins and the idea that they need to be balanced. Um and they're on fire because it's almost like fighting of the two. But the change I'm interested in to see what does that mean? It's almost like this person is completely changed and unable to make a decision because they're bound. So it almost looks like the chains are like little, nothing but they're such a big deal. There's a lot of details. Yeah. Um There's a lot of details, a lot of things to look at. You're looking at the hearts and the voids and the chains and Saturn and Jupiter. It's a, I think he talks like a lot about duality, you know, being not being, having, not having what's, what's the big, nothing little, nothing quick, big, nothing, little, nothing. I guess the human is a little nothing and the brain and the heart are big. Nothing for me. It's like if I choose the big as the brain, then the heart is little and if I do it the other way around. So or the heart is the big. So the brain has to be the little one. OK. Decision that person is making is that little nothing for a big, nothing of like existence and the univers. I'm curious, I'm curious, uh and I'm, I'm curious because I got spoiled because I spoke to you guys before, right? Because I've seen, I saw you guys working on stuff. Um But what I'm curious about is why nobody is paying attention to that. Now, I see the fire now, I see why it's on fire. Why? Because it's a magnifying glass, magnifying glass in the sun. Not drawn. Well, so we don't, we don't pay attention to it. OK? Not called out as such, not a different color, not a photograph, not a right. So we don't know what to pay attention to and I don't even know if what I'm doing is correct. Right. Talk to me. All right. So the big, nothing is all of that bottom stuff is I would say me. So I'm, I'm judging myself. That's why I'm in chains. Connect to the magnifying glass. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there. Slow there judging yourself. That's why you're in chains and we'd have to put that through the sphincter of truth. You see what I mean? Yes, absolutely. So you're like, you're like, you're like throwing shit out there and it's like, you know, you're making up a lot but go on just like was like going through a million and one ideas and like them all starting to merge or melt together. And I was like very frustrated. Um So the magnifying glass is something that I'm using to amplify my problems or whatever. But then, but the universe, the sun, everything is so much bigger, so much more vast and the sun is going through that magnify my magnifying glass and hurting little thing. So it's like little, nothing big, nothing. So I, I think here's, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is Matthew, this is beautiful. Thank you. Because one, it points to a very important, good mistake that we often make where what's in the middle of that fucking page? The sun and the magnifying glass. That's the important part. Then all the emotion and all the thoughts and all the too much thinking comes in and it starts decorating all this shit. Like, like I don't wanna pay attention to tell me about Saturn and Uranus, you know, and you're like, wait, no, that doesn't have anything to do with it. You know what I mean? Like, like that's a really beautiful common thing is like, and it's fear. Yeah, because when you said to me yesterday, what is the magnifying glass do for you all the time? It's magnifying your fear making something little into something bigger. Now, here's a funny thing. You should sell it. We're going into business together. We make bou dro, all right. Get a mag. We, we just buy cheap magnifying glasses. No, and we do something to the glass. We paint like a frown on it or something. So it's just like, it's just like, it's like a magnify here, here's a magnifying glass to, to make all your fears bigger. Right? I mean, like, like, how do we, what do you, what do we do to point? That was what I was trying to say. Like, and that's what I was trying to say. You just made it sound so much easier and simpler here. Wait, let me, let me see in there. Hi there. I know what you wanna say. I know what you wanna say, buddy. I mean, that'd be hilarious, right? To have this like the sun and this magnifying phrase, the, the magnifying glass that's got a frown drawn on it, you know, it just magnifies all the poop. Oh Yeah. Makes all the poop shiny right. Here we go. Now we're talking about Ku's piece, right? It's like it's like the, the sun, the sun just hits everything and makes it look like shit, right? Daylight comes and it's like the birds are chirping and all of a sudden they just morph into like fucking little tiny, little grim reapers, right? I mean, if you want to cartoon it up and Tim Burton it great, but that's what you wanted people to pay attention to. Not all the, not all the like 81 800 tarot card, right? I do, I do read tarot. So that's awesome. And again, you, I know because you are a smart fucking charming guy. I know that you can now see those things and not only finesse them into some story that people will go. I do that. My goal with this class, my goal for you, my goal for my guests is creative freedom to leave with some level of courage to leave with some level of bravery to leave with some level of let's try something new. Let's let's stretch our mind to a new place and hope it doesn't return to its original shape. Let's um take a risk. Let's fail. Let's fail because only through failure is their growth. If we keep searching for safe and for safe and for safe, all you get is safe and nobody's interested in safe, nobody's interested in it. And if it works professionally in a couple of years, you're gonna get bored of it. So what I want my students to leave with is a level of freedom, a level of freedom to know that the economy can change. Their uh uh their abilities can change, they can, they can uh all these circumstances can change around them, but they are always creative and they are always strong and they will always have an answer and they will always be able to just look inside and go. What do I think and that will be their answer. So I assume, and I hope, I hope to hell um that you guys can now see. So the idea behind this is like this level of creative freedom and the potential and the possibilities and for you guys to know that you're fucking geniuses, you know, you may be the last ones to know it. That's all, there's an audience out there waiting to hear from you. They might not even know it. They've never heard your song and then when they hear their song, they're like, who the fuck is this guy? I want more. Only one song they're gonna text you and go, dude. What are you sitting on? What gold are you sitting on? Right. So I think we're getting to the point where you can see that I've given you ludicrous ideas, meaningless ideas and you guys haven't been able to turn them into because you've added your spirit, your energy. This is what I think you've been able to figure that out. Figure out what it means to you. Put that in two dimensions on paper and it doesn't mean that that transition doesn't mean two dimensions on paper. That means now that's your, the way you tell children's books, that's the way you write stories. That's the way you sing your songs or write your songs. That's the way you're gonna start having an opinion and putting it into your work, whatever it is. And then we can take that to the next step, which is in the particular lies the universal, this, this, this, this idea, turn it into something that other people will love that other people want. Turn it into a nationwide campaign, turn it into a product, turn it into, you know, your story, turn it into a AAA consciousness raising campaign, right to affect other people. Right? Totally doable, completely doable. I hope I've taken that, that, that distance and shortened it. So it's just here. Not out of your reach. It's right here. No, you know where it is. It's right here. And the things that block us are the same things that fear that other people fear and block other people. And the things that we love and cherish are the same things that other people love and cherishes in the particular lies, the universal, everything that I have in me is a, is a, a level of shared humanity. And if we can trust that and trust our voice and trust our vision and trust these simple marks we put on a page or trust the words that we sing or the movements we make and we can change people's lives and we're just born with that. We don't have to learn it. We don't have to learn how to be creative. We just have to have it reignited. Fly baby, you got wings. I don't know how to use them yet. You do now you do now and do you know how birds learn to fly or, you know, they get kicked out of, they kicked, they fall. It's like trial by fire. Yeah. Yeah. And then they go, huh? This is awesome. Right. And you as a teacher? Oh, my God. Think of the minions. The army. Your reach is like doubled by 40 every year. Come on. Just setting people on fire. There you go. There you go. You know. Awesome guys. We can do this. You can do this. You don't need anybody else, right? You can take these crazy if, if, if, if you can take these crazy ideas, put him through your own sphincter of truth, right? Add your own opinion and the way you see the world and share it in a bigger, in a bigger way. You can change the world and you change the world and here it is, here it is about the wings. You change the world by changing your world. So now on any of these things, I'm the client. I'm like, oh, I take off my, you know, James Victoria face and I'm the client and I go, hey, this is awesome. I really like this thing. I wanna turn it into a product. I wanna turn it into a consciousness raising campaign. I want billboards everywhere, baby. I want it big, right? We're gonna make uh um um and I give you $40, to, to, to, to now now go back and figure out. Is this a drawing? Is this a product? Is it a photograph? Is it uh this or that? And who do I hire and you know all those details? And do I do everything? Do I hire actors? How, what kind of fun adventure can I have gotta film it in Saudi Arabia? Because I've never been to Saudi Arabia. And then the second part of that is at some point at some point, we're gonna start adding details to it. There might be a tagline, there might be a logo, there might be an understand all of those things are salt and pepper. Do you guys cook in cooking? You need to understand how important salt and pepper are, right? You use it sparingly to go in slow, you know, and it's interesting to say, for example, this this idea or miss let's do the let's do the recycling thing, you know, any, any little logo clown that you put in the corner is gonna change it, change it, change, it may give it different meaning, right? So you gotta be conscious of that and and this is conscious of who we're working for, right? So there's lots of things to think about, lots of things to think about. But I also think that that you guys are now leaving here so much stronger than you were with so many new ideas, so many, so many, so many new inroads on yourself and your thinking and just the power of that. You know, I'm not special as a creator. I am not special. I'm not more talented Iiii I work really hard. I'm not smarter than anybody, but I allow myself a shit ton of freedom and I want you guys to take that gift with you. Ok. Awesome. This is brilliant, super, super.
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Ratings and Reviews
Richard Lynch
I really enjoyed the frank style that the class was delivered. Jealous of the 4 students who were in person. I work as an Aerospace engineer and am trying to find a way to relearn to be creative. This class and the exercises made me think and I have noticed that I enjoy taking different perspectives during boring meetings and drawing doodles that make me smile. Unexpectedly, my coworkers have said my work has improved lately. I think because I have become more open to possibilities outside of the tried and true.
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