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allow freedom

Lesson 19 from: Born Creative

James Victore

allow freedom

Lesson 19 from: Born Creative

James Victore

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Lesson Info

19. allow freedom

<b><p dir="ltr"><span class="Apple-tab-span">&#9;</span>Find out from James what he believes makes his work special (and what you can do, too, with your own work and process)</p><div><br></div></b>
Next Lesson: show & tell

Lesson Info

allow freedom

I'm interested in the work that other artists do and other other artists have done historically, but I'm much more interested in their biographies and who they are and what drove them and what their purpose was. So I'm much more interested in reading about, about Van Gogh's uh uh diaries or uh uh Jean Louis David's diary or uh there's a book called Vasari the Lives of the Artists where I got to read about the lives of the Renaissance artists. That's interesting because I wanna know what drives people because that helps me understand what drives me, what makes me creative. And I've said a number of times what makes me creative. My gift, my gift is not that I'm more talented than you or anybody. Uh My gift is not that I'm smarter than anybody. My gift, my purpose, my um the thing that drives my work, the thing that makes my work special is that I allow myself a, a ton of freedom. I allow myself to go to places I allow myself to go to the wrongest answers. I allow myself to, to, to comple...

tely meander. I allow myself to ignore the brief completely. I allow myself to, uh, sit down at a big table with a piece of paper and a pencil. And I sit there and I think, and I doodle until I can make myself laugh. And when I get to that place, I think, ok, now I got something.

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Ratings and Reviews

Richard Lynch

I really enjoyed the frank style that the class was delivered. Jealous of the 4 students who were in person. I work as an Aerospace engineer and am trying to find a way to relearn to be creative. This class and the exercises made me think and I have noticed that I enjoy taking different perspectives during boring meetings and drawing doodles that make me smile. Unexpectedly, my coworkers have said my work has improved lately. I think because I have become more open to possibilities outside of the tried and true.

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