Class Introduction
Lesson 1 from: Beyond Macro Photography: Into the Microscopic WorldCharles Krebs

Class Introduction
Lesson 1 from: Beyond Macro Photography: Into the Microscopic WorldCharles Krebs
Lesson Info
Class Introduction
This is Charles Krebs teaching beyond micro photography into the microscope world. Charles has been a photographer for 35 years. He's an award winning micro photographer. He's won awards from companies like Nikon in Olympus, has been doing micro photography for 10 years, and he's one of the leading guys in that industry. Were really grateful to have him here. I creative live with us today. Would you help me? Welcome Charles? Well, the goal here today is, as we say here, beyond macro for target takes or to take you into a transition from macro photography. What most people don't want to get into the terminology because you can argue for hours about what smacker What's micro with this? But the point is, most people think in terms of a macro lens, everybody's pretty much used a 55 50 100 millimeter macro lens, and that gets you to a certain magnification. Um, but there's a whole world beyond that that I cannot really be accessed with the standard macro lens, and at a certain point it beco...
mes very advantageous to use the optics that are found on a microscope microscope objective because they're designed for this task So we're going to explore this a little bit today. I'm just gonna you know, with 90 minutes, we're gonna have a developer foundation, You're going to get a foundation. I'm gonna touch upon things that you, I feel are essential that you really need to know and hopefully from this foundation. If this interest you, you can build upon that. We're also gonna work at it for a point of view of Ah, this can get. Obviously we see something. This is an older microscope. This doesn't really cost that all that terribly much, but it can be intimidating. And as if you get into more sophisticated criminal could be very expensive. So we're going to show you a lot of options for doing some of these images that are fairly, fairly low budget fairly easy to do, and we're going to deal with two primarily setups. One is the true microscope that out of the box you can you can work with the other is ah, sort of a do it yourself stacking regard micro rig that you kind of get the components. You assemble them to the type of work you want to do and ah, I have to say a sort of MacGyver thing. You know, you look around, you figure what you need to figure what you want. You look what's out there. And that could be very that could be done very economically. And the results can be absolutely superb. So we're talking about images. Yeah, these are the types of images I like to see this. Like I say, this is a world that most people don't see. That's one of the beauties of this type of photography. Is that as a photographer I've been, I've been doing. I've been a photographer since about 1978 full time, and I've done all variety of types of work, and I won't say you get jaded, but you know how many l can you shoot at Yellowstone? You know, after a while it's great. I love it. I'll do it Effect. I'm going do some full color in a couple of days, but it's very exciting to see new things for the first time and one of the things about working at thes magnification. You see things you never saw before. You see things that you know that you encounter every day, but you don't look at him close enough, and then when you look at the details, it's like peeling open every layer you open up. There's another layer underneath, and some of these layers are extraordinarily beautiful. And some of the creatures you see some of the you know, the inside of a flower the eye of ah, fly, hummingbird, feather. These are some things that you know they exist. You have flowers, you have flies in your house or outside, and you see hummingbirds. But you never look at him as quite close. And when you look at it really close, this is a jewel beetle. Um, you start to really become enamored and entranced. Mesmerize with what you see, and that's what's wonderful. Now is with the It's a great time to be exploring sort of new planets like this new new universes, because now, in the old days, old days before the Internet backed in the, you know way back when you have to make notes, go to the library, go to Seattle, go to U dub or something, and spend half a day researching Now you can just google something and pretty much learn all about it or find out quite a bit about it. For example, I'm very enamored with its called structural color. This is a jewel beetle, and there's no cholera anus. It's actually callers. Thes are colors like like when you hold up a CD or DVD and you see the rainbow, these air its structural color. This is also this is a ah butterfly or moth wing scales. And again, there's no color in the scales. The color is derived by minute structures, so it's called structural colors. So I'm enamored with this that every every level you go in is even more interesting than the last. Okay, but it's all it's all very graphic, you know will be very colorful on. And the pictures really have sort of a wow factor to them for many, many people. Most people effect, and, uh, we're gonna get right into it Now, this is the last one here sort of this in this little intro that I'm giving you folks and this is a This is an ant's eye. Okay, that's the eye of an ant. Really, really close
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Like the other reviewers I enjoyed this class but would like a very in-depth part 2. He just mention lighting, a ping pong ball and a white dome. I'd like to learn how those are used. Where do you get the dome, what material is it, etc. I'd also like to learn about his specimens. While he mentions what they are, how do you use the water from your bird bath? Does it go on a slide? Please do a part 2. Thanks!
Sara Zancotti
Super interesting but too short. I would love to have a longer course with Charles! Thank you Charles, you made me remember my childhood. I had a simple little microscope that my father gave me back in the 90s - sweet memories!
I found this course very interesting. I, like other reviewers, would have enjoyed a longer presentation with more hands on instruction. I'd like something that goes from A-Z, everything from acquiring your subjects (Are they purchased, caught, frozen, pinned, etc) to the photographing of the subject (lighting, etc.), to the end result. The focus stacking was the most hands on portion while other sections were just informative. I really enjoyed the class and Mr. Krebs knows his stuff but I would pay to have another more in depth and hands-on kind of class with Mr. Krebs,