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Lesson 1 from: Being Creative Under Pressure

Todd Henry

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Hello, Internet and welcome to creative life on Welcome to taught Henry's course. That Satu we have Absolutely. I'm John Candy. A comet. You can call me Jay Ko from this point, John. And this is Jean Marie Milk Avik. And welcome to being creative under pressure. Something that we definitely need to do because I'm under pressure right now. I've got the name of the course. Brilliant start summary. Where you excited about today? Well, we're under pressure sometimes. Here, Creativelive Teoh do our thing. And I think that this is going to be an awakening for me. But not just me. For our studio audience here is well, who we definitely want to get to know. So starting over here with Mel, let us know your name if we can find you online where that is on and also maybe a little bit about yourself. And what are you looking forward to getting from Todd Henry's course today? Yeah, well, my name's Melissa Jackson. I am a project court or production coordinator here. It creativelive. I also help with...

some art department stuff. Um, and what I'm really looking forward to in this course is how to manage and edit my creative process. Oh, sure. Yeah. And I don't tweet. I don't have time. I'm sorry, guys. You know, everybody in the world is tweeting. No one eventually catch up and showing. Welcome. Thank you. I'm here. I'm Sean O Daniels. I'm out of Morocco. California. I, uh, a concept artist in the game industry. So I am constantly under pressure to be creative on demand, and I'm hoping to learn some new techniques. Keep my game up. Well, welcome. Great to have you with us today on Brian. Hi. My name is Brian Lima's I'm a producer here line producer here at CREATIVELIVE. Um, at Brian Alima sits Bryan with a Y Twitter or Brian ailey ms dot com. Um, I'm looking forward today. I'm producer here, but I also do photography and video directing and producing on the side. And because it's tight time constraints, sometimes the creative pressures on a lot. So I'm looking forward, toa wanting more how it can harness that and get the best out of creative process or great. We're excited to have all three of you with us today. And of course, to have our wonderful online audience who are joining us wherever you are in the world. Jamari Have we got many people in the chat rooms now? I think people are just waking up. So if you're joining us in the chat room, just let us know where you're joining us from. We want to make sure to say hi to you wherever you are in the world. So come on, enjoying the chat during the community. I know we're on a course together a couple days ago and we happy from South Africa and from Romania in the UK all over the world. So we're looking forward to welcome you to Todd's course today. I'm very excited to be here today, as Jamari was saying, We all create having to be creative under pressure on. My goodness is always pressure here, a creative life. If you're watching five minutes ago, you'll see why I'm very thrilled to welcome Todd. Henry Todd is the founder of Accidental Creative, a company whose mission and wait for it is to be the arms dealer of the creative revolution. I said love that tagline. Todd works with individuals and teams every day to unleash their creative potential and put in systems and processes in place to really help him be brilliant in all their creative endeavors. Todd has been featured on Fast company Fortune, Ford's hbr dot com Nature or U. S News and World News. There's a host of other media outlets. Todd's already published one hugely successful book, which is a big seller on Amazon. It was the accidental creative has to be brilliant at a moments Notice and his latest book, Die Empty. Unleash. Your Best Work Every Day has only just been released. It's just come into the shop center and online, and it's available right now. So I'm really excited to welcome to creative life. Taught Henry Theo, right to meet you Good. Really excited to get off the stage and that you get going wonderful. Thanks so much.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

TAC Study Guide.pdf

bonus material with enrollment

The Die Empty Manifesto.pdf
The Elements of Rhythm.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

David G Barnes

Good Course for Creatives and any professional. I can see this working for auto mechanics as well as Graphics Designers. Managers and workers.

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