Create a logo In Illustrator
Lesson 11 from: Basics of Adobe CC: Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesignJason Hoppe

Create a logo In Illustrator
Lesson 11 from: Basics of Adobe CC: Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesignJason Hoppe
Class introduction
04:04 2Key Features of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign
11:04 3Best Project Uses for Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign
17:45 4Create a streamlined workflow In Creative Cloud
16:55 5Q&A: Deciding which program fo use for your project
22:08 6Illustrator File setup
05:09 7Use Basic Drawing & Selection Tools in Illustrator
21:38 8Work with Layers in Illustrator
04:00Adding & Manipulating Type in Illustrator
07:39 10Pathfinder & Color Tools in Illustrator
27:08 11Create a logo In Illustrator
07:49 12Illustrator Output
09:23 13Understand Pixels & Resolution in Photoshop
10:53 14Use Color Modes & Color Correction in Photoshop
19:29 15Basic selections tools in Photoshop
07:29 16Use Basic Layers in Photoshop
31:15 17Save files & Understand file formats in Photoshop
14:46 18Create files in InDesign
03:16 19Add & Edit Type in InDesign
20:55 20Create Multiple Pages in InDesign
12:36 21Place Images & Logos in InDesign
18:05 22Complete an InDesign Project with Type & Logos
13:42 23Output & Print in InDesign
08:53Lesson Info
Create a logo In Illustrator
I'm gonna show you how we do this bakery logo with all those things that we just did, okay? Really simple and easy. I'm gonna start off with my circle, we already know the donut feature that we're gonna use, so there's my donut. I'm gonna grab my color that I made in my file, and then I'm gonna draw another circle right on top of this, actually I'm gonna copy this one. I'm gonna reduce it down in size, holding down my shift key to make sure it remains a perfect circle, and let's see if I can get it about the right size. Select those objects, use my donut feature. Awesome. Now, I'm gonna put a border around here. And a border is gonna go around the outside and around the inside. So I'm gonna go to my stroke, and I'm gonna choose the darker pink, and I'm gonna kind of beef that up. One cool thing with the stroke, I can have it inside my object, outside my object, or around the center. Go to my stroke, and I can control that so it's inside or outside my object, wow. Already, it's like an ...
awesome donut. Now I wanna do this little bakery banner. Simple stuff, very basic. I'm gonna take my rectangle tool, I'm gonna draw a rectangle over this, and I don't want any stroke here, so I'm gonna shut the stroke off, fill it with purple, a darker purple there, and there's my banner. Now I'd like to have those little returns right there, so I'm gonna zoom in a bit so we can get a little bit closer, see those little returns? This is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna copy this, I'm gonna make that smaller, I'm gonna use a darker purple here, and then I'm gonna use my absolutely awesome direct selection tool, and I want to pull that side down. I can use my mouse, but I also like to use my arrow keys. And I've only got those selected, so I can move those over and do that and make that little shape right there. I know, you could draw it, but nope, don't bother. So I'm gonna take that shape, I'm gonna snap that right to that using my smart guides, and I'm gonna send this to the back, there it is. Now I need it for the other side. So I can option click and drag this, and then, crazy, I can take that, and I can flip it over. Oh my gosh, no way. You could draw it again if you wanted to, but why bother. Lastly, I'm gonna take my ribbon again, I'm gonna copy it, I'm gonna shorten it up, and I'm gonna put that at the end of my ribbons here. I'm gonna send those to the back 'cause I want to have those behind. I'm gonna use a slightly different colored purple here so it gets a little different effect so I can see it, and then I'm gonna drag holding my option key, put that over there. There's my banner. You want to do something really crazy? I'll take my curvature tool, sweet as can be. Grab that, and I'm gonna click on the end there, and I'm gonna curve these little things right in. (gasps) Look at that. I don't even need to use the pen tool, I can just use the curvature tool, there we go. What the heck. Now we're gonna put some type on there. I had to have the word bakery going across this, so I'm gonna take my type tool. I don't need this in a container, I just need a straight line of text, so I'm gonna click here, I'm gonna type in bakery, and I have my font that I've got there, and go in. I need to make that font smaller so it's not as big, and I also need to put some more space between the letters, my kerning or tracking, so I can click on my character and I can go ahead and I can track that whole thing out. I know it needs to be a lot, too much. I meant a lot and I said a lot, but not that much. There it is. And I can select, and I can choose whatever color I want for that type right there. Now, I want to get this awesome curve for that. That's a bit big there, reduce that down in size. Now I have to track that back out again. I think I was right when I had that before. Okay. Now, I wanna warp this entire thing. So I'm gonna group all of these items together here, grab everything, shift click on that to not keep that together. I want to group these together so I don't have to fight every individual object. So I want the object menu, I can group that together. Now that works as one object. I can transform it, scale it, rotate it, do whatever I need to. But the fun part is now I'm going to apply a filter or an effect here, and that's gonna be the warp. And I can take, and I can warp that logo right there. Since it's all grouped together, it all warps together as one whole unit. I've got all different types of warp. Arc, shell, bulge, fish, wave, blend, spindle, fold, mutilate, whip, slap, rub, shake, moisturize, you name it, all of it. There it is. You can set all those attributes, there it is. And I'm gonna use my up and down arrow tool instead of using my mouse here, I can just use my up or down arrows to get that right in there. Fantastic. Now I need to put my type on a path right here, so what I need to do is I need to draw another circle here, and it doesn't matter what color or fill or shape because the second I put my type on a path cursor on here, all that goes away. So I could stop and say, okay, fill with none. Don't have to. Take my type tool, type on a path, I'm gonna click where I want to. Select all my type here, get the tracking back to where it should be right there, reduce the size of my type, put my cursor up in my type menu based on what I've learned. I can scroll through all of this. Set the size of my type, and get that where I need it to go. I don't want it completely black, so I can go in and I can create a new color swatch from here, and I'm gonna go in, I don't want it to be totally black, so I'm gonna go in and create a gray here, maybe like 75%. So with that, I can then take my text and make it so it's not completely black. And then I need more little donuts here, and those donuts are nothing more than a circle that has a color inside of it, and actually no color inside of it, click on that, no fill. I'm gonna put a stroke around there of the color, bump up the stroke, there's my donut. Zoom in, hold down my shift key, and I can scale that down, can line that up using my smart guides, and then I can option or alt click and drag, that allows me to create those shapes, duplicates of them. Put them in there, and there's my logo. Not exactly like the other one, but that's how you put it all together.
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Ratings and Reviews
user 1398976626171314
Such an important overview that clarifies and simplifies each piece of software and its role in achieving a beautiful and organized end result. Love Jason's brilliant and funny style and I appreciate his going into the "whys" of the software design evolution so it's not just memorizing methods but truly understanding what you can do even with a eye to the future changes. Fascinating, fun and empowering! My first Creative Live purchase!
Renee Hamilton
Enjoying this class immensely. Havent used illustrator properly for a while but this class is refreshing my memory. Its so awesome and it makes illustrator seem so easy! Wow wow wow! Thank you Jason and Creative live
Corrine Radergraham
WOW!! Jason is a very engaging instructor. It's obvious that he knows the programs inside and out. He imparts a tremendous amount of excellent material in a very short time, he makes sense and he is well-spoken with a sense of humor and he doesn't get lost in the materials and have to bungle his way out, very well prepared. I've been using PS and IA for the past several years on and off and currently have 6 on my computer but looking at going to CC in the near future. Even with that experience, he provided tips and tricks for both that were very enlightening in using them more productively. I'm not so familiar with ID and I now feel that I have a working knowledge of all three programs. I've taken Adobe classes taught by other instructors and found them rather boring to drag myself through. Jason is not boring in the least! So if you aren't familiar with these programs or are even curious about them and want an excellent overview, I totally recommend that you take this class. You will definitely not be sorry and will get your money's worth. I took this when it was offered on air free of charge. The only down of taking it free is that there are downloadable materials that are only available by purchase which sound excellent and I would like to have them, but I want to take one of Jason's other classes and can't justify the expense of this class only for the downloads, because I am familiar with the programs and would be unlikely to actually watch the class again, and there is his interactive pdf class that I am really looking forward to......5 stars and all thumbs up for Jason's instruction!