Lesson Info
11. My Recommended Audio Travel Gear
My Recommended Budget Audio Recording Setup
03:58 2Microphones for Video and Filmmakers
04:35 3Different Microphones and their uses
07:56 4Microphone Accessories
04:41 5Boom Operating Tips
03:21 6Microphone Accessories to Reduce Wind Noise
01:58 7Audio Interfaces and Examples
06:06 8Headphones and Monitors
01:46Room Treatment Tips
06:17 10Room Treatment Example
01:09 11My Recommended Audio Travel Gear
06:15 12Introduction to Audacity
00:45 13Audio Recording Setup in Audacity
03:49 14How to Record Audio in Audacity
02:54 15Playback, Zoom, Undo + Saving in Audacity
04:15 16How to Export Audio out of Audacity
03:37 17Audacity's Essential Audio Editing Tools
08:07 18Removing Silence, Splitting + Joining Clips
03:17 19Audacity's Essential Key Command or Keyboard Shortcuts
03:06 20Removing Background Noise Introduction
02:48 21Audacity's Noise Gate Effect
12:29 22Audacity's Noise Reduction Effect
11:15 23Introduction to Mixing and Processing Audio in Audacity
02:32 24A Brief Look at the Filter Curve or EQ Effect
10:35 25A Brief Look at Compression and the Normalize Effect
11:21 26Setting up an Effects Macro in Audacity
03:23 27Outboard Gear - The DBX 286s
05:26 28Thanks and Bye
00:12Lesson Info
My Recommended Audio Travel Gear
Hi and welcome to this lecture where we're going to be looking at portable travel recording equipment. So whether you want to film a podcast in Thailand or a video course, the other side of the world, or maybe even you want to film travel vlogs, having high quality audio is still important. But when traveling though, really, you don't want to take too much. So I'm going to show you some of the recording equipment I take when traveling. So first of all, I've got this here. This is a LAV mic, a Laval Air mic by road the road smart LAV plus and it literally plugs into your phone and you can record great quality audio off your phone. So let's have a demonstration. Now of what this audio actually sounds like. This is a test of the microphone, having high quality audio whilst on location can be very useful. And also here, I've just got a portable power brick and just a plug for my phone. So it doesn't run out of battery. And that's all you can literally take if you just want to be super ligh...
tweight. So you can actually film videos and it will record the audio onto your video for your phone. So if you're on a budget and you want still want great quality audio, I recommend just getting a microphone that plugs into your phone. This one's around about $50. Also, if you're not gonna remember all of the equipment, I talk about, be sure to check out the PDF attached to this lecture while I go through the information again. But in print form. OK? And now I've got pack number two. This all fits in this small bag. It is a bit more expensive and a little bit heavier than the previous Laval Air mic. However, it does allow you a few more possibilities when recording audio. So first of all, here, I've got some closed back headphones. So when recording audio really want closed back headphones, these are Sennheiser HD two five's ma two. There are plenty of other headphones available. These are just the ones I like when traveling. Ok. And then I've got a handy recorder. This is a Zoom H five. This has a built in mic on the top, an XY microphone and allows you to plug in two different microphones here at the bottom. And then the microphone I use with the Zoom H five is the Sha sm 58 because it's really durable when traveling, you may drop your bags. And yeah, this is built really well, you can hold it like. So if you wish a lot of people do hold the SM 50 eights. It's great for stage performance or you can use a little stand, ok. So this is a travel stand with a shock mount and a pop shield, like I said, with the Sha sm 58 you might not need a pop shield, but it's good as well. Just in case you have any more plosives, it will mitigate that as much as possible. So you can really put this on your desk and you can record voiceovers or podcasts just with the Shaw sm 58. And that's the second option. And of course, you will need a cable which plugs into the bottom of the handy recorder. So let's have a demonstration. Now of what this audio actually sounds like this is a test of the microphone, having high quality audio whilst on location can be very useful. OK? And pack number three is a bit heavier and to be honest, a lot more expensive. And this is what I'm currently using right now to record a lot of my podcasts and voiceovers when I'm out of the main studio. So let me show you what's inside. So first of all, we have another pair of closed back headphones. These are the Sennheiser Ht two fives and when we open this up, so actually this microphone here that I take with me, but without the pop shield. So just the microphone, this is the electro voice re 20 like I said, be sure to check out the PDF attach to this lecture for a full list of all of this equipment. OK. And then I have a stand. This is a Manfro stand. It's actually a camera tripod, but I've got this attachment here that changes it from basically a camera tripod into a microphone tripod. So this is useful if you just want a small lightweight tripod, then I've got a Macbook charger because I will be recording with a Macbook. Then in here, I've got my cables for my audio interface and the audio interface I like to travel with is the Apple G duet. This has a really amazing sounding preamp and you can still travel with this audio interface. It's not the smallest, however, it's still quite lightweight. And then here I've got the cables for this audio interface. I've got the XL cable for the microphone and then I've got these breakout cables. So this allows you to actually input two different XL microphones and it has some speaker out cables here. And then in the back of this bag, I keep my Macbook. So let's have a demonstration. Now of what this audio actually sounds like. This is a test of the microphone, having high quality audio whilst on location can be very useful. OK. So I've got three different options here. It really depends on how much you want to spend, how much weight you have to spare and also how serious you want to take recording high quality audio. Option one is literally just really this LAV mic. Option number two is the Sha sm 58 this dynamic vocal microphone with a Zoom H five handy recorder and a pair of headphones. And option number three is this microphone you can hear right now. However, with this stands this audio interface, the Apple G duet and another pair of headphones, let's hear what these three options sound like. Again, this is a test of the microphone, having high quality audio. Whilst on location can be very useful. This is a test of the microphone, having high quality audio whilst on location can be very useful. This is a test of the microphone, having high quality audio whilst on location can be very useful. Ok? So you can probably hear there is a difference between the three options. However, they're all so much better than just using the built in mic on your camera or the built in mic on your phone. So these are my three options for recording audio. When you're out of the studio. It really depends on how much you want to spend and really how much weight you have to spare. Because option number three is quite heavy on. Obviously, it does sound the best out of the three but it is heavy. Option number two, it is a lot more lightweight and this was my old travel recording setup. And option number one actually have with me at all times, I make sure I've always got this microphone in my pocket. So if I want to record some audio, that microphone's always with me. So I hope you found this lecture useful and I'll see you in the next one.
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