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Today's Goals

Lesson 26 from: The Art of Selling What You Make

Tara McMullin

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26. Today's Goals

Lesson Info

Today's Goals

Here's our goals for today first goal is for you to know what all your distribution channels are and what all your sales and marketing channels are in this day and age. You have so many places to be selling and marketing your work and you have so many ways to distribute your work to the wider world and so I'm gonna run down off a whole list of them I'm going to tell you, you know, what's what's great about this what's not so great about this what's the goal of this with the goal of that how do people use thes things differently? We're gonna break that all downs you know all of your options we're also going to concentrate on reaching as many new customers as possible. Specifically this morning we're going to talk about email marketing on this is if if money is my life big psychological fun geek out saying email marketing is my tactical geek out thing I love email marketing and I think everyone could be doing it better myself included. So eh? So we're going to talk a lot about email mark...

eting this morning and then I'm going teo guide you through setting up a sales campaign and email marketing campaign through a number of different questions in prompts so that you have absolutely no excuses for setting up both automated and then on the fly marketing campaigns through email

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

The Art of Earning.pdf

bonus material with enrollment

The Art of Selling What You Make.pdf
Indie Craft Show Guide_v12.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Ramona W

I came in on the rebroadcast. Tara is so AMAZING!!! She made me realize that I could take my product out of the box on how we think about selling our products into awesome creative ways to get my product out into the world. I purchased this course to refer back to in the uplifting style of selling that Tara brings to life. Tara is uplifting, energetic, optimistic giving you confidence in yourself and your product. Well worth the purchase!

a Creativelive Student

Tara Gentile, I have taken a few of her courses over several years, she is an amazing talented individual but equally adept at analysing the steps toward making the relationship between you and your hero customers, the ones who are excited by your next offering, and who will share that purchase online and promote you in every and any way. The customers that we all need a posse of, so guys set about identifying and nurturing those kind of guys in your business. Great advice as always Tara.

a Creativelive Student

I loved this workshop. It gave me so many good actionable things to do to move my business forward. This is the 2nd course I've taken from Tara Gentile, and I highly recommend anything from her. She knows her stuff, and pushes you to build a community around your business to make it a sustainable and meaningful business. I also met a lot of wonderful ladies who are on similar journeys. I highly, HIGHLY recommend this course!

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