Day 1
1Overview of Today's Goals
09:07 2FreePreview: Gather your Virtual Focus Group
49:41 3Camera Study
19:37 4Chart the Course for your Customer
36:53 5Breaking Down the Charted Course
39:51 6Holes, Not Drills
48:56 7Questions & Student Hot Seat
30:42Content Marketing
43:10 9Strategic Partnerships
14:13 10Business Model
25:52 11Bonus Video with Purchase: "Google + Hangout with Tara"
56:37Day 2
12Value(s) Driven Marketing
43:57 13Pricing Practicum: Ana Apple
20:35 14Pricing Practicum: Bird of Virtue
15:07 15Pricing Practicum: Studio MME
11:26 16Overview of Today's Topics
03:51 17Making Money Should Be Beautiful
16:42 18Money Myths
37:27 19Pricing Practicum: Sasha Cagen
12:29 20Student & Internet Questions
22:18 21Pricing Strategies
52:50 22Pricing Formula
22:09 23Moving Towards Value
38:35 24Pricing Practicum: Jen-Na
11:25 25Student & Web Questions
12:46Day 3
26Today's Goals
01:36 27Sales, Marketing, and Distribution
12:57 28Selling Through Email
1:13:24 29Sales Pitch: Studio MME
16:10 30Sales Pitch: Bird of Virtue
12:53 31Sales Pitch: Ana Apple
13:30 32Sales Pitch: Sasha Cagen
16:20 33Craft Show: Sasha Cagen
07:32 34Craft Show: Bird of Virtue
15:34 35Craft Show: Jen-Na
15:44 36Craft Show: Ana Apple
15:02 37Craft Show: Studio MME
11:05 38Final Questions
01:50Lesson Info
Making Money Should Be Beautiful
Selling your art doesn't mean settling for less dough in the bank. Right? So I have a little interactive thing that I would like us all to do this morning. And that is I would like to hear from the internet and also from you guys. What? What is your sales goal for twenty thirteen or what will be your sales goal for twenty five? Fourteen were approaching the end of the year here, so give me a dollar amount. I want to hear this. I want to hear your dollar amounts and then I want to here maybe how they change by the end of the day. So let's come back to this at the end of the day and maybe you could tell me a different number. Maybe you'll feel differently about the number you sped out this morning. But let's, just go down the line here quick, I want to know what? What is your sales goal for twenty thirteen lana, about sixty thousand dollars. Sixty thousand and that's a gross or profit it's gross growth that's not livable, but that's illegal it's megan's mind is actually the same. Yeah, g...
ross as well. Yes, excellent, sasha one hundred woo hoo! It was forty five and I met it, so then I upped it to sixty. I love it when that happen, so har it's like zero I think well that's let's come up with the goal you've got signal a sixty days left or so and now till the end of the year yeah, what are you going to do? What? What could you what do you think thousand ten thousand? That is a fantastic goal for you to reach by the end of the year so you'd be able to take what you've learned this weekend and hopefully go home, apply that and make that goal happen? Do you have any numbers coming in from the web yet way have thirty excuse me three thousand a month from excuse me from cassani loves sparkle, prettiest fifteen thousand so I think people were a little confused where you talking about the goal from now into the end of the year or for two thousand fourteen? Uh or or all of two thousand thirteen or all of two thousand fourteen? Okay, okay, great, I think these ladies, we're talking about two thousand thirteen two thousand fourteen thirteen fourteen teo geir for next year because we've got someone here they're coming in for two thousand fourteen ten thousand, but tomorrow h two thousand fourteen hundred cake gross row in forty thousand and then crystals pro shake crafts I would just like to reach five hundred dollars for two thousand thirteen I just start to sell micro shay are fantastic and you know, this isn't this is, of course, not a contest to see who can name the highest a number, of course, but this is about getting really comfortable with saying this is my earning goal being able to say that can make all the difference in the world here's why it is time for us to drop the starving artist routine and embrace the thriving artist routine. The starving artist routine is all about not naming numbers it's all about not tracking numbers it's all about not figuring out what the dollars and sense of each product is it's not worrying about how many sales you make in a month, it's not setting a goal for that it's simply getting by and may be paying the bills. The thriving artist routine is about understanding the value of your work and putting a number to that and feeling good about that number is about tracking sales it's about setting goals and striving to reach them. It's about setting bigger and bigger and bigger goals as you push yourself and you realize just how much you can do when you set your mind to it with sails, with marketing with product development, so this is so important we've had that starving artist thirteen drilled into us from most of us. From birth and whether you really think of that bohemian kind of hippie starving artist or whether it's just simply that idea of well you know if I really do what I love to do if I make my art whatever that art maybe whether it's a craft whether it's fine art whether it's writing whether it's coaching if you're making that art you save yourself well I don't need to make a lot of money because I love what I d'oh and that's you know that's fine but that doesn't have to be the truth that doesn't have to be your assumption and that doesn't have to be your routine on a daily basis you can embrace the thriving artist routine and make a point of living a better and better and better life bringing in mohr and mohr and mohr revenue as you can as you do as you will doing what you love and so we need to stop with the starving artist routine we need to stop living in that we need to stop the patterns that come along with that and make sure that we're drawing attention to our day to day routines as if we are thriving artists and not starving ones ah that is all about right exactly and it doesn't stop there see this is the beauty of it we are living in a new paradigm we're living in a new economy we're living in the u s economy the old economy is all about the either or either I can have this, or I could have that either I can do what I love, or I can pay the bills either aiken, major for me in religion or I can have a career that is lucrative, it's all about the either or this or that always having to make a choice and always feeling like one of those choices is selling out, and one of those choices is following your bliss. I am here to say that in the new economy, in the u economy we embrace, we can embrace the both, and you can both do what you love and pay the bills. You can both do what you love and have an investment portfolio. You can live a life that is full of both, and and your products can be both ants as well. Your products can both sell well and have an appropriate price. Your marketing, khun both bring in lots of new customers and deliver value and make your customers feel really good. You can both deliver that sales pitch and make friends doing it. Drop the either or embrace the both aunt. We are living in a new age, and all of this is available to you as artists as makers, as crafters, as designers, as writers, as coaches, as thinkers, as idea people we have the both and available to us every day and again, it's all about making the choice is in your everyday life, in your everyday routines that reinforce that both and, um, I have watched a video of an interview between gabby bernstein and daniel report a couple a year ago. Now, cheese and daniel made the point of saying that a miracle is just a shift in perception, and I think that we all have the ability to live in miracles of both and every single day, and those miracles can take the form of each sale you make on a daily basis and each decision that you make in your business based on a shift in perception of what is possible and that's really getting down into what's going on when we address our money, mike and that's, when we really think about what our own personal money story is, when we think about the relationship that we have with money, how many of you have had rocky relationships with money? How many, exactly? How many of you have, you know, wanted to have the money divorce? Wouldn't it be easier? Wouldn't it be easier if we were all living in a star trek world where money didn't exist? I get that question a lot, actually, but you know what? Money is a beautiful thing money allows us to do so much it makes trade so easy it makes exchange so easy currency is important and understanding how to use it as a tool and not allowing it to rule our lives is ridiculously important alright, so without further ado I'd like to introduce you to two women that's my mama home I hope she's watching I told her to andi that's my daughter lola these two women have completely shapes the relationship that I have with money my mother has always been will always be a seamstress and a master sewer she can do amazing things with a sewing machine it's kind of crazy I can not, by the way, but I don't know how to sew have never learned how to sew that was not what my mother taught me. What my mother taught me was how to manage money. So when I was about ten my dad left and my mother with tasked with raising too medium ish children putting food on the table, putting a roof over our head what she had always done was to sow and most of the time it was a hobby business probably not unlike a lot of people who are watching online have those hobby businesses, but when he left she had the decision she had an either or to think about either she could go out, get a job, pay the bills, do what was responsible or she could go on assistance she could, you know, try different things just to be able to stay home luckily she had that shift in perception luckily she realized there was a both and and she decided to make her business work as a full time job now that said, we never had a lot of money seamstresses don't make a whole lot although we've been working on that I'm looking at you, mom and so she was able to do this so from the time that I was ten years old until the time that she remarried when I was twenty years old she put food on the table and a roof over our head sewing for her customers doing hems, taking dresses in changing things around for people's clothing but here's the thing even though we never had a lot of money I lived an abundant life as a ten to twenty year old I had the music lessons that I wanted, I went to church camp, I had the musical instruments I wanted and I wanted a lot and I had a lot I had clothes when I wanted clothes because my mother made a point of always teaching me that what we value we can go out and get so we didn't spend a lot of money on things we don't value we don't spend a lot of money on vacations because we never really weeded vacations although I think that probably would have been good but you know we didn't spend a lot of money going out to eat we didn't spend ah lot of money on fancy things around a lot of money on a car or a lot of money on a house we lived in a teeny tiny beautiful little house that my mother had put together instead we spent money on what was really important to us for me it was those musical instruments it was summer camp it wass you know the trips with the band that's what we spent money on and I always felt like the answer would be yes and never know I never had that feeling that well there's just not enough money so you can't do that the answer was always yes when I really wanted something and I learned ask for the things that I really wanted and not worry about the stuff I didn't care about and so I had a really abundant relationship with money and when I got my first job is a softball empire of the age of fifteen I know I went to stop empire class with these like old dudes way were learning to be umpires and here I was plucky little fifteen year old but anyhow so that when I got that first job and each game paid twenty four dollars for about two hours work which really is a fifteen year old is pretty good wage I took that twenty four dollars, and my mother told me that I could do whatever I wanted with half of it as long as the other half of it went into savings. And so I started putting that twelve that, you know, the twelve dollars that was the savings half away in the freezer game after game after game and the other twelve dollars, aren't you do whatever the heck I wanted wes, which was great because I really had that feeling again of abundance, even though it was only twelve dollars at a time. I was completely free with that money, knowing that there was a nest egg growing in the freezer. And so that top is just an amazing amount of abundance, so much so that I was able then to buy my own music and moments I was able to pay for my own trip to austria in college. I just it was a habit that stuck with me until I moved out of the house. Let me tell you, when I moved out of the house, got a full time job, got a paycheck that was when my money related shin ship went way downhill. Suddenly when I had that paycheck, it wass just this very finite amount of money that I had to deal with, it never felt abundant. It felt like I was always kind of debuting and never adding and so my relationship with money got went all haywire. Luckily I didn't get into the kind of trouble that a lot of people get into when there money relationships go downhill but it's still it never felt good that was until this one came along that's lola and lola is part of the story because giving birth to my daughter made me realize that I was under valuing my skills I was undervaluing what came easily to me I was undervaluing what I had to offer to the world and I decided that if she was going to be in this world that I was going to make an effort to carve out some someplace, some jobs some career for me, that I could really put the appropriate value on my own skills on my own strength what I had to offer to the world. And so with her birth also I birthed my business and created of a created a way for me to reclaim that abundant relationship with money again, so that instead of always feeling the debit, debit, debit, debit I was feeling deposit, deposit deposit I was always feeling like I could create mohr instead of having to get by with less and so I do always, always credit these to women with making my money relationship what it is and helping me to reclaim it even when it went downhill so all of us have assumptions about money. All of us have assumptions about price, about value. And this morning I want to bust through a whole lot of those I want to bust through nine, in fact. And if you look in your workbook, there's a space for you to write these down, and and he notes that you might have about each of these myths. Yes, on a particular page today in the workbook. Yes, I'm think that we are. It is page eighteen, okay, and haiti and that's, the workbook that's available when you for free when you enroll in the class. So if you haven't downloaded that yet, I'd highly recommend downloading that now.
Class Materials
bonus material with purchase
bonus material with enrollment
Ratings and Reviews
Ramona W
I came in on the rebroadcast. Tara is so AMAZING!!! She made me realize that I could take my product out of the box on how we think about selling our products into awesome creative ways to get my product out into the world. I purchased this course to refer back to in the uplifting style of selling that Tara brings to life. Tara is uplifting, energetic, optimistic giving you confidence in yourself and your product. Well worth the purchase!
a Creativelive Student
Tara Gentile, I have taken a few of her courses over several years, she is an amazing talented individual but equally adept at analysing the steps toward making the relationship between you and your hero customers, the ones who are excited by your next offering, and who will share that purchase online and promote you in every and any way. The customers that we all need a posse of, so guys set about identifying and nurturing those kind of guys in your business. Great advice as always Tara.
a Creativelive Student
I loved this workshop. It gave me so many good actionable things to do to move my business forward. This is the 2nd course I've taken from Tara Gentile, and I highly recommend anything from her. She knows her stuff, and pushes you to build a community around your business to make it a sustainable and meaningful business. I also met a lot of wonderful ladies who are on similar journeys. I highly, HIGHLY recommend this course!