Shoot: Pregnancy Session Start to Finish Part 2
Lesson 22 from: Pregnancy and Newborn PhotographyAna Brandt

Shoot: Pregnancy Session Start to Finish Part 2
Lesson 22 from: Pregnancy and Newborn PhotographyAna Brandt
Lesson Info
22. Shoot: Pregnancy Session Start to Finish Part 2
Get the Sellable Shot
42:51 2Start to Finsh Newborn Shoot: Mauve Cloth and Basket
33:28 3Start to Finish Newborn Shoot: Baby Pram Prop
21:44 4Start to Finish Newborn Shoot: Newborn with Parents
12:41 5Baby Safety
36:01 6Art of the Wrap: Basic Wrap with Twins
36:17 7Art of the Wrap: Egg Wrap and Side Wrap
35:14 8Art of the Wrap: Final Shots
15:27Studio Light Shoot: Newborn and Toddler with Moon Prop
37:38 10Q&A and The Challenging Toddler
40:14 11Baby Emma Edit
33:43 12Maternity Photography 101
31:46 13Clothing Options and Metering
17:59 14Shoot: Transitional Posing
29:02 15Shoot: Studio Lighting
28:49 16Shoot: Couple and Monochrome
35:29 17Shoot: Silhouettes and Back Lighting
36:06 18General Q&A
15:38 19Shoot: Movement with Fans
15:59 20Shoot: Movement with Fan and Fabrics
15:16 21Shoot: Pregnancy Session Start to Finish Part 1
28:20 22Shoot: Pregnancy Session Start to Finish Part 2
20:19 23Pregnancy Session Start to Finish Part 3
20:36 24Become a Recognized Newborn Photographer
14:37 25Get Motivated to Market
13:42 26Model Calls
11:11 27Preparing for Future Opportunities
19:17 28Getting the Word Out
23:54 29Capturing the Legacy
19:19 30Marketing Materials
24:58 31The Business of Newborn Photography
21:10 32In Person Sales
27:08 33Selling Your Work
19:27 34Sneak Peak and Sales
33:12 35Lightroom Demo of Pregnancy Shoot
16:02 36Are You Good Enough?
11:51 37Battling Insecurities
26:35Lesson Info
Shoot: Pregnancy Session Start to Finish Part 2
we're gonna do a silhouette and you're gonna be facing this way she's having a boy so I threw in pink but we're going in monochrome because I like black and white but mom maybe you should give her up maybe I'll give her like two pinks then I'll go to monochrome give me two pings ongoing monochrome okay so let's just do a couple silhouettes with you and then we're bringing chi'en so just go sideways bendel ben a little life in the leg closest to the camera into me good hands just put just rest him below arrest him just on your leg yeah a little bit here stay close now you're in shadow so you're gonna leave me able to see what is going on look down to your tummy and I'm gonna test the hair I don't know if it'll keep the hair keep there I don't know if I want it might be too much oh I like it wow I like the hair look look atyou mama look at the screen is not fan do that one more time with the full body put hands on the belly and now let's check the hair now let's talk there and we're goin...
g to bring kai in so that was my cue to give chi a couple minutes to get over here let's took both sides and we're going to look down to your belly yeah that's good and smi own full hands back a little bit more back a little bit more beautiful uh that was a good one huh I was a good one okay so the idea was my dear you are tiffany has stickers now layla you need to make sure you're just looking down smiling keep the hair behind you and watch your chin don't tuck in and just put out okay hi did you see something on mommy's belly over what you see tell me what is it can you get close there no stage now now what do you want to do on a papa bell a bubble from a distance okay where's mommy's belly button didn't didn't recycle fest got it also can you touch mommy's belly with kids you know what happened did you lose your lives were big o can you can you have him on the belly button with oh my god this recycling times cockney good time did it come off and try kissing can you try kissing one more time maybe a few kissel another one will appear when you kiss mommy's belly again a more profound about the chai can you try kissing one more time on mommy's belly can you kiss my how about your nose can you put your nose to mommy's belly I'm just going to not shoot already recycling it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's the recycling time getting those you think you want to stick your where's my sticker you're just like I didn't forget about that michael how old is he I love teo you put your just really learning their learning cause and effect can you put your nose on the sticker you think you could try it if you think so can you try one more time we might have another eminent you try one more time this seeking you knows what happens when you touch your nose to mommy's value but I think it might make a sound so I think so let's see we'll make it found it you do it you think so the scene but kind of sound will it make you think so let's see let's find out that's the sound let's see if you're right put your nose to the bell you put your nose to the value I didn't see we'll do it again well you got your nose yeah me ah good job hi let's do a mom and dad so I won't go change the set that was good huh I was fine that's good okay you two what's happening gotta face each other because it's a silhouette call your like getting the award for my favorite dad ever way want todo hold hands then I can't see the belly what if you lift hands hold hands again I was going to go there with you for a minute and you're leaning in on the top stop it for hands took her here stay there now you're gonna put hands on his chest and he's just going to put hands on your elbow elbow shoulder see I told you I can't yes and lean in one more time look at each other kiss beautiful awesome thank you bring change and change is good staff how quick was that this is from mrs wilson photography I've had the problem of parents reprimanding their children to try and get them to cooperate the child ends up miserable and the parents are angry any suggestions uh oh yes yes yes yes tiffany skinny way parents in the other room but when but not when it's the pregnancy that's what we do with just if it's a top gear right if it's a family session you're absolutely right we can't really do that like a mom uh everybody trying to be uh careful how you say this yes I have had parents reprimand and I'm had all sorts of things happen and I try to tell the mom we have it it eases the mind a little bit when I come in with an assistance if it's just me and then the reprimanding is more toe happen but if I come in with the assistant and the assistant immediately captures the attention of the child we usually can prevent that when I see mom and dad getting really upset I try to talk to them and let them know that maybe we just shouldn't say those things are probably shouldn't curse that our children I really really tried to be careful this is the time of the year where I see a lot of crazy things and it's really hard for me because I'm a parent we all have different parenting styles and I don't I don't want a parent there child so it is really hard before I had children I just what kind of coward down in the corner and just well sit back and listen to the craziness if I feel like it's getting really heated I was said let's take a break let's regroup let's just put some iran let's just take five and then I just talked to the mom and dad and I say you know what they're actually being okay and they're really they're like being terrible and you know they're actually two and a half two and a half year old child camp comprehend what you're trying to dio so we have a couple of tricks up our sleeve maybe let us do it and I just try to talk that way but yeah you gotta just try and talk to the parent and let him know you're kind of in charge and let let you do your thing but it's a delicate line it's a delicate line cool and the internet would like to know do you play music in your studio during sessions and if so what kind or tell us about that okay yes and no I you could tell that I like music but you also with music and a fan and directing in a pregnancy session it's really hard I'm like dancing so I hardly play music the times that I played music in a pregnancy session is when it's just the person and I and maybe they want nude and I know they need to be relaxed so you feel like you need something let's put plug your phone and we have a little um phone thing little speaker put your phone and what's on your top five let's listen to it it's really rare parents many times I like to sing to children we we love music in our family and so I always say with children I always say give me a song mom give me a song and ninety percent of time about this the mom's like abc and we break it out we can know my whole crew we will sing any song unless the mom comes out with song I've never heard of him like what else you got give me something else twinkle twinkle let's go so many times with children under five we will routinely break out in a chorus if we have to sometimes moms will say oh we had some kids where there's like a certain pop song that they love right he was osborn's little daughter something she she's like she loves this song who was it yeah what did he like oh yeah alan thicke song our little one year old like two weeks ago like he was like rocking it out to allan think is one is this one year's session and we're like let's go so I do encourage and I ask the parents if you got music let's bring it on because I think it's important and I think music literally I've seen it flip a switch and children okay all right so uh you shoes new shoes so we've already technically done two things in a set right and so this is going to be three and four in her jeans were going to bring a top that she brought I love this I love this top it's it a pregnancy top now no you should be proud that you can fit into a non pregnancy time you're eight months she's like I'm taking it to the bets tiffany tiffany is like always squeezing in hey if you can squeeze it in I say do it now I do like the idea of it covering the belly but I will also say to mom I like showing the belly because we covered her belly before so I think you need to make note of that there have been times where I realized oh shoot her belly was covered the whole time and I think she went to show her belly if she didn't want to show you are you okay showing your belly oh good I forgot to ask you about the ring room is so sorry um I usually ask that and so if mom says she's comfortable showing her belly I'll say you know what the last one we did you covered your belly we showed your billion silhouettes but not really and I like this top so much but because it's sparkly flick if it covers your belly might be a little too much unless we're doing happy new year so I say we do this and let's just do some cute casual jean poses and let's get some sitting down and maybe someone's on your knees and even laying down but I am going to also change this top to a stretch band knows maybe I saved the laying down ones for the bando and we'll just do a quick round of you in your jeans and we'll try and bring in data sky one more time and they were gonna change the top lady good okay here we go okay so I I only cute come a little bit forward to me I want thumbs in your pockets and you're just gonna be like I'm cute I'm pregnant with something else up so I keep on pregnant right I know you're saying at home that is troy okay we're cute we're pregnant no fire that's why I gave him the camera isn't totally intentional in time john the clock is ticking so what you're due dates january fourteen oh not soon enough for you ready to have the baby oh yeah uh no because you have a toddler and so sometimes we have a toddler you just need to get this show on the road but I will say enjoy while she's he's in the belly because once they come out then it's kind of a lot of work I liked being pregnant I liked being pregnant I was like I could be pregnant for five years I wasn't ready john if you wanna be my surrogate father let me now oh my god I would love to be a surrogate the only reason I would be a surrogate is I'm afraid my daughters would get attached to my belly and she'd want me to keep the baby otherwise I'm puerto rican and I think my eggs is still pretty good so I'm just saying I should start banking them or something because I just told the client last week I would love to be surrogate oh my gosh I would love it I love being pregnant and then I could do a whole clothing line on me be great okay so I'm cute I'm pregnant love it let's move the head a little bit let's relax those arms were a little stiff we're gonna bend yes er what was I thinking we're still cute we're still pregnant we'll get a couple more lovett look over to the like good luck to that life q put this in here love it pull that hair out look atyou she's like yeah I am straighten up a little bit other hand on the tummy straight ahead a little bit hand more in the top of the tummy hand and keep it good yeah this hand warren the top good beautiful look right down good look to the light this light love it put both hands under the belly twist to this slight and just lean back in aren't you oh I love it good good cannot give me a little laugh I love it bring it sums in and do that again when we're time hair been here out I like bring your thumbs in and give me your laugh again and when you last give me a bell ian bum uh so that's a good lab she did awesome stay right there michael you're gonna come in behind her that's good that's good little fat huh it's fun rocking it oh my gosh why are you so cute you need to have a third michael go behind her and let her lean to you so you're straight behind her come a little bit more to me yep good and you're leaning get that belly out and pull that hand more yep but you kind of hold his hand good shoulder down and pull in I love it you stay right there I'm gonna just bring the hair more around this way good and you're gonna be like this and michael you're leaning on in cute cute cute so cute nice and close you guys love it good job both of you look down to the belly lovett beautiful splendid do you think we can get cayenne that would be awesome you two turn a little bit more here while we're getting high and keep that body there and turn a little bit more and put the hands more this way you're both gonna look to that light and just rest in there and just lean on michael michael look right to the camera michael lean more to her thank you thank you where is the wizard on there one of the things I love to do is just shut a light off if they're facing that way way switch so when I was talking about moving many many times hold tiff I will be like ok got that got back about that what can he do before I move them all the traveling that shuttle flight let's do it you want to do one more thing what do we gonna d'oh power stayed in like putting up a little bit what am I doing what am I doing audience yes it wasn't on your list you see that bind huh both you look to that light again little more serious little more subdued from the life that guy spring cayenne is he to have a free tow lift or what if what if michael you hand him mom here's my thought here's the shot mom standing here holding chi and the belly his legs or both this way and then you come in on kai's back in your hugging come on you with me whoa wow you're high enough for bubbles make sure you can see mom's belly maybe dad made so go more meat yeah dad go more behind yes yes tuck in the diaper mom been that right leg we gotta hurry because he's a big kid right put put mom put your hair in the back and can you you're going to be right up by his cheek and then we've got like two seconds to make this happen you look right at me michael come out by his come out by here right they're ready you're gonna have to do this kind of way knows oh no what's on john what's on jon's news that will make ready what if we tickle his toes now should we tickle john oh I think he wants us to tickle john tiffany get ready you guys were manny where's the tickle monster went god she was over there was over there what happened wait oh my gosh way lost the tickle monster showing us we lost the tickle monster okay all right we're gonna tickle john are you ready to go because make him stand with there's a sense there dad too silent way mom lean forward sadly nine hundred years okay good where is it come on that you see that one that was good what is that tickle monster that was good kai's done by the way guys done there's no reason to go crazy
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I enrolled in your course because I was wanting to expand my photography business to something other than weddings. I never knew just how amazing and important pregnancy and newborn photography would be. I am feeling so much joy, love, inspiration and the need to do this now; all because of you and this course. You have captured me and led me to believe I was meant to do this type of photography. Thank you for your amazing course, your talents in what you do are unmeasurable! I look forward to learning more from you in the future while watching your course over and over. I can't wait to start this new journey of imagery. Thank you!
Mindy St Onge
I cant believe I got this on sale! So happy with this purchase. The one thing I feel I would have changed is I feel she rushed through the newborn sessions really quickly and spent ALOT of time on maternity. I would have liked to see a lot more of the newborn posing and info versus a dozen maternity. But all in all its full of a lot of great info and I love that its not voice is true time so I can see how she is interacting with the clients. Thankyou Anna I love love love your work always!!
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