Day 1
1Self Tracking & the Manual of You
21:10 2Structuring for Your Creative Self
36:11 3Taking Our Time Back
11:46 4Creating the External Brain
29:22 5Filtering to Get What You Want Done
38:47 6Truth About To Do Lists
27:53 7Integrating Productivity Tools
30:58Be the Brick Breaker
15:47 9Choose Your Own Workweek
29:42 10Creating Solutions to Your Challenges
24:52Day 2
11Stop Running Errands
27:46 12Automating Tasks and Demand Labor
28:18 13Batching: Going Paperless
35:16 14Organization & Backwards Planning
21:46 15Finance Efficiency
29:45 16Creating & Selling Your Knowledge
25:23 17Strength, Conditioning, & Mobility
28:39 18Improving Your Brain & Nutrition
26:39 19Wellness Supplements & Devices
31:43Lesson Info
Structuring for Your Creative Self
So the anything of the photos is a great one because you're obviously a photographer so you're a creative person and you should be able to focus on the creative stuff not necessarily actually sorting and editing and high rez laura's water marking right on that thing all those things so um is a really good one that makes it so that you can focus on the things that you actually want yes, I would say like writing block post assed faras like when I sit down to write it even steps for me like the first thing I do is come up with the indian or main point the idea those sort of things so I'm not sitting down thinking okay, well, where do I start kind of automating that let's not really automating that kind of setting up a process, right? No that that that counts actually mean as I said, we're starting with optimization so if you you know especially for something like that running a lot of post its very easy to just like every time sit down and do it and do it differently and not really have a...
method especially you're not a right like I don't have a block obviously, but I don't think I'm particularly uh a talented writer and just sort of right within my hand eso but I've had to sort of create a method for myself you know and and and really writers have all sorts of systems that they used in you know they have like they're setting in there the drink that they have to have it you know? So I think like tim farriss talks about our hill will have like, a glass of wine and a cup of your actually this is kind of funny I've read about this a couple times so hey has aa cup of our glass of wine and a cup of your, um oddity and then he listens to like hardcore music like death metal or something and then he has a movie on mute and then he writes so that's that's that's a method that would like blow my mind out of my head but yes oh especially if you need to give some structures something creative and this is creative live obviously so especially with that stuff that's creative we want to be able to focus on that stuff we want to be able to sort of expand on the five percent that were being credible. So yes, it is much as you can systematize the other stuff that's great but what's amazing is that once you if you think about you're like oh there's, no way that I can automate this and there's no way that I could outsources but if you start to optimize it and you write out that process that's when you actually start to see that stuff do you want to hear a couple of fine so we have a lot of repeat community members here in the chat room today and philip belgium says on on a repetitive paid basis he's taking note on creative life courses so it's about optimizing that and then just say cheese says I check facebook and my email a million times a day and those are some of the repetitions and then you have a couple more right? Jasmine powers does a lot of sales calls on dh robert food shopping and meal preparation oh right, okay, hold okay, okay, so for the first one was taking notes a creative life quite personally s o I am a terrible note taker I always have been my entire life, which may be why I wasn't such a great student but uh now I'm like I'm very, very big on nuts and I'm going to talk about that a little too but for something like that personally I would probably either verbally recorded and then have it transcribed by someone or there's all sorts of really cool tools were taking notes and one of them's called the live scribe pen uh sort of any of you heard of that so it's it's like it's a real pen with a special note pad that has these little dots on it so the the pen knows where it is and you can take notes, you can draw doodles and you could do whatever you want, and it will put it into the computer. But the live scribe also will record the audio of the room or whatever you're listeningto, and then if you put the pen to paper on wherever the note was, it'll play the audio that was playing when you took that note. So that's really cool on then, of course, you can have that self transcribed if you really wanted teo so there's, certainly inefficient, that they can take place there on we're going to be covering so much information that I would be hard pressed to be taking the mountain notes that you guys were taking so that's a really great method checking email, repetitive lee all day long and facebook so that's where something like rescue time comes in that we talked about before, because if you if you're going to be checking email all day long, there's nothing inherently bad without actually, to be honest, the problem is that if it's going to distract you, if you get if you become like a zen master with e mail, which I hope you do after this it's, okay, and I legitimately probably check my email thirty times a day. Which most people are really surprised to hear that because you hear all sorts of productivity gurus talk about how they check their email once in the morning and once in the evening, and I want to tell you something right now, if you get an email from somebody that says at the bottom of it, I only check my email twice a day, so sorry if I don't get response, they're lying to you, okay, I assure you that person is lying, teo, because the fact that they had that much email to begin with me is that there probably in the inter productivity and they're checking there were a lot more than twice today and that's not necessarily effective anyway, because if you're checking it and you're dealing with it, that's fine. So the deal with the process there is you have to think about what do you actually doing when you're checking her email? Am I am I reading it now? I'm responding to it and my archiving like you actually khun break that down and think, how do I respond any situation and write it down right down those steps? How you deal with that, you can start to say, well, okay, I could see that if I do this and combine these or if I do this you know if I if I get an email at eight fifty seven sorry let's say nine o two in the morning and another one at nine fourteen and then I don't want a nine thirty seven another one at nine fifty two that's four emails try out over an hour is a really benefited checking out four times in the hour or is it okay to just take those last ten minutes of the hour to check those e mails so those air this things you can really start to learn and create that awareness again you know I arrived here in san francisco yesterday to prepare for this seminar and sundays there's not a lot of emails so I don't have toe be checking my phone as much on a sunday it's okay teo to realize those things uh the third one wass before the food there was what email the topic of email is really fascinating you wrote an entire book that goes along with this this is actually a bonus material if you purchase the course and this is about how howto optimize automate and outsource everything including making female the my tea I didn't wantto thief the virtual assistants and getting that the ultimate productivity weapons and place what tell tell us more about this I mean like this this is literally a lot right? Well so we're gonna actually we're going to talk about all those three things in uh, leslie tell them that that you put goes into but personally I think that gmail is is one of the most important productivity tools that is available to us today and it's a free tool, it just makes things a lot easier and you can do a lot more through e mail with it I have t t is a service that we're going to talk about it a little bit as well, but it helps you automate different processes and then virtual systems, so those three really speak to thee optimize, automate, outsource philosophy that I wantto have permeating this entire dae so the other questions were sales calls and then a meal preparation uh, planning planning great, so those were those were great one so the sales calls is a good one. A lot of people make sales calls and it's one of those things that people do try to outscore, sometimes they try toe figure out systems. I've talked to so many cells people about this and you would be amazed at how many of them don't take notes on their calls on don't even measure the outcome. You know it's really easy to say like, okay, did this call and this person said no, okay, and I did this calm this person said, call me back in this person said this corny said yes, but that alone, it seems to be too much for some people to sort of get in their heads that they have to do simply the outcome is great, but then you of course don't know what lead to the outcome and if you're selling a product and you have a script there's a lot of metrics there that you can actually work on it's pretty easy to kind of break that down and say, well, if I said ah, better example is people I'm sure all of you have seen landing pages for things online, whether it's for a book or for a video or something and there are all sorts of websites like optimized lee and unbalanced, which help you test different designs for landing cages and it could be a simple is making this red or making the button say order now as opposed to saying, download, you know, there's all those little things that affect the way that people actually go after stuff the same thing happens in phone calls uh, whether you said good morning, you know, whether you said, how are you? Certainly I think if you mispronounce the person named name that's, probably something that that would go against the call but trying to figure with those metrics are in your case on and, uh, in the case of the person asking about sales calls that's when you can actually start again optimize though so you can start to see like, oh, if I say good morning than you know, forty five percent of those calls there's a closer on that and calls where I don't say good morning or I don't say hello in a particular way you actually can really break out the phrases in the script that you're using, and while that may sound kind of mechanical in a way, it's actually really cool to get that kind of information on what you're doing and again making that sort of the ninety five sent template, and then that five percent is really the pizazz that you can sort of bring to it. Meal planning is an amazing one that I'm really glad that was brought up, so I have three kids, my wife and I, we have every meal at home, I would say pretty much and meal planning is sort of a big thing, and one of the main reasons that people end up not cooking at home is that they're stressed about it and they don't want to get home that there no day and sort of scramble to get things together. So, yeah, I'm sure people part about people saying that when you go to the grocery store, stick to the outside isles or things like that, you actually can figure those kinds of things out and you can think about the things that you use on a regular basis and the things that need to be fresh, and you really can plan those things out in advance and spend a sunday, for instance, or not the whole sunday, but a couple hours on a sunday really enjoying the process of planning the food that you're going to eat and breaking that down? Yes, jeff is my partner and I when we moved in together, I said, I only go to the grocery store once a week, so we sit down sunday morning and you planned that whole week because I'm only going once and it works that's great, and you stop complaining about my previous system, which was sure the grocery store a couple times a week and buy whatever looks good. Yeah, well, there's america sees that marathi, but it whatever works is really what's important and that's that's absolutely great way to do it. And it's funny how sunday and becoming like the meal day for a lot of people t get that done and when you have a question off that's ah that's, another part of accountability to what you're saying, but basically sustained that like a product of your environment, and so, um almost on the go on, but I like my place clean but just recently but I've just been so busy that I my place just a huge mass and it's not it's not a workable environment and like when I'm boy came back on my guy like I'm clothes on the floor and so I get to stop did and sometimes like I'm cleaning up my distress that I got a phone call and I get the washing dishes and just get this doctor so easily and that's why I have this huge mental clutter I would just want it if you have like any tips on my house maintain your environment and keep that clean other than hiring a man yeah uh well so my my wife is watching this is going to laugh of this but I actually think that folding laundry is kind of therapeutic her response would be that that's because you do it once a month um uh but I actually kind of get really obsessive about the dishwasher stuff and getting as like everything into one dish with uh that's not necessarily a process that you have to write down because it might seem a little superfluous but there's still a process there you know it's like how do you do you go through the house in a particular way do you start with the dishes and then you go to the laundry or do you do the laundry and you come back and while that's doing the dishes you know so that's one of those things where it is often better sort of carve out a time when you do that in sunday's work for that as well sundays end up being peoples like sort of house today, you know and it's okay in some cases to clean your house once a week uh if you sort of know that that's going to be the case and it doesn't mean that you just letting things pile up all of the week long but you'd actually start to get a method so that that sunday not only do you get things cleaned quicker, but you actually get them clean better so then you end up having it sort of last longer that sort of makes sense we're actually have little johnny is missing the gene and you're in your system the attention to detail gene like what if we don't have the attention to detail to even come up with the chest checklist or the procedure so that and that's a that's a very fair point on dh it's not so much attention to detail it's the fact that we get into this sort of autopilot which again there's a good thing to that because you've started get things done without thinking about it but there's that idea of not being present which, if anyone has ever taken yoga you probably heard that many times, but it really does apply it's very easy to get overwhelmed when we're thinking about everything that we did wrong and everything that we didn't get done, and then everything that we have to dio and completely forgetting about where we are right now and it's, not it's, not so much attention to detail as that self awareness it really is. So what? What I try to push people to do is that you look at those processes and you literally goes through it, you know, if you whether you do a screen cast of it or you simply just do this right it down, do this right it down, and it seems like it's overly obsessive, but the truth is, is that you just don't know what's happening until you actually write stuff down and actually one of our other other chatter suggested recording it like if you're not a writer, if you're not a person who makes a list so you can just record it and maybe have someone else to transcribe it for you well, and it is actually they don't have the necessary transcribe, but what you can do is record it and then play for someone else and ask them if they could do it. So that's the idea it's, not so much that you have. The detail is very important that grand a level of detail is important, but it's not so much that I need you to get every tiny little detail. The point is that you need to describe it is if you were explaining it to someone who has no idea how to do it. Uh and that's a challenge not only for them but for you, it's really about being able to effectively delegate is about knowing what is required to perform a task it's pretty much it really does break down that simply so again, I really want me back there it's not about being attention to health, not about being like so obsessive about getting everything right it's about being able to explain it being a teacher, you have to be able to explain to someone else because whether it's someone else or some other thing, whether, oh, the computer or something there are probably other parties that are better suited to do those things, then you necessarily because we're not. We can't all do everything so especially with someone who does those things on a regular basis um, and being able to describe to somebody who has no idea how you do it is the skill and you will grow from that that's the really the key thing well your question yeah, so the point of having down the steps is for your self awareness and then to see if it could be delegated well so optimized automated outsource so it depends on the tests you know, something like paying a bill there's a lot of automation that happened, you know, bill pay auto fill panel those things, those things they could be automated something like, well, even grocery shopping actual there's ways to automate that as well. But, you know, actually preparing the meals that that's something that you wouldn't but you could optimize the way you do it. So it's not the goal is not the optimum toto outsource everything I wantto be clear about that it's really just to parrot down and bring that awareness so that you could do it better and hopefully get it done by something else or someone of them tell me starting a company, you become a ceo, which is more like chief everything officer and so I've really fallen into this role where you know there's no such thing is consistency in life I will was that started weekend this weekend I'm going to a conference later on wednesday and then this workshops day there's just no such thing as a normal day and a lot of what I do with being the face of the company's being it events and happy hours and it's impossible to keep a normal schedule but we're also really budget constrained so when you can't outsource some of the staff give me suggestions with the budget constraints yes absolutely uh so the automation is a lot of the animations nowadays are free and as I said sometimes you can automate it completely and if there's anything left over that's when we look at outsourcing so unfortunately honestly a lot of outsourcing is from really, really cheap nowadays but that's why there is a three step process because simply optimizing it yourself and giving yourself a little bit of structure especially an inconsistent world uh which I completely understand is is when you can start to do these things better and I can't drive this point home enough it's about that awareness because especially with what you're talking about but there's so many different things going on you just kind of switching hats all day long it sounds like so if you can start tio be aware of the way that you're doing things then you can do them better it's just that and it also we have this sort of natural need to have a little bit of control over our lives which is probably one of the reasons that people don't outsource things unfortunately but that also gives you that that kind of benefit to it as well so I talked about the essential versus the optional the manual view these things allow you to identify the information that's coming at you you know almost like it's it's it's a barrage so if you can identify it process it and deal with it better than that already is sort of the biggest stuff all right we have a question from the chat speaking of processing natalie one two three wants to know how you process the information from rescue time too then optimize your hours going forward because is another chatter noted knowing that you're wasting time and even in what specific ways that is happening doesn't necessarily translate directly into doing it less okay so that's a very excellent point people are always completely though they don't want to be spending too much time on facebook or there's there's um there's all these distractions and the but the truth is that you wouldn't be doing them unless you kind of wanted to you wouldn't have been researching mid century singapore unless it had interested teoh right so there's nothing that says that we can't do these things that we want to do the point is to realize that there are better times to do things and better times to do other things so one of the nice benefits the self awareness thing is that we start to learn timing so there are better times for you to do certain things about the times you do other things it's just the way it is depending on who you are and for example I know that I can only do sort of creative writing after nine o'clock at night is just a sample on that may have to do with you know the kids are asleep and sort of the knights went wound down but I can't write very well during the day and it's not a distraction thing because I've been able to isolate myself it's just I'm not in that mode so what that means is that if at eleven o'clock in the morning and I find myself with a free hour somehow and I have tio have to write a block post that's not the time to do it it's like oh great every hour and I gotta do this great I can at this time it's not gonna work because all that's gonna happen is I'm gonna end up on facebook and I might end up doing other things that I'll end up you know spending twenty minutes making a cup of coffee because I'm just not in the mod to do that so that's what you learn is if you find that oh you're spending you know all this time on facebook is like well they're actually may be a good time for you to do the facebook stuff so you can sort of get it out of your system I'm not the kind of person who's going to tell you like you have to cut out social media and one of the things that rescue time does that it can dio is it khun? Block out certain sites for you for a certain amount of time. It's called focus time on it will, you know, for the next forty minutes, like, don't let me look at facebook like, what are we three like it's? Okay, if you and a lot of people use it for legitimate business purposes now, and if you end up finding an article that someone posted this really interesting that's good for you, that's, good for your brain, you know, you shouldn't feel bad about that, but the point is that you should realize that there are times that you need to be able to do these things, and one of the things that rescue time we'll show you is that, hey, look, you're spending, you know, on our throughout the day, on facebook and, uh, you really wanted to be, like, dealing with your email, but then you see that because of ross time, eighty percent of your e mails are coming in this like hour and a half period, which is not uncommon, by the way. So then it's ok, well, then, that hour and a half, I'm just going to be focusing on e mail, or all that would be a little much, I think, but you can say this is going to be the email time and it's, okay, if I spend this little time doing facebook because at the end of the day, I'm gonna get the same amount of work done, but I'm gonna feel better about it. It sounds like, I mean, we hear this step often that you have to be aware of what's going on before you can do anything at all to address it and just being aware of what your current habit s r by the journaling. And then you mentioned the gratitude earlier, can you can you mention that tool again? The sheer gratitude journal? Really? Well, so it's it's not touching with gratitude journal, I've done this dark calm, but you end up if you sort of put in that positive light and ends up being something of a gratitude journal because you could be happy about the things you've done that a true gratitude journal really is, you know, you're writing something that you're grateful for, whether it's your family or something that you have done or, you know, simply like a flower that you saw on your way to work. But all of these things come back to us to help us then become more productive individuals, because we're happy where with the things that we're doing so, uh I've done this ends up being that kind of thing, it's funny for me because I've been using it for well over a year now ah lot of the milestones that is bringing back to me include things that my first son did who's twenty three months now, so it would be like, oh, you know, finish this project and ben walk today, you know, so it's, like it just makes you happy to see that stuff in tow sort of remember because it's it's very easy to just sort of let it move through life and not remember these things at all, so just getting back, though richie actually wants to know, can you give another example or an example of something that you've decided to remove after you have analyzed your data to remove paying parking tickets? So, uh, stresses insurance services? Other people got parking? Yeah, so I had I had a pickup truck for a long while I had a commercial vehicle for a long time in new york city because I was in the construction. I mean, I am technically in the construction business. Still, I'm a real estate developer as well. So in new york city, you can, uh, park a commercial vehicle in the street for a certain amount of time because you're technically loading and unloading, but the police will give you tickets because they can and it's simply a matter of writing in a letter and saying you're a commercial vehicle and I was delivering such incest or whatever so I was getting tickets almost every day on it was at least a fifteen minute process every time to deal with that fifteen, twenty minutes sometimes to get it and write the letter and all this stuff and I started to realize that there was a pattern there, so but once I started to sort of break that down and say okay, well, here's the ticket so then I have to write a letter I have to see what I was actually doing at the time that was commercial. I have to pull the receipt or the delivery invoice or whatever it was that correlated that activity at that time I put it all together, copy it, sign it put in the envelope sent it off. So, uh, that was a forty seven step process the first time I created it and it was like forty seven staffs. And so you immediately start to write that down and it was something I was doing myself in time. This was a few years ago. This was it's, a funny how quickly technology sort of adapts, but three years ago, like I couldn't have done a lot of the things that I do or that any of you would like to do because of the way that cloud computing and all sorts of things have sort of caught up but so forty seven steps and I was able to often it that was a little bit and create a template letter and an invoice that sort of you know then I had to put in the specific information but then there was some automation is because the new york city department of finance puts the tickets online which I didn't realize that you can get them as a pdf which sort of changed the whole game for may on dh then going further and further to that it became an automated process completely and then announce source process to some extent their services that allow you to sin gdf through the mail so I don't even have to do that so I got to the point where if I got to take it on my car I could just tear it up on then the tickets were then dealt with by processes and software and people so that's a big one and that was a really big castle and and it was a legitimate way to deal with the tickets and the information was all legitimate but it was just simply something that I didn't have to do and if you think about it something like that I'm not sure how it is in san francisco but in new york city like tickets are a big thing and there are people dedicate ours of their bookkeepers time to just dealing with parking tickets it's such an incredible inefficiency that just to be able to get that out of my life was pretty here so that's a good example which I think probably effects a lot of people yeah, thank you for that way actually we have a question from edwin about teo just the principle of the essential an optional optional that that apply only to email no, no, no, not at all. Um it supplies everything people that you want to talk to I mean, there are there's everything in your life can be broken down I think into an essential an optional whether it's shopping or whether it's dealing with different people if you're on social media, you know there's going to be you know, all the people that want to talk to you our interact with you but do you really need to interact and and not you know some of them are worthy of your time. But if you're sort of doing triage then there's not a way to be able to deal with all those things so it really does apply to everything mail that comes in a project that we have to dio and then there's the things that we want to do as I said so that's the optional so it's it's an important mindset, you know, people talk about the urgent and the priorities and all those things, but originally I was gonna ask you about that. Do you have, like, a specific point on how, like, break down like they're urgent on employing, not employing? Yes, well, so we're actually in the next thing we're talking about timing mohr, which is what I sort of talked about, which is that you don't necessarily need to prioritize it's more about working on your timing's because something maybe more important, but it doesn't mean that it should be done first, honestly, because it might not be the best time for you to do it. So ideally, you can get into a situation where you can become reactionary and not because you have the time, because you have the tools at your disposal with which to deal with the situation that might be coming up. So the essential versus national thing is, honestly it's a mindset about how you sort of mentally screen things that come at you, whether it's email or or anything honestly, somebody talking to you about something that something that, you know you want to read blogged posts, I mean, it really doesn't do anything s so if you can get into that thought process of how am I going to sort of categorize this and again, it's it's really not about figuring out what it is right away it's about knowing how you're going to deal with it and sort of having those pathways in place well for really time sensitive things that pop up like a female saying that this great opportunity is available for you but you have twenty minutes to respond like that is it? Is it like a bomb threat? Okay, so does that actually come up? But I'm not quite like that, ok, maybe extreme so as you just said, so if you can clear your plate first of all and you give yourself and again, this is not about I don't want you to have nothing to do all day that's not too cool, I don't want you to be like, oh, I got my work down in five minutes, you and I could just chill that's not what it's about however it is about having those systems in place and again it's the pathways so if you get that email and say you have to do whatever it is ideally, even if you don't have a specific answer to that, you should have methods in place of how I deal with arjun emails and whether it is immediately forwarding it to a member of your team or not isn't or if somebody for example of somebody needs a document actually, here I'll give you a really good example so one of my processes is for dealing with people sending emails to my contact for my website, so I have a note a note that shared no pan thing that shows possible answers to questions that people might ask and you can think of it is like a personal frequently ask questions kind of thing and if you just, you know, stop on dh have no other input you probably could think of at least a couple of the things that people kind of asked you on a regular basis and most people have experience when they get an e mail for the fifth time in like kash really should, like cover the template this the problem with those kind of things that they they become too general in a lot of ways and you want to answer everybody's question, but then you end up answering nobody's question, so if you at a very basic level if you come up with those sort of canned responses in your head, uh and actually and gmail there's a plug in our lab feature called canned responses that gives you those templates and I'm sorry to keep using email is an example because this was applied everything but uh it's just it's a really clear cut one that everyone's with relates toe, so if you can start to think about it's not like oh, what do I do if this comes in it's really about these are the options at my disposal if something like this happens and then I can just pick one basically spending your day for like the unexpected stuff like do you have, like, a certain like planet occupy time where it's like, you know, I am thane quite honestly at this point in my life I basically everything is about dealing with unexpected so I try to make it so that the stuff that is more structured that I have to dio has a very specific place and then essentially all day long I'm dealing with reaction reacting to stay, which is honestly very exciting it's one of the reasons that I do check my email thirty times a day because I like it because I know that if I looking in my in box and there's something there it's going to be something that is relevant or something that is interesting or something that I have to do something about so the more and more that you filter away that junk is not the right word, but the more and more that you filter away the non essential, the optional stuff then you sort of end up with this the cream of the crop that it's like you just can't wait to dive into it so it makes it so that the unexpected becomes very exciting because you actually can deal with it properly if that makes sense when were you spend too much time working on the unexpected that you don't have time to work on your projects that you plan to work on uh not really you shouldn't because what that means then is that well it's ok if you can't do something unexpected and it ends up pushing back something that you had planned you should be at the point where you're able tto move the plan thing to another time that you can deal with it effectively because you know that about yourself so you know, for instance if I decided that nine o'clock on the right block post tonight but eight fifty something comes out that's really big I know that I can write it you know, tomorrow nine o'clock for instance um because you you sort of learn those aspects of the way that you that you work but more importantly as I said being able to react effectively to the unexpected for instance that you shouldn't get an unexpected thing that's like right twenty thousand words right now you know I don't know what business you're in effect the case but the really big things either can be broken down effectively and then you can work on one and then plan out so the unexpected actually can become planned and wind can have some structure to it uh or you can really realised that it's not as urgent as it necessarily had to pay that's. Another thing, too, is that what's urgent toe one person is not often urgent to another person, so people have tto have that perspective on it sometimes, right? That was actually one of my fellow questions is when you work alone versus working with a team feels like working with a team, you've got other people holding you accountable, you've got deadlines that you're working on collaboratively versus working alone when you kind of set maybe arbitrary deadlines, duty suggestions on or tools that you know, if that helps increase a collaborative or especially for an extra vert, finding ways to find other people to kind of challenge you get a coach thea done this has actually worked really effectively for me for that, because I for me, I'm that's not fair. It's not fair to say, I'm the only one holding me accountable, everybody's accountable to somebody, whether it's, a boss or another team member or your family, uh or there's that voice in your head that pushes you to get things done. So it's sort of one of things that recognizing that but something like I'd done this is extremely effective at that because you have to write down what you got done today and if you didn't get anything done today. You might want to spend the next couple twenty minutes or thirty minutes getting something done so that you can write it down and it sort of pushes you but simply keeping that habit of writing every day, even though it may have nothing to do with your work. But you're sticking with that thing every day where you're talking about what you got done today, it's pretty effective because yesterday I didn't get anything done six o'clock at the mill, okay, I should do something for the next hour, at least put something down. Yeah, that's true. And even if that thing is reading twenty pages of a book that you've been meaning to read, like there are those things that have that enrichment quality to them so what's one of things, by the way, with I don't this is that you can respond to it, and you can respond to it again later if you want to add things to it. So it's it's not that one chance and it's true, you know, on a sunday that's. What I wrote yesterday was that I flew into san francisco and I had a pre production meeting that's when I got done yesterday and I was very happy with that.
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Ratings and Reviews
WOW - I only watched the intro video (about 1/2hr in length), and already I'm completely blown away ... I'm definitely buying this course! Already a huge fan of Evernote, (lol - stone tablet!) but the other websites also seem very useful. And if it's a matter of the best parts of the movie are all in trailer - I will be back to let you know!
Amy Cantrell
Lots of great info! I love the concept of getting ideas out of your head, leaving your mind open to new ideas, and using Evernote to keep ideas and notes organized. The email tips alone could be worth the price of the class. Creating your own work week, tackling difficult tasks when you are at your best, making smart use of your time, progress begets progress, all good stuff!
Gina BĂ©gin
I've already recommended this course to a number of people and followed up with Ari's team to go even further — though, sincerely, there is so much incredible depth in this course that if you're just starting out or in the midst of optimizing your workflow and cleaning up your "plate" of tasks, you will be blown away. He discusses great ways to use automation (IFTTT, Zapier) and how to make better use of Evernote, tricks to ... well, pretty much increase productivity in every aspect of life from health to work. I research this stuff all the time, but had no idea there was so much more out there. Well done, Ari.
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