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Lesson 9 from: Align Method: Move Your Way to a Stress Proof Life

Aaron Alexander

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9. Conclusion

Recap the five movements that are critical to supporting a sharp mind, a strong body, and a stress-proof life.

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(mellow music) Congratulations. Well done. We have made it to the end of the program. So a little recap of what we learned, and some takeaway homework lessons for you guys to tinker with in your own life. First section, we went over the value and significance of floor sitting, spending time on the ground. So the takeaway with that, one, just a suggestion, start to reshape, reform your environment so that it all these practices become accessible. They become normal. They become easy. You have visual cues, you have floor cushions in your home. You have a comfy rug that's inviting to get down on the ground too. Maybe you have yoga mats in your place. You have foam rollers around, just things that invite you to get down to the ground. That will stave off and prevent the likelihood or the potential of your body, at some point lacking the ability to get down and up from the ground. So fall risk is the number one leading cause of elderly needing assisted living on the planet. I've fallen an...

d I can't get up off of the ground. That is absolutely 100% preventable. And it starts with us starting to reimplement that basic fundamental human pattern into our daily life. So the suggestion in "The Align Method" book, in this program is to get up and down off of the ground or spend at least 30 minutes to the ground total each day. The next practice that we tinkered with was breathing, the art and science of efficient breathing. So the suggestion each day is to start to breathe through your nose. Very simple, very easy. It's gonna make a dramatic change in your overall physiology, your overall sensation of wellbeing, confidence, your state, and also even the structure and function of your jaw line, your teeth, your upper palate, your lower palate, and your overall, the way that your blood circulates through your body, the tonicity of your muscles. It affects everything. So slow your breath down throughout the day, emphasize long exhalations, and really make it easy. So if you're standing beside somebody at a fast food restaurant, not that I would condone eating at a fast food restaurant, but at a place like this, perhaps you might notice a person. You can hear them audibly breathing. (Aaron exhaling) That's an indication of a body that it's struggling to exist. The opposite of that is almost like an effortless, soundless body, a body that's there. It's almost like the joints are floating. The breath isn't this loud, audible, uncomfortable thing. So really slowing that down to yourself, the way that you breathe really make it soft, make it slow, and then start to integrate that even to the way that you move throughout the world. Soften things up a little bit. And then the next was learning the power of your hips. So our hips are the most robust joint complex in our entire body, and it is an invaluable asset to understand how to function that system. So very simple, when you're moving around the world, picking something up off of the ground, just start to be aware that your whole entire day is a movement practice. Your whole entire day is an opportunity to start to cultivate your mind, cultivate your body, and strengthen your whole system towards longevity, greater confidence, and better communication. So if you're picking something up off of the ground, say, oh, wow, like what an amazing opportunity. I get to pick something up off of the ground. Maybe I come down into a lunge position, keep my spine nice and long, ribs tucked. Trunk all the way down. Boom, do my work down here, and then drive up, intra-abdominal pressure, all the things we discussed in the hip-hinging section. Boom, straight up from that. Maybe I squat down to a lunge, or to a squat rather, hanging out down in this position, and really start to make that a part of who you are in your daily life. And then the next section that we touched on was hanging. So hanging is one of these amazing shotgun approaches. It's starting to open up space around the shoulders, open up space around the ribs, so you can breathe more effectively, feel more stacked and confident in your body. And just a very simple solution for a lot of things. And so the suggestion, the homework, the takeaway is to hang for a total of 90 seconds each day. not complicated, very simple, very easy. Make sure you get a basic pullup bar in your home, in between a doorway that you walk through with regularity. And just add that in throughout the day in little bursts. So it's not like I'm going to do a hanging workout at the gym, or I'm gonna do a bunch of pullups. It's something that you do distributed throughout the day to really keep all that connected tissue and those fluids moving with regularity. And then the last thing is one of the foundations of being a healthy human, which is walking. So as we're walking, we're paying attention to the quality of the movement. We're paying attention to that contralateral motion, that connection of my opposite side hip to opposite side shoulder. And we're paying attention to creating length through the whole body. And also just starting to add, layer in more walking throughout the day. So simple ways to do that would be start taking walking meetings each day. Ideally, make sure they're outside, in an ideal world. Take your sunglasses off, get that full spectrum light onto your eyes, especially in the morning and in the evening hours. And just add that walking benefit in as much as you can throughout the day. So that's the foundations of really being a a healthy person, is implementing these really basic fundamentals into our daily life, and making it who you are and not a thing that you do. If you guys are interested in learning more information, more exercises, we go so much deeper into all these topics on the "Align Podcast", which I've hosted for the last seven years. Done about 400 interviews on there with the world's leading experts on conversations in regards to this. And then the YouTube channel "Align Podcast" the Instagram channel "Align Podcast". All of those places are awesome resources for you guys to go deeper into these topics. I appreciate you so much, and I look forward to connecting you in those other channels. (mellow music)