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How to Line Up Repeating Shapes

Lesson 5 from: Layering in Adobe Photoshop for Digital Scrapbookers

Traci Reed

How to Line Up Repeating Shapes

Lesson 5 from: Layering in Adobe Photoshop for Digital Scrapbookers

Traci Reed

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5. How to Line Up Repeating Shapes

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How to Line Up Repeating Shapes

So let's talk about all of these repeating shapes how can we easily get these repeating shapes lined up because circles are going to be a little bit harder on the grid they don't have hard edges it works still but there's a better way in a fun way tio use different shapes besides besides squares and make sure that they're all lined up easily and perfectly every time so we have all these circles on this layout open it up and what I start off by doing is drawing one circle and I put it anywhere it doesn't have to be where I'm going toe end up with it I'm going to draw this to a one inch circle this is why I like to double click because it's so hard to get a perfectly one inch circle but one inch circle area by drawing nearly impossible for me so now we have this one in circle and I want eventually to have nine circles all together so I'm going to duplicate it three times first are twice for so that there's three altogether and I'm gonna drag one over here and then I'm going to select all...

three circles and I'm going to come up here tio the distribute he appear does anybody ever use these distributes yes they are amazing so if you distribute horizontal centers it will space them perfectly evenly from end end even if you have let's say you have but so you have seven of them or however many I just made, no matter how many you have as long as you select a mall it will distribute them all evenly pretty cool. So do you get that toba this is the tools settles his options options I like to have all of my tool bars on I lost my tools back ok, so let's go back to three so we can keep building what we're building so I'm gonna space them out totally arbitrarily if I decide down the line that they are let's say I decided to do it that far another to space out for me. All I have to do is go back and moving a little bit closer and repeat the process until I'm happy with the distance between them and now I have a set of three circles and so it's to finish um this grid style of circles I'm going to actually duplicate this whole set of circles together, so we're going to hold down command and option or halt and move him up now with the smart guys you can see if you have your smart guys on it'll tell you exactly how far away you put the new layer so you can have the smart guides on and do that and then replicated again and that was point three so we have point three it automatically snap to it or, if you don't enjoy the smart guys, sometimes it can be distracting for people. You can also just haphazardly draw them let's, say, we have him up here and then click like this, and you can also distribute vertical centers, so you could just go through and distribute the center's vertically as well. And now we really quickly have all nine circles, perfectly spaced that can go in this one. They can go right here, where they are on this layout, and I could start clipping papers. To them. The distribute vertical centers and horizontal centers is my favorite thing. I use it to design all the time and used it to scrap book all the time. Yes, any questions so far is that a new tool for you?

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Shadow Styles
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Ratings and Reviews


I have recently discovered digital scrapbooking and have been using a great scrapbooking software that I downloaded on-line. There are limitations with the software that prompted me to look deeper for ideas. Traci's course was fantastic! I learned so much from her not only in scrapbooking layouts and using different elements in a page but my level of understanding of photoshop has improved dramatically. The presentation was easy to follow and broken into perfect chunks to go back and review the techniques. Thank you so much Traci for presenting this awesome course. I will look for more of your courses. Your scrapbooking is beautiful and inspiring!


I'm a photographer. I do a lot of graphic design for my business. I feel like I'm fairly knowledgeable. I saw this class being shown for free on Creative Live one day and it wasn't my first choice to watch, but was the best out of the list... I was wrong. This is a great class. I didn't expect to learn that much and I've been learning a lot! Great info!

Lianne Kruger

Not only did she talk about how to do things in Photoshop [the computer steps] but she also explained art and design tips: what looks good and what doesn't on a page. That was a very nice touch.

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